Halacha δημόσια
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show episodes

Panorama of Halacha

Panorama of Halocho

A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. Partially sponsored by the National Lottery Fund.
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Business Halacha Daily

Bais Havaad

Business Halacha Daily is a program with daily 3-5 minute "nuggets" on the topic of the week. They are practical questions that come up related to that topic, with a dayan there to answer and explain the reasoning.
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Ten Minute Halacha

Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

10-minute overviews on prevalent Halachic topics. Experience the delight of Halacha!! Email me with comments and suggestions at [email protected] Check out From The Rabbi's Desk for more in-depth discussions of Halachic questions from Rabbi Lebowitz!
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Dear Yid! Welcome to our Daily Halacha audio podcast from shulchanaruchharav.com. You are joined by thousands of others in our various feeds and audiences to help enrich your knowledge of practical Halacha in all areas of Shulchan Aruch, for men, women, layman and scholar alike! The Halacha includes a highly researched practical topic in Jewish law, clearly summarized and footnoted, expressing the variant opinions in the Poskim. Please encourage others to join, and help spread daily Torah le ...
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Daily Dvar Halacha

Rabbi Eli Reingold

Rav Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel in the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, spent many years learning in the Telshe Yeshiva and Kollel where he was recognized as one of their foremost talmidim. He taught in the Telshe Mechina before coming to the Yeshiva of Greater Washington. He is a noted Baal Halacha and Baal Mussar, serving as a well-respected posek for the Yeshiva and community. Besides his responsibility in leading the Kollel, he delivers a high level shiur to advanced students, and provid ...
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Halacha Talk

Rabbi/Mohel Shmuel Katz

By clarifying Halacha, the framework of Jewish life, we will bring back the excitement and vibrancy of Living Life as a Torah Jew! -Brought to you by Rabbi/Mohel Shmuel Katz
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Everyday Halachah

Chabad.org: Elimelech Silberberg

Learn basic Jewish laws and customs to properly observe the Torah traditions, with a touch of some of the underlying halachic reasoning and practical applications, and occasional chassidic insights. This class is based on the text of the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch (the abridged code of Jewish law).
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The Halacha Minute

Rabbi Ari Enkin

Join us for a few minutes of halacha every week with Rabbi Ari Enkin, author of the 8 Volume "Dalet Amot of Halacha" series. In each podcast, Rabbi Enkin will present a brief but thorough review of an exciting halachic issue. Rabbi Enkin's clear and articulate presentations have been called "An education in halacha like no other."
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Halacha Highlights

Rabbi Eli Markowitz

In just a few minutes you can get a clear picture of halachic solutions to everyday questions. Practical, informative, and understandable. Additionally, some longer shiurim will be posted on this feed. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://torahcasts.com/sign-up/ and share your Torah with the world.
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Everyday Halacha in Depth

Rabbi Eli Reingold

Halacha means “To Go” or “The Way We Should Go”. We live halacha on a daily basis, but may not understand the breadth and detail of many halachos so critically relevant to our everyday lives. Take some time with Rabbi Eli Reingold, a widely respected posek and rosh kollel, to explore halacha with context, comprehensiveness, and clarity. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at https://torahcasts.com/sign-up/ and share your Torah with ...
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Peninei Halacha Podcast

Rabbi Ben Greenfield

Crisp, clear, and bite-size daily Halacha episodes, from the Peninei Halacha. With guiding comments and reflections from Rabbi Ben Greenfield. New episodes Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.Music Attribution:"Adding the Sun" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
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Practical Halachah on the Laws of Shabbat

Chabad.org: Rabbi Yosef Shusterman

Learn the practical laws and customs to properly observe the Shabbat with renowned halachic expert Rabbi Yosef Shusterman. Presented is a comprehensive series of fifteen-minute lessons on applying Jewish law related to Shabbat in a clear and to-the-point style.
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Money in Halacha

Rabbi Eli Markowitz

We each make thousands of financial decisions over the course of our lives. Learn how Halacha guides us in the world of money. How much charity should you give? Is your business compliant with the laws of kosher and Shabbos? The halachic considerations that must be discussed prior to any business venture.
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Rav Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel in the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, spent many years learning in the Telshe Yeshiva and Kollel where he was recognized as one of their foremost talmidim. He taught in the Telshe Mechina before coming to the Yeshiva of Greater Washington. He is a noted Baal Halacha and Baal Mussar, serving as a well-respected posek for the Yeshiva and community. Besides his responsibility in leading the Kollel, he delivers a high level shiur to advanced students, and provid ...
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12 Minute Halacha

Rabbi Eli Markowitz

We all try to dedicate time for learning Torah. Many people attend Daf Yomi, have a chavrusa, etc. Yet, most people find it difficult to learn Halacha in a consistent and clear way. We either spend too much time on one subject or try to breeze through a summary of all the laws in a few minutes. Neither of these approaches work. The concept of 12 Minute Halacha Daily (Monday through Friday) is to spend one hour a week learning Halacha from the sources all the way through the contemporary posk ...
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show series
If one acquires a new metal peeler used to peel vegetables or fruits, must he first immerse it in a Mikveh before using it? This question relates to a discussion among the Halachic authorities concerning the knife used for Shehita (slaughtering animals), which comes in contact with meat, but only when the meat is still raw and inedible. The Shulhan…
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_לזכות רפואה שלימה ליעקב בן מלכה פערל_ *לע"נ ראזא בילא בת יבלחט"א אריה יהודה* לע"נ ברוך מרדכי בן שמואל משה לע"נ משה בן יצחק אריה ע"ה לע"נ יוסף בן יעקב הכהן ולע"נ הרה"ח יוסף יצחק בן הרה"ח מאיר ע"ה *2 Minute Halacha - Inyonei Deyoma and General Orach Chayim* *לזכות אמי מרת פיגא בת בצלאל הכהן ע"ה* Melocha of Tochen - part 18 שבת עד, ב רש"י דה שבע רע"א…
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In our new series, we will examine the laws of Tefillah. May our learning be a merit for our brave soldiers in the IDF, full healing for our brothers and sisters in Israel, and for a safe return of ALL the hostages. In our next lesson we discuss the essence of Davening with a Minyan. Our learning is dedicated L'Iluy Nishmat Captain Daniel Perez HY"…
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Terumos U’Maaseros Shmitta Mitzvas Yishuv Eretz Yisroel Kevura in Eretz Yisroel Historically did Yidden live in Gaza with Rabbi Yissochor Dov Krakowski – Mashgiach in Heichal Ha-Torah, Head of OU Kashrus Israel – 24:09 with Rabbi Ari Waxman – Mashgiach of Shaalavim, Tour Guide, Historical Expert – 49:20 מראי מקומות…
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1) What is the difference betweenYisgadalveYiskadash andYigadeil veYiskadeish?[1] 2) What may I do to dispose of bread that won’t be eaten?[2] 3) I have a choice between daveningMaariv with a minyan before nightfall, or to daven after nightfall alone. Which is advisable?[3] 4) I have a hotplate upon which I sometimes place food direct. Does it requ…
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Food utensils that have been purchased or received from a gentile require Tevila (immersion) in a Mikveh before they may be used for preparing or eating food. The question arises as to how this Halacha is applied in cases of electrical appliances such as an urn, which will likely be ruined as a result of immersion in water. In some instances, manuf…
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_לזכות רפואה שלימה ליעקב בן מלכה פערל_ *לע"נ ראזא בילא בת יבלחט"א אריה יהודה* לע"נ ברוך מרדכי בן שמואל משה לע"נ משה בן יצחק אריה ע"ה לע"נ יוסף בן יעקב הכהן ולע"נ הרה"ח יוסף יצחק בן הרה"ח מאיר ע"ה *2 Minute Halacha - Inyonei Deyoma and General Orach Chayim* *לזכות אמי מרת פיגא בת בצלאל הכהן ע"ה* Melocha of Tochen - part 17 שו"ע ח אדה"ז יב Link to jo…
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In our new series, we will examine the laws of Tefillah. May our learning be a merit for our brave soldiers in the IDF, full healing for our brothers and sisters in Israel, and for a safe return of ALL the hostages. In our next lesson we discuss why one should Daven with a Minyan. Our learning is dedicated L'Iluy Nishmat Captain Daniel Perez HY"D w…
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The Torah obligation of Tebilat Kelim – immersing new utensils – applies only to metal utensils, and the Sages extended this obligation to glass utensils. Utensils made from other materials, such as plastic, nylon, rubber and enamel, do not require immersion at all. This is the ruling of Hacham Ovadia Yosef, in Halichot Olam (vol. 7). The Halachic …
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לזכות רפואה שלימה ליעקב בן מלכה פערל לע"נ ראזא בילא בת יבלחט"א אריה יהודה לע"נ ברוך מרדכי בן שמואל משה לע"נ משה בן יצחק אריה ע"ה לע"נ יוסף בן יעקב הכהן ולע"נ הרה"ח יוסף יצחק בן הרה"ח מאיר ע"ה 2 Minute Halacha - Inyonei Deyoma and General Orach Chayim לזכות אמי מרת פיגא בת בצלאל הכהן ע"ה Melocha of Tochen - part 15 בית יוסף סעיף ט מג"א יב אדה"ז ח מ"…
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לזכות רפואה שלימה ליעקב בן מלכה פערל לע"נ ראזא בילא בת יבלחט"א אריה יהודה לע"נ ברוך מרדכי בן שמואל משה לע"נ משה בן יצחק אריה ע"ה לע"נ יוסף בן יעקב הכהן ולע"נ הרה"ח יוסף יצחק בן הרה"ח מאיר ע"ה 2 Minute Halacha - Inyonei Deyoma and General Orach Chayim לזכות אמי מרת פיגא בת בצלאל הכהן ע"ה Melocha of Tochen - part 16 בית יוסף סעיף ט מג"א יב אדה"ז ח מ"…
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In our new series, we will examine the laws of Tefillah. May our learning be a merit for our brave soldiers in the IDF, full healing for our brothers and sisters in Israel, and for a safe return of ALL the hostages. In our next lesson we discuss the importance of the Minyan. Our learning is dedicated L'Iluy Nishmat Captain Daniel Perez HY"D who was…
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If a minor or gentile immerses one's new utensil in a Mikveh, does this immersion suffice to render the utensil permissible for use with food? According to all authorities, an adult may allow a Jewish minor who has reached the age of Torah education (seven or eight years of age) to immerse a utensil under the adult's supervision. In such a case, th…
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_לזכות רפואה שלימה ליעקב בן מלכה פערל_ *לע"נ ראזא בילא בת יבלחט"א אריה יהודה* לע"נ ברוך מרדכי בן שמואל משה לע"נ משה בן יצחק אריה ע"ה לע"נ יוסף בן יעקב הכהן ולע"נ הרה"ח יוסף יצחק בן הרה"ח מאיר ע"ה *2 Minute Halacha - Inyonei Deyoma and General Orach Chayim* *לזכות אמי מרת פיגא בת בצלאל הכהן ע"ה* Melocha of Tochen - part 14 שכא, י אדה"ז, ח מ"ב שם ל ד…
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If a person purchases a utensil, such as a plate, to give as a gift, may he first immerse it in a Mikveh to spare the recipient the trouble of immersing the utensil? Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Jerusalem, 1910-1995) ruled that immersing a utensil before giving it as a gift is ineffective, and does not absolve the recipient from immersing the uten…
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In our new series, we will examine the laws of Tefillah. May our learning be a merit for our brave soldiers in the IDF, full healing for our brothers and sisters in Israel, and for a safe return of ALL the hostages. In our next lesson we continue to discuss the language used during Tefillah. Our learning is dedicated L'Iluy Nishmat Captain Daniel P…
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