The Ministress Shannon Show Chats About Real Today's Life Issues!
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Uplifting and encouraging messages given weekly from FCC Ashland!!
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Bernat Dedu repassa fets de l'actualitat i la vincula amb textos filosfics que, si haguessin estat llegits a temps, potser haurien servit de profilctic davant certs fets.
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running on jake
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Talking Real 2 You Preview Show aired at 7 pm CST/8 pm EST.
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Have you ever taken a god hard look into the mirror and wondered..........."How did I get HERE?!?!?!?" If you have then this message is for you!! God needs you to know that YOU are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be!!
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1:00:00Check out the team members of Talking Sports Plus as they chat about HBCU, High School, and Middle School Athletics.
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Ever feel like you're living life wondering when the next bad thing is going to happen? Ever been in a season of your life where it's not only been raining, it's POURING? If you have, you're like me and a lot of us, who find ourselves asking that question..........GOD, WHAT'S NEXT?? Listen to this week's prayer for our congregation that tackles and…
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God is doing His thing right in the middle of us at FCC Ashland! This week's message brought forth another "F" word that can both challenge and grow us as we enter this new year of 2020. Thanks for tuning in and we would LOVE to see you at 10:30 AM on any Sunday right here at FCC at 1702 Boyd St in Ashland…
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As we have entered into 2020, we want everyone to be encouraged that you can change what God has put in your heart to change. In today's message, Bob gives us an "F" word that will help us be all be everything God wants us to be!!
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We all know there is a difference between happiness and joy, but it's easy to get the two mixed up every now and then. Are you like me??? All mixed up??
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At the end of our sermon, Patti Schofield showered us with her singing of "O Come Let Us Adore Him." This is just 2 minutes of listening but a great reminder this holiday season that we are not to be served or entitled this Christmas season, we are to COME AND ADORE HIM!!!
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The Smith Way Production Company presents the LOVE Cafe.
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Talking Sports Plus Preview Show is hosted by Dr. Lorenza D. Smith aired @ 7 pm CST.
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Interview with Lisa F. Levine, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Psychotherapist, and Registered7 Yoga Teacher.
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Who's In the Football Playoff!
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We have been challenging our church family to have a more CRAZY kind of faith life........You know, the kind where things just aren't adding up, yet we STILL have faith in God! To do this, we have to be VULNERABLE, and that is exactly what God had Bob talk about in this week's message. Buckle up, God has a message just for you!…
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Talking Real 2 You Preview Show hosted by Dr. Lorenza D. Smith chats about Mental Health Awareness Top.
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The Preview Show focus on the Mental Health Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness!
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Talking Sports Plus Preview Show focus on the hottest sports topics.
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Come take a listen to FCC Ashland's weekly challenging message delivered by Pastor Bob! Come visit us ANY Sunday at 10:30am right in the heart of Ashland at 1702 Boyd St
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Listen to Pastor Bob's message from this past Sunday 9-15-19
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Week 3 - We Love Some Football.
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Check out Pastor Bob's weekly message from 9-8-19
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Check out Pastor Bob's message from 9-1-19 challenging you on the changes that can be made in your life!!
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Preview of Talking Sports Plus
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Talking Real 2 You Preview Show is hosted by Dr. Lorenza D. Smith.
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It's Time for Some Football
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:00:00Talking Sports Plus is the voice of the HBCU, High School, and Middle School Athletics in the Southeastern Part of the United States.
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The voice of HBCU, High School, and Middle School Athletics in the Southeastern Part of U.S.
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Come and listen to Pastor Bob's first official message as FCC Ashland's full-time Pastor!
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Come take a listen to this week's message from Pastor Bob from August 11th, 2019 What deformity have you been hiding?? God has GREAT news today! NO deformity, inside or out, is outside of the healing touch of God!
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Ever feel like you're running out of something? Jesus was a great example of what we should do when we feel like that......... Listen to this week's message given by Pastor Bob from FCC Ashland
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Dr. Lorenza D Smith Preview the Ministress Shannon Show at 7 PM CST/8 PM EST. Dr. Smith chats about the format for the show titled Black Men Don't Cheat....
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The Ministress Shannon Hendricks Peoples host the Ministress Shannon Show.
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Listen to Pastor Bob's weekly message from July 14th!!
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Ever feel like the situations in your life put a distance between you and God?!?!? Listen to this week's message and be hopeful!!
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Pastor Bob's Father's Day message dealing with our lives that don't always make sense
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Talking Real 2 You
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Talking Sports Plus
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Talking Sports Plus sports experts chats about the show titled Champions Never Quit!
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Tot el que no sabies dels pirates i ms ho aprendrs escoltant la Nria Bguena, historiadora experta en gastronomia i cuina pirata; l'Enric Garca Domingo, historiador del Museu Martim de Barcelona, i en Daro Casta, portaveu del Partit Pirates de Catalunya. Qu menjaven? Qu bevien? Com parlaven? I qu fan els pirates del segle XXI?…
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"Euroordre", s un dels mots estrella d'aquest procs que ja t el seu diccionari particular, un diccionari de conceptes i frases que ha incls, per exemple, idees com la que diu "Aix Europa no ho permetr" o "La justcia espanyola no s europea". El ministre d'Afers Filosfics, Bernat Dedu, acomiada la temporada mirant a Europa i als pensadors que s'hi ha…
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Manuel Ravents: "El nostre somni era crear Conca del Riu Anoia. Ho han comprat a tot el mn" - 18/07/18
En Manuel Ravents s un senyor del vi i el cava, i s motiu d'orgull i satisfacci que sigui l'ltim convidat al Ministeri del Bon Beure de la temporada. Brindarem amb un cava Manuel Ravents Negra, 2011, i donarem vacances als ministres Xuriguera i Faixedas.
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Bernat Dedu i el rescat dels nens tailandesos de la cova: "Ho hem vist com una srie de Netflix" - 13/07/18
Bernat Dedu reflexiona, des de la filosofia, sobre el rescat dels nens de la cova de Tham Luang. Actualitat i tragdia com a espectacle, la capacitat de resistncia i la possibilitat d'xit contra tot pronstic: el miracle.
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Els ministres del Mam ens porten una mostra del bo i millor del Sons del Mn d'aquest any. Escoltem msica mentre bevem vi, com faran fins al 4 d'agost els assistents del festival de l'Empord. Cada concert, en petit o gran format, s'acompanya d'un vi, triat per la sommelier del certamen, Laura Masramon. Ens acompanya per explicar-nos el perqu de cada…
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D'aqu poques setmanes, uns -alguns ja ho han fet- iniciem una etapa marcada per un concepte molt interessant, o que va interessar a molts filsofs, que s: el temps lliure. Per qu hi ha gent a qui li costa no fer res? Theodor W. Adorno va teoritzar sobre la qesti i va arribar a preguntar-se per qu una pell blanca com la seva es considerava la pell d'…
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L'ampolla dels dimecres amb Xuriguera i Faixedas: Una carinyena roja fermentada en mfora - 04/07/18
Qu porten avui en Carles Xuriguera i en Fel Faixedas? Una ampolla de Rosa d'mfora, 2017, de Finca Olivardots. D'on s? De Campmany, a l'Alt Empord. Com s? De color rosa salm. Aromticament complex, buquet de ctrics, pell de taronja i pomelo, herbes mediterrnies, ptals de rosa i records de grosella amb un fons mineral. Parlem amb qui el fa: Carlota Pe…
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Sn dies de futbol i per la tertlia filosfica en Bernat Dedu s'inspira en una de les frases ms dites per aficionats i detractors: "El futbol s l'opi del poble". D'on ve aquesta frase? Doncs de la traducci d'una de les frases ms citades de Marx ("Die Religion ist das Opium des Volkes", d'una obra anomenada "Contribuci a la Crtica de la Filosofia del …
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Parlem de la 5a edici de l'Eclipsi de Garnatxa Blanca, que es fa el dissabte, 30 de juny, a Bot. s una mostra de vins de garnatxa blanca amb maridatge de diferents restauradors de la Terra Alta: ens ho explica Joan Arruf, president de la DO Terra Alta, amb en Carles Xuriguera i en Fel Faixedas.
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"Poder absolut i sense mrits": Bernat Dedu i Thomas Paine, filsof i pioner antimonrquic - 22/06/18
Donem la benvinguda a Bernat Dedu i les seves reflexions filosfiques sobre un dels protagonistes de la setmana. En aquest cas, ha estat al mig de com a mnim dues o tres polmiques sonades dels darrers dies. Donald Trump i els nens separats dels pares als EUA, la reuni amb Quim Torra i la consulta republicana de dem a Vallecas. Parlem de Felip VI. Pa…
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Peneds 100% ecolgic, elaborat a partir de varietats histriques i collit a m. Aix el defineix un orgulls Xavier Nadal, enleg i director del celler Nadal. s l'ampolla que compartim avui a l'espai dels ministres del Bon Beure, Carles Xuriguera i Fel Faixedas.
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Europa s'enfronta i debat de nou el tema de l'exclusi dels migrants, de l'odi a l'altre, que es deriva en un tema recurrent que ha interessat molt a filsofs i intellectuals del continent: el racisme. Bernat Dedu repassa una idea tan problemtica i disputada com la raa.
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Concert de la coral In Crescendo regat amb un tast de vi del celler mas Geli, el d'una de les cantants, Anna Prez. En Rafel Faixedas ens descobreix la faceta viticultora de la cantant, que va passar per l'"Oh Happy Day" per passi, com la que t per fer vi. Abans de cantar per a l'"Estat de Grcia", l'Anna ens explica que amb el vi ecolgic "fins que n…
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