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Üzleti podcast olyan vállalkozóknak, akik profitorientáltan gondolkodnak és nyitottak a változásra és a fejlődésre. Olyan vállalkozók és vállalkozások működésébe nyerhetsz betekintést, akik vállalják: az értékteremtés, a nagy célok és a világ jobbá tétele mellett igenis fontos, hogy nyereségesen működjön egy cég. Lesz szó vállalkozói sztorikról, konkrét számokról, nehézségekről és sikerekről, személyes motivációról, az emberi tényezőről. Ez a Nyereséges Vállalkozás Podcast!
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Nyedis Anarchy Series


Hosted by Nyedis CIO and co-founder Adam Callen, the Nyedis Anarchy Series gives expert insight into Identity and Access Management, enterprise cloud security, web3, and much more. Callen, who previously went by the IDM Rockstar, gives practical advice on every episode dealing with cutting edge technologies, real world experiences from his clients, and truly unbiased vendor reviews. Callen chats with other leading names in the field and invites questions from the audience on how they can be ...
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Gråsoner - den nye kalde krigen

Fog of War og Bauer Media

Forfatterne Eystein Hanssen og Ørjan Nordhus Karlsson tar deg med inn i gråsonen. Til en skyggeverden der spionasje, maktspill, maktbruk, desinformasjon, falske nyheter og falske smil er den nye normalen. Med basis i sine forfatterskap og et unikt kildenettverk snakker Ørjan og Eystein om vanskelig tema på en enkel og engasjerende måte. Russlands invasjon av Ukraina har satt fyr på den nye, kalde krigen. I øst vokser Kina seg stadig mer mektig, og hva med USA? Kan Norge stole på hjelp fra NA ...
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Hollywood Nyelviskola

Nyelvtanulással, nyelvoktatással kapcsolatos rádióadások - nyelvtan, szókincs, nyelvvizsga, hallás utáni megértés, külföldi nyelvtanulás... és még sok érdekes témával várunk. Akik beszélgetnek: Palkó Zsuzsa - Vörösmarty Rádió, műsorvezető (https://anchor.fm/palko-zsuzsanna?fbclid=IwAR3C_8P-hL2j9KTHDmwwVpJuEDWvW3ThRt94M-mCVzep0D1qfyd7fm0Pgno) Makói-Tóth Annamária - Hollywood Nyelvstúdió Székesfehérvár, nyelvstúdió vezető
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Nyetir Mikir

Pramesi Atmirabekti

an edited version of a swirling thoughts in my twisted mind. mostly emerge in a sudden way whilst driving my car through Jakarta's traffic. every idea is debatable and relative to each perspective. let's make traffic less stressful.
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I serien 'Nye skrivende' kan du møde en række danske forfattertalenter. De fortæller, hvordan tidens strømninger og deres generations samfundsudfordringer har fundet vej ind i deres romaner. Serien præsenterer nogle af de nye stemmer i litteraturen og er et supplement til mødet med de etablerede danske forfattere i serien DR Romanprisen.
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Globalisten med Ole Nyeng

Weekendavisen Podcast

Weekendavisens udenrigsredaktør og korrespondenter ser i de første syv afsnit nærmere på de populister, som sætter afgørende præg på europæisk politik. Hvem er for eksempel Victor Orbán, Marine Le Pen og Matteo Salvini, og hvorfor stormer de frem?
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Vedd fel a versenyt! A No.1 e-kereskedelmi podcast magyar nyelven

Vedd fel a versenyt! // Trendsight Kft.

A Vedd fel a versenyt egy hiánypótló podcast sorozat digitális kereskedelemről webáruházaknak, webshop üzemeltetőknek és az e-kereskedelmi piac szereplőinek. Ha érdekel a digitális kereskedelem világa, akkor neked szól műsorunk! Amit garantálunk: naprakész adatok, esettanulmányok, nemzetközi és hazai trendek, mellébeszélés nélkül – első kézből – valódi szakértőktől. A mikrofon mögött a műsor házigazdái Kolbert István és Madar Norbert. Szponzorációs lehetőségek, jelentkezés vendégként: https: ...
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Temen Nyetir

Chandra Lumban Gaol

Podcast Temen Nyetir ini didedikasikan untuk temen temen yang sedang nyetir, temen nyetir menyediakan ruang diskusi untuk membahas berbagai fenomena kehidupan berdasarkan empiris dan mengalir apa adanya. Untuk bertukar fikiran dan lain-lainnya, silahkan kirim ke : [email protected] Diluncurkan setiap jumat jam 4 sore, Selamat mendengarkan temen nyetir.
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Science Rules! with Bill Nye

Stitcher & Bill Nye

Bill Nye is on a mission to change the world — one voicemail at a time. Bill and science writer Corey S. Powell take your burning questions and put them to the world's leading experts on just about every topic in the universe. Should you stop eating cheeseburgers to combat climate change? Could alien life be swimming inside the moons of Jupiter and Saturn? Does your pet parakeet learn to sing the way that you learned to speak? Bill, Corey, and their special guests will answer those questions ...
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Nye utfordringer

Bauer Media

En daglig oppdatering med Niklas Baarli og Ken Wasenius Nilsen. Tiden etter Morgen på Radio1, jakten på det nye og gode historier fra et forsøk på å fylle kalenderen.
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This podcast is something for the GROWNISH people. Where we talk about everything and anything with a different type of vibe. Have fun listening with a girl from Newark,New Jersey & a girl from Dallas,Texas (:
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Den Nye Verden er et Radio LOUD produceret Dungeons & Dragons 5e real play podcast, hvor 4 af LOUDs mere nørdede værter samles om source books og terninger... Værter: Benjamin Clemens som Dungeon Master & Asgar Bugge, Daniel Møgelhøj og Mathias Stilling som spillere.
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The Nyema B Show


One thing you need to know about this podcast is your not going to grow alone. Nyema Bennett is 100% Transparent on how she views this 3 dimensional world. Everything you will hear her teach and preach is what she believes is true, and guys what she is open to other people’s truths too, that’s right, she doesn’t judge other people on what they believe or what they are going through. She just shares her real life experiences and real life situations with in a story form and through TONS OF PA ...
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Kirke på nye måter

Knut Refsdal

Denne podkasten handler om å være kirke i Norge i 2020-årene. Hvordan kan vi være kirke på nye måter i en ny tid? Hvordan kan vi skape nye uttrykk for kirke? Framtiden krever andre verktøy, andre tankemåter, nye måter å være kirke på, både hva gjelder organisering og innhold.
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Nye Akershus

Jane Bråthen

Nye Akershus er en podcast for alle innbyggerne i Akershus! Her vil vi ta opp viktige og spennende saker for Nye Akershus, og ha gjester fra næringslivet, frivilligheta, organisasjonslivet og kulturlivet i fylket vårt! -Også vil vi sjølsagt presentere alle de fantastiske ordførerkandidatene i kommunene i Akershus🍀
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Michael Nye Podcast

Michael Nye

SEASON ONE: My Heart Is Not Blind SEASON TWO: About Hunger & Resilience MY HEART IS NOT BLIND Blindness doesn't make someone less intelligent, less capable, less competent. Perception and adaptation are deeper than we can imagine and much more mysterious. These narrative histories focus on the shifting pools of perception and deep transformation. Each eloquent voice draws us into deeper understanding. ABOUT HUNGER & RESILIENCE Why did Cornelius go hungry? What does it feel like for Tiffany t ...
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I en podcastserie af tre afsnit dykker vært, Pernille Enggaard sammen med gæst, Thommy Ahlers ned i tre nøglebegreber som kommer til at definere fremtiden. Formålet med serien er, at dykke ned i emnerne lederskab, digitalisering og bæredygtighed for på den måde, at bliver klogere på, hvor vi kommer fra og hvor vi er på vej hen.
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I en kamp mod hamsterhjulet udfordrer Roxie og Nadia hver uge hinanden til et liv med færre caffe latte aftaler og mere eventyr. Roxie er stukket af til Thy, hvor hun afprøver singlelivet som surferchick i den bidende vinterkulde. Imens prøver Nadia at få mere eventyr og mindre pyjamas ind i sit lock-down kæresteliv i en to-værelses i København. Lykkes det? Det må tiden vise. Værterne er i hvert fald fuldt investeret. Kursen er sat mod det uendelige univers af færre to-do’s og flere ta-da’s! ...
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Den nye rumalder


Nattehimlen stråler med Elon Musks internet-satellitter, og USA vil lande en kvinde på Månen. Kineserne ruster op i kapløbet mod den Røde Planet, og på Refshaleøen i København bygger raketentusiaster Danmarks første rumraket. Rumfarten er på vej ind i en ny guldalder, som står til at forandre den verden, vi lever i. Rummet er ikke bare astrofysik - det er også benhård geopolitik, og spørgsmålet er; er vi i Danmark parate til den nye rumalder?
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Rapmusik ligger tungt på hitlisterne i hele verden. Men sådan har det ikke altid været. For bare 35 år siden eksisterede genren ikke, og da den begyndte at slå igennem i Danmark, blev hip hop kaldt en døgnflue. I dag kan du ikke tænde radioen, uden at rapmusik blæser ud gennem højtaleren. Pelle Peter Jensen giver dig historien om dansk rap. En fortælling om fællesskab, kreativitet, store egoer og kæmpe drømme - og vigtigst af alt: ære. Historien om musik, der bliver ved med at dø og genopstå ...
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De nye gamle


Engang var man færdig med livet, når man var færdig på arbejdsmarkedet. Sådan er det ikke længere! De nye gamle er en flok fandenivoldske, ressourcefyldte seenagere, som har erfaringen med sig, og er slet ikke er færdige med at opleve, udforske og gøre sig klogere på livet. De nægter at lade sig tyrannisere af kroppens forfald og vil ikke nøjes med at geare ned i et stille sofahjørne. Nogle bliver på arbejdsmarkedet, andre kaster sig over alt det, de ikke tidligere har haft tid eller råd til ...
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What is Crypto w/ Michael Nye

Michael Nye: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency, Crypto Advocate

What is Crypto is a podcast hosted by Michael Nye that teaches Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and how YOU will play a role in the future financial systems of the world.
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Gamle Mænd I Nye Medier

Svejgaard & Tosti

En podcast med to modne herrer i nærheden af de 40 som går og hedder Peter Svejgaard og Hans Tosti. Vi arbejder i hhv. Spies Rejser og Dansk Supermarked Group, og brænder som crazy for digital marketing. Vi taler om marketing, kommunkation med særlig fokus på sociale medier. Abonnér og giv os gerne det glatte lag og/eller kærlighed på @svejgaards og @hanstosti på Twitter.
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En stor grå Audi triller ind på parkeringspladsen ved det lokale idrætsanlæg i den lille nordjyske by Pandrup. Bag rattet sidder en tysk mand med store ambitioner. Han hedder Klaus-Dieter Müller, og med sig har han et tilbud om at købe den lille nordjyske fodboldklub Jammerbugt FC og dermed redde den fra konkurs. Tilsyneladende den redningsmand, de lokale drømte om, men da salget er gået igennem ændrer alt sig i den lille by. Snart er det meste af det lokale hold udskiftet med afrikanske spi ...
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Beethoven Med Nye Ører


Lyt med når Danmarks Underholdningsorkester sætter Beethoven i ørerne på kendte danskere, som du normalt ikke forbinder med klassisk musik. Sammen med blandt andre Umut Sakarya, Burhan G og Rosalinde Mynster dykker Beethovenekspert og -orakel Søren Schauser og direktør for Danmarks Underholdningsorkester Andreas Vetö ned i Beethovens forunderlige univers af smerte, glæde, obskure kompositioner og de umiddelbare følelser, der opstår i hovedet og kroppen når vi sluser kendte danskere ind i Bee ...
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I podkasten 'De som bygger det nye Norge' møter du ledere fra norske virksomheter som er i verdensklasse når det gjelder digital transformasjon og digitale nyvinninger. Programleder Silvija Seres og gjestene belyser hvordan de fikk det til og hva vi kan lære av dem.For mer innhold fra Oslo Business Forum sjekk ut: https://www.obforum.no Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Nye Vinde


Overalt i verden er der én dagsorden, der overstråler alle de andre globale og lokale problemstillinger og det er den globale opvarmning. Og i kernen af dén problemstilling ligger spørgsmålet om, hvor vi i fremtiden skal få vores energi fra: De fossile brændsler som kul, olie og gas skal skiftes ud med nye vedvarende energiformer. Mange af dem kender vi i forvejen: Sol, vind og vand. Så hvordan får vi bedst prioriteret dem? Er der andre energiformer og løsninger, som vi skal fokusere noget m ...
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Skab dit nye liv - en podcast om Joe Dispenza-metoden

Lillianna Axelsen and Chalotte Fruergaard

Du er skaber af dit eget liv - af dine tanker, dine følelser og af de ting, der sker omkring dig. Du kan vælge at fortsætte med at skabe den fremtid, som din fortid har bestemt, eller du kan vælge at forandre den til noget dejligt, lyst, spændende og kærligt. Vil du gerne vide noget om, hvordan du kan meditere dig til en bedre fremtid, så lyt med her. Vi taler om Joe Dispenzas læring, og hvad det er hans budskab vil os.
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How can we decide what is appropriate in the sphere of global politics? Prof. Joseph Nye, eminent academic, author, and politician with expertise in the field of foreign policy, defense, diplomacy and terrorism talks about his experiences within foreign policy and how he has come to his conclusions using examples like the Iraq war and nuclear weapons. For more information go to www.meg.qmul.ac.uk.
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If you thought history was dull, dry and boring, you haven't read Bill Nye's books! He brings wit, humor, satire, irony and sheer nonsensical fun into the subject, making it both entertaining and memorable. The Comic History of England was published posthumously in 1896 after the writer's tragic and untimely death half-way through the project. Hence it remains incomplete and covers the history of the island nation only up to the Tudor period. However, beginning with Julius Caesar, the Roman ...
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show series
Te miért vállalkozol: pénz, dicsőség vagy segítségnyújtás? A Nyereséges Vállalkozás Podcast 33. epizódjában Kulcsár Tiborral beszélgetek. Tibor 1989-ben alapította a Kulcs-Soft-ot, ami mára egy tőzsdén jegyzett céggé nőtte ki magát. Ezen az utazáson nagyon sok tudást és tapasztalatot halmozott fel, ezekből osztja meg a legerősebb felismeréseit, hog…
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Send us a text Tényleg felrobbantja a digitális retail média, vagyis a webáruházakban megjelenő hirdetési megoldás a hirdetői piacot? Ennek jártunk utána legújabb adásunkban: https://www.pwc.com/hu/hu/sajtoszoba/2025/retail_media_felrobbantja_a_hirdetoi_piacot.html 00:00 Digitális retail media 06:49 Digitális retail media a webáruházak szemszögéből…
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People are loving the new Genmoji feature on iPhone, but there are definitely some things you will get censored in trying to create. So, on this episode we demonstrate how to get around this and expose the design flaws in how this is done. We would STRONGLY suggest that you watch this one for the full video at http://youtube.com/@nyedisiam Download…
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Windsurf is doing some amazing things pioneering in the AI-agent space. On this episode we demo what it takes to create an app on there, warts and all, to show you some of the bugs you'll have to work around. We would STRONGLY suggest that you watch this one for the full video at http://youtube.com/@nyedisiam Download BreachCast from the iOS App St…
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Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has been making headlines with his vocal predictions on the future of Software as a Service. Some are claiming that he has said SaaS is dead altogether, but that is more of a clickbait headline taking his words out of context. We react to what he's saying here, and Adam discusses what he agrees and deviates from on his s…
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On today's episode we dive into DeepSeek-V3, pros & cons, along with everything else about this LLM. We would STRONGLY suggest that you watch this one for the full video at http://youtube.com/@nyedisiam Download BreachCast from the iOS App Store to get live breach, CVE, and media news all specific for IAM professionals. It's free to download and ad…
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Send us a text Cserjés-Kopándi Ildikóval értékeltük a magyar e-kereskedelem 2024-es évét és megvizsgáltuk a kilátásokat 2025-re. 00:00 Milyen volt a 2024-es év a magyar e-kereskedelemben? 07:38 A Temu hatása a magyar piacra 2024-ben 16:44 Online piacterek 25:19 Logisztikai szolgáltatók 35:23 A fizetési szolgáltatók szezonja 2024-ben 39:57 BNPL - ha…
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If you've watched us before than you know we encourage using AI for coding and effectively everything else. What we do NOT encourage is passing off the work of AI as your own, rather than using it as an important tool in your own repertoire. Many of you are doing it, we see it, and on this episode we are calling it out! Download BreachCast from the…
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The software gig economy has flatlined according to Indeed, and it is largely due to the impact of AI. This is why we believe AI prompting is likely to become the next gig that picks things back up. We explain it all on this episode. Link to our Indeed job posting: https://www.indeed.com/viewjob?jk=21d86d61c1cc1d9f&from=mobRdr&utm_source=%2Fm%2F&ut…
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Mire érdemes fókuszálnod 2025-ben, hogy megtartsd vagy növeld a nyereséget a cégedben? Emberek - pénzügyek - hatékonyság. A Nyereséges Vállalkozás Podcast 32. epizódjában Tomán Józseffel folytatjuk a 31. epizódban elkezdett témát: Hogyan lesz nyereséges vállalkozásod 2025-ben? Sok vállalkozó kerüli a válság kifejezést, mert tart tőle. Sokaknál növe…
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Recently, Anthropic caught Claude faking alignment. This is going to create a brand new set of issues with AI that we previously did not see happening this quickly. We discuss where AI is headed and what new dangers this will pose. You can read more about this here: https://www.reddit.com/r/singularity/comments/1hh7w9g/anthropic_caught_claude_fakin…
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David Hirschfeld is the CEO & founder of Tekyz, a company that prides itself on being "AI first," and on this interview we focus on where future custom AI software is headed and more. David is a UCLA grad and also co-founded the companies Kloojj and Anzu. You can learn more about Tekyz and book a free consultation by visiting http://tekyz.com For f…
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Building an app from scratch is now easier than ever using AI. This changes everything for coders. We use Bolt, Claude, & Windsurf here to show you how it's done, while also demonstrating the problems you're going to run into while making something. Read the full prompts used to make this on our website here We would STRONGLY suggest that you watch…
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Is ChatGPT becoming self-aware just like Skynet in the sci-fi series Terminator? The article below from The Economic Times seems to suggest so, but it's a little off base once you read further. We break it down for you. Read the full article here: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/magazines/panache/chatgpt-caught-lying-to-developers-new-ai-model…
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Send us a text Hogyan működik a Media Markt online értékesítési csatornája és hogyan hangolta össze a korábban autonóm működésű fizikai üzleteket a webáruházzal? A Media Markt 4. helyet érte el a legfrissebb eToplistán, ezért meghívtuk Szilágyi Gábor ügyvezető igazgatót a Vedd fel a verseny podcast legújabb adásába. 00:00 Szilágyi Gábor, a MediaMar…
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A research paper titled "Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior" has led to an experiment in seeing just how far AI-generated characters can resemble humans and their habits. How far you can take this is about to blow your mind. Read all about this here: https://github.com/joonspk-research/generative_agents?tab=readme-ov-file Fo…
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Hogyan lesz nyereséges vállalkozásod 2025-ben? Több bevétel, optimálisabb költségek, nagyobb hatékonyság. De hogy néz ez ki a gyakorlatban? A Nyereséges Vállalkozás Podcast 31. epizódjában visszatérő vendégként Tomán Józseffel beszélgetek, akivel 2 epizódon keresztül azon dolgozunk, hogy segítsünk Neked nyereséges vállalkozást építeni. Ebben az epi…
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A MIT study has been released titled "Artificial Intelligence, Scientific Discovery, and Product Innovation." It proves some of the best, and unfortunately some of the worst projections that we've spoken of on this podcast when it comes to AI. We break it all down for you here. Read the full study: https://aidantr.github.io/files/AI_innovation.pdf …
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Y Combinator is an American tech startup accelerator with a track record of knowing what is coming in the future. They have list of requests for startups that we give an in-depth analysis on. See that all here: https://x.com/benln/status/1856043274898944489 For full video of this episode, head over to our Youtube channel at http://youtube.com/@nyed…
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Riley Hughes is the CEO and co-founder of Trinsic. Trinsic has created the first identity acceptance network, and Riley is a true expert in the growing field of digital identity. We get into digital credentials right now, and where the future is headed for IAM at large. Learn more at https://trinsic.id/ and listen to Riley's podcast The Future of I…
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This episode is all about AI, and you may even notice Adam even becomes AI on this episode. This was due to a camera malfunction early on in the recording, so let us know what you think of recreating Adam in AI. Getting into the episode itself, AI is becoming a major part of kids' lives, but is this more positive or negative? Adam weighs out both, …
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Search engines are dying and can't compete with innovations in AI. ChatGPT Search is the latest feature that may make Google as we know it go extinct. For full video of this episode, head over to our Youtube channel at http://youtube.com/@nyedisiam Follow us on your favorite platform for full episodes, shorts, and community feedback: 📺 Linkedin: ht…
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On a couple of previous episodes we mentioned biohacking, extreme body modification, and Adam's own implanted magnet into his finger. People were curious about this, so here's an episode getting into all the intricacies of it and why Adam did it. For full video of this episode, head over to our Youtube channel at http://youtube.com/@nyedisiam Follo…
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Send us a text Mit nyújt nekünk egy nemzetközi hátterű piacvezető webáruház, egy közepes/kis méretű magyar webáruház és mit nyújt nekünk a TEMU hozzájuk képest, aminek a sikerét köszönheti? Cserjés-Kopándi Ildikó érkezett a stúdiónkba és hozott magával egy alapos összehasonlító elemzést a TEMU és a hazai webáruházak kapcsán. 00:00 Cserjés-Kopándi I…
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With people more mindful of health and the foods that they consume, there's been a new run of AI-powered food tracking apps, and we wanted to see just how accurate they are. This led to Adam seeing if he could create his own app for tracking calories and macros, so that's just what we did. It is available now at https://www.peeel.io *Note: You must…
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Around this time last year, we reacted to Apple's latest product announcement and were not terribly impressed. With innovations in AI and some major upgrades to the Mac Mini in particular, this time it's a little different. Adam gives his thoughts on the new products and if he's planning on buying any of them himself. For full video of this episode…
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There's been a LOT of talk about Elon Musk's Starlink, and more people are interested in products like the Starlink Mini Kit. We give you some of the figures on what it will run you, how it may benefit you, and then we test it out on a boat doing high speeds, seeing just how good of a connection it has in these conditions. We would STRONGLY suggest…
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Google is now stating that 25% of their code is AI generated (we think it's likely more.) On this episode we get into the growing industry of AI prompts, and why more people are going to be hired in 2025 for AI prompting. For full video of this episode, head over to our Youtube channel at http://youtube.com/@nyedisiam Follow us on your favorite pla…
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In one of their final acts before leaving office, the Biden Administration has announced new guidelines for AI use, as some are calling them, guardrails. What is the responsibility of government at large when it comes to AI innovations, and will it make a significant difference? We weigh in on this during this episode of the Nyedis Anarchy Series. …
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From Claude to Groq and way too many other LLMs to name, one thing is certain: AI is moving way too fast to keep up with. Industries are on the verge of being replaced, and even you watching this video may become obsolete. Innovations in this space are fascinating but also extremely scary. For full video of this episode, head over to our Youtube ch…
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Send us a text Miért mindig Szlovákia és Románia jut eszébe a magyar e-kereskedőknek, ha külföldi terjeszkedésben gondolkodnak? A mai adásunkban arról beszélünk, hogy érdemes a tőlünk délre eső országokra is tekinteni, akik több esetben is ideálisabbnak tűnnek az első lépésekhez a külföldi terjeszkedés kapcsán, különösen Szerbia, valamint Horvátors…
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We've had a couple of episodes covering the newest AI wearables, Meta's Ray-Ban glasses. They can do some amazing yet scary things, including extracting personal data from people simply by using facial recognition technology. One thing hinders that though, this being a noticeable blinking light on the glasses. We had several comments asking if this…
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Here are all the new scary yet groundbreaking innovations in AI from Claude by Anthropic. AI can now take over your computer! Plus, what is the one thing differentiating humans from bots when using computers? CAPTCHA, right? Wrong, because Anthropic's new AI has just made that obsolete. All that and more. Download BreachCast from the iOS App Store …
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Hogyan csökkentheted a stresszt a cégedben? Folyamatosan fejleszd a folyamatokat és javítsd a pénzügyi helyzetet! A Nyereséges Vállalkozás Podcast 30. epizódjában a Brocasterz Podcast Kft. két alapítójával, Kis Dániellel és Sándorfy Adriánnal beszélgetek. Az elején azzal a céllal indították a vállalkozást, hogy legyen egy jobb és szabadabb munkahel…
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Wrapping up our Identity Week series, we have Michael Harris on with us, CTO of NextgenID, as we talk AI, deepfakes, & Taylor Swift. That's right, Taylor Swift! See how they incorporated the pop megastar into their booth at the conference. Download BreachCast from the iOS App Store to get live breach, CVE, and media news all specific for IAM profes…
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Our Digital Media Producer, Ian Scotto, was in attendance at this year's Identity Week in Washington DC and on this episode we have Dhaval Shah, CTO of Rainbow Secure on to discuss a brand new way of using passwords. -- Learn more at https://www.rainbowsecure.com/ Download BreachCast from the iOS App Store to get live breach, CVE, and media news al…
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Our Digital Media Producer, Ian Scotto, was in attendance at this year's Identity Week in Washington DC and on this episode we have Paul Collier, CEO of ID Technology Partners, on to discuss his nearly 50 years of experience in the field of biometrics and how far it's come. -- Learn more at https://www.idtp.com/ Download BreachCast from the iOS App…
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