New Life Fellowship Church exists to love God with everything, serve and love our neighbor selflessly, and do everything we can to help spread the good news of Jesus Christ in Saratoga Springs, the Northeast, and to the ends of the earth.
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In this sermon, Pastor Nathan shares about how we are all really just sheep underneath the Good Shepherd.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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In this sermon, Pastor Nathan shares personal testimony about the joy the Holy Spirit has brought into his life in the midst of suffering. He shares an original song he wrote based on 1 Peter 4:12-19Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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This is a song Pastor Nathan wrote based on 1 Peter 4:12-19 called "DON'T BE SURPRISED".Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Guest speaker Bert Rawert, Head Elder here at New Life, gives a moving sermon on Forgiveness.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Ed Zogg gives us a motivational presentation about what God is doing in the Dominican Republic.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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The two essential aspects for us to be the salt of the earth and the light of theworld are: living the beatitudes and getting out into the world so we can connect with others. As we respond accordingly, God will be glorified, you will be blessed.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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In this sermon, Pastor Nathan encourages us to live our lives generously and to serve in our Churches with the knowledge that time is short. May we be a great Church in God's eyesΑπό τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Joe Bartlett gives a message on Matthew 14 and the hope and rest we can find in Christ --even in the waves of life!Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan delivers a beautiful message on trusting God with our everything. Even in the midst of suffering.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Inho Suh gives a motivational message on how we cannot be a child of God by works. The work must be done by Christ. In turn we can only be the salt of the earth by Christ.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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In this installment of our 1st Peter series, Pastor Nathan shares God's plan for how we are to interact with a world that may at times be hostile toward our faith and beliefs. God's answer is faithfulness to the WAY of Jesus Christ, gentleness, and respect.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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This sermon discusses how the Church community is called to be a safe haven for all who enter into it's fellowship from 1 Peter 3:8-12.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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On Christmas Eve we talk about ideas of HOME; about peace, joy, love and security. Our loving Father wants to give us these things if we will only receive Him!Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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As Christians, we must accept that we will never fully belong in this world for we were made to live in the fulfilled Kingdom of God, with Jesus as Lord. So, how to we live as a loving exile?Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Bosnian International worker Kathy Eikost kicks off our 2024 Mission Conference with an inspiring message about faithfully continuing to scatter the seeds of the Gospel and trusting the outcome to God!Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Bosnian International Worker Mark Eikost concludes our mission conference week sharing the second sermon of our 1st Peter series, "How to Live & Love Righteously in an Unbelieving World".Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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As Christians, we are following a very different pattern from those around us who do not follow the way of Jesus. It could make us feel like exiles in our own lives. But its OK to embrace being different, in fact, it is essential! It is how others may come to know Jesus and how we will experience full joy!…
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This sermon is about putting off the basic ways of the world and our own sinful tendencies, and craving the pure spiritual milk of the Word of God instead! This turning from one thing to another is where the joy happens!Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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In this sermon, Pastor Nathan explores what the Bible means when it asks us to submit to human institutions such as emperors, presidents, governors or prime ministers.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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In this sermon, Inho shares about the Advent theme of Hope, and Jesus' calling that we receive and give hope to all others around us; salt of the earth, light of the world in the footsteps of Jesus!Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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In this sermon, Pastor Nathan explores what it means to submit to overseers who are unjust for the Lord's sake. In so doing, we follow in the footsteps of Jesus, the "Suffering Servant" and show God's love to all of those who do not know Him in our workplaces including our bosses and managers.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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In this sermon, Pastor Nathan teases out the nuance of this text to show us how to submit to and love one another in our marriages that many who do not know Jesus may come to know Him.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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This sermon is an open forum and discussion between two of our Pastoral elders concerning Matthew 5:21-22 where Jesus reveals that He has a much higher standard for us who follow him than simply "do not murder".Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan wraps up Titus 3 by encouraging us to live and handle each other in a Christ-like way.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan leads us into a brief introduction and preview of our new upcoming series on 1&2 Peter. He gives little tastes of the study book our small groups will be walking through together.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan teaches on the type of foundation and overall tone that Elders and leadership set for a church. He expresses the importance of what culture leadership can create in a church and why it is a position to not be taken lightly.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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In this short sermon series, Pastor Nathan Detweiler delves into the book of Titus, examining the qualifications for eldership and the path for those called to this significant responsibility. Eldership is a calling not to be taken lightly.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan explains the call to increase the faith--breaking down it down into three ways:Through the Holy Scriptures, listening to the Holy Spirit, and by Holy Community.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Guard the good deposit that God has entrusted in you.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan delivers the final chapter of Galatians with a few highlights of encouragement along with a warning. It is the Holy Spirit that does the finishing work on us, there is nothing else as it is a free gift. The Holy Spirit will teach us the way in which He wants us to walk and how He is going to change us. It is not by works of anyone but…
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Pastor Nathan Detweiler continues in our sermon series talking about walking in step with the Spirit by the Spirit.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Michael Yuhasz, our special guest speaker, delivered a heartfelt message titled "Jesus Christ Is My Hero." In his message, he highlighted the courageous compassion, faithfulness, trust, and humility of Jesus.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Galatians 5, walking in step with the Spirit. When four children had entered Narnia and spent time with Aslan something about them changed--they went from children to the refinement of Kings and Queens. That is what it is like walking in step with the Spirit. Letting the Spirit refine us and remove all that entangles us.…
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Keep running the race and let no one hinder you by laws that are contrary to how the Spirit leads. The law of the Jews is not to be a yoke of slavery, it had it's place, but Christ came to free us from the need for the old law. Jesus' yoke is light. Walk by the Spirit.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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We are not of the slave woman, but rather children of the promise.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan leads us in a tremendous sermon finishing up chapter 3 of Galatians and walking us through the beginning of chapter 4.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan leads us in a reflective reading of Ephesians 1:15-23.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan continues our series by looking at who God is. He dives in to the judgementalism within Christianity and thus expressing God's compassion on those we as Christians often condemn. He also presses that God love justice, His pure justice that advocates for those who are condemned and have experienced prejudices.…
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Pastor Nathan asks two very good questions: What has bewitched you? And how, if you can't have grace for yourself can you have grace for anyone else?Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Finishing up Chapter 2 of Galatians, Pastor Nathan delves us into the cultural challenges that the Apostles faced as they adopted the relationships with the Gentiles. Paul sees a hypocrisy happening even among the Apostles and calls it out in conviction to maintain the freedom, glory, and purity of the Gospel through Jesus Christ.…
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Continuing on with our series in Galatians. Pastor Nathan points us to the understanding of how long the journey can take before we can be ready for the mission God has for us and so many other great points. Check it out!Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Greg Chandler, Admin Board Chairman brings us a message on the encouraging yet mind blowing paradox of faith.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Greg Veitch, former Elder and Police Chief, brings us 12 ways to reflect and learn from the lives of the 12 Apostles -- men who followed and were discipled by Jesus.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan preaches on Galatians 1: 11-24, he focuses on how the gift of salvation is a free gift--no membership fees required. He also highlights how the gift of grace is evident in how we as Christians live. He uses examples of this from people who have been in his life, as well as, the apostle Paul.…
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Guest Preacher, Chaplain Inho Suh blessed with a powerful sermon on Luke 11. He covers the importance of asking God for what we need, praying, hospitality and so much more.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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The continuation of our challenging series on Galatians.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan shares the beginning of our series on Galatians and the important message of Christ for freedom set us free and we are to shake off all other doctrine other than what Jesus gave us.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan leads us through Colossians 2:8-15, with a compelling teaching on throwing off doctrine's that entangle us to grasp the whole freedom we have in Christ.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan delivers a powerful message as we reflect on Palm Sunday and what it would have been like for Jesus as He anticipates the week leading up to His crucifixion.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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Pastor Nathan Detweiler wraps up our series "God in My Everything" by Ken Shigematsu. Delivering a powerful challenge to us as Christians on how to better love the world.Από τον New Life Fellowship Church
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