2 Pauls and a Micky playing records in a bunker, every Friday (give or take). http://polyvinylcraftsmen.blogspot.co.uk/
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Welcome to Polynoia, we have many thoughts and we’re here to share them with you!
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Finde Tipps, Tricks und Tools, um deine Beziehungswelt so zu gestalten, dass es allen Beteiligten damit gut geht
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Die Polycasts von Polygamia.de setzen sich – wie auch die Artikel des Blogs – mit Spielen, Filmen, TV-Serien und den Themen auseinander, die die Autoren aktuell beschäftigen. Das können gerne auch mal aktuelle Trends, technische Entwicklungen oder Metaebenen in Blockbustern sein.
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PolyAI's CEO/co-founder Nikola Mrkšić and team invite guests to candidly discuss trends and tech in AI, voice throughout the enterprise, and nailing the customer experience.
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Insights in polygraph testing, the benefits of taking a polygraph test and how polygraph tests can resolve the important issues in your life.
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Un podcast créé par Cathy Intro, coach de français, pour vous aider à mieux connaître les francophones et à améliorer votre français. Conçu pour les niveaux intermédiaires-supérieurs et avancés intéressés par la culture française et nord-américaine ou qui préparent un test (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF).
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Sam sharing what it was like growing up in the polygamous FLDS group, his experiences leaving the group when he was 18 and his journey to where he is now. His wife Melissa is his co-host, asking the questions that everyone from the outside is thinking.
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Polygamy: What Love Is This is an Internet video program that discusses Mormon Fundamentalist polygamy, but from a biblical, Christian perspective. We discuss polygamy history, current events, and stories of people who have left the abuses of fundamentalist polygamy. Hosted by Doris Hanson, who was born and raised in the Kingston polygamy clan.
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Die Polyneux-Redaktion kommentiert Games, News und alles rund um Games. Mal launisch, mal lustig und manchmal auch kompetent.
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Liverpool based Comedy Gaming Podcast with hosts Josh Black and Dylan Lynch
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Pixel, Polygone & Plauderei - Das ist der offizielle Videospiele-Podcast von Nintendo-Online.de und PS-NOW.de. Hier plaudern in loser und wechselnder Formation Jannes, Alex, Daniel & Marco über diverse Themen der Sony- und Nintendo-Front. Dabei reichen die Themen von aktuellen Titel-Besrepechungen, Berichten von Events bis hin zur Analyse der aktuellen Nintendo Direct-Ausgabe.
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We’ve been doing Software Development and Architecture work for a while at Snowpal, and currently have several B2B and B2C products in production. In this podcast, we’ll share our experiences on a regular basis to help you & your teams build great software. The topics covered in this podcast will include Product Management, Project Management, Architecture, Development, Deployment, Security, Release Management, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, and just about everything else an ambitious, fast ...
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This podcast is for people who already have some basic knowledge of Catalan or speak some other Romance languages. Using the natural approach, I speak using comprehensible words and speed. Can’t wait for the next episode? You will find more than 50 videos to learn Catalan on my YouTube channel, including subtitles in English and Catalan: https://www.youtube.com/c/CouchPolyglot Aquest podcast és per a persones que ja tenen un nivell bàsic de català o que ja parlen altres llengües romàniques. ...
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Podcast of author Josh Coker and Story-Ninjas Publishing.
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Hi, I’m Sean, and I’m passionate about using languages to connect with people around the world. Welcome to Polyglot Fun!, the podcast where I share my language-learning journey, personal stories, and insights in different languages! My goal is to inspire you on your own language adventure! Whether you’re a language lover or just enjoy thought-provoking stories about life, culture, and beyond, this podcast is for you. Let’s dive in! ------------------------------------------------------------ ...
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We are Greg and Leanne Million, EMPOWERED NOW Coaches who focus on Emotional Empowerment, Sexuality and Relationships, and we are driven to serve! EMPOWERED POLY is all about helping you move into a more authentic life, and feel more connected in your consensually non-monogamous relationships. Are you trying to control others? Struggling with jealousy or FOMO? Are you seeking out ways to self sabotage or get in the way of your partner's other relationships? Maybe your confused about issues r ...
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This podcast is all about discussing ideas, lessons, and skills that your parents and high school didn’t teach you, helping you to become a more well-rounded individual, jack of all trades, or a modern-day renaissance man/woman. Learn more at therenpo.com
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The Polygon Seahorse Podcast is de 1ste én enige Nederlandstalige podcast over (scuba)duiken en neemt je mee in gesprekken met bekende namen in de duikwereld. Verschillende onderwerpen waaronder onderwaterfotografie en -videografie, technisch duiken, wrakduiken, materialen, duikreizen, opleidingen, enzovoort komen aan bod.
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Creating Paths for Practical Polyamory with Kat & Doc Our podcast is dedicated to providing grounded guidance for anyone navigating polyamory. Here, you’ll find episodes focused on real-life polyamory topics like communication, scheduling, family dynamics, setting boundaries, and building resilience in relationships. Whether you’re new to polyamory or have been practicing for years, we hope to help you create fulfilling, balanced, and purposeful polyamorous relationships in everyday life.
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Podcast by Polygon
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Join Anna and Jazzy, a cheery Brit and a larrikin Aussie as they try to take each other on in a game of lies and facts!
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Book review and cultural musings. What’s not to love?!
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Introducing polynomial
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Welcome to Mello Method and My Polyglot - The Real Polyglot Podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Grounded in reality and untamed honesty, Libby Sinback tackles the hard questions about how to create and maintain authentic, loving and healthy nonmonogamous relationships.
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Polyality is about living a polyamorous lifestyle in a culture where monogamy is the majority. Our goal is to normalize the practice of ethical non monogamy and open up healthy conversations about it.
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We are going to be doing Polynomial Long Division
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UK based rollerskating chat!
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Welcome! This is a 15min or less podcast in multiple languages! On this podcast, you will find motivational messages and conversations in and around learning a new language!
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The trials and tribulations of bilingual, trilingual or even multilingual life...tips, tricks and jokes for the language learning community!
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Ia orana à tous ! Maeva sur notre podcast Polynesie-france. Nous sommes un site qui a pour but de promouvoir la culture de la Polynésie Française. Nous proposons sur notre site de trouver les associations et commerçants polynésiens en métropole. Vous pouvez aussi y trouver diverses agences pour partir séjourner en Polynésie ainsi que des hébergements là-bas.
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Меня зовут Полина Сергеева. Обо мне: 📕Красный диплом МГУ 🚀Программа развития лидеров в Coca-Cola ⭐️Помогаю профессионалам достигать карьерных и жизненных целей Здесь ты найдёшь практические советы, основанные на собственном опыте, интервью с успешными выпускниками МГУ и, конечно, обзор релевантных новостей. Подпишись, чтобы не пропустить новый эпизод!
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Hi! We’re Emma and Fin! We’re a married couple in our thirties who have been exploring non-monogamy for over 15 years. Every week we interview people from across the spectrums of gender, sexuality, and relationship styles to hear their amazing stories. Many of our guests identify as swingers or polyamorous. However, quite a few have redefined non-monogamy in their own way by creating a unique dynamic that works for them. We hope that by giving a voice to the diverse community exploring non-m ...
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Polynesian Paralysis is the sensible approach to mindfulness. It can help you relax, appreciate nature, and enjoy life. Polynesian Paralysis may also give you a new perspective on life.
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Poly what is weekly podcast depicting my real experience as a poly person. The podcast will also answer common questions and listener questions as well as hot topics in the poly world. This is for poly people everywhere.
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Haaliyah, Nimer, Alix and Brayden giving information about the Polynesians
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A bi-weekly podcast about non-monogamy and relationships Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thepolyampoline/support
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Il primo podcast italiano dedicato a rispondere alle frequently asked questions su poliamore e non monogamie. Co-hosted by: Bb e Gì, le vostre sgangherate poly di quartiere!
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Podcast by Probably Poly
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This podcast follows Abigail and Matt, two language learners who love to learn languages almost as much as they love to talk about language learning.
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Bienvenue sur Le leadership féminin avec Poly-L! Ensemble, on parle de féminisme, de leadership, d'ambition, et de pleins d'autres sujets interessants. Poly-L est un comité de Polytechnique Montréal œuvrant pour le leadership féminin dans la communauté étudiante et professionnelle.
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Polyamory Uncensored is a podcast where we interview polyam people and try to answer the 5 basic tenets of journalism: who, what, when, where, and why as it pertains to the life of us polyam folks. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/polyamoryuncensored/support
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A weekly podcast discussing culture and entertainment media from a Christian perspective. Books, games, movies, and music are all on the roundtable. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/polymathroundtable/support
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De Polyam Podcast is een database van Nederlandstalige non-monogame verhalen. Het is de eerste Nederlandstalige podcast volledig in het teken van non-monogamie en non-monogame mensen. Elke aflevering spreekt Miriam met een ander persoon.
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The Polymath Podcast is an educative Podcast by Yerins Abraham, where he discusses on topics, talks about his journey and share some of his experiences and knowledge.
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Produced by The Polygon Gallery in North Vancouver, this weekly podcast focuses on artists and creators, giving prominence to the critical importance of their voices in a world of such uncertainty. Supported by The Polygon's Community Leader for Accessibility: BMO Financial Group. The Polygon Podcast theme song is "Dancers" by Circlesquare.
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The boys discuss lost childhood pubs, the new Assassin's Creed, Atomfall, Hollowbody & Skyblivion
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Heute gibt es eine neue FAQ Folge: Wir beantworten eure häufigsten Fragen aus Nachrichten, E-Mails und Feedbacks. Gemeinsam mit Alex aus dem MoPoCo-Team bespricht Sonja Themen, die euch beschäftigen und gibt hilfreiche Tipps für den Alltag in verschiedenen Beziehungsformen. Themen der Folge: • Welche Herausforderungen gibt es bei einer Beziehung zu…
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Navigating the workplace as a polyamorous professional comes with unique challenges and opportunities. In this episode of Poly Pathways, we dive into the balancing act of being authentic while protecting your career. From watercooler conversations to HR policies, we explore the risks of being out at work, the potential rewards of building a support…
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Ep 41: Kathy Labriola & "Polyamorous Elders"
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1:02:41Join us, Leanne & Greg Million, Certified Relationship Coaches as we chat with the one and only Kathy Labriola - author of "Love and Abundance: A Counselor's Advice on Open Relationships" (NEW EDITION AVAIL), "The Jealousy Workbook", and "The Polyamory Break Up Book". We spoke to her about her latest work "Polyamorous Elders: Aging in Open Relation…
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Assassin's Creed Shadows: Zu neuen Ufern und alten Stärken?
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1:14:43?Viele sprechen mit Bezug auf Assassin's Creed Shadows von dem wichtigsten Release für Ubisoft seit Jahren. Grund hierfür sind die strauchelnden Geschäftszahlen der letzten Jahre und die zahlreichen Skandale, die das Unternehmen immer wieder gebeutelt haben. Während wir diese Dinge in einigen Episoden unseres Magazin-Formats Savegame besprochen hab…
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Polyvinyl Craftsmen Transmission 554
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1:33:26Thee Songs: Bring Down the Birds – Herbie Hancock Mehboob Mitha Title Music – Ghulam Ali Sometimes Good Guys Don’t Wear White – The Standells Woman At Home – Country Joe McDonald Take My Hand – The Frost Wishing Well – The Black Belles Crying Time – Cocoa Tee TV Telephone – Popular Music Green Whale – Velvet Morning Der Duft der Wälder – Toi Toi To…
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We're diving into the dramatic start of Big Love Season 3, and tensions are running high. Roman Grant's trial is shaking up the community, and Nikki's desperation for her father's approval leads her to betray other women. Barb faces a frightening cancer scare, Margie struggles with the loss of her mother, and despite it all, Bill is still determine…
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Letter for my Wife, Part 3 (with co-host Earl Erskine)Από τον Polygamy: What Love Is This
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Ep 385 - Eka: Round 2
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1:12:00Eka is back! We first talked to her about two and a half years ago on episode 255 when she was just about to have her first child. She's in her mid-thirties and has been exploring non-monogamy in a variety of ways since about 2012. Since we last spoke, Eka and her partner Em had baby Elle and it's been an adventurous few years! Today Eka shares how…
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Bon dia, com va tot? Avui et vull parlar d'un nou hàbit que tinc: dedicar un temps cada dia a riure. Com ho faig? Veig episodis d'El Búnquer, de Catalunya Ràdio, que em sembla molt divertit (enllaç aquí: https://www.3cat.cat/3cat/el-bunquer/). També m'agrada veure monòlegs o fer bromes amb amics. Si vols saber per què riure és tan important i salud…
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Polycast #308: Adolesence (Netflix)
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1:27:45Ist "Adolesence" wirklich so gut wie alle sagen? Oder doch nur überstilisiertes deep crime Drama? The post Polycast #308: Adolesence (Netflix) first appeared on Polygamia.Από τον Polygamia.de » Polycasts
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In this video, we’re reacting to "How I Escaped My Cult" Episode 2, which covers the chilling story of Angel's Landing. Unlike many cult leaders who seek massive followings, this leader kept his group small — using manipulation and control for financial gain through life insurance scams. As ex-members of high-demand religions, we couldn’t help but …
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David walks through what he defines as a red flag, how it affects the clients he works with and what you can do to navigate your relationship troubles using the help of an expert polygraph examiner. The information presented in this podcast is based on the real-life experiences and professional expertise of David Goldberg, an expert polygraph exami…
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The Big Love Season 2 finale is an absolute rollercoaster, and we’re diving into all the drama! From Bill trying to convince his wives to support his gaming business, to Alby poisoning Roman, to Sarah completely losing respect for her family, and Barb questioning everything about polygamy—this episode is packed with tension, betrayal, and major tur…
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Current events in polygamy (with co-host Earl Erskine)Από τον Polygamy: What Love Is This
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Ep 384 - Cathy + Steve
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1:06:09Cathy and Steve are both in their fifties and have been exploring various forms of non-monogamy since they got together about six years ago. They met through a recovery fellowship program and built a friendship over a few years before they started dating and dipping their toes into non-monogamy as a way for Cathy to explore her bisexuality. Cathy a…
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In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan discusses a critical issue encountered with an API on AWS Marketplace, where they were notified of a lack of usage requests due to an expired SSL certificate. He walks through the steps taken to identify the problem, including checking logs and understanding SSL certificate management. The conversation highli…
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In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan discusses the intricacies of deploying an API gateway on AWS, focusing on the management of API usage, reporting, and the challenges faced with certificate management. He elaborates on the deployment strategies across different environments, the debugging process for certificate issues, and the importance of …
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In this podcast, Krish Palaniappan explores a piece of Ruby code used for a notification system, analyzing it through the lens of four different AI tools: DeepSeq, ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot, and Gemini. The discussion delves into the strengths and weaknesses of the code, the evolving role of AI in software development, and the insights provided by…
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AI Explorer Series (Part 3: Anthropic, Hugging Face, Cohere)
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1:18:26In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan delves into the AWS AI series, focusing on Amazon Bedrock and its foundational models. He discusses the differences between serverless models and the Bedrock marketplace, the importance of selecting the right model for specific use cases, and the training and inference processes in AI. The conversation also c…
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In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan explores various AWS AI products, providing an overview of their functionalities and applications. The discussion covers medical AI solutions, intelligent search capabilities, conversational AI, anomaly detection, healthcare data management, customer experience personalization, voice and image recognition tec…
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In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan explores various AWS AI products and services, discussing their applications, features, and potential use cases. He emphasizes the importance of understanding these tools at a foundational level, especially for beginners in the AI space. The discussion covers specific AWS offerings like Amazon Q, SageMaker, a…
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan delves into the intricacies of mobile app development, focusing on local storage, UI components, and the design principles that guide effective app creation. He emphasizes the importance of iterative development and minimal viable products while comparing his app, Snowpals, with the Panera Bread app to illustrate k…
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Building a Mobile App: Part 1 (UI/UX Review)
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1:02:01In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan reviews the Panera Bread mobile app, focusing on its user interface, experience, and functionality. He discusses the importance of user loyalty and how it affects app usage. Throughout the review, he identifies various bugs, issues with the app's workflow, and areas for improvement, particularly in terms of s…
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Community Driven Product Development (feat. Jake McKee)
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1:28:48In this episode, Krish Palaniappan interviews Jake McKee, a consultant specializing in community-driven product development. They discuss the importance of integrating customer voices into the product development process, the three stages of product development, and how community involvement can lead to better products and customer loyalty. Jake sh…
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In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan discusses trading activities observed in the market, focusing on three key securities: Palantir, Tesla, and Meta. He explains the significance of a triple witching day, analyzes the daily performance of these stocks, and highlights the volatility during the first hour and last 30 minutes of trading. The discu…
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Impact of AI on Software Developers (feat. Jason Crum)
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2:15:57In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan and Jason Crum discuss the impact of AI on software development, exploring skepticism towards AI predictions, societal implications, and the future of jobs. They delve into corporate spending on AI, the quality of content generated by AI, and the importance of talent acquisition in tech companies. The dis…
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Polycast #307: Mickey 17
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1:14:17Bong Joon-Ho goes to Hollywood! Der südkoreanische Starregisseur versucht mit “Mickey 17” an den Erfolg von “Parasite” anzuknüpfen. Robert Pattinson spielt in der SF-Satire einen Klon, der sich nicht nur mit seiner Kopie, sondern auch ... The post Polycast #307: Mickey 17 first appeared on Polygamia.…
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In dieser Episode von Pixel, Polygone & Plauderei begrüßen wir den Analysten und Berater Serkan Toto, der spannende Einblicke in die Gaming-Branche gibt. Gemeinsam sprechen wir über die heiß erwartete Nintendo Switch 2: Welche Erwartungen gibt es und wie realistisch sind die Prognosen?Außerdem werfen wir einen Blick auf den japanischen Gaming-Markt…
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St. Patrick talks to kids on WoW | The Low Poly Podcast
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1:00:14We're back after a long weekend, enjoy. Chats about being Irish, Blizzard Entertainment, Roadside Picnic, KCD2, lovely stuff
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In der heutigen Folge aus der Praxis wird kein Einzelfall vorgestellt, sondern wir reden stattdessen über die häufigsten Probleme bei der Beziehungsöffnung. Für diese stellen wir auch Lösungsmöglichkeiten vor - wenn ihr also wissen wollt, was Pullover mit Beziehungsöffnungen zu tun haben, dann hört rein! Hast du Fragen oder möchtest uns Feedback ge…
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Cześć! Nazywam się Sean i pasjonuję się nauką języków. W tym podcaście podzielę się z Wami radościami i wyzwaniami związanymi z nauką języków. Serdecznie zapraszam do słuchania i wspólnego odkrywania piękna języków! -------------------------------------------------- Słownictwo / Vocabulary Verbs: pochodzić ( + z + dopełniacz/genitive) - to come fro…
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Tony Alamo and Warren Jeffs—two self-proclaimed prophets who built their empires on fear, control, and manipulation. In this video, we react to How I Escaped My Cult: Tony Alamo and break down the disturbing similarities between Alamo’s group and the FLDS under Jeffs. From isolating their followers to taking child brides, both men used their so-cal…
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David breaks down the top questions from the month and dives in deep on how to navigate dynamic relationship troubles with the help of a polygraph exam and the hope you can find inside the polygraph. The information presented in this podcast is based on the real-life experiences and professional expertise of David Goldberg, an expert polygraph exam…
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Apprendre le français après 50 ans : fixer des attentes réalistes - Podcast en français intermédiaire
Essaies-tu d'apprendre le français alors que tu as plus de 50 ans ? Fixer des attentes réalistes permet de mieux progresser! 🌟 Bien sûr qu'il est possible d'apprendre une langue après 50 ans, mais il faut parfois revoir ses attentes et adapter ses méthodes. Pourquoi avons-nous l'impression de progresser plus lentement qu'avant ? Quels sont les défi…
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In Big Love Season 2, Episodes 5-8, things take a dramatic turn as Bill secretly courts a potential fourth wife behind his other wives’ backs—because honesty in polygamy is apparently optional! 😳 But that’s not all—this stretch of the show also introduces a new polygamous group that feels eerily similar to the real-life LeBaron cult, known for its …
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Topic: Differing Word MeaningsCo-host: Karen BradshawΑπό τον Polygamy: What Love Is This
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Ep 383 - Hilly: Round 2
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1:14:34Hilly first joined us on Episode 225 and now she's back to catch us up on all the ways she's been kicking ass over the last three years! She's a 38 year old pansexual, polyamorous, neurodivergent, BDSM practitioner of more than 20 years. She's also an ageplay advocate and educator, and the winner of the title of "Florida Little 2024!" (Edit: In the…
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Bon dia, com va tot? Avui vull reflexionar sobre com tenir pensaments nous A l'episodi d'avui hi ha soroll de fons, que crec que potser és positiu perquè és "més real". Què et sembla? Si tens cap dubte, em pots escriure un missatge al YouTube. Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí. Hi trobaràs, entre altres coses, una llista …
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Polyvinyl Craftsmen Transmission 553
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1:44:14Thee Songs: 不要圈圈 – Lei Si Si Mystic Voyage – Roy Ayers Problem Child – The Damned If I Could Only Fly – Blaze Foley Hanged Man – Bullet Language School – The Tours Smell the Ocean – The Wave Pictures Baby – Donnie & Joe Emerson Thicko – Tumbledryer Babies The Making of Star Wars – Selector Dub Narcotic UFO – Geoff Love & his Orchestra The Punk Was …
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False covenants of polygamy (with guest co-host Karen Bradshaw)Από τον Polygamy: What Love Is This
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Heute gibt es die dritte Folge zum Thema Beziehungsöffnung, in der wir uns die Frage stellen, wie das überhaupt geht. Dafür gibt es eine kurze Definition und den Hinweis, dass das Öffnen einer Beziehung einen tiefen Einschnitt bedeutet, neun Schritte, die auf jeden Fall gegangen werden sollten, Hinweise zur dabei unbedingt notwendigen Mindset-Arbei…
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In this video, we react to How I Left My Cult and its episode on the FLDS and Yearning for Zion Ranch. The documentary does a great job covering Warren Jeffs’ rise to power and the experiences of his 8th wife and her son, but one thing stood out to us—how it makes it seem like the FLDS is down to just a “handful” of people. The truth is, the FLDS i…
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Allegations of child abuse can have devastating consequences for everyone involved—shattering reputations, destroying families, and creating legal nightmares. In this episode of Inside the Polygraph, David Goldberg, an expert polygraph examiner, dives into the role of polygraph testing in these sensitive cases. 🔍 What You'll Learn: ✅ How polygraphs…
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Salut! Je suis Sean, un Canadien passionné par les langues, et je lance mon nouveau podcast dans le but de partager les joies et les défis de l'apprentissage de plusieurs langues. Dans cet épisode d'introduction, je présente les langues que j'ai l'intention d'utiliser dans le podcast. Je raconte mes expériences personnelles, comme la création de li…
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