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Award-winning cozy fantasy romance author Belinda Kroll shares behind-the-scenes reader content and reflects on her intuitively creative life of writing and illustrating indie books. Get exclusive member perks at the Cozy Coterie, my Patreon community: Here’s a poll to help me plan future episodes, if you have the time. It’s short!
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Krøllet Praksis

Professionshøjskolen UCN

Krøllet Praksis er en podcast-serie, hvor vi er nysgerrige på, hvordan kreativitet udspiller sig i praksis. Vi taler med en række iværksættere og andre professionelle om deres ”krøllede praksis”.
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show series
What inspired Belinda's fictional non-fiction book? How ridiculous did she make it? Can she read the introduction without tripping over her own tongue? Question of the week: If you could have a drink with someone who's passed away, who would it be, what is the drink, and what is the topic of conversation? This and more in episode 8 of Worderella Wr…
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What are some of Belinda's favorite ghostly or magical shows and movies? Which Korean drama causes Belinda to tailspin into a fanatic, rambling description? If you could have tea or happy hour with anyone dead person, who would it be, and what is your drink of choice? This and more in episode 7 of Worderella Writes. Thanks for supporting the show! …
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What's new with Belinda's memberships? How many historical facts end up in Belinda's books? What is Breach of Promise? Wait, what were wedding rings used for? What does Doctor Who have to do with Queen Victoria? This and more in episode 6 of Worderella Writes with Belinda Kroll. Thanks for supporting the show! Ask a question or say hello! Buy Belin…
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What tools did Belinda discover to regain momentum on Book 3? How many books will be in the Hesitant Mediums series anyway? This and more in episode 5 of Worderella Writes. Thank you for supporting the show! Ask a question or say hello! Buy Belinda's books Join the monthly newsletter Upgrade your membership…
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How many times did Belinda record this episode? What has her kicking her toes with excitement? What do you mean there's a special snippet at the end of the episode? This and more in episode 4 of Worderella Writes. Thank you for supporting the show! Ask a question or say hello! Buy Belinda's books Join the monthly newsletter Upgrade your membership…
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Which fairytale did Belinda watch a movie rendition in its home culture? What is the Sense, and why is it capitalized? What is a soft magic system? This and more in Worderella Writes, Episode 3. --- Support the show Ask a question or say hello! Buy Belinda's books Join the monthly newsletter Upgrade your membership…
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Who is Belinda reading this week, and why has she committed to reading the next nine books by this author? Why is there an 11-year publishing gap between Haunting Miss Trentwood and Miss Preston's Predicament? This and more in episode 2 of Worderella Writes. --- Support the show Ask a question or say hello! Buy Belinda's books Join the monthly news…
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Trond og Henrik fortæller her om deres uddannelse Energimanagement og særligt om praktikperioden. Det er nemlig vildt spændende det der med praktik. Der er så meget at lærer både for den studerende, men også for virksomheden, når praksis og teori skal krølles sammen og defineres igen og prøves af. Håber du vil lytte med. Måske skal du selv i prakti…
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Kreativitet findes alle steder også i sportsbranchen. Her gælder blandt andet en sandhed, at du skal tabe før du vinder. Et perpsketiv, som mange iværksætter eller innovationsfolk vil kunne nikke genkende til. Lyt med her når jeg taler med Kenneth Cortsen og Svend Bertil Frandsen om deres indspark til kreativitet.…
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Har du overvejet at tage din praktik eller prøve kræfter med job i et af de andre nordiske lande? Det kan også være du kan overveje en praktikkant eller en kandidat fra et af de andre nordiske land? Så skal du lytte med her. Her er der nemlig masser gode råd, at hente når vi her taler om Projektet Nordisk Jobløsning og erfaringer herfra.…
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Lyt med her når Rikke og Anni fra UCN innovation fortæller om det nye netværk, som hedder Next Women og skal være med til at motivere og inspirere unge kvinder, der studere på UCN, til at gå iværksættervejen. Der er nemlig store perspektiver i at få flere kvinder til at springe ud som iværksættere, og vi ser hos unge iværksætterkvinder på UCN et kæ…
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I dag har jeg besøg af Flemming Jensen. Han er erhvervs og iværksætterkonsulent hos Vækst Jammerbugt i Jammerbugt Kommune. Vi skal tale om hvordan han ser potentialet i samarbejdet mellem virksomhederne og UCNs studerende og hvordan han kan hjælpe med at skabe kontakt mellem virksomhed og UCN og fra UCN til virksomheder. Lyt med her…
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Jeg taler med Charlotte Balling fra Eco2light om mulighederne i tage studerende ind, som arbejder med forskellige projekter og hvordan det kan skabe værdi for virksomheden. Lyt med og måske skal du ud og kigge på lys lige som mig.Από τον Professionshøjskolen UCN
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Er du nysgerrig , som mig, på ejendomsmæglerbranchen eller måske skal du have nogen i praktik. Lyt med her når jeg har besøg af Peter Hjortlund fra Home Aalborg fortæller om hans krøllede praksis, som ejendomsmægler og vejen dertil.Από τον Professionshøjskolen UCN
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I denne omgang taler jeg med to af bagmændene i for Next step, som er UCNs entreprenørskabsforløb. Det er i den grad en krøllet praksis, for der er masser veje at gå med sin ide om at bliver iværksætter, og at få udviklet et sådan forløb kræver mod og dygtige samarbejdspartner fra erhvervslivet. Lyt endelig med, måske skal du med på forløbet, eller…
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I denne omgang taler jeg med Preben Olund Kirkegaard Docent, Professionshøjskolen UCN, Forskningsprogrammet Professionsudvikling og uddannelsesforskning. Vi taler om hvad sådan en som ham laver, og om kreativitet i hans praksis, men også i al almindelighed. Vi slår også en krølle på ligheder mellem en forskers praksis og en iværksætters praksis.…
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Hvorfor være iværksætter. Det fortæller Trine Ottesen om her, når hun fortæller om baggrunden for hendes ide, motivation og virke. Udover det, så skal du lytte med her, hvis du vil have et indspark til din egen krøllet praksis som familie med børn.Από τον Professionshøjskolen UCN
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Vi skal hører historien om Novefas start. Det handler om en udviklingen landbrug, som du sikkert ikke har tænkt det før. Vi skal også høre om, hvilke problemer man har når man får så nye ideer. En krøllet og uprøvet praksis.Από τον Professionshøjskolen UCN
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Van Gogh is not interested in painting photographic portraits of people, because a portrait also has to capture some of the character and mood of the person. It is hard to say in which mood Vincent has portrayed himself here. What can be said is that his eyes seem somewhat restless.
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Picasso loved animals and one of his favourite subjects was the owl, which he depicted using many techniques and in various forms: from aggressive bird-of-prey to wise owl. The model for this small sculpture dating from 1951 or slightly later was a wounded little owl, which Picasso had rescued.
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Vincent van Gogh painted this 'Bridge at Arles' in mid-March 1888. We know this from the letters Vincent sent to his brother. He painted this bridge several times. This is one of the first studies in bright colours, with beautiful contrasts of blue and orange. In the foreground, you can see several women washing their clothes.…
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On episode 2 of the Kroll Cast, Joshua O'Connell and Regional Account Manager Dan Griffin talk about the new lines that have joined with Kroll including Revision Eyewear, OTIS Technologies & Lucas Oil. They also discussed the new promo that Eleven10 is providing for our dealers and what tips to help generate business during the holiday season. On t…
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