Owensboro Christian Church is a Gospel-centered church in Western KY committed to redeeming lives, restoring relationships, and renewing communities through Jesus Christ. To learn more about our ministry or download notes from the weekend messages visit www.owensboro.cc.
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His Church Owensboro Kentucky Pastor Brian Gibson
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We hope you will find our sermons to challenge you to apply Scripture to your life, to encourage you and strengthen you with your daily walk with God.
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Good news is available for all who trust Jesus. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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When you choose the road of faith, you never walk alone. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Faith is believing God will do what He has promised. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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You are saved from God’s wrath by God’s grace for God’s glory. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Embracing God’s kindness leads to repentance. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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God may give you up to your sin for a season, but He has not given up on you. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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The same grace that saves people brings them together. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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What makes the Christian good news so good? Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Three prayers for a new year. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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After encountering Jesus the shepherds were convinced, changed, and compelled to praise. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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When God’s possibilities meet our pain peace becomes possible. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Because God is with us, we have hope in any situation. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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We may not know everything the future holds, but we know the One who goes with us. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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The hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Wisdom is choosing the right action at the right time for the right reason. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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What you earn, earn honestly… store steadily… give generously. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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What we do with our body matters. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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Your words set the climate of your life. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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When we’re overwhelmed, God is listening. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Even when your efforts don’t go appreciated or as planned, God may still be in the work. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Christ will return. Until then, we aren’t to spend our energy looking to leave. We are to be busy with the work he has assigned. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Spiritual gifts are for building up the body of Christ, serving others, and glorifying God. Teacher - Jon BailesΑπό τον Jon Bailes
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If you have breath in your lungs, your story isn't finished. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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With God there is always more going on than meets the eye (Numbers 13:25-14:4; Joshua 3:1-17)
With God there is always more going on than meets the eye. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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God still speaks (Psalm 19:1-14)
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:10:41In whatever situation… under whatever stress… during whatever season of life you find yourself, God wants to communicate with you. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Being created in God’s image gives us value, purpose, morality, and destiny. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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God is love; God shows love; God sends love. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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What if there was no guarantee of tomorrow? Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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The judgment of the world begins by God testing the genuineness of the church’s faith. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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When God’s roles for government and church become confused, the integrity of each becomes compromised. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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A follower of Jesus trusts they can be both holy and influential. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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The arrival of God’s Kingdom changes our perspective on all man-made kingdoms. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Self-control is not about bringing our selves under our own control, but under the power of the Holy Spirit. Teacher - Jon BailesΑπό τον Jon Bailes
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Gentleness is power under control. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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Faithfulness is measured when we finish the race. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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Becoming good starts with the belief that God is good! Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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A story of kindness received and kindness forgotten. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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We all need to allow God to cultivate in us the fruit of patience! Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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Those who have received peace from God are better equipped to make peace with others. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Joy is the serious business of heaven. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Jesus invites us to come to Him like a child. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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Though we often look for God in the big, easy, and obvious, He likes to speak to us in more subtle ways. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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When we press through our fears and failures, we receive a clearer picture of who Jesus is. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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The way to resting in Jesus is his yoke! Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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With Jesus, there’s no fine print. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Repentance means returning to God so that we can see ourselves as God sees us. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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Your joy in Christ will largely be determined by your trust of Christ. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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What you focus on will determine the direction of your entire life. Teacher - Tom HarriganΑπό τον Tom Harrigan
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You are not yet what you will be. Teacher - Scott KenworthyΑπό τον Scott Kenworthy
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