LonelyCast15 is the first-ever podcast for the popular online series, LonelyGirl15. Join us each week as the discuss the latest videos, clues and theories surrounding LG15 and the Breeniverse.
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FanFic Month- Lonelyjew15 Anne Frank herself joins us Snl Calls out Daroff OMG i spot a PeterBeast Greggerz!!! 24in6 announced first... but it already happenedΑπό τον LonelyCast15
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LC15 #15 -"Welcome Sesame Street!" -The series summed up by Chris -Finale: hit or miss? -Nadia -The new series is coming! -What should we name the new podcast?Από τον LonelyCast15
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LC15 #14 -HoO=Scientology? -What is the Father's name? Impromptu Contest! -New Segment: Rate the week -LG15>Grandma's birthday... -PERFECTION!?!-Sarah's Little Secret ;) -Who will be the new main character? -Poknish Changed the story... -Who's the biggest Lonelycracker? -Fanfic Month is coming! -Katie's Challenge to you... -Kids watch LG15 too! -Ge…
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LC15 #13 -Many things have been going on this month. -Cha-cha: what is LonelyCast15? -An impromtu weekly summary. -Is Lucy more than a helper? -We analyze the microchip poem line by line. -August: Fanfic month! Send in your suggestions.Από τον LonelyCast15
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LC15 #12.5 -An all KM podcast -Angus and Chris (two non-KM fans) join us -Precious Blood or the Last Work? -Is Terrence dead? No. -"Aww, poknish said Sophie marry me!" -Fav Characters-LEE! -Many favourite moments. With Lee! -KM Characters coming back for a different series? -Who's the bigger...KM fan!…
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LC15 #12 -Evergreen, Chris and Liv join us this episode. -P. Monkey knows all. -We study Gina's pictures -Plotholes around the Breeniverse are being filled! -"See ya later" from Emma and Jennie(?) -Will TAAG meet up with Lexi in LaCrete? -Many segments: Who's the Bigger LonelyCracker?, Weekly Poll and one we haven't seen in a while. -Tune in next T…
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LC15 #11 -Katie and Lexi are away, but Pok co-hosts with Chris, Liv and MicFranXon! -Taylor: captured by the Order? -Evergreen rocked her video -RIP Gina =(...a baby cries for her. -KM takes over LG15? -And Zarbod will too! -LonelyCast15 takes a very R rated turn.Από τον LonelyCast15
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LC15 #10 -Cursed show! Ack! -HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY, KATIE! -Emma's off to...Romania? -No vids this week, but we're talking season 3 (so far) -Where the bleep is Taylor? -Suspicious Carl -Somehow we get onto the topic of llamas... -Plotholes and puzzleholes make us sad -Oh noes, someone is going to die this week! -Weekly Poll…
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LC15 #9 -We're (finally) back! -less than three=<3 -Crossover! SQUEE! -Where the **** is TAAG? -Trademarks and Harry Potter. -Sarah has been taken by a Sweeney Todd imposter. Ahh! -Don't eat Carl's pies. -FANtastic Fan Series of the Month!...next week. -A silly Weekly Poll. -Care to join us for episode 10?…
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LC15 #8 -Mitch (aka Lonefox101) and Poknish join us! -Jessica Lee Rose in Blood Cell...we like watching her sleep -April Fool's-the joke's on Pok! -Tha mo bhàta-foluaimein loma-làn easgannan -Someone has a hangover. -Katie has to wear a "Listen to LonelyCast15" shirt. -(the last ever) Angus Update -Christian joins us! A bit late, but that's ok. -2 …
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LC15 #7 -Two guest hosts this week: poknish and Broken Kid! -Sorry about last week! -A double dosage of discussion to make up for it. =) -The easiest puzzle? -Will we ever be able to trust Carl? -The chat: muting and such. -Angus Update..and again...and again. -Weekly Poll -No love for Carl =( -Contact us: [email protected] -Send us a voicemai…
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LC15 #6 -Only two hosts... -...actually, there was supposed to be three, but SOMEBODY didn't get the message. (-cough- Angus) -Sarah + Creepy Carl? Ewww. -How did Daniel and Jonas eat all those donuts? -Suspicions on Carl -Angus Update...or not... -Weekly PollΑπό τον LonelyCast15
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LC15 #5 -We're five weeks old! -We have a bunch of hosts today! -Angus has the sniffles... -Masonishappy: canon? -The live broadcast: TURN OFF YOUR COLOURS! -Someone comes out of the closet. -What's lonelygirl15? -We talk about how we became lonelycrackers. -Weekly Poll -Contact us at [email protected] -a bunch of bloopers…
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