Study of John's Gospel with a particular focus on lessons disciples can learn from each event and teaching.
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இந்த பகுதியில் நாம் இன்னும் எப்படி ஆண்டவரிடம் நெருங்கி சென்று ஒரு அழகான பயணம் செய்யலாம் என்று கேட்க வாங்க நண்பர்களே
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Short Biblical talks, poems, hymns and more, that inform and inspire, vibrant with hope, telling of the unfolding drama of God and humanity. Ideal for the spiritual newcomer or experienced disciple. All tied together with a golden thread leading to the only one who can satisfy...the only one who can save...(Acts 4:12) Jesus Christ.
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Wholistic Hearts- A Journey from the Head to the Heart, Encounters with Jesus
Kristin Fields Chadwick
Welcome to Wholistic Hearts, a sacred space for those hungry and thirsty to encounter the fullness of God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This podcast is an invitation to explore His goodness and step into His sweet invitations for transformation. Together, we’ll explore the invitation of using our imagination, cultivating stillness and meditation, and having heartfelt conversations that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Inspired by Psalm 34:8-10, Wholistic Hearts invites you to "taste and ...
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Provides a possible harmony of events of Resurrection Day, based on a reconstruction by George E. Ladd and Michael C. Perry.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Kristin asks you to pause with James 3, not just to read, but to sit in the weight of its truth. This chapter isn’t just about words—it’s about the heart behind them. What we speak reveals what’s inside us. Our words hold power, shaping the world around us and the lives of those who hear them. James 3 urges us to be aware, to recognize that what fl…
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Provides a harmony of passages in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John for the accounts of Jesus' passion and resurrection.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Explains the filoque controversy, whether the Spirit proceeds from the Father only (Eastern church), or from both the Father and Son (Western church).Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Explains what parakletos or Paraclete means. Then outlines the Spirit as a replacement for Jesus, as a Person, and a teacher, reminder, and guide to truth, who convicts the world of sin.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Presents arguments for the observation that Jesus partook of the Last Supper on Thursday, Passover, despite some indications in John that he partook of the Last Supper on Wednesday.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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John develops the idea of seeing God's glory in Jesus, especially in his death, resurrection, and ascension.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Discusses John's use of semeion, 'miraculous signs,' to describe how miracles point to who Jesus is.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Identifies the various religious and political leaders in Jesus' day.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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John isn't antisemitic. Usually his term 'the Jews' refers to his enemies, the leaders in Jerusalem.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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While Peter and other disciples are fishing, Jesus tells them to put ther nets on the other side, catching a great number of fish. Peter swims ashore. Jesus has breakfast fixed. Jesus restores Peter to ministry and prophesies his manner of death.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus appears to his disciples in the upper room. He commissions them and sends them, breathes upon them to receive the Holy Spirit, and gives them the power to remit sins. Doubting Thomas finally meets the risen Christ and confesses him to be 'My Lord and my God.'Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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On Sunday morning Mary goes to the tomb, finds it empty, and tells Peter and John. They find the graveclothes folded carefully, not scattered. Later, Jesus appears to Mary in the garden near the tomb.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus is crucified on Golgotha, the soldiers cast lots for his garments fulfilling scripture. In last words of Christ from the cross, he entrusts his mother to John's care, thirsts, drinks posca or vinegary wine, and says 'It is finished.' He is buried by Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus in a new tomb.…
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Jesus is betrayed by Judas, arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane, taken to the high priests Annas and Caiaphas. Peter denies him three times. Jesus is tried before Pilate, who finds him innocent. Jesus speaks to him of his heavenly kingdom, of truth, and of God's sovereignty. Peter, buckling to pressure from the Jewish leaders, gives the order to c…
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Jesus' high priestly prayer discusses themes of glory, unity, sanctification through the word of truth. And a prayer for those who will believe in the future.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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The Holy Spirit, Paraclete, Counselor, Comforter will guide the disciles into all truth, relaying what the Father is saying. Speaks of prayer to the Father in Jesus' name, and the peace in Jesus that overcomes the world.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus teaches on persecution, and the coming of the Paraclete, Counselor, Comforter who will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus uses the metaphor of a vine and branches to teach his disciples the importance of pruning or discipline, as well as staying close, abiding in the vine. That we can do nothing by ourselves, but in him will bear much fruit.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus ties love for him to obedience. Explains how the Holy Spirit will come as 'another' Paraclete. Prince of the world has no hold on Jesus.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus comforts his disciples as part of the Farewell Discourses, teaches about heaven -- 'my Father's house,' and declares himself the only, exclusive way to the Father.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Breaking all social norms in an act of radical humility, Jesus washes his disciples' feet at the Last Supper and gives them a commandment to love one another -- a mark of discipleship.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Mary anoints Jesus at a dinner in Bethany, just before his triumphal entry into Jerusalem.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead, and speaks to Mary and Martha about resurrection and life found in him.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus draws four teachings from the life of a shepherd, including laying down his life for the sheep and aboslute protection of them from thieves and Satan.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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After Jesus heals a man born blind on the Sabbath, the Pharisees attack the man and Jesus. Jesus gives a discourse on spiritual blindness.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus' discourse touches the importance of keeping Jesus' teachings to be true disciples, that his truth can set one free.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus' enemies bring a women taken in adultery to him in the temple. Jesus both convicts them of unrighteous testimony, as well as gently calling the woman to repentance.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus visits Jerusalem for the Feast of Booths or Tabernacles, Sukkot, and delivers an important declaration on the indwelling Holy Spirit in the believer.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus' discourse on the Bread of Life, as well as eating his flesh and drinking his blood.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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John tells us intimate details of Jesus' feeding of the 5,000, and his walking on the water.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Discourse on Jesus' dependence upon and submission to his Father -- which is at the same time his source of authority to teach and to act.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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In a show of pure grace, Jesus heals an undeserving crippled man at the Pool of Bethesda, and later confronts him about his sin.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Herod's official travels from Capernaum to Cana to find Jesus, pleading for him to heal his son back home. Jesus speaks the word and the son is healed remotely.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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As the Samaritans stream out of Sychar to see the man the woman told them of, Jesus exhorts his disicples to open their eyes to see the spiritual harvest.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at the well of Sychar. He speaks of living water that brings eternal life, speaks of the woman's history with men, and reveals himself as the Christ.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Shows John the Baptist's humility in willing to decrease in his following and not to resent Jesus who is increasing in influence and popularity.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus' encounter with Nicodemus explores being born again, the new birth, water and spirit, as well as believing on Jesus to have eternal life.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Jesus first act as Messiah in Jerusalem is to cleanse the temple of the moneychangers and merchants. Discusses relationship to accounts in the Synoptic Gospels.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Studies Jesus' first 'sign' at a wedding in Cana.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Shows how the new disciples bring their friends and family members to meet Jesus -- and have their lives changed.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Focuses on John the Baptist's witness to Jesus at his baptism, and as the Lamb of God.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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John introduces Jesus as the Word or Logos, as God, as Light, as the Only-Begotten GodΑπό τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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Considers authorship, date, main themes, and distinctions of the Fourth Gospel.Από τον JesusWalk Bible Study Series
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A personal invitation to studying John's Gospel.Από τον Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
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Kristin invites you into an encounter with the words of James 2. This isn’t just about reading—it’s about letting these verses wash over you and open your heart. Take a moment with James 2 this week. Read it slowly, allowing the wisdom to sink in. Let verse 13 speak to you: Mercy triumphs over judgment. Kristin encourages you to reflect on how this…
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Welcome to Wholistic Hearts Podcast Here on Wholistic Hearts, I think it’s important for me to state the foundation of what I share hear on the podcast. This has been adapted to be personal to me but is the same beliefs as Bethel Church in Redding, CA. I believe in the Trinity- The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. There is only one true God who is the…
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Kristin invites you to walk through the book of James—not just as a study, but as an encounter. Each week, take time to sit with these words and ask the Holy Spirit to meet you in them. This week, start with James 1. Read through the chapter, letting it settle in. Then, pause at verse 17: Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from …
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