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Mikas Matrix

Bascha Mika

Willkommen in Mikas Matrix! Hier herrscht ein feministischer Blick auf die Politik und kein Platz für Ignoranz. Bascha Mika stellt sich streitbar diskussionsfreudigen Männern des Patriarchats entgegen. In intensiven Gesprächen mit klugen Gästen wird der laute Ruf des Feminismus gepflegt. Ja, wir sprechen sogar über Frauen! Witzig und wütend, jeden zweiten Freitag. Der Podcast für jene, die das Unerwartete erwarten. Eine interessante Fahrt ins Unbekannte - weichen Sie nicht aus! Folgt Bascha ...
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Mikä meitä vaivaa?

Veikka Lahtinen & Pontus Purokuru

Prekaarisuus, taide, feminismi ja ilmastokriisi. Podcast, joka antaa voimaa kamppailla arjessa. Äänessä Veikka Lahtinen ja Pontus Purokuru. Yhteydenotot ja yhteistyöehdotukset: mikameitavaivaa@gmail.com Arvostelukappaleet yms. posti: Mikä meitä vaivaa / Purokuru, Haapaniemenkatu 7-9 B, PL 14, 00530 Helsinki (huom. iso B oleellinen)
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Sälj med Mikael Arndt

Mikael Arndt

Vill du öka din försäljning ännu mer? Vill du få insikter från toppsäljare och erfarna säljchefer? Då har du kommit rätt! I den här podcasten diskuterar vi världens bästa ämne, sälj!🚀 Mikael Arndt är en av Sveriges främsta föreläsare inom försäljning. Han har över 40 års erfarenhet av försäljning och har de senaste 20 åren föreläst för säljare i över 25 länder runt om i världen. Han har också byggt upp säljbolag med över 300 säljare samtidigt och sålt flera bolag till internationella storbol ...
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Podcast MIKAIL

MIKAIL Kaiserslautern

Your weekly dose of Islamic Podcast from MIKAIL Kaiserslautern. Seri monolog, dialog, dan tanya jawab interaktif tentang keislaman. yuk follow dan share jika dirasa bermanfaat !
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# times-mikan

mikan Co.,Ltd.

株式会社mikanの Podcastチャンネルです。 プロダクト開発の考え方や、社内のカルチャーを中心に話します。 お便り・ご感想は #timesmikan または https://app.mikan.link/times-mikan まで。 --- mikanは採用強化中です。 少しでも気になった方はお気軽にご連絡ください! ■会社紹介資料 https://speakerdeck.com/mikan_inc/culture-deck ■メンバーページ。入社理由ブログやSNSリンクが記載されています。 https://mikan.link/members ■技術ブログ https://mikan-tech.hatenablog.jp/ ■技術スタック https://speakerdeck.com/mikan_inc/techstack ■公開カンバン https://app.mikan.link/issueboard ■募集職種 https://herp.careers/v1/mikan
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Today, we talk about the popular topic, should phones be allowed in the classroom. Cover art photo provided by Daniel Olah on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@danesduet
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Moments with Mikaylia

Mikaylia Aleece Dudley

Moments with Mikaylia is a podcast to discuss issues from faith, to Black millennials, life, and everything in between. Be sure to follow, like, share, and subscribe on all social media outlets! YT: Mikaylia Dudley FB: @momentswithmikayliapodcast Twitter: @mikayliamoments IG: @momentswithmikayliainc LinkedIn: Mikaylia A. Dudley Periscope: @mikayliaaleece To patronize the podcast, please see below Cash App: $momentswithmikaylia Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/momentswithmikaylia For Booking ...
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Just Bros with Mikayla

Mikayla Ahern

Junior the Himbo although a genuis about anime. Broghan (Yes it's a weird name) our favorite GenZ Boomer. And Mikayla who is just happy to be here :) Three friends who are just trying to make it to 30yrs.
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Mikä ihmeen bitcoin

Eetu Räsänen

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Mikä maksaa?

Yle Areena

Mikä maksaa? etsii vastauksia tavallista kansalaista askarruttaviin talouden kysymyksiin. Minne rahamme menevät? Ja kuka rahan kulkusuunnan lopulta päättää? Entä mitä kansalaisen pitäisi tietää kansantaloudesta ja globaalitaloudesta? Ohjelma on suora lähetys, ja vieraina on talouselämän vaikuttajia ja asiantuntijoita. Toimittaja Juho-Pekka Rantala Taustatoimittaja Jussi Pylväs Kuva Jukka Lintilä & Hans Weckman Tuottaja Marjo Harju
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The Mikael Talks

Mikael MOING

bonjour dans cette chaîne de podcast vous trouverez ici des conseils pour mieux vendre ou mieux louer votre bien bien immobilier, notre site web : https://www.kwpartners.fr/ tous nos réseaux sociaux : https://www.apibots.io/mikaelmoing
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Was essen die Grönländer am liebsten? Zu welcher Musik tanzt man in Tansania? Welche Tiere leben in Australien? Wo gibt es die längste Eisenbahnstrecke der Welt? Mikado nimmt euch mit auf eine akustische Reise rund um den Erdball. Ihr hört Wale singen und Rentiere rufen, das Grummeln der Vulkane in Island und die flirrende Luft der afrikanischen Wüste.
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show series
Pontuksen kuuluminen: Pontus on löytänyt hyvinvointia elämäänsä keskiluokkaisuudesta. Keskiluokkaisuutta voi tarkastella esimerkiksi terapeuttisena minuuden tuotantona, elämää helpottavana ylimääränä tai eteenpäin pyrkimisen mentaliteettina. Mutta miten ihmisten halua parempaan ja vakaampaan voisi kanavoida mielekkäästi politiikkaan?Veikan vaiva: Y…
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Some alternatives to Teslas. A law in Utah makes app stores rather than companies responsible for age verification. 23andMe files for bankruptcy. And OpenAI is following in the footsteps of its rival, Anthropic. Emily Forlini of PCMag joins Mikah Sargent this week! Emily talks about some alternatives to Teslas that cover various price ranges. Mikah…
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Some alternatives to Teslas. A law in Utah makes app stores rather than companies responsible for age verification. 23andMe files for bankruptcy. And OpenAI is following in the footsteps of its rival, Anthropic. Emily Forlini of PCMag joins Mikah Sargent this week! Emily talks about some alternatives to Teslas that cover various price ranges. Mikah…
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Learn how Apple's latest macOS Sequoia update transforms the humble Notes app into a powerful calculator, allowing users to perform complex mathematical calculations right where they jot down their thoughts. Mikah Sargent breaks down the exciting new Math Notes feature that brings computational magic to your note-taking experience. From basic calcu…
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Space is calling, and your iPhone is your intergalactic guide! Join Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard as they explore stellar apps and features that bring the cosmos right to your screen. Night Sky App Augmented reality app that helps identify stars, constellations, and celestial objects Shows real-time sky mapping with translucent constellation o…
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In this episode of Hands-On Tech, David asks Mikah about trying to understand YouTube and copyright laws and why some videos using copyrighted content can remain on YouTube for some time while his own uploads using similar content get blocked and taken down despite not being the original creator. Don't forget to send in your questions for Mikah to …
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MikaySA Mar Mixtape 2025 WAPO Jije - KOA Lilac Jeans feat. Kimet Nuh - Back To The Days (Lilac Jeans Synth Language Remix) Ladi Adiosoul & InQfive - Complex Keys The Jargons & ZuluMafia - Free (Original Mix) Bones & The AquaBlendz - Frozen (Mafia Natives Remix) MikaySA - Under The Moon (Unreleased) Pando feat. Salvador & SpheraQ - 25th Hour Mr Shan…
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Klettern ohne Sicherungsseil - klingt gefährlich, ist es aber nicht, meinen Boulder-Fans. Denn beim Bouldern wird nur in Absprunghöhe in Hallen geklettert. Was die verschiedenen Farben der Griffe bedeuten und warum man beim Klettern unbedingt eine Bürste dabeihaben sollte, verraten unsere Boulder-Experten im Mikado-Studio.…
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Würde der Grüne Anton Hofreiter sein Kind zur Bundeswehr schicken? Ist er fasziniert vom Militär? Ist es nicht ein Verrat an grünen Wurzeln, wenn sich seine Partei zunehmend ans Militärische ranrobbt? Und was ist für ihn feministisch an der ukrainischen Truppe? Aufrüstung = Sicherheit - so schallt es aus allen Kanälen. Ein Großteil von Politik und …
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Will iRobot's new Roomba's bring the company back to the forefront of robotic vacuums? What to know about Amazon's change of handling voice recordings through Alexa devices. Two new PebbleOS watches are available for pre-order! And the lowdown on the new Pixel 9a smartphone that Google recently announced. Jennifer Pattison Tuohy of The Verge joins …
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Will iRobot's new Roomba's bring the company back to the forefront of robotic vacuums? What to know about Amazon's change of handling voice recordings through Alexa devices. Two new PebbleOS watches are available for pre-order! And the lowdown on the new Pixel 9a smartphone that Google recently announced. Jennifer Pattison Tuohy of The Verge joins …
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Mikah Sargent explores Keka, a feature-rich third-party archive utility for Mac that offers extensive compression and extraction options beyond what's built into macOS. This free and open-source tool provides advanced customization while remaining user-friendly. The app supports creating archives in multiple formats including 7-zip, tar, gzip, dmg,…
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Drive into the world of Apple CarPlay as hosts Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard provide a comprehensive visual tour of this automotive technology, explaining how it works, what it can do, and how to customize it for your driving needs. What is CarPlay? - CarPlay is an extension of your iPhone that projects to your car's display, not software inst…
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I veckan avsnitt så gästar träningsprofilen Mårten Nylén! Mårten Nylén är en välkänd tränare, föreläsare och tv-profil, känd från program som Biggest Loser Sverige, Ninja Warrior och Fångarna på Fortet, samt som coach för stjärnor som Will Smith, Wyclef Jean och Joel Kinnaman. Vi pratade om allt från hur du bygger ett framgångsrikt mindset, personl…
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The Electric State, Kill Switches, Baidu's AI, Scopely, Careless People, Gemini Robotics An arbitrator instructs a former Meta employee to stop promoting and publishing her book alleging company misconduct; publisher Flatiron Books earlier objected DeepMind's latest AI model can help robots fold origami and close Ziploc bags Future Today Strategy G…
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The Electric State, Kill Switches, Baidu's AI, Scopely, Careless People, Gemini Robotics An arbitrator instructs a former Meta employee to stop promoting and publishing her book alleging company misconduct; publisher Flatiron Books earlier objected DeepMind's latest AI model can help robots fold origami and close Ziploc bags Future Today Strategy G…
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On this episode of Hands-On Tech, Mikah Sargent helps Derek with why his AirPods Pro are automatically and randomly connecting to his wife's iPhone despite never being paired with her device. Don't forget to send in your questions for Mikah to answer during the show! hot@twit.tv Host: Mikah Sargent Download or subscribe to Hands-On Tech at https://…
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Habt ihr euch schon mal gefragt, wie eure Ohren eigentlich funktionieren? In unserer Sendung dreht sich alles ums Hören - von winzigen Härchen bis zu den schwingenden Gehörknöchelchen. Welche Superkräfte haben unsere Ohren und was kann man machen, wenn jemand nicht so gut hören kann? Unsere Studiogäste sind Experten fürs Hören und haben Spannendes …
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Does OpenAI have the capability for creative writing? Would you want to be coached in gaming through AI? What is Apple planning for its possible operating system redesign? And does AI have inconsistencies when providing the correct information to search queries? Amanda Silberling of TechCrunch joins Mikah Sargent this week. Amanda talks about OpenA…
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Does OpenAI have the capability for creative writing? Would you want to be coached in gaming through AI? What is Apple planning for its possible operating system redesign? And does AI have inconsistencies when providing the correct information to search queries? Amanda Silberling of TechCrunch joins Mikah Sargent this week. Amanda talks about OpenA…
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Head into the world of data management with hosts Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard as they explore essential apps to help you organize and action your data more effectively. From storing manuals to creating databases and automating with shortcuts, this episode provides practical solutions for both personal and professional data needs. DEVONThink …
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Mikah Sargent dives deep into Archive Utility on macOS, a powerful but often overlooked tool that works behind the scenes to compress and expand files on your Mac. From creating basic zip archives to encrypted files, this episode reveals all the hidden features of this versatile utility. How compression works - Compression algorithms look for repea…
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In this episode of Hands-On Tech, Mikah Sargent answers two questions from Kevin: about how to control multiple roller shades with different remotes from a smartphone via Wi-Fi, and connecting a printer that's currently on a power line network to his eero Wi-Fi system. Don't forget to send in your questions for Mikah to answer during the show! hot@…
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MikaySA The Weekend Rush Mar 2025 Edition MacRonik - Late Dreamer (Reprise) Lilac Jeans - Best Friends C-Blak & Blackshikisha - African Line MikaySA - Life (Instrumental Mix) (Unreleased) Prince Ivyson - Dirty Egg Bones & Laminin Music - Neverland (Pando G Remix) Rodney SA - Somehow (Main Mix) Jon Cutler feat. E-Man - It's Yours (MikaySA's Bootleg …
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Mit seinen besten Freunden zusammen coole Musik machen, damit auf der großen Bühne von unzähligen Fans bejubelt werden und gleichzeitig reich werden - in einer Band zu spielen ist für viele ein Traum. Aber ist das wirklich so? Oder gibt es auch mal Streit? Wie startet man am besten eine Band und muss man unbedingt damit berühmt werden? Das klären w…
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So, wie es ist, kann es nicht weitergehen. Es muss sich was ändern im Land. Wir wollen es ändern! Junge Leute mischen die politische Landkarte auf. Sie sorgen für das Überraschungsmoment bei der Bundestagswahl. Parteien der Mitte – abgestraft. In weiten Teilen wählen die 18 bis 24Jährigen radikal links oder rechts, stärken die Linkspartei oder die …
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There was something in the air for sure as Apple released updates to the iPad and iPad Air, alongside the M4 MacBook Air and Mac Studio with the M4 Max and M4 Ultra chips. Some of the exciting and interesting devices shown at the Mobile World Congress 2025 event. The recent iOS 18.4 beta introduced AI-powered summaries in the App Store. And Prime V…
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There was something in the air for sure as Apple released updates to the iPad and iPad Air, alongside the M4 MacBook Air and Mac Studio with the M4 Max and M4 Ultra chips. Some of the exciting and interesting devices shown at the Mobile World Congress 2025 event. The recent iOS 18.4 beta introduced AI-powered summaries in the App Store. And Prime V…
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Head into the world of educational technology with Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard as they explore cutting-edge iOS apps that make learning science, technology, engineering, and mathematics engaging and interactive. From virtual anatomy lessons to coding playgrounds, these apps transform your device into a powerful learning tool. Skeleton 3D Ana…
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Ever wondered how to level up your Mac gaming experience with built-in features most users don't know about? Mikah Sargent leads gamers into Mac's game mode and controller connectivity, revealing tricks for gamers and tech enthusiasts. Game Mode Overview A special Mac feature exclusive to macOS Sonoma 14 and Apple Silicon devices that optimizes gam…
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Apple updates the iPad Air with the M3 chipset. iFixit does a teardown of the iPhone 16e. A new documentary film about Bono will be released later this year, with an immersive version of the film for Apple Vision Pro. And Apple has launched a legal challenge to UK's "back door" order. Apple updates iPad Air with faster M3 processor. New M4 MacBook …
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Apple updates the iPad Air with the M3 chipset. iFixit does a teardown of the iPhone 16e. A new documentary film about Bono will be released later this year, with an immersive version of the film for Apple Vision Pro. And Apple has launched a legal challenge to UK's "back door" order. Apple updates iPad Air with faster M3 processor. New M4 MacBook …
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I veckans avsnitt pratar jag om varför samtalsanalys är ett måste om du vill bli vassare som säljare. Vill du maxa dina resultat? Då behöver du ha koll på vad som funkar – och vad som inte gör det. In och lyssna – nu kör vi! Vill du ta nästa steg och utvecklas som säljare? Klicka här!
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In this episode of Hands-On Tech, Mikah answers a classic question for viewers: Do I really need malware protection for my Mac computer? Also, Glenn writes in to follow up on his concerns about Siri being activated in different rooms within his house! Don't forget to send in your questions for Mikah to answer during the show! hot@twit.tv Host: Mika…
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Auch bei uns im Norden gibt es einige große Faschingsumzüge, zum Beispiel in Braunschweig oder in Ganderkesee in der Nähe von Oldenburg und Bremen. Lauft ihr auch bei einem Umzug mit? Oder feiert Fasching in der Schule oder im Sportverein? Wir wollten von euch wissen, als was ihr euch in diesem Jahr verkleidet, welche Tipps ihr für Last-Minute-Kost…
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Anthropic's Claude AI is now playing Pokemon through Twitch - albeit slowly. Emily Forlini was at the Amazon event this past week and talks about Alexa+ that was announced at the event. And Framework announced a new desktop PC, but did Framework really need to get into the PC desktop space? Mikah Sargent talks about how Anthropic's Claude AI is bei…
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Anthropic's Claude AI is now playing Pokemon through Twitch - albeit slowly. Emily Forlini was at the Amazon event this past week and talks about Alexa+ that was announced at the event. And Framework announced a new desktop PC, but did Framework really need to get into the PC desktop space? Mikah Sargent talks about how Anthropic's Claude AI is bei…
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Save space harmlessly on macOS! Mikah Sargent explores Hyperspace, a clever Mac app that helps users reclaim disk space without deleting any files. Unlike traditional cleaning apps, Hyperspace leverages the APFS (Apple Protected File System) to optimize storage by identifying opportunities to create space-saving clones of duplicate data. Traditiona…
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Pass the time productively! Mikah Sargent and Rosemary Orchard explore apps that can help listeners start and maintain new hobbies. From geocaching to coloring apps, learning piano to birding, they showcase versatile options for various interests. Geocaching - Rosemary showcases this app that helps users find hidden caches around the world, offerin…
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