Um podcast semanal sobre nostalgia e videogames que marcaram as nossas infâncias dos anos 80 e 90.
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Taking a Look at Childhood Favorite Films to See If They Stand the Test of Time, Or If They're Past Their Prime
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En noss archiv da musica èn da chattar nundumbraivlas registraziuns da chors - en spezial chors rumantschs e grischuns.
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Multi media review show with occasional interviews
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Curiosidades do uso da língua portuguesa, a gramática, o estilo. Análise das frases faladas por políticos e personalidades.
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Peninha, Luciano Potter e Arthur Gubert em um talk show para falar da História das coisas. "Qualquer coisa MESMA" (SIC).
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Het Oog brengt een overzicht van het nieuws, een blik in de ochtendkranten en het betere journalistieke interview met mensen in en achter het nieuws, omlijst door mooie muziek.
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De NOS-voetbalcommentatoren nemen de week door. Met aandacht voor de laatste voetbalwedstrijden, het voetbalnieuws en vooruitblikkend naar de komende wedstrijden. Anekdotes van de voetbalexperts die ter plekke waren en er de hele week bovenop zitten. Presentatie is in handen van Arno Vermeulen.
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A mix of some of the finest music from legendary performers and personalities of the greatest generation, along with complete vintage broadcasts from the golden age of radio. Mix it together, and that's NOSTALGIA RADIO TIME, hosted by Greg Van Beek. Including the 'Bing Sings' feature each week! Heard each Sunday at 9 AM (ET) over New York's 920 WON: The Apple and each Thursday at 9 AM (ET) streaming over YUSA red on the Yesterday USA Super Station at Join our Fac ...
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An unofficial podcast about the Seattle Sounders produced by Sounder at Heart's Jeremiah Oshan and Aaron Campeau, with Likkit Pocinwong
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Doug Walker remembers it so you don't have to! Join him and he dives into movies from your distant and not so distant past.
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Conversations about history, politics, and pop culture.
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Old time radio and new audio versions of classic pulp stories and novels.
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A second look at our favorite movies, without the fog of nostalgia
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Welcome to Jake's Happy Nostalgia Show, the podcast where nostalgia comes alive! Hosted by Jake Deffinbaugh, with co-hosts, Chris Bixby and Matt Bingel.
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In den Nostromo- Gesprächen schnacken Fred, Sebastian und Udo mal im Duo, mal im Trio und ab und an mit erlesenen GästInnen über ihre große Leidenschaft - Filme. Der Schwerpunkt der cineastischen Auseinandersetzungen liegt zum einen auf formalen Qualitäten, wie der Inszenierung, der Produktion und Herstellung, darüber hinaus auf technischen Aspekten, wie Kamera, Lichtsetzung, Schnitt und Colorgrading, und zu guter Letzt auf der inhaltlichen Interpretation der Stoffe. Unsere Herzen schlagen f ...
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Nós a EuropaColaboração Europe Direct Madeira Realização: Marta Cília
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Are the games of our childhood as good as we remember or do we just have Nostalgia Goggles?
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Espaço de opinião sobre a atualidade económica em África e Brasil, com análise a informações de carácter económico com implicações diretas no dia a dia do ouvinte. Distribuição: FM RDP áfrica e Podcast 2ª a 6ªfeira - 8.15
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The High School Debate Soap Opera
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The official David Vendetta's AUDIO podcast. HOUSE MUSIC / ELECTRO SOUNDS Contact booking : Julien - - +33 6 65 38 87 67
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Welcome to the Designed for Greatness podcast, conversations with Candice to help you elevate your mind, body, and spirit and own your divine greatness.
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Una comedia semanal con comentarios a las idioteces de la especie humana, entretenimiento familiar garantizado... o nos volvemos a ir, porque como dijo Einstein: ¡la estupidez humana es infinita!
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Philippe et Sandy vous donnent rendez-vous du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h dans Les Matins Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne Humeur.
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Delve into the world of obscure footballing history with Drew, George & Owen, three childhood friends with a love for the good old days of the beautiful game. From special guests creating their favourite Footballing XI to ridiculous concepts and outrageous opinions, it's the perfect podcast for Nostalgic football fans!
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O programa da Jovem Pan que revolucionou o jeito de noticiar política e economia, abordando os temas de modo crítico, em um formato de bate-papo e discussão aberta. Os Pingos nos Is alcançou a liderança da audiência no rádio e se tornou referência no segmento no YouTube.
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🎙Put your pop-culture past to the ultimate test--THE NOSTALGIA TEST w/ longtime friends Dan & Manny 👬
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¿Quieres tener conversaciones sobre temas que son tabú, no se hablan o te apena hacerlo con tu pareja o amigos? Este es un podcast para ti. Simple y atrevido, debatiremos sobre esas preguntas, dudas y situaciones a la que nos enfrentamos cada día, con nuestra pareja, amigos, compañeros, jefes y muchos más. Atrévete a tener una conversación entre nos.
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Taking your earholes back to the era of Hammerpants, plaid, backwards overalls, grunge, and New Jack Swing! We revisit the music of the ’90’s on Dope Nostalgia. Join us for chats with the artists, laughs with friends, and a lot of reminiscing.
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Head on back to the good ole days! Whether it’s waking up Saturday morning to watch cartoons with a big bowl of cereal, opening an N64 on Christmas, or seeing the Chicago Bears do the Super Bowl Shuffle for the first time, the Nostalgia Junkies are here to walk you down memory lane! Join the squad as they discuss how 80s, 90s, and early 2000s tv shows, music, movies, toys, books, video games, and more shaped their youth and their lives. Come join them as they relive the past and experience t ...
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Lista diaria de música dos países lusófonos.De luns a venres en Radiofusión
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Ben jij nieuwsgierig en wil je meer weten over wat er in de wereld speelt? In de podcast van het NOS Jeugdjournaal beantwoorden Bart Tuinman en Malou van der Starre elke week vragen van kinderen bij een nieuwsonderwerp. Wil je reageren of een vraag insturen: WhatsApp ons op 0626586701
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Podcast pra quem gosta de gibis sem enrolação! Criado por Léo Palmieri do site Crossover Nerd e do podcast CrossoverCast, o Gibi Nosso de Cada Dia é um podcast focado em reviews, informações e entrevistas relacionadas ao mundo das histórias em quadrinhos.
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Elke maandagavond: het Sportforum van Langs de Lijn En Omstreken. Journalisten, coaches, bestuurders en andere prominenten uit de sport schuiven aan om de sportgebeurtenissen van de afgelopen week te bespreken.
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Here for the '80s & '90s kids who still long for the safe, spooky glow of the TV screen in a dark room, Kalyn Andrews and Christian Baxter Mott take a nostalgic look at the grittier side of the children's entertainment that ruled our adolescence and moulded our generation. Our show features every-other-weekly discussions ranging from movie nights and season-long binges, to spooky specials of shows and other traumas... (ahem, memories). So, grab your flashlights and join us as we go searching ...
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A pop culture podcast hosted by two 90s babies and best friends, Amanda and Jess. NBN Classic is a rewatch series where we recap & review teen tv and movies from the early 2000s (think Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, etc). NBN Remixed episodes follow a similar format but cover the tv, movies, and music we love now (Heartstopper, Young Royals, Demi Lovato, etc). Listen along to two best friends having a giggle, and let us know what you think.
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A show dedicated to all things Nintendo throughout history
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Qu'on soit en voiture, à la maison, avec les enfants, en vacances... Il nous arrive plein de choses. C'est La Liste de Sandy, tous les matins à 06h50 sur NOSTALGIE. Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h dans Les Matins Nostalgie.
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Podcast by NoStandardsPodcast
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O psiquiatra Daniel Sampaio nasceu em 1946. Numa época muito diferente, em 1999, nasceu a jornalista Marta Amaral. “O Nosso Olhar Para Ti” é um encontro entre gerações que procura olhar para a saúde e para a doença mental numa perspectiva diferente. O foco é a prevenção, a partir da relação entre as pessoas desde a formação do casal, passando pelos filhos e até ao envelhecimento. Daniel Sampaio e Marta Amaral regressam para uma segunda temporada, para conversar sobre temas como o bullying; o ...
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🎙️Nos vies affectives, un micro et Dieu. 🎧 Un podcast où on parle d'amitié, de santé mentale, de nos émotions, de nos rêves, de vie amoureuse, de sexualité, de mariage et de célibat, sous le regard de Dieu.
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Il podcast ufficiale di Giochi sul Nostro Tavolo! Online dal 2009 Giochi Sul Nostro Tavolo si evolve e diventa punto di riferimento anche nel mondo podcast. Qui potete trovare curiosità e aggiornamenti su giochi da tavolo, gdr e libri games da parte dei redattori di questo storico storico sito! Sito: Canale Telegram: Mail:
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Podcast semanal de teologia e bíblia com conteúdo, humor e respeito pela Igreja de Cristo.
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Toch nog een akkoord op Klimaattop in Azerbeidzjan | Ook leden van NSC willen doorgaan met kabinet-Schoof | Black Box Diaries: documentaire over MeToo-zaak in Japan | Jaguar oogst hoon met commercial zónder auto. Presentatie: Elisabeth Steinz
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Oposição quer anistiar Bolsonaro / PCC na Europa / Terceira guerra?
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Colaboração de Ana Rita Barros formadora do Centro de Informação Europeia Jacques Delors. Temas: Comissão Europeia; Conselho Europeu em Budapeste; Previsões Económicas de Outono; Conflito Rússia-Ucrânia; Uso de Sacarina.
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Sons de Nós 22 de novembro de 2024
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O respecto aos saberes e sonoridades dos mestres populares e das manifestacións auténticas do Brasil son o referente que Kátya imprime nas súas músicas. Das súas andanzas polo Brasil rescata saberes e sonoridades que incorpora a súa musicalidade, dende o respecto aos mestres populares e as manifestacións culturais do Brasil. Kátya Teixeira, que cum…
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Niko Moreno (@ElRoloNW) joins Jeremiah to discuss the final preparations for the Sounders’ Western Conference semifinal against LAFC. Niko is particularly interested in seeing some sort of tactical change and suggests putting Raúl Ruidíaz back at striker with Jordan Morris moving to the wing. He also floats the possibility of seeing João Paulo back…
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In deze aflevering van de NOS Jeugdjournaalpodcast gaat het over kinderrechten. Deze week is namelijk de Kindervredesprijs uitgereikt. Misschien wel de belangrijkste prijs die je als kind kunt winnen. De prijs gaat naar een kind dat ervoor zorgt dat andere kinderen het beter krijgen. In deze aflevering zoeken Bart en Pien uit wie de prijs dit jaar …
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Advertencia: El siguiente programa contiene conversaciones que pueden considerarse ofensivas, se requiere discreción. Tercer programa sobre el holocausto, el hecho que cambió la humanidad, hablamos de si hubo o no un ataque a Latinoamérica por las fuerzas de Hitler, también definimos lo que fue el Tercer Reich, damos una conclusión a esta serie de …
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Presentator Jeroen Stekelenburgblikt met Jeroen Elshoff, Jeroen Grueter en Arman Avsaroglu vanuit Zenica terug op de Nations League wedstrijd tussen Bosnië-Herzegovina en Nerderland
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'Labiel Oranje komt vaak te kort'
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Marc van Hintum, technisch manager van VVV Venlo, Simon Zwartkruis van VI en Robèrt Misset van zijn te gast.
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Welcome back ! Nous sommes ravies de vous retrouver pour cette nouvelle saison sur l'amitié ! Dans ce premier épisode, Sophie et Solène discutent le premier cliché : "les meilleures amitiés ne changent pas". Elles abordent le thème des changements dans l'amitié, que ce soit des changements de situations, d'âge... Mais aussi les attentes et les étap…
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por peninha, potter e arthur gubert. pra os livros citados você encontra em e você nos ajuda sendo um assinante em
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CEN105: 💘¿Es suficiente el amor para una relación duradera? 🤔 | Más allá de la pasión y el deseo | @ConversacionesEntreNos | Silka y Rogelio
Send us a text ¿Es el amor suficiente para mantener una relación sólida? Nos aventuramos en esta apasionante cuestión, explorando cómo los comentarios de nuestros oyentes nos han guiado hacia un tono más serio y profesional, sin perder nuestro característico humor. Nos sorprendió un curioso apodo para Rogelio, quien fue descrito como un "psycho tím…
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The American Way: i Boss Battler!
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Enormi, giganteschi, feroci, diabolici e molto topolinosi, questi sono solo alcuni dei boss che abbiamo affrontato insieme ai due super-ospiti Maledice e Sgananzium. Mai nulla sarà come prima dopo che avrete ascoltato questa puntata e nel caso il vostro portafoglio si svuoti sappiate che noi decliniamo ogni responsabilità! Bentornati nel salotto pi…
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99Vidas 645 - 2-Pak: Gunstar Super Heroes e CT Special Forces 3: Bioterror
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Jurandir Filho, Felipe Mesquita, Evandro de Freitas e Bruno Carvalho batem um papo sobre dois jogos em mais uma edição do 2-Pak. Dessa vez, o nosso glorioso Bruno escolheu dois games de Game Boy Advance para encerrar mais uma rodada da nossa série: "Gunstar Super Heroes" e "CT Special Forces 3: Bioterror". Ambos são do gênero shoot 'em up, mas com …
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This week we shine the Spotlight on Woody Herman with live broadcasts of Columbia Presents Woody Herman from 2/18/45, Live from the Hollywood Palladium on 10/17/44 + Woodchopper’s Ball extended cut, live in 1944. Along with our Bing Sings feature with Woody.
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Episode 88 | Book Report — The Tailypo // The Big Toe
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Undead appendages, backwoods suspense, and... Little Red Riding Hood?! Oh lawd, it's about to get pretty dark! Join these ‘90s kids as they get back to their roots with this southern gothic folktale turned childhood bookshelf staple. Trace with them the daunting heritage of a vengeful fictional critter and the strangely familiar motifs that accompa…
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Join us as we talk to the iconic Sonia Manzano, known by generations for her role as Fix-It Shop co-owner Maria Rodriguez on Sesame Street from 1971 to 2015. Hear stories about her time on the show, her experiences as a writer, and the impact of Sesame Street on her life and career. Sonia also discusses her memoir Becoming Maria: Love and Chaos in …
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Is er een kans op een diplomatieke uitweg in de oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne? Belangrijke prijs voor baanbrekend onderzoek naar kanker door oncoloog John Haanen Van getuige tot verdachte in een terrorismezaak, Barbara Zwirs vertelt over wat haar overkwam Cabaretier Patrick Nederkoorn over zijn gloednieuwe voorstelling 'Uit de Klauwen'…
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Met vandaag: Premier Schoof blikt terug op kabinetscrisis | Analyse van de antisemitismestrategie | Rolex op de Kunstbeurs | Trijntje Oosterhuis over "draak" All i want for Christmas | Tuinkabouter van mdma blijkt kopie van de "zwijgkabouter" | Presentatie: Simone Weimans.
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Professor Pasquale continua a conversa sobre pleonasmos e fala sobre a expressão 'ambos os dois'. O auxílio luxuoso é 'Tempo e Artista', de Chico Buarque. Ouça!
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vacation with derek? more like disaster with derek
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Consider this episode very much a "we watched it so you don't have to" situation, because we are NOT recommending the movie, but we did do some of our best work covering all of the reasons why. Vacation with Derek came out in 2010 (Canada, 2011 US), following the finale of one of our favorite shows, Life with Derek, and that's almost where the comp…
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Rewind to November 1984 with us as we delve into the pop culture that defined the decade. From iconic films like Nightmare on Elm Street and Supergirl to classic TV specials like The New Leave It to Beaver and Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, we've got it all. We'll also discuss the legendary music releases of the month, including Madonna's Like a Virgi…
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.Από τον Nostalgie France
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.Από τον Nostalgie France
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.Από τον Nostalgie France
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.Από τον Nostalgie France
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C’est le passe-temps préféré des français: les mots fléchés. Des millions de grilles sont vendues chaque année. Qu’est ce vit, quand on fait des mots fléchés justement ? C’est la liste de SandyΑπό τον Nostalgie France
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PF indicia Bolsonaro / Tarcísio presidente? / Forças Armadas reage
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Nos últimos dias têm circulado novos dados financeiros angolanos. Podemos fazer um apanhado dos mais relevantes?
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Met vandaag: Arrestatiebevel voor Netanyahu door Internationaal Strafhof | Recepten voor een betere economie | Hoe veil je een banaan? | Ode aan de bitterheid | Presentatie: Coen Verbraak.
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O professor Pasquale explica o uso da expressão 'a mim me parece', considerada redundante, mas usada como um reforço estilístico. Ele cita exemplos. Ouça.
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.Από τον Nostalgie France
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.Από τον Nostalgie France
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1-Boyanka Kostova e Galician Army-O mal 2-Resaca Emocional-Sae o sol 3-Lidia India-No mare 4-Belém Tajes-Remuíño de son 5-Breo-Alumea-lo pan 6-Garza-Agora 7-Momboi-Meu santo 8-Clo plas-Yiyo 9-Catuxa Salóm-Ela cando baila 10-Baiuca-Xoia 11-Ortiga-Fin de semana 12-O Portughés-Don Juan Carlos navarro 13-Bepantol Baby-O cravo e a rosa 14-Petapouco-Cant…
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.Από τον Nostalgie France
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Retrouvez Les Matins Nostalgie avec Philippe et Sandy du lundi au vendredi de 6h à 9h sur Nostalgie. Au programme : Bonne Musique et Bonne humeur.Από τον Nostalgie France
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Depuis minuit, le Beaujolais Nouveau 2024 est arrivé. Alors qu’est ce qu’on vit, chaque année, quand y’a le Beaujolais nouveau ?Από τον Nostalgie France
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Episode 219 - Desmond Child
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Songwriting legend Desmond Child joins me and I try not to fangirl! Having written some of the most important songs of the last 40 years+, he shares the details of collaborations, industry truths, "TWO : The Story of Roman & Nyro", the movie about his family, and we celebrate his biography, "LIVING ON A PRAYER : BIG SONGS, BIG LIFE". Now released o…
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PF mira Bolsonaro / Fim do PL da Anistia? / Militares perdem verba
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A economia do Reino Unido tem chamado atenção interna e externa por várias razões. Vamos ver algumas.
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Met vandaag: Omtzigt terug in Den Haag | Welke rol speelt kernenergie op de klimaattop? | Wie zijn de 'Hong Kong 47'? | Cancer Care Award naar oncoloog Haanen voor immuuntherapie | Wie wint de omstreden Country Music Awards? | Presentatie: Winfried Baijens.
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Join us as we talk to acclaimed composer Jeff Danna. From the scores of Silent Hill and The Boondock Saints to Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Friends and The Zula Patrol, Jeff shares stories and insights about his iconic work. He is also best known for collaborating with his brother Mychael on Disney/Pixar's The Good Dinosaur and Onward.…
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130. 💫🪐 The Fifth Element (1997)
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Dan & Manny put the 1997 action/sci-fi classic 💫🪐 The Fifth Element to the ultimate test--THE NOSTALGIA TEST! “Did we just watch Captain Planet?” -Manny Coelho Strap in Nostalgia Testers, because this episode spans multiple time periods, universes, tangents, and overall classic nostalgic joy! Manny & Dan talk about the connection between The Fifth …
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Professor Pasquale responde a dúvida do ouvinte Rodolpho Baena conta com os auxílios luxuosos de "Fazenda", de Nélson Ângelo, com Milton Nascimento e "Refazenda", de Gilberto Gil.
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