Join Dave Wilson and TJ Meadows as they discuss news and issues from around the great state of West Virginia
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The newest sermons from Metrocrest Presbyterian Church on SermonAudio.
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Brought to you by METRO Magazine, METROspectives discusses all the latest topics impacting mobility, public transportation, the private motorcoach industry and more.
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Metronom is a podcast about Iranian music , hit songs and their history / مترونوم پادکستی است در مورد موسیقی ایرانی و داستان ساخته شدن ترانه های مشهور
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"Loving God, Loving People!"
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Metropolitan je mesto odličnih zgodb in naši podkasti niso nič drugačni! Metropolitan podkast je zbirka iskrenih, zabavnih in informativnih zbirk pogovorov, skozi katere boste spoznavali znane in strokovne osebnosti iz različnih področij. Pridružite se nam in prisluhnite zgodbam, ki navdihujejo!
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The newest sermons from Metropolitan Baptist Church on SermonAudio.
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The newest sermons from Metropolitan Tabernacle on SermonAudio.
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Nahrávky z nedělních i jiných setkání Metro Church Olomouc
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Podcast dedicado al mundo geek y aderezado del mejor rock and roll.
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Welcome to the official podcast of Woodlands Metro Church. A weekly diet of real, refreshing and relevant talks, coming to you from the heart of the city of Bristol.
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The best weekly podcast dedicated to all things Metroid! Join hosts Andy, Dak, and Doom as they talk Samus, Space Pirates, Nintendo, and everything in between!
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Want to keep up to date with Montreal news? Metropolis is a bi-weekly talk show where host, Kalden Dhatsenpa, is joined by a wide variety of guests who have unique perspectives on Montréal's politics and movements. Metropolis is a proud production of CUTV
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Messages from our Sunday morning worship services.
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Métrolaudio, le premier podcast dédié à la métrologie et à ses acteurs. Dans chaque épisode, nous vous ferons partir à la découverte de ceux qui font vivre la métrologie au quotidien.
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This page contains the sermons and teachings of Metro Life Church Casselberry Florida
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Metroregione è il notiziario regionale di Radio Popolare. Racconta le notizie che arrivano dal territorio della Lombardia, con particolare attenzione ai fatti che riguardano la politica locale, le lotte sindacali e le questioni che riguardano i nuovi cittadini. Da Milano agli altri capoluoghi di provincia lombardi, senza dimenticare i comuni più piccoli, da dove possono arrivare storie esemplificative dei cambiamenti della nostra società.
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Metro Life Church is located in Lafayette, LA under the leadership of Pastors Caleb and Alicia Moran. For more information check us out online at
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Podcast by Every Nation Metro Vancouver
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The Metro is the New Wave, Post-Punk, and 1980s retro-music show.
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Join two friends as they explore the past and present of the Metroidvania or Search Action genre of video games.
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Información oportuna y entrevistas de interés con Gricelda Torres Zambrano y Víctor Montes Rentería.
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Información oportuna y entrevistas de interés con Gricelda Torres Zambrano y Víctor Montes Rentería.
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Información oportuna y entrevistas de interés con Gricelda Torres Zambrano y Víctor Montes Rentería.
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Tu podcast semana de actualidad rojiblanca.
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The Metro Library podcast celebrates Oklahoma arts, Oklahoma culture, Oklahoma history and the lives of influential Oklahomans today
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„7 metrów pod ziemią” to internetowe wywiady o tematyce społecznej. Rozmawiam z ciekawymi ludźmi - konkretnie i bez zbędnych dygresji. Mój cel? Wydobyć z rozmówców prawdę, na którą nie zdobyliby się w telewizyjnym studiu. Rafał Gębura. Mój mail: Znajdziesz mnie również tutaj:
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Messages from Metro HTX, a young adults gathering that meets every Tuesday night in Houston, TX. Metro exists to help young adults see the beauty of Jesus and seek to know Him personally. If you're a young adult in the Houston area, join us on Tuesday nights at 7:30 as we gather to worship and study God's Word! Stay connected with Metro on Instagram @Metro_HTX or find more information on Metro HTX Instagram Metro HTX Young Adults Tuesdays @ 7:30pm ...
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La historia de las últimas horas y la información del momento. Análisis, comentarios y entrevistas bajo la conducción de Mercedes Altamirano.
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La historia de las últimas horas y la información del momento. Análisis, comentarios y entrevistas bajo la conducción de Mercedes Altamirano.
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Voici venue l’heure de la pause. L’heure de rire et de s’émerveiller, et aussi l’heure d’apprendre et de découvrir toutes sortes de choses sur l’écologie, les chiffres et plus encore en écoutant les auteurs que tu aimes. Parce que la récré, c’est fait pour s’amuser! ·· Time for a little break. Time to laugh and marvel, and also time to learn and discover all sorts of stuff about ecology, numbers and much more. All while listening to authors we love. Because playtime is all about fun! **** Ba ...
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How do we keep metropolitan areas accessible and vibrant places to live? This podcast offers concrete solutions for the future of our cities. Mobility expert Geert Kloppenburg in conversation with innovative entrepreneurs, scientists and policy-makers.
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Since 1988, Dallas Metro has reached tens of thousands of at-risk children through their hands on approach to ministry in the inner-city of Dallas. Each week, Clay Wallace, the founder of Dallas Metro, interviews adults who were once children of the ministry, current and former staff and volunteers, and long time friends of Dallas Metro. These incredible stories will challenge you, inspire you, and help change your perspective on what ministry is and what it can be!
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A cura di Roberto Maggioni, Alessandro Braga e Luca Parena. M7 è il settimanale di Metroregione, una trasmissione per raccontare Milano e il territorio fuori dalla frenesia delle notizie di tutti i giorni. Dentro M7 troverete quelle storie che tutte insieme fanno una comunità e tutto quello che le sta attorno. M7 è in onda tutti i sabati dalle 10.35 alle 11, sempre disponibile in podcast. Per comunicare con la redazione, per segnalazioni, spunti:
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Rêveries : Balades et causeries littéraires Plongez dans l'univers captivant de Rêveries: Balades et Causeries Littéraires, une série de balados qui vous invite à explorer la littérature autrement. Rejoignez-nous pour des balades inspirantes où les mots prennent vie et découvrez des récits fascinants portés par des auteurs passionnés. Que vous soyez en quête d'évasion ou de réflexion, chaque épisode vous invite à voyager avec les mots et à enrichir votre esprit avec des récits qui nourrissen ...
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His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef ~ عظات نيافة الانبا يوسف
His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef (Bishop Youssef)
Official Account of His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef. Metropolitan of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States. Contact by e-mail at
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From the midwest
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A weekly segment where we go in depth with the most recent and upcoming Red Bull New York games, news & rumors, and dive into the latest analytics.
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Bienvenue sur le Podcast de l’Eglise Paris Métropole (EPM) ! Vous retrouverez ici les messages diffusés dans nos assemblées (cultes et prières). L’Eglise Paris Métropole est une église croissante, composée de 3 campus (Bastille, Montparnasse, Lognes), avec des ministères pour chacun. Notre désir est d’aller encore plus loin. Notre vision est claire : atteindre les Parisiens. Pour cela, nous implantons de nouveaux lieux de culte et campus. Tous faisant partie de la famille Paris Métropole. Si ...
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Official Podcast of Metro Christian Church, Pastor Elwin Ahu and Pastor Brandon Ahu. Honolulu, Hawaii. Connecting to God, Connecting to People, Connecting People to God. Weekly sermon messages & Hana Hou Podcast of Faith, Hope, & Jesus!
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Ne patronum ne de hesap verdiğim kimse var; özgürce, cesurca, adilce gündemi yorumluyor, politika ve daha fazlasını sizlere sunuyorum, sevgiler. For contact: Twitter: @metropolitik_p
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Welcome to Metro Detroit Birth Stories, a podcast celebrating the strength, wisdom, and beauty of birth—one story at a time. I’m Exie, a birth doula and childbirth educator with years of experience guiding families through pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. In this space, you’ll hear real, powerful birth stories from Metro Detroit and beyond, along with thoughtful conversations on the journey into parenthood. Whether you're expecting, a birth worker, or someone who loves the magic of birth, y ...
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Willkommen bei diesem herausragenden PodCast, in dem drei junge Männer, deren Meinungen und Unterhaltungen in keiner Weise relevant für irgendwen sind, über Gott und die Welt reden. Präsentiert natürlich vom einzig wahren MetroNils himself!
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Second Service // March 23, 2025 - Audio
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:18:39"Loving God, Loving People!"Από τον Joe Wyrostek
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Paul exhorts the Ephesian church to maintain unity, to use the diversity of their gifts, and to grow in spiritual maturity.
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Join us for an inspiring conversation with Pastor Clay and his special guest Mildred DeJesus. Mildred is a dedicated pastor’s wife and ministry leader whose journey is as remarkable as her faith. Born on the island of Puerto Rico, Mildred’s early life took her from the vibrant Caribbean to Massachusetts, where she completed high school after moving…
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Každý hledá odpovědi na velké otázky života – jak žít dobře, zvládat emoce, budovat vztahy a mít naději, i když se věci nedaří. 😬 Tato série s názvem „How to: adulting - jak žít moudře uprostřed chaosu” tě vezme na cestu moudrosti, kde tě budou provázet tři různé hlasy: 🌞 optimistická koučka 🧐 skeptik s ostrým pohledem na realitu 🙏 člověk, který pr…
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This week we have a guest pastor continuing our, "A Better Way" series. Pastor Grant Skeldon, pastor of Way Church, focuses on the generation gap that has begun to develop in our culture; encouraging us to do what Jesus asked of us and make disciples of all people. Support the show
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Matt Forth brings us the first talk in our new series: Dinner With Jesus, where he looks at how Jesus used meals to connect with and minister to those around him.
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This week on The Metro, Rev. Jeff Ivins brings you the following artists for your weekly time trip to the 1980s: Go West, The B-52’s, Tom Tom Club, U2, The Romantics, Billy Idol, Red Rockers, Level 42, Adam Ant, Matthew Wilder, Wham!, Duran Duran, David Bowie with The Pat Metheny Group.Από τον Radio Free Satan
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For more information about Every Nation Metro Vancouver please visit www.enmetrovan.caΑπό τον Every Nation Metro Vancouver
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Resolved is a teaching series that explores the timeless truths found in the book of Daniel and his unwavering faith amid challenging circumstances. Through this series, we will examine themes of courage, conviction, and God's sovereignty, learning how to stand firm in our faith while living in a culture that often opposes it. Join us as we discove…
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Big changes are happening! This podcast has a new name, and I’m so excited to introduce Metro Detroit Birth Stories—a space where I'll share real birth stories while offering support, insight, and education. In this brief episode, I reflect on the journey so far, share why I made this change, and introduce what’s coming next. I’d love to hear what …
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The 4 P’s of Worship 1) The Person of our Worship 2) The Price of our Worship 3) The Posture of our Worship 4) The Proclamation of our Worship Metro exists to help young adults see the beauty of Jesus and seek to know Him personally. Join us every Tuesday night at 7:30 as young adults from all over Houston gather for worship and biblical teaching. …
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Metroregione è il notiziario regionale di Radio Popolare.Racconta le notizie che arrivano dal territorio della Lombardia, con particolare attenzione ai fatti che riguardano la politica locale, le lotte sindacali e le questioni che riguardano i nuovi cittadini.Da Milano agli altri capoluoghi di provincia lombardi, senza dimenticare i comuni più picc…
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4th Sunday Sermon of the Great Fast @ Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church - La Vergne, TN ~ March 23, 2025 | Paremhotep 14, 1741
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First Service // Sunday, March 23, 2025 - Audio
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:13:01"Loving God, Loving People!"Από τον Joe Wyrostek
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"The Rejected King Judges His People" explores Jesus's confrontations with religious leaders in Matthew 22:1-46, revealing how Christ, though rejected by many, still exercises divine authority. The sermon examines three key parables and challenges: the wedding feast illustrating Israel's rejection of God's invitation, the debates over taxes and res…
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Από τον Patrick Bujak
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Fraction For The Holy Fast of The Forty Days To The Father @ Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church - La Vergne, TN ~ March 22, 2025
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Nella puntata di oggi ci siamo occupati del futuro dello spazio sociale Leoncavallo, sotto sfratto, che potrebbe trasferirsi in uno stabile nella periferia sud della città. Siamo andati a vedere chi sono gli aspiranti autisti e tranvieri dell'Atm, li abbiamo incontrati in una delle giornate di ricerca del personale che l'azienda del trasporto pubbl…
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La historia de las últimas horas y la información del momento. Análisis, comentarios y entrevistas bajo la conducción de Mercedes Altamirano.Από τον
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La historia de las últimas horas y la información del momento. Análisis, comentarios y entrevistas bajo la conducción de Mercedes Altamirano.Από τον
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Metroregione è il notiziario regionale di Radio Popolare.Racconta le notizie che arrivano dal territorio della Lombardia, con particolare attenzione ai fatti che riguardano la politica locale, le lotte sindacali e le questioni che riguardano i nuovi cittadini.Da Milano agli altri capoluoghi di provincia lombardi, senza dimenticare i comuni più picc…
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Talkline I March 21, 2025
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:12:56Από τον MetroNews
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Talkline I March 20, 2025
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:54:16Από τον MetroNews
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Talkline I March 19, 2025
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:51:28Από τον MetroNews
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Información oportuna y entrevistas de interés con Gricelda Torres Zambrano y Víctor Montes Rentería.Από τον
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Co czyni człowieka mordercą? Rozmowa z Maxem Czornyjem
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:12:51Gościem podcastu jest Max Czornyj - adwokat, autor bestsellerowych serii o komisarzu Deryle oraz śledczych Langer i Rembercie, a także thrillerów psychologicznych. Jest także autorem opartych na faktach powieści o seryjnych mordercach, w których zastosował pierwszoosobową narrację, niezmiennie wywołuje emocje i kontrowersje. Prywatnie miłośnik star…
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Información oportuna y entrevistas de interés con Gricelda Torres Zambrano y Víctor Montes Rentería.Από τον
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Información oportuna y entrevistas de interés con Gricelda Torres Zambrano y Víctor Montes Rentería.Από τον
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Metroregione è il notiziario regionale di Radio Popolare.Racconta le notizie che arrivano dal territorio della Lombardia, con particolare attenzione ai fatti che riguardano la politica locale, le lotte sindacali e le questioni che riguardano i nuovi cittadini.Da Milano agli altri capoluoghi di provincia lombardi, senza dimenticare i comuni più picc…
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Ep38 Bahar E Delneshin - قسمت سی و هشتم - بهار دلنشین
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:02:13در این قسمت به مناسبت نوروز به سراغ یکی از مشهورترین ترانه های بهاری رفتیم. ترانه بهار دلنشین که ابتدا اثر بی کلامی از روحالله خالقی بود و در اواخر دهه سی خورشید و در دوران موسیقی گلهای رادیو با پیشنهاد غلامحسین بنان و پیگیریهای داودپیرنیا تبدیل به تصنیف مشهوری باشعر بیژن ترقی و صدای بنان شد.همچنین به سایر اجراهای این اثر به ویژه اجرای کاوه دیلمی…
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And in the End: Programa final de La Tardis
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
2:39:46No, no habéis leído mal. Esto se acaba (aunque aún falta un programa que saldrá el cinco de abril (os lo explico dentro) Después de casi diez años, altibajos, volantazos, alegrías y penas, aunque las despedidas son dolorosas, a veces también son necesarias... Y este es uno de esos casos. La vida me ha enseñado que las despedidas son lo más sano alg…
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La historia de las últimas horas y la información del momento. Análisis, comentarios y entrevistas bajo la conducción de Mercedes Altamirano.Από τον
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La historia de las últimas horas y la información del momento. Análisis, comentarios y entrevistas bajo la conducción de Mercedes Altamirano.Από τον
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Listen To Full Sermon: "Growing in Spirituality in Fasting" @ St. Kyrillos VI Coptic Orthodox Church - Antioch, TN ~ March 9, 2025
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Metroregione è il notiziario regionale di Radio Popolare.Racconta le notizie che arrivano dal territorio della Lombardia, con particolare attenzione ai fatti che riguardano la politica locale, le lotte sindacali e le questioni che riguardano i nuovi cittadini.Da Milano agli altri capoluoghi di provincia lombardi, senza dimenticare i comuni più picc…
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Información oportuna y entrevistas de interés con Gricelda Torres Zambrano y Víctor Montes Rentería.Από τον
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Planet, my love... | Roots Upturned, an original text by Coltrane Seesequasis read by Océane Kitura Bohémier-Tootoo
Can we still save the planet? The one we love more than anything. Planet... my love! The Blue Metropolis International Literary Festival invited professional authors and two student winners of our writing competition, to answer this question. They each created an original text, that you present to you today as a podcast. Today, we'll hear Roots Upt…
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Información oportuna y entrevistas de interés con Gricelda Torres Zambrano y Víctor Montes Rentería.Από τον
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Planète, mon amour... | L’appétit des eaux un texte inédit de Nell Pfeiffer lu par Manon Arsenault
Pouvons-nous encore sauver la planète ? Celle que nous aimons plus, que tout. Planète… mon amour ! Le Festival littéraire international Metropolis bleu a invité des auteurs professionnels ainsi que deux étudiants, lauréats de notre concours d’écriture, à répondre à cette question. Ils ont chacun produit un texte inédit présenté aujourd’hui sous la …
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Join Pastor Clay on the Dallas Metro Podcast as he welcomes his longtime friend and fellow minister, Mike Robertson. Mike's journey in ministry began alongside his wife Karen, whom he met at Southwestern University. Together, they’ve served in various pastoral roles, from their first lead pastor position in Burleson, Texas, to planting a church in …
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Información oportuna y entrevistas de interés con Gricelda Torres Zambrano y Víctor Montes Rentería.Από τον
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Metroregione è il notiziario regionale di Radio Popolare.Racconta le notizie che arrivano dal territorio della Lombardia, con particolare attenzione ai fatti che riguardano la politica locale, le lotte sindacali e le questioni che riguardano i nuovi cittadini.Da Milano agli altri capoluoghi di provincia lombardi, senza dimenticare i comuni più picc…
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