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Magdalena Hajkiewicz Psychodietetyka

Magdalena Hajkiewicz

Rozmowy o psychologii, psychodietetyce, żywieniu i racjonalnym odchudzaniu w zgodzie ze sobą. Prowadzi Magdalena Hajkiewicz-Mielniczuk (@magda.wiemcojem) psycholożka, psychodietetyczka, dietetyczka i wykładowczyni akademicka. #psychologia #dietetyka #psychodietetyka #odchudzanie #zaburzeniaodżywiania
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Punctul pe știri, un podcast cu Magda Grădinaru, marca Rock FM. Suntem asaltați de știri, informații și dezinformații din toate părțile. E greu de găsit o cheie de interpretare a tuturor în actualitatea agitată la care suntem martori și din care facem parte. Jurnalista Magda Grădinaru și invitații ei vor încerca să pună evenimentele în context, să pună întrebările de care avem nevoie și să formuleze răspunsuri posibile. Un dialog inteligent, relaxat și necesar.
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Magda nadaje

The Daily Wonders

W szkole słyszałam, że Magda to ta, która dużo nadaje. Teraz nadaję do was o wszystkim tym, co nie daje mi w nocy spać, o miłości do gór, owsianego mleka i cynamonowych bułeczek. I o tym, jak bardziej, lub mniej, odnajduję się za granicą.
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Magdalene's Closet

Mary Magdalene Collins

The Marriage Circle presents Magdalene's Closet, where we unveil one topic at a time. We are an open and transparent group of individuals who discuss how to heal the brokenness and misunderstanding of Marriage through the eyes of God by breaking down each topic into stages and discussing them with truth.
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Simone MAGDALENA Lulis

Simone MAGDALENA Lulis

Willkommen zum Podcast von The New Woman: Quantum Empowerment und Leadership für Frauen. Hier erfährst du alles über die Stärkung und Förderung von Frauen auf ihrem Weg zu Erfolg und Führung. Wir teilen inspirierende Geschichten, praktische Werkzeuge und transformative Erkenntnisse, um deine innere Stärke und Führungskraft zu entfesseln. Begleite uns auf dieser Reise voller Inspiration und Wachstum. The New Woman: Quantum Empowerment und Leadership für Frauen - dein Weg zu einer kraftvollen, ...
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Magda Mołek, przedstawicielka pokolenia X, YouTuberka, dziennikarka i ambasadorka marki Reserved, w ramach podcastu Z pokolenia na pokolenie zajmie się szeroko pojętą różnicą między generacjami. Ideą programu są spotkania w zróżnicowanym gronie, mające na celu zderzenie międzypokoleniowych punktów widzenia. Zapraszamy do słuchania! 🤝 Podcast powstał w partnerstwie z Reserved.
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Magda Lopez Podcast

Magda Lopez

The emphasis of this podcast is to generate possibility. Possibility has no limits. Anything is possible here. Real life experiences, life coaching, media strategy, all things fitness and general wholeness for the mind and body can will always be heard here. I am Magda, I am human. Hu means multifaceted, Hu is the first syllable in humor (the destroyer of destruction) I am funny. Brace yourselves it’s raw, it’s real and it’s sexy. Isn't that different? I dare you to subscribe. Press play playa.
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Las de Magdala

Las de Magdala

Mujeres creyentes promoviendo la Teología Feminista. Buscamos aportar para una sociedad más justa y equitativa "donde quepamos todas y todos." Compartimos una teología inclusiva y liberadora como resistencia al sistema patriarcal tanto en la sociedad como en las instituciones eclesiales. Contamos nuestras experiencias y las de nuestras aliadas en el continente.
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Heart of Magdalene

Kirstin Hanson

Join me, Kirstin Hanson, in our sacred weekly gatherings dedicated to honoring the Heart of Magdalene—a divine sanctuary. Embrace the Way of Jesus, the embodiment of Light and grace, and exploration of timeless Spiritual Truths . 🌹✨ You may join live every Sunday morning at 9:00 AM (Mountain Time) on live YouTube: @heartofmagdalene13 With a profound commitment to heart devotion and reverence for the Light, I invite you to embark on a transformative journey into the sacred realms where divine ...
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The Magdalene Voices

Maria Saraphina | Spiritual Business Coach

The Magdalene Voices is giving voice to those silenced for centuries through Sacred Conversations with Beautiful, Illuminating Souls. The energy of the divine feminine is sweeping across the globe and uniting in Sacred Union with her divine masculine counterpart she is paving another way than the dark path of shadow human beings have been following for decades and centuries. I call it the Magdalene Rising. Millions of souls are waking up in darkness remembering who they truly are. The memory ...
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show series
Vineri, 21 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin Cum ajunge un adolescent să fie radicalizat în manosferă, expus la mesaje despre masculinitatea sub asediu ale fraților Tate? Cazul din filmul Adolescență coruptă e unul maximal, însă realitatea de pe teren, adică de pe rețelele sociale, este și mai dură. De la tezele care speculează fri…
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Understand and overcome the guilt and bad conscience many women experience today. This podcast offers insights into the impact of social media, motherhood, and provides tools for self-compassion. We offer guidance on understanding the roots of these feelings, navigating social media's influence, and cultivating self-compassion to overcome the negat…
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Explore the soul's journey and its integration with the physical body. This podcast delves into the nature of the soul, its connection to body consciousness, energy work, and healing from trauma. This episode is an English-language reimagining of a previously released Danish episode of The Magdalene Effect podcast. It is presented by AI hosts as we…
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Are you highly sensitive or an empath? This podcast explores navigating energetic exchange, challenging the "HSP diagnosis" and offering strategies for protecting your energy and setting boundaries. This episode is an English-language reimagining of a previously released Danish episode of The Magdalene Effect podcast. It is presented by AI hosts as…
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Explore polarity from a masculine perspective. Sune Sloth shares his experience of polarity in intimate relationships. We discuss openness, vulnerability, the challenges men face, the three stages of relationships, the importance of structure, competence, and taking responsibility. This episode is an English-language reimagining of a previously rel…
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E11 explores the feminine experience of polarity in relationships. This podcast examines navigating the dance between feminine and masculine energies, balancing surrender and personal power for deeper intimacy. This episode is an English-language reimagining of a previously released Danish episode of The Magdalene Effect podcast. It is presented by…
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Abraham and the stars in the sky! Hello St. Mary Magdalene, This week we have a powerful reading from Genesis 15 as our 1st reading for Mass. In this reading we see Abraham invited to gaze up into the sky and count the stars in the middle of the afternoon! He can't see the stars, and similarly, sometimes we can't always see God or His plan for us, …
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For women: Recognize a man's immaturity is not your burden. Understand that you're not responsible for a man's immaturity. For men: Embrace vulnerability, prioritize connection, and respect your partner's freedom to choose. And much more. This episode is an English-language reimagining of a previously released Danish episode of The Magdalene Effect…
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Zapisz się na listę zainteresowanych Psychodietetycznym Kursem Skutecznego Odchudzania: Gościem 205. odcinka podcastu jest Gośka – uczestniczka Psychodietetycznego Kursu Skutecznego Odchudzania. Opowiada o tym, jak udział w kursie pomógł jej zmienić sposób myślenia o jedzeniu i zaufać procesowi zmian.…
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"The Masculine Journey," explores the challenges men face in a world of shifting gender roles. It examines the longing for deep connection expressed by many women and how men can break free from stereotypes, embrace vulnerability, and create more authentic and fulfilling relationships. Explore the challenges and opportunities of the masculine journ…
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Explore the dance of feminine and masculine energies within yourself and your relationships. This podcast offers insights into balancing these universal qualities for greater well-being, personal growth, and deeper intimacy. It posits that these energies are universal qualities, not tied to gender. Learn to understand and balance these energies for…
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Following the presentation on narcissistic defenses (E5), this presentation delves into the abuser's mentality. "Woman, know your abuser" focuses on women's experiences with boundary-crossing behavior from men. Learn to recognize abusive behaviors, protect children in such situations, and navigate divorces with a history of abuse. "Woman, know your…
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Vineri, 14 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin Fārā Georgescu, dar cu un vot de dat. Cālin Georgescu e scos din joc, avem însă mulți alți candidați la prezidențiale și mai ales o societate radicalizată. Nu e treaba statului să verifice de ce oamenii votează chiar și când votul e fanatic, dar e treaba României să-și găsească un loc în…
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Vineri, 14 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin Viața și pacea pe front: Se vorbește despre planul de pace pentru Ucraina cu politicieni și analiști politici, cu istorici și alți comentatori. Dar cum se aude planul de pace în Ucraina, pe front și în viețile celor care, de trei ani, reinventează curajul? O pace justă, asta vor ucrainen…
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Podcast E6 delves into understanding and managing difficult emotions, especially during times of crisis. Learn to understand and manage difficult emotions, especially during crises. Discover practical strategies to regain a sense of security and find inner peace in challenging times. Learn how fear, anxiety, anger, and helplessness can overwhelm us…
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Understand narcissistic defense mechanisms and their impact on relationships. Learn to recognize signs like gaslighting and projection, set boundaries, and heal from emotional abuse. This podcast offers insights and strategies for navigating relationships with narcissists. This podcast highlights the most common signs, such as projection, gaslighti…
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First Sunday of Lent, Christ is tempted in the desert Hello St. Mary Magdalene, This Sunday's Gospel comes from Luke 4:1-13, the temptations of Jesus in the desert and in that same vein I share some reflections on this Gospel and how we can resist sin and temptation in our own life. Have a fruitful and blessed Lent! God bless, Fr. Chris Visit us: h…
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This episode explores the suppressed wildness within women, addressing anger, boundaries, perfectionism, the power of female tribes, motherhood, sexuality, and embracing change in this empowering podcast. Discover the complexities of women's yearning for connection, the role of anger and vulnerability, and how to build more fulfilling relationships…
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This podcast explores women's deep desire for connection, often complicated by unresolved past patterns. Mette Miriam Sloth discusses the role of anger, vulnerability, and boundaries in relationships, offering insights for both women and men seeking deeper intimacy and understanding. Discover the complexities of women's yearning for connection, the…
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Zapisz się na listę zainteresowanych Psychodietetycznym Kursem Skutecznego Odchudzania: Do 204. odcinka mojego podcastu zaprosiłam Agatę – uczestniczkę Psychodietetycznego Kursu Skutecznego Odchudzania, by porozmawiać o tym, jak nie tylko zmienić nawyki, ale przede wszystkim, jak utrzymać je na lata. …
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Explore the deep yearning women feel for connection and learn how to create fulfilling, intimate relationships by understanding boundaries, communication, and feminine energy. Many women long for a deeper connection with their partners. Trying to "fix" him often backfires. This summary podcast explores the biological and cultural reasons why women …
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Our hosts introduce The Magdalene Effect, a concept focused on connection, healing, and the divine feminine. Learn about The Magdalene Effect with Mette and Sune Sloth. We discuss their backgrounds, individual strengths, and how they'll be working together. This introductory podcast explores their vision for personal development, healing, and deepe…
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Vineri, 7 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin 6 martie 1945, ziua în care era instalat guvernul Petru Groza și începea coșmarul României, dictatura comunistă. Arc peste timp, în 6 martie 2025 aflam ca o grupare cu legături directe cu Moscova intenționa să ne scoată din NATO și chiar să schimbe numele țării: Geția. Hohotul de râs disp…
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Vineri, 7 martie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin România, între cei mai mari. Lumea pare scena unei încăierări generalizate: Donald Trump dă prima lovitură, premierul Justin Trudeau ripostează, răspunde și China și așa mai departe. Negocierile dure, care de obicei erau în spatele ușilor închise, acum sunt la vedere, și în tot acest tabl…
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Our Lady of Lourdes Hello St. Mary Magdalene, First, I want to share with you all a wonderful opportunity to engage in fellowship. On Sunday February 23rd from 1-3:30 pm our Family Faith Formation staff and volunteers are hosting a "Children's Outdoor Fun Day." We'll have food trucks, drink carts, face painting and many other activities for everyon…
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W 203. odcinku podcastu omawiam temat depresji – od jej objawów, przez konsekwencje nieleczonej choroby, po dostępne metody leczenia. Poruszam również kwestię stygmatyzacji, która wciąż blokuje wiele osób przed szukaniem pomocy. Mówię również o tym jak styl życia, odżywianie i suplementacja mogą wspierać proces zdrowienia, a także gdzie można szuka…
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Vineri, 21 februarie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin Extremiștii noștri sunt cei mai cei. O lună de Donald Trump și lumea veche se clatină: frații Tate, acuzați de agresiuni sexuale și altele, par a fi protejați de oamenii din echipa Trump, Cālin Georgescu primește un sprijin de la Elon Musk, JD Vance dā de pământ cu democrația liberală…
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Vineri, 14 februarie. Durata: 30 minute Producator: Sorin Turcin Printre decretele pe care le semnează pe bandă rulantă, Donald Trump vrea să semneze repede și pacea: în Gaza, dar după ce se golește de palestinieni și în Ucraina, după ce a vorbit pe îndelete cu Putin. Un dans în forță, greu de urmărit, mai ales că istoria prinde România iar pe pici…
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