Techno/HardTechno/Schranz BOOKINGS: EU & South/Central America North America Eastern EU Management
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CEO Rapidoc, empreendedor há 23 anos, palestrante, investidor, mentor, sonhador e aprendiz. Podcast com insights, reflexões sobre a vida, negócios e o encontro consigo mesmo.
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Youtube weigert sich ja, echte Podcasts anzubieten. Daher lese ich hier den Feed aus, lade die Inhalte als MP4 herunter und stelle diese in einen eigenen konvertierten Podcast.
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Hier gehts immer wieder auch mit Gästen um Filme im Kino, Filmreihen vergangener Jahrzehnte, Rankings, Stars und vieles mehr. Weitere Infos und tägliche Reviews gibt es auf Instagram
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Youtube weigert sich ja, echte Podcasts anzubieten. Daher lese ich hier den Feed aus, lade die Inhalte als MP4 herunter und stelle diese in einen eigenen konvertierten Podcast.
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Mattias Martinson arbetar som evangelist för Compassion Sverige. I sin tjänst reser han runt bland Sveriges församlingar för att förkunna, undervisa och leda lovsång. Mattias är också musiker och låtskrivare och har skrivet många älskade sånger som används brett inom kyrkan. Han har även släppt flera uppskattade skivor genom åren. Med sin passion för teologi och sitt bultande lovsångshjärta inspirerar och utrustar Mattias unga som gamla från olika sammanhang inom Svensk Kristenhet. Mattias h ...
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Seja muito bem-vindo ao podcast dos Pastores Rubens Martim e Juliana Martins. O Intuito é propagar a Palavra de Deus para o maior número de pessoas possíveis no menor tempo possível. "Pregue a palavra, esteja preparado a tempo e fora de tempo, repreenda, corrija, exorte com toda a paciência e doutrina. (2 Timóteo 4:2)" Ouça e compartilhe! Instagram: @rubens_martim @julianapcmartins
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There are one million new books published each year. With so many books and so little time, where do you begin to find your next must-read? There’s the New York Times Bestseller list, the Goodreads app, the Cape Library’s Staff picks shelf and now Martin’s Must-Reads.Every Wednesday at 6:42 and 8:42 a.m., and Sunday at 8:18 a.m., Betty Martin recommends a must read based on her own personal biases for historical fiction, quirky characters and overall well-turned phrases. Her list includes WW ...
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I read my stories.
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Welcome to SIZZLETOWN, the award-winning ‘late-night call-in podcast’, hosted by comedian and broadcaster Tony Martin, with Matt Dower on the ‘pots n pans’. All the callers and guests are played by Martin, via the elaborate editing and sound design of fellow ‘Get This’ veteran Dower. What starts as a fairly straightforward concept (with just three sound effects) becomes steadily more complex, with full-blown musical numbers, multi-caller forums and a talking cat. WARNING: Frequent foul langu ...
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Connect. Grow. Serve. Christ-Centered, Community Focused.
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Welcome to the simone martins podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Acontecimentos vividos que podem coincidir com a realidade vivida.
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Um dj inspirado no estilo funk/eletrônica!
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Um cara gente boa e que gosta de tecnologia!
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Love I Politics l Jesus Christ
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En podcast med Martin
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Olá, seja bem vindo Cover art photo provided by Sonja Punz on Unsplash:
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First United Methodist Church of Martinsville, Virginia, makes our worship services and other special events available via podcast.
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Este podcast é uma ferramenta de interação entre os alunos do curso de Direito da Unifor com o prof. Jório Martins. Os temas são mais voltados para o Direito constitucional e Direito tributário.
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Welcome to Martin's podcast, where hopefully amazing things will happen. Going to try and concentrate on my cycling antics, covering my rides around the Chiltern Hills in the UK & anything else that crops up that maybe interesting
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Welcome to the Ricardo Martins podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Welcome to the Mr. Martin’s Class podcast, where amazing things happen.
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A podcast where we give a platform to the most vulnerable in society. Hosted by Dr Lewis Owens
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Paulo Martins é um jornalista e deputado federal pelo PSDB, um dos mais honrados e notáveis políticos da nova direita brasileira.
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Nesse podcast, entrevistamos profissionais de elite dos mais diferentes segmentos. Eles nos contam sobre suas respectivas áreas de atuação, estratégias de sucesso e conselhos para pessoas interessadas em seguir um caminho similar! Erros e acertos, vida pessoal e profissional, histórias verdadeiras e inspiradoras que vão te ajudar a entender suas possibilidades e que você não precisa se limitar.
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Martinsville Live is a community based news source focusing on local events, happenings, people, places and businesses. Social media is where most people go to find out what’s going on in our community. We are using this platform as a “modern day newspaper.” Our group is ran by admins to protect the integrity of the page and to keep our focus on local news, avoiding drama and strong opinions that create conflict in our community. Martinsville Live has a vision to engage in exciting, informat ...
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No podcast Be The Story, As Três da Manhã da Renascença - Ana Galvão, Joana Marques e Inês Lopes Gonçalves - moderam conversas com especialistas para clarificar mitos e dúvidas sobre temáticas de sustentabilidade: ambiente, desperdício alimentar, plástico, alimentação saudável e comunidade. Um projecto do Grupo Jerónimo Martins em parceria com a Renascença.
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The weekly sermons of Rod Kasler
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From (successfully) climbing the corporate ladder to helping elevate some of the biggest brands, I share my insights on all I've gathered on the journey so far in life and business.
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Ektor Martins no Projeto DesinflAME. Venha descobrir como dominar seu Subconsciente !
Ektor Meneghini Martins
Nesse 1° Podcast pelo Projeto DesinflAME vou abrir o seu entendimento sobre o Poder do Subconsciente e o motivo pelo qual muita gente deixa de ter o sucesso que deseja, seja no EMAGRECIMENTO, ou qualquer outra área da sua vida...
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Podcast by Carlos Wizard
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Jornalista e blogueira Feed RSS:
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Captação De Pacientes Por Thiago Martins - Marketing Médico
Thiago Martins Marketing Médico | S+ Digital
Sou Thiago Martins, especialista em marketing médico, fundador da agência S+ Digital. Auxilio médicos a conquistarem pacientes particulares, autoridade digital e uma marca forte, através do marketing médico ético e de resultados, com minha metodologia 4Ps, que ensino na mentoria MedMasters. Se você busca dicas de marketing médico, siga minhas redes: LINKS: Mentoria de Marketing para médicos: Consultoria de Marketing para médicos: ...
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This podcast is about relooking at our ideas, turning them on their heads and unearthing New questions that will lead us to new insights. Cover art photo by
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Richard Martin reviews the up to the minute events shaping your future in policy, economics and critical world events.
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What’s going on in room 10? What are students learning and how are they sharing their knowledge? Check out our episodes to hear!
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Contagious Love International's official podcast with Jennifer Martin
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Paul Martin is a writer of science fiction, crime and fantasy. He also has a casual interest in history, philosophy and theology. #sciencefiction #fantasy #crime
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Tune is as Paul Martin discusses the biggest issues facing Physical Therapy Business Owners today with a new guest every week!
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Get the latest sermons, music from Evensongs and other events, and seasonal reflections from the clergy, staff, and members of Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. Includes the rector's Prayer, Actually Lenten series.
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A Podcast in where the Artist from Berlin Germany named "Ras Martin" talks about his Journey very deep into the Music..........
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The Fork Church of St Martin's Parish is an Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Virginia within the Anglican Communion and Tradition, located in Doswell, Virginia. The Priest and Pastor of the Fork Church is the Rev'd K. Nicholas Forti.
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Over the Line Podcast delivers content which helps you gain mastery, leverage your uniqueness and deliver results. We provide coaching for professionals who are making key transitions in their career journey. Our focus is helping you develop personal mastery, enhancing your mastery edge in the process.
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Kevin and Latryce speak from a biblical worldview on marriage, helping couples by lifting them up and giving them some tools to succeed in marriage and life. They are parents of four children whom they homeschool, with a heart to minister and help married couples succeed. "We don't have all the answers, we just speak out of experience" Support this podcast:
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UMA INFLUÊNCIA SILENCIOSA - Pr. Rubens Martim - 12/01/2025
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UMA INFLUÊNCIA SILENCIOSA - Pr. Rubens Martim - 12/01/2025 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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Tough Waves by Fernanda Martins - Episode 25 / Guest CLARAMONTE
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"Tough Waves" Spotify Playlist >> 25 - w/ Guest Claramonte - Broadcasted on December 21st, 2024About CLARAMONTE:@sandra-claramonte-ga-n"Tough Waves" monthly radio show by Fernanda MartinsFind TW @ date:21 December 2024…
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“These pages are my obsession with birds."Από τον Betty Martin
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Möchten Sie unsere Arbeit unterstützen? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– eigentümlich frei bestellen: 🌍 PayPal (auch Kreditkarte): 🌍 Banküberweisung: Lichtschlag Medien und Werbung KG Volksbank Erft e.G…
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Ep 89: Unplugged 8 – The Marsupials
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WARNING: Not a proper episode of SIZZLETOWN – it’s another ‘unplugged’ episode with no callers, just Tony recalling every movie he saw in 1987, playing an old sketch, and recalling the time he foolishly attempted to talk about sport. Monthly support | One-off support Merch Store | Official WebsiteΑπό τον pots n pans productions
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Das waren unsere TOPS 2024 - Großes Ranking mit Moritz (Folge 28/2024)
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Der große Jahresabschluss ist gekommen und traditionell steht dieser ganz im Zeichen der Top Filme. Und deshalb bekommt Ihr heute unsere absoluten Highlights samt einiger Ehrennennungen aus 2024 präsentiert. Wie schon bei den Flops gilt das nicht alle tollen Werke einen Platz in der heutigen Folgen finden konnten. An dieser Stelle wollen wir euch f…
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#142 - Considere-se um construtor by Ivan J. MartinsΑπό τον Ivan J. Martins
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DO CAIXÃO AO PROPÓSITO - Pr. Rubens Martim- 05/01/2025
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DO CAIXÃO AO PROPÓSITO - Pr. Rubens Martim- 05/01/2025 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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“January 1839. At first he did not hear the voice behind him. The red sun was glaring in his face as he rode across the center of the world. ‘Mr. Jiang!’ He heard it this time. ‘Jiang Shi-Rong! Wait!”Από τον Betty Martin
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Das waren unsere FLOPS 2024 - Großes Ranking mit Moritz (Folge 28/2024)
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Wie jedes Jahr stehen die letzten Tage des Dezembers ganz im Zeichen der FLOPS und TOPSBeginnend mit den schlechtesten Filmen arbeiten wir das Filmjahr 2024 noch einmal durch um euch evtl vor der ein oder anderen Enttäuschung zu bewahren. Teilweise mit Ankündigung, teilweise auch überraschend beweisen die Filmstudios gerade im Blockbuster Bereich w…
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Aprendizagem acima de tudo. Esse podcast foi um episodio LAC (leitura alta compartilhada)Από τον Ivan J. Martins
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“Set in Constantinople in the fifteenth century, in a small town in present-day Idaho, and on an interstellar ship decades from now Anthony Doerr’s gorgeous third novel is a triumph of imagination and compassion, a soaring story of children on the cusp of adulthood in worlds in peril, who find resilience, hope and - a book.”…
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Mensagem enviada a toda rede de parceiros da Rapidoc Telemedicina sobre um grande aprendizado de 2024.Από τον Ivan J. Martins
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Schon wieder ist ein Jahr rum (also fast) und ich frage mich wohin die 12 Monate so schnell verflogen sind. Hatte man im Januar/Februar noch die Hoffnung das 2024 endlich wieder ein gewisses Maß Normalität bereit hält wurden wir wieder mal eines Besseren belehrt.Heute lasse ich das nun zu Ende gehende Jahr nochmal an meinem inneren Auge vorbei lauf…
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A RECOMPENSA DE DEUS, ESTÁ NA SUA JUSTIÇA - Pb. Wellington - 22/12/2024
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A RECOMPENSA DE DEUS, ESTÁ NA SUA JUSTIÇA - Pb. Wellington - 22/12/2024 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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I’m Betty Martin with "Martin’s Must Reads" and Haven Kimmel’s autobiography A Girl Named Zippy took me back to those glorious days of childhood freedom and innocence. Haven grew up in the 1960’s in the small town of Mooreland, Indiana, population 300. Her book is about her life from birth through age 10.…
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QUE NOSSO ENSINO SEJA A NOSSA PRÁTICA - Pb. Victor Bezerra - 15/12/2024
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QUE NOSSO ENSINO SEJA A NOSSA PRÁTICA - Pb. Victor Bezerra - 15/12/2024 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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Die Sendung Martins Wochenausklang von und mit Martin Moczarski wird exklusiv vom Portal produziert. Möchten Sie unsere Arbeit unterstützen? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Spenden Sie Werkzeuge für die libertäre Glücksschmiede PayPal (auch Kreditkarte) / Überweisung / Bitcoin / Monero: 🌍 https://freiheitsfunke…
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De vise männen var vanliga hedningar som dragits till Jesus. Tänk på hur lite de visste. Det enda de såg var en stjärna och den enda informationen de hade var att ett barn, som skulle kallas "Judarnas konung", skulle födas. Den enda vägledningen de fick var stjärnan, och ändå riskerade de allt. De lämnade sitt välstånd, sitt goda rykte, sitt hemlan…
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Das war mein Konzertjahr 2024 - Ein Rückblick (und Ausblick auf 2025) Folge 26/2024
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Das Jahr 2024 neigt sich mit großen Schritten dem Ende entgegen weshalb die Zeit beginnt die vergangenen Monate nochmal Revue passieren zu lassen. Los geht es mit meinem persönlichen Rückblick zu den Musik-Konzerten auf denen ich unterwegs war. Einige neue Städte und vorallem neue Künstler konnte ich entdecken und freue mich bereits auf die Saison …
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“It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor. Would you be mine? Could you be mine?”Από τον Betty Martin
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Möchten Sie unsere Arbeit unterstützen? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– eigentümlich frei bestellen: 🌍 PayPal (auch Kreditkarte): 🌍 Banküberweisung: Lichtschlag Medien und Werbung KG Volksbank Erft e.G…
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COMO ABRAÇAR O NOVO DE DEUS HOJE - Pr. Rubens Martim - 08/12/2024
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COMO ABRAÇAR O NOVO DE DEUS HOJE - Pr. Rubens Martim - 08/12/2024 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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Die Sendung Martins Wochenausklang von und mit Martin Moczarski wird exklusiv vom Portal produziert. Möchten Sie unsere Arbeit unterstützen? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Spenden Sie Werkzeuge für die libertäre Glücksschmiede PayPal (auch Kreditkarte) / Überweisung / Bitcoin / Monero: 🌍 https://freiheitsfunke…
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Ep 88: Swiftly Ejected
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The 2024 season finale, with Dion, Dave Clacton, Reg Tankwater, The Pikelet Man, The Hater, Shane [REDACTED], Patrick Paget, Cratog Carabasirica, Ronnie Bung, Crackers & the Tugboat and…Bob Dylan? Plus, as tradition demands, Pete Smith, Davey Lane, and more songs than would seem necessary. Monthly support | One-off support Merch Store | Official We…
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Mit seinem dritten Auftreten in einem Langfilm hat es sich Art der Clown zur Aufgabe gemacht erneut eine Blutspur zu hinterlassen welche wohl kaum ein anderer Killer so hinbekommt. Mittlerweile gehört der Killerclown in die Reihe von Legenden wie Michael Myers und gilt als modernes Phänomen im Horror-Slasher-GenreDazu heute meine Kritik zu "Terrifi…
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This week, Betty reviews Leif Enger’s newest book Virgil Wander. Enger is a master storyteller and this book does not disappoint.Από τον Betty Martin
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Möchten Sie unsere Arbeit unterstützen? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– eigentümlich frei bestellen: 🌍 PayPal (auch Kreditkarte): 🌍 Banküberweisung: Lichtschlag Medien und Werbung KG Volksbank Erft e.G…
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Die Sendung Martins Wochenausklang von und mit Martin Moczarski wird exklusiv vom Portal produziert. Möchten Sie unsere Arbeit unterstützen? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Spenden Sie Werkzeuge für die libertäre Glücksschmiede PayPal (auch Kreditkarte) / Überweisung / Bitcoin / Monero: 🌍 https://freiheitsfunke…
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Kjell-Axel Johanson
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Hej och varmt välkomna till Martinson Möter en podcast som drivs av fadderbarns-organisationen Compassion! Det är dags för ett nytt, spännande avsnitt där vi möter Kjell-Axel Johanson. För många välkänd bibellärare, författare och pastor och kanske mindre välkänd som den mycket hängivne flugfiskare han också är. Kjell-Axel har hunnit med mycket gen…
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Years ago when we enjoyed life with a scrappy Jack Russell terrier named Little Bit, we had a poster hanging on our refrigerator that reminded us of life lessons to learn from her. Things like “live in the moment” and “don't’ hold grudges” and “show compassion.”Από τον Betty Martin
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Möchten Sie unsere Arbeit unterstützen? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– eigentümlich frei bestellen: 🌍 PayPal (auch Kreditkarte): 🌍 Banküberweisung: Lichtschlag Medien und Werbung KG Volksbank Erft e.G…
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O QUE TEM DOMINADO O SEU CORAÇÃO? - Pr. Rubens Martim - 24/11/2024
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O QUE TEM DOMINADO O SEU CORAÇÃO? - Pr. Rubens Martim - 24/11/2024 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Domingo às 18h30
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Die Sendung Martins Wochenausklang von und mit Martin Moczarski wird exklusiv vom Portal produziert. Möchten Sie unsere Arbeit unterstützen? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Spenden Sie Werkzeuge für die libertäre Glücksschmiede PayPal (auch Kreditkarte) / Überweisung / Bitcoin / Monero: 🌍 https://freiheitsfunke…
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Fernanda Martins @ Mayday Poland 2024
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BOOK FERNANDA MARTINS: | | | | | | | @djfernandamartins |…
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Terrifier 3 als Auslöser einer völlig unnötigen Diskussion über das Horrorgenre - Realtalk (Folge 24/2024)
Da haben wir mit Terrifier 3 endlich wieder einen Film der für volle Kinosäle sorgt und prompt machen manche ein Fass auf indem Fans solcher Gore-Filme als psychisch krank bezeichnen und ein Verbot fordern. Auch wird gerne angeführt wie abartig solche Werke doch sind und warum man diese schauen will obwohl die Welt ohnehin schon voller Gewalt ist. …
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“The body floats downstream. But it is late November, and the Kennebec River is starting to freeze, large chunks of ice swirling and tumbling through the water, collecting in mounds while clear, cold fingers of ice stretch out from either bank, reaching into the current, grabbing hold of all that passes by."…
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Fernanda Martins @ Rebels Fest, Recinto Ferial Cáceres, Spain (Nov, 2024)
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BOOK FERNANDA MARTINS: | | | | | | | @djfernandamartins |…
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"Tough Waves" Spotify Playlist >> 24 - w/ Guest EAS - Broadcasted on November 16th, 2024About EAS:@easmusic"Tough Waves" monthly radio show by Fernanda MartinsFind TW @ date:4 November 2024…
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Välkomna skall ni vara till Martinson Möter, en vintrig podcast skapad av fadderbarnsorganisationen Compassion. I det här avsnittet får vi bjuda på något utöver det vanliga! Med ett rejält avstamp i den färska, saffransdoftande och pepparkaksbakande boken: ” Mer än tomtar och glögg” (Libris förlag) tar författaren Daniel Röjås med oss på en härlig …
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“The forest had become a labyrinth of snow and ice. I’d been monitoring the parameters of the thicket for an hour, and my vantage point in the crook of a tree branch had turned useless."Από τον Betty Martin
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AJUSTANDO O FOCO - Diác. Renato Oliveira - 10/11/2024
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AJUSTANDO O FOCO - Diác. Renato Oliveira - 10/11/2024 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Quinta às 20h Domingo às 18h30
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Torna-te quem és aprendendo quem ésΑπό τον Ivan J. Martins
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Die Sendung Martins Wochenausklang von und mit Martin Moczarski wird exklusiv vom Portal produziert. Möchten Sie unsere Arbeit unterstützen? –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Spenden Sie Werkzeuge für die libertäre Glücksschmiede PayPal (auch Kreditkarte) / Überweisung / Bitcoin / Monero: 🌍 https://freiheitsfunke…
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ESTÁ CONSUMADO - Pr. Rubens Martim - 07/11/2024 ACOMPANHE TRANSMISSÃO AO VIVO EM NOSSO YOUTUBE QUEREMOS TE CONHECER! nos envie uma mensagem (11) 9 7447-6739 Rua Mazagão, 128 - Guarulhos/SP Cultos: Quinta às 20h Domingo às 18h30
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Barry Football apologises for his behaviour on ‘Wacky Wednesday’, Shane [REDACTED] doesn’t trust electric cars, and William Fine-Mist explains all those credit card surcharges. Monthly support | One-off support Merch Store | Official WebsiteΑπό τον pots n pans productions
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Body-Horror mit einer ordentlichen Portion Kritik am Schönheitswahn - Review "The Substance" (mit Moritz) Folge 23/2024
Auf zahlreichen Festivals und von Kritikern gefeiert ist "The Substance" eines der ganz großen Highlights des Kinojahres 2024. Nicht nur überzeugen die beiden Hauptdarstellerinnen sondern auch das Make-up/Styling Team. Im Rahmen unseres Berlin Trips waren Moritz und ich im Kino und haben "The Substance" gesehen weshalb sich die heutige Folge darum …
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