An anime themed podcast for all the fellow weebs out there.
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Otakuology is a Anime and Manga podcast. Join Otaku Mike and Jin as they talk all about various topics in otaku culture.
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Welcome to OtakuTalksPop! Here on the podcast we discuss New and old Kpop, Cpop, Jpop, and Visual Kei albums. We also discuss albums from other Pop groups in other Asian Counties. I'm just a music fan from Georgia ( The State not the Country lol) So hope you all enjoy the podcast!
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Podcast yang membahas segala hal yang berbau Jejepangan! Sebuah kolaborasi Box2box Media Network dengan Abuget
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Otaku Spirit Animecast is a series of podcast episodes that focus on the Anime culture. Reviews, News, and tons of discussion. Stuff for all anime fans, from anime fans.
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Welcome to otaku puppy! If your here it means you also have a anime addiction lol so I hope to make that addiction worse and introduce you to some animes you wish you hadnt heard of.
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Podcast de anime dirigido por 3 treintones.
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A podcast about anime for the Christian consumer. Reviews, discussion, recommendations, on old and new and rarely covered anime from a Christian worldview.
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Anime bloggers Scott Spaziani and Michael Camacho talk about Anime, Video games, life , and everything in between.
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We all know that being an otaku can be fun and exciting. But we also know that there are certain questions and topics that otaku's ask just because they can. "Is Goku a dead beat father? Or Does the intro music to an anime make it better? AfroSly and LexyTheNoob will answer these questions and more on Carolina Otaku's Podcast. If you enjoy gaming, tech and anime then Carolina Otaku's is right for you. So give us a listen.
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Im just a Reader who decided to share short stories with other reading fans. Hope you all enjoy the Journey! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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福島県郡山市在住のオタクオヤジのピョン吉が、気になる特撮・アニメ・マンガについて語るという、ただそれだけの(迷惑な)チャンネルです。 福島県本宮市のコミュニティFMラジオ FMモットコム の「それいけ!ぺろやまぺろち!」という番組でボランティア・パーソナリティとして参加して早13年。 思いつきではじめたポッドキャスターも3年目。 毎日、X(Twitter)とpodcastでつぶやいています。 メインは、地元福島県と特撮・アニメ・マンガなどとの関係についてですが、このチャンネルでは、それ以外についての話もしていきたいと思っております。 サブカルパワーで、福島県(Fukushima)を楽しく面白くしたいと考えています。 気軽にメッセージ、登録をお願いします。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。m(_ _)m HP: ← 感想等はぜひこちらにお願いします。 Twitter : Instagram : ...
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Sua fonte de informação sobre animes, mangas e cultura pop!
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Manga sammeln und lesen kann ein extrem zeitaufwendiges und teures Hobby sein. Manga-Reihen erscheinen seit bald 30 Jahren in Deutschland und jeden Monat kommen um die 100 neue Bände dazu. Im Streaming-Bereich gibt es derzeit dutzende Anime zur Auswahl - zudem werden viele Animes auch zum Kauf angeboten. Jede Woche erreichen uns neue News zu neuen Simulcasts, Lizenzen, neue Manga-Reihen und vieles mehr. Wir möchten euch helfen den Durchblick zu behalten. Wir, dass sind Verena und Tjorben. Hi ...
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This a podcast about anything about pop culture.
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Un espacio de debate semanal para los animes de toda la vida y la nuevas joyas, de otakus para otakus.
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Studio play music and enjoyed with u hoby
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O podcast do portal Genkidama
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Talking Anime, Video Games, and other Geek Sh*t. Z Aspiring Rapper. Aspiring Otaku. Aspiring Human Being.
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Podcast by Tokyo Otaku Mode
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Bienvenidos a AnimeCast For a Mexican Otaku, un podcast donde un morro cualquiera es el que esta detrás del micrófono, da su opinión sobre el anime y temas relacionados. Siganme en Twitter: @_strxwnxrx Instagram: @strxwnxrx
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Welcome to my world of anime, manga and a whole lot of tentacles!
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Podcast by The Otaku Geeks
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Radio y podcast sobre manga, anime, cultura japonesa... y más!
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Podcast Fortăreața Otaku
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Der – Podcast ist einer der wenigen deutschen Podcasts rund um alles relevante zu Anime, Manga und Japan und erscheint unregelmäßig. Um mehr über den Podcast, die Moderatoren oder Gäste sowie Mitmachmöglichkeiten erfahren möchte sollte auf vorbeischauen.
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Bot que hace reseñas de anime o mangas ah y también habla de las noticias otakus importantes.
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Four girls chatting about anime, manga, video games and otaku culture every week!
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Two friends having conversation about the anime state. Two different opinions most of the time discussing our ideas about anime. IG: @parttimeotakus.podcast TW: @PartTimeOtakus
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Probably the funniest dudes you’ll ever listen to. Good vibes and positivity are welcomed but don’t get it twisted....
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Rusty and Ryan share their passion and love for video games, film, and TV. Each week they talk about the games they have been playing recently, delve into regular segments like Console/Handheld Retrospectives, listen to video game music and share nostalgic stories, or react to game news. Expect the banter you'd anticipate from two brothers (in-law), stay for the laughs, and hopefully you have some fun along the way. Consider joining the Discord community at the link in the show notes!
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Podcast by Otaku Digest
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Follow Us on Instagram and Twitter @mystycal_s
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Pop culture by the bucket!
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One of the biggest otaku media companies in Myanmar is starting to talk the world.
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Aging Otakus is a retro anime podcast analyzing and discussing episodes and OVAs from various Japanese animations of the 80s, 90s and early 00s.
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La speciale classifica otaku di RadioAnimati con novità, rubriche speciali e, soprattutto, tanta musica in compagnia di Chiara, Tommaso e Alessandro.
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Podcast by Drunk Otaku
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Welcome to OWN here we bring you reviews of multiple indie promotions as well as NXT Level up, WWE main event and Impact /TNA BTI.
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Just "2 Odd Otakus" who have a huge love for anime, manga, video games, and anything pop culture you can think of. Bringing you our hot takes and everything current . Maz and Zephine
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A podcast for otakus by an otaku based in Abuja, Nigeria. Subscribe and listen every Friday for all things anime, mangas, manhuas and manhwas. Hosted by Chidera Omeokachie. Twitter: chiddy_b Instagram: _chiddyb
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Sejam todos muito bem vindos ao meu podcast aqui você vai encontrar tudo sobre o mundo Otaku que é mundo muitoooo lokooo Cover art photo provided by Autumn Studio on Unsplash:
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This week we discuss the 2024 Debut album Drip by the Kpop Group BabyMonster. Hope you enjoy. Support the showΑπό τον Jrockfreak
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福島県の総合情報誌「ふくしままっぷ」のPRムービーアニメ。3分間のアニメながら押山清高監督らしいアニメになっていて感激いたしました。その公開日、NHK-BSで「グローバルヒットメーカー ジャパンアニメの革新者たち」が放映されましたが、ほとんど押山清高監督特集。そのアニメの制作過程が詳しくたくさん入っていてうれしかったです。早く地上波でも、放送して欲しいです。
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Send us a text En este episodio de Mamá, Soy Otaku hablamos de Sakamoto Days y de cómo, a pesar del hype, no terminó de cumplir con las expectativas de muchos. Analizamos su historia, personajes, peleas y qué pudo haberle faltado para estar al nivel de otros grandes del shonen. ¿Es realmente un manga sobrevalorado o simplemente no es para todos? ¡A…
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Otaku Spirit Community Awards - Anime of the Year 2024!
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4:46:24Andrew is joined by Eira to go over the Otaku Spirit Community Awards for Anime of the Year of 2024! 0:00 Intro 10:25 Best Opening 24:22 Best Ending 43:58 Action 1:01:55 Fantasy 1:14:35 Sci-Fi 1:24:35 Comedy 1:35:21 Romance 1:42:57 Slice of Life 1:53:09 Cute Girls Cute Things 2:05:14 Ecchi 2:19:09 Short 2:24:56 Movie 2:34:20 Best Boy 2:47:02 Best G…
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Thanks for listening! Check out : CDJapan: Merch: Music: [Speedpaint with Kpop No Copyright ] Lov…
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Episode 266: Hot Spring Detox
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1:28:48This month Matt, Mike, and Scott talk about Otakon's policy changes, the preview for the new Gundam series, and in our main segment the 2007 classic anime Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei.Από τον Scott Spaziani
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Otacast #204 – Acontecimentos atuais em One Piece – Saga de Elbaph
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1:04:11Lider Sama e Nando fazem um bate-papo sobre os acontecimentos atuais de One Piece na saga de Elbaph. Bora conferir!Από τον Otacast - Seu Podcast Otaku
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Wrestling Otaku Part 2
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1:56:48Bex, Encyclo, Brother Ben, and Chetmanly are back to drop kick their recap of the Royal Rumble '25. This episode is sure to get you pumped up, as we go match by match, throw by throw, covering all the losses and wins, and the most epic of takedowns. You'll be cheering for your favorite wrestler by the end, and looking up wrestling anime to add to y…
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#69 Die ULTIMATIVE Neon Genesis Evangelion Folge!
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1:21:29In dieser Folge tauchen wir tief in den Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga ein! Wie ist die Story von Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Manga-Version? Welche neuen Perspektiven und Charakterentwicklungen erwarten uns? Und welche Momente haben uns am meisten überrascht? 🤯 Begleitet uns auf dieser Reise durch eine alternative Version von Evangelion – mit all ihren Stärk…
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Thanks for listening! Hope you enjoy. #shortstory #magic Support the podcast: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Was This The Fight Of The Year?! - Otakus Anonymous Episode #105
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1:59:54We hope you enjoy this podcast brought to you by Nick Conner and Danny Motta! We hope to cover all your favorite anime as well as any current noteworthy news! New episodes will be releasing each week, hope to see you at the next one!Danny Motta's Youtube Channel: aka Nchammer23's Youtube Channel:https://www.yo…
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Send us a text Erykah Badu! Lil Wayne! J. Cole! The final Dreamville Festival is approaching with perhaps its strongest lineup ever. Afro and Lexi dive deep into what makes this North Carolina festival so special and why its conclusion marks the end of an era for the state's music scene. This episode captures the genuine excitement surrounding Drea…
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最近、お墓参りをする「墓マイラー」というのが流行っているみたいです。昨日、ショートショートの神様 星新一さん、それといわき市出身の星さんの父親で実業家で政治家でもあった星一さんのお墓に行ってきました。また、福島県と関わりの深い、安積疏水に尽力した大久保利通公、福島県で学んだ後藤新平公のお墓参りに行ってきました。お墓参りをして、いろいろと感じるものがあり楽しかったです。
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In the depths of the Lab, Shin and Heisuke join forces to take down the invisible assailant, while Sakamoto engages in an intense battle against Kashima.
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22日、矢吹町の「self space しおりば」で行われた「小野寺彰子さんと隠れ家カフェで語らおう 本と喫茶の会」に参加してきました。「みなみなミライ」が開催している催し。 美味しいコーヒーとお菓子をいただきながら、いろんな本に関する話ができて、本好きとしてとても楽しかったです。 もう一つ裏の目的があって、フリーアナウンサーの小野寺彰子さんは「irodoriのおと」という素敵なポッドキャスト番組をされているのです。「みなみなミライ」もstand.fmで「コトバの待合室」という音声配信はじめるようです。今回、コンタクトができたのもうれしかったです。
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「風のふく島」第11話「レトロな町を見つめるレンズ」を観ました。福島県川俣町が舞台で、黒木華さん主演のドラマです。町のフォトグラファーとして活躍している人をモデルとして作ったドラマ。実父役の津田寛治さん、夫役の森優作さん、お父さん、お母さん役の飯田基祐さん、渡辺 真起子さん。映画、ドラマのベテランたち、ということで安定したドラマになっていました。川俣町がレトロな町ということ知らなかったので今度寄ってみようと思いました。
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郡山市出身の映画監督 今泉力哉監督の短編映画がYoutubeで期間限定、無料公開中というので観ました。「冬の朝 〜ズーカラデル "友達のうた"より〜」。ズーカラデルというスリーピースロックバンドが2月16日にリリースした「友達のうた」。この曲を元にして脚本を作って映画にした41分の映画。原作の物語、セリフがないため、自由にできたのかこれぞ今泉力哉作品となっていました。監督本人がいうように面白いです。ですが、タバコを吸わない人には、ちょっと苦痛でしたね。
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Japan Changed Solo Leveling's Newest Episode?? - Otakus Anonymous Episode #104
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1:53:56We hope you enjoy this podcast brought to you by Nick Conner and Danny Motta! We hope to cover all your favorite anime as well as any current noteworthy news! New episodes will be releasing each week, hope to see you at the next one!Danny Motta's Youtube Channel: aka Nchammer23's Youtube Channel:https://www.yo…
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Send us a text En este episodio de Mamá, Soy Otaku, nos lanzamos de lleno a analizar Attack on Titan, una de las series más impactantes del anime moderno. Hablamos de sus giros de trama inolvidables, la genialidad de su historia, la evolución de sus personajes y cómo logró mantenernos al filo del asiento hasta el final. ¿Es realmente una obra maest…
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Ultimate Guide to Spring 2025 Anime Season! Preview of the Upcoming Season!
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2:55:30A full breakdown of the entire upcoming lineup of anime for Spring 2025 Season! 0:00 Intro 1:46 Lazarus 4:48 The Beginning After the End 10:29 My Hero Academia: Vigilantes 14:57 Please Put Them On, Takamine-san 19:53 WITCH WATCH 22:45 Can a Boy and Girl Friendship Hold Up? (No, It Can't!!) 27:07 Kowloon Generic Romance 31:01 From Old Country Bumpki…
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Ai is determined to have me say Konnichiwa so I stopped fighting lol. Thanks for listening! Check out : CDJapan: Merch: https://www.zazz…
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To rescue Lu, Sakamoto and Shin infiltrate a top-secret lab seized by assassins. Meanwhile, in the prison cell, Lu meets someone from Shin's childhood.
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すかがわ特撮塾3期生の制作した怪獣映画「フェザーロン 須賀川と古の唄」を観てきました。特撮塾初の飛行怪獣、戦闘機との飛行戦など見応えありました。今回、本編、メイキングともに田口清隆監督名になっていてびっくり。ジャグラスジャグラーでおなじみの青柳尊哉さんも出演していました。4期も行われるということで、ますます、すかがわ特撮塾の活動が楽しみです。
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PowerPlex Was RIGHT?! - Otakus Anonymous Episode #103
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1:54:08Thank you to today's sponsor,!Use code: OTAKUS for 50% Off 1 Item + Free Shipping in the US & Canada + Free Rush Processing!Thank you to today's Sponsor, Factor!Go to for 50% off your first order plus free shipping!We hope you enjoy this podcast brought to you by Nick Conner and Danny Motta! We hope to cov…
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Send us a text En este episodio de Mamá, Soy Otaku, nos sumergimos en Monster Hunter Wilds, el próximo gran título de la icónica franquicia. Discutimos qué lo hace especial, qué tan difícil o accesible podría ser, y si realmente supera a sus predecesores o cambia demasiado la fórmula clásica. ¿Será el mejor Monster Hunter hasta la fecha o un experi…
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Send us a text The world feels increasingly chaotic right now - and we're feeling it too. From brutal job hunting experiences to sky-high prices on everything from eggs to graphics cards, this episode dives into the reality of navigating today's economic landscape with honesty and a few much-needed laughs. We share personal struggles with unemploym…
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Fixing Crunchyroll Anime Awards and Fighting Rage-bait!
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1:50:58The hosts of the Otaku Spirit Animecast sit down to discuss the anime news of today and discuss different topics. Main topics being Rage-baiting and Fixing Anime Awards!0:00 Intro1:17 Rage Bait Solo Leveling4:17 People Don't Know Filler7:37 Back to Solo Leveling Fiasco9:37 Stop Spreading Misinformation11:21 Social Media Damage14:47 Bad Leaks18:25 W…
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While manning the store alone, Lu gets kidnapped by a mysterious group; Sakamoto and Shin pursue her but are halted by an invisible assassin.
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Brother Ben and Chetmanly geek out about their time at Royal Rumble 2025. This is the squash match as they warm up the crowd and build up the excitement of the main event. Bex and Encyclo have their debut match as they are schooled about all things wrestling. Will the crowd respond to the baby face Encyclo? Will Bex break a nail? Who will win in th…
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