Yooo Leute, was geht? Hier ist die einzig wahre Frau Gretel, und was soll ich sagen… Ja, auch ich habe jetzt einen Podcast! Aber keinen normalen Laber-Podcast, wie ihr ihn sonst so hört. Sondern: Ich gehe mit meinen Gästen die unterschiedlichsten Dinge erleben. Wir gehen zum Beispiel ins Tierheim, oder wir gehen Squash spielen, oder wir malen uns gegenseitig und und und. Ich würde mich total freuen, wenn ihr einfach mal in diesen absolut geilen Podcast reinhört. Ab dem 29.10. erscheint jeden ...
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forget any "moral of the story," the real meaning of Hansel and Gretel lies hidden between the lines... like a real-life Da Vinci Code — Hansel and Gretel is a literary treasure map filled with secret clues meant only for people like us to suss out and follow... clues that lead to a meaningful, real-life treasure that's been lost for over 200 years... a deep dive into the dark forest of Western European History and Culture, the story explains who the real villains are, how they're still with ...
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No One Should Listen to this podcast
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Welcome to gretel rivera, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Banter Snaps on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@bantersnaps
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Gretel le Maître is an ordinary, curious lady who has just lost her beloved mother. Gretel invites you to accompany her as she navigates the world of loss. This is an audio-journal about life, loss and love, using visits to places and readings from history and literature to produce some calm time. It’s unscripted, it’s ad-free, and you’re invited to join in. There’s space in the warm tent for everyone; there’s tea in the pot 🫖. Gretel loves the world and history, architecture, literature and ...
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Ver` Pelicula ~ Gretel y Hansel (Gretel & Hansel) 2020 Online HD Completa-4k Espanol latino
>> Ver aqui : { https://bit.ly/3cbEJNe } >> Descargar : { https://tinyurl.com/yx4h99xm }
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Ver aqui |> https://bit.ly/38yrP9Q Descargar |> https://tinyurl.com/w9rsexx >| Gretel & Hansel |< Pelicula completa en Espanol Latino 29 de mayo de 2020 / 1h 27min / Terror, Fantasía, Suspense Título original Gretel And Hansel / Distribuidora Vértice Cine Reparto Sophia Lillis, Alice Krige, Samuel Leakey SINOPSIS Esta película de fantasía y terror está inspirada en el cuento clásico escrito por los hermanos Grimm.
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Ver HD ++> https://bit.ly/2HtY0Mz ◭ Detalles ◭ 17 de abril de 2020 / 1h 27min / Terror, Fantasía, Suspense Dirigida por Osgood Perkins (II) Reparto Sophia Lillis, Alice Krige, Samuel Leakey
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🎬👉 Ver aqui : https://bit.ly/2xEM8Wx 🎬👉 Descargar : https://bit.ly/2xEM8Wx 29 de mayo de 2020 / 1h 27min / Terror, Fantasía, Suspense Dirigida por Osgood Perkins (II) Reparto Sophia Lillis, Alice Krige, Samuel Leakey
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>> Ver aqui : { https://bit.ly/3af36Z8 } >> Descargar : { https://tinyurl.com/wjartur }
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Gretel & Hansel 【Suspense】 @en español latino® Pelicula 2020 completa en Linea √GratiS
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VER PELICULA |>>> https://bit.ly/2WIjZ9K ~DESCARGAR |>>> https://is.gd/LyJXzn
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2020~[VER]*Mejores’! Gretel & Hansel {gratis!} HD PeLicuLa Completa Online Español y Latino
Gretel & Hansel Pelicula completa Ver Ver Download >☛ https://bit.ly/3cJY6x4 Ver Pelicula >☛ https://bit.ly/3cJY6x4
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▶Pelicula Completa 👉👉 { https://bit.ly/3eAcCJL } ▶Descargar 👉👉 { https://tinyurl.com/ybe7psau }
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[HD]>>Ver *Gretel & Hansel P E L I C U L A CompletA — en Español Latino (2020)
VER PELICULA COMPLETA HD ESPANOL LATINO VER PELICULA |>>> https://bit.ly/2PmNmM9 DESCARGAR |>>> https://tinyurl.com/u93cf63 29 de mayo de 2020 / 1h 27min / Terror, Fantasía, Suspense Dirigida por Osgood Perkins (II) Reparto Sophia Lillis, Alice Krige, Samuel Leakey
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Churchill tells of early Celtic Christianity; and we progress with Bede as Doggo dreams fitfully ☺️
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The Eternal Wisdom of Virgil Sollozzo, or: How to Make a Killing in Real Estate. Alotta Killing.
In Ep.39 the Grimms write a clunky, cranky op-ed piece and raise the ghost of Virgil Sollozzo Part 1 [11:16] - In which we find the Grimms embellishing the truth, and sneaking some personal complaints into the story… complaints that only you and I were supposed to hear Part 2 [17:58] - In which we debate the meaning of belief in turtles and end up …
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Leaning into the wind, with a few new books at my elbow; and Bede’s Fifth Book begun on Farne Island.
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Hello and thank you for joining me. I will be posting a thank you package to one of my kind and generous subscribers tomorrow. I will do the next ‘pulling a name from a beret’ when I get to 15,000 downloads (we’re currently on 12.9k 🤓). Thank you for your support and do consider rating this podcast if you have a spare moment. With very best wishes …
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The Making of the Thames and the Middlesex Saucer; Quiet Bede accompanied by the practising Choir of Sherborne Abbey
Good evening and thank you for joining me. Tonight’s episode comes from inside Sherborne Abbey. Tomorrow I take you back to Chelsea: my first return since the death of my mother; I return to check on her house, to lay the ghosts to rest, and to kiss her hand one last time. Then Tuesday I will take you to the ancient capital of Wessex: Winchester. D…
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Do you know your ‘Wics’? Gretel goes deep into Middlesex; Poor Bede can’t let Cuthbert go; but he’s not like Binker
Hello dear friends. Do you like a long ramble about history? For this evening you have it. The comfort of my books leaked into my bones as I explored old London this evening. Share back, do! Who is my listener from Panama? From Luxembourg? From Wigan? Tell me about yourself so I can say hello - privately or publicly. A very good night. Support the …
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„Was machst du Nutte im Backstage?“ | Gretels Gasthaus feat. Dilla, Emma Rose & Mathea | Frauentag-Special
Helloooo und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge Gretels Gasthaus! ✨ Wie ihr bemerkt habt ist heute nicht Dienstag, sondern Samstag – denn es ist ein ganz besonderer Tag! Wir feiern den Internationalen Weltfrauentag und haben gleich vier großartige Künstlerinnen zu Gast. Ja, richtig gehört: Heute geht es nur um uns Frauen! Wir sprechen darüber…
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Filial bell-ringing; Queen Victoria rejects anti-semitism; a word on Diocletian; and Cuthbert enthrals his fellows.
Hello and thank you so much for joining me as I tread the path of life, one day at a time. If you have the tiniest of free moments I would be honoured if you would consider rating my podcast, or even leaving a little review. It’s such a bore to do, I know, but it means an awful lot. Thank you and very best wishes 🙋♀️🕯️🫖 Support the show Love Grete…
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Calm readings with cat on lap, candles lit and tea by my side. In history we find comfort for it right-sizes the present times.
Hello and welcome dear friends 🤗🤓🕯️ Support the show Love Gretel 🌝Από τον Gretel le Maître
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More Adventures in Stratford-upon-Avon, in the Guild Chapel, the Swan Theatre, and with actor Enzo Cilenti in the Dirty Duck pub.
A lovely day photographing the beautiful town of Stratford-upon-Avon, walking along the riverside, visiting the stunning Guildhall chapel with its walk-paintings commissioned by Mr Shakespeare senior. Finally Gretel falls into conversation with actor Enzo Cilenti who played rogue Mortimer in tonight’s performance of Edward II by Christopher Marlowe…
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Kasi & Antonius für 10k & nen Kasten buchen | Gretels Gasthaus feat. Kasi & Antonius | Songpoeten
Yoooo Leute und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge Gretels Gasthaus! ✨Diesmal sind Kasi & Antonius mit am Start! Während wir darüber diskutieren, ob Leberkäse im Zug wirklich eine gute Idee ist und ob Kasi sich den blauen Haken auf Instagram erkauft hat, schieben wir eine entspannte Runde Kegeln. 🎳 Außerdem erfahrt ihr bei „Say It Or Shot It“…
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Good evening dear friends, I wandered the beautiful streets of Stratford upon Avon this evening, venturing into Shakespeare’s churchyard in the dark. I saw a fox, a rat or vole, a frog, a plethora of jackdaws and a merry robin. The Avon river stretched slickly in front of me as I gazed out to see the church spire peeping through the black trees. Bu…
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Taking the Somerset air and contemplating a forthcoming exhibition Siena: The Rise of Painting 1300-1350; Roman roads and more chatterings from Bede
Dear friends Thank you for joining me and I hope you are well. Please reply and tell me who you are, where you are from, and what you would like from a podcast. I want to offer you a daily safe haven: a place to go where all will be gentle, curious and calm. A free-from-ads safe space. A reminder that the world is made up of goodness and beauty; we…
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Dear friends Thank you for staying with me on this path. My very best wishes to you. 🌷🕯️🫖 Support the show Love Gretel 🌝Από τον Gretel le Maître
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Chapo102 und Bruce Darnell einfach Besties 🫶 | Gretels Gasthaus feat. Chapo102 | Songpoeten Podcast
Yoooo Leute und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge Gretels Gasthaus! ✨Diesmal war ich mit Chapo102 im Nail Studio – natürlich haben wir uns erstmal fett die Nägel machen lassen. 💅 Während Chapo panisch um seine Nagelhaut bangt, reden wir über seine Jugend in Harburg, seine Haircare-Game und was wirklich auf dem Splash abging. Und haltet euch …
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Hello. Gosh this is hard. How is one to accept that the face of one’s mother is lost and gone? Grief is squeezing my chest and moving me from states of numb dumbness or dumb numbness, to states of wretched sore heartedness, where nothing can soothe, and all feels dark and bleak. But the daffodils have burst into bloom in our garden; newspapers are …
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Exploring Wareham; the Romans look back to the Danube; and we prepare for Bede’s hymn to the Virgin Queen 😬🫖
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A trip to Wareham to visit the Saxon church of St Martin; and Bede talks of bones, virgins and eels 🤓
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Thank you so much for joining me for what has been the worst week of my life. I am trying to tread water and this is possible with my family, with nature, with music and with books. I am sorry to be recording such difficult events. I fear many of you will relate to family difficulties at times of death. It’s all too sad to dwell on and I feel I hav…
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Boy, this is tough! Grief overwhelms; Suetonius finally overwhelms the Britons; and monks flock to hear chanting superstar John
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A Candle lit in the Abbey; Early Roof Construction in Churches; and Dark Deals regarding the Isle of Wight are recounted by Bede
Thank you for all your kind messages. I read and appreciate every one. 🕯️ Support the show Love Gretel 🌝Από τον Gretel le Maître
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Habt ihr das mit Merz und Bubatz mitbekommen? hahaha | Gretels Gasthaus feat. Provinz | Songpoeten Podcast
Yoooo Freunde und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge Gretels Gasthaus 🤝 Diesmal hab ich 2 von 4 Jungs von Provinz hier!! Während wir irgendwie versuchen Perlenketten zu basteln, sprechen ich mit Leon und Vincent über ihre Star Allüren, meinen spanischen Staubsaugroboter und ihre alte Band Twice. Außerdem haben die zwei mir einfach eine Shakti…
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Warrior Mother; Carlyle’s Truth-Forged approach to writing about the French Revolution 🇫🇷; and Venerable, gentle Bede.
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I am in-between worlds and have weariness behind my eyes, fear in my belly, and misery in my heart. Books, art, buildings, family, duty, GRATITUDE and the natural world will all carry me over this horrible piece of unnavigated ground. Tis but life, this death.. I wish you joy! Hold your mummies close x Support the show Love Gretel 🌝…
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Not ready! A foolish lament. Pubs as cosy cocoons; and Bede tries to get heard over the London punters. Wednesday oft is weaved of woe. 🫖
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Dear friends, I do turn advertisement offers down to keep this endeavour free from advertisements. So if you feel able to make a contribution from time to time - one-offs very welcome - that would be a wonderful help. But no pressure or guilt if money is tight for you. Just enjoy the companionship x 🤗🌷🤍 Support the show Love Gretel 🌝…
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"Ich hab meine Schwester umgeboxt" | Gretels Gasthaus feat. Paula Engels | Songpoeten Podcast
Halloooo und herzlich willkommen zu einer neuen Folge Gretels Gasthaus!! Diesmal ist die wunderbare Paula Engels zu Gast! ✨ Ja Leute was soll ich sagen…lass mal bald Kotti treffen, denn wir geben euch paar Schläge!! 🫵 Paula und ich sind in der Boxhalle und probieren mal ihr vermeintlich neues Hobby aus. Ansonsten quatschen wir aber auch über ihre Z…
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Hello thank you for joining me as we leap forward apace into 2025. The moon is already a waxing gibbous, St Valentine’s is around the corner, and Bede talks at us rather with another Wulfhere and Ecgfrith. It’s cold in England and I am pining for the streets of London as I’ve been cooped up in hospital with my poor ailing mother. She is so vulnerab…
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Support the show Love Gretel 🌝Από τον Gretel le Maître
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Thank you so much for joining me. Your company and support brings huge joy and comfort. I wish you a happy and restful weekend ahead. 🌷 Support the show Love Gretel 🌝Από τον Gretel le Maître
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February is Spring's Promise; A visit to a hidden Dorset hamlet ; and Caesar is surprised by the turning tides
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Support the show Love Gretel 🌝Από τον Gretel le Maître
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Ich würd auf Friedrich Merz snitchen!! | Gretels Gasthaus feat. Ritter Lean | Songpoeten Podcast
An alle Atzen: Wer hätte diese Kombi erwartet?! Ritter Lean ist bei mir zu Gast und ja we did it…wir haben Hobby Horsing getestet!! 🐴 Vorher haben wir erstmal unsere Horses Rasmus und Scarlet gebastelt und ja for real, ich hab auch Pferdeäpfel am Start Männers!! Welche Drogen wir genommen haben, warum Wilmersdorf so geil ist und wieso Adrian auf Fr…
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High hopes and Gratitude are our Sword and Shield; Julius Caesar sniffs the English shores; and Bede records some sensible Synodical Decisions
Come with me and keep me company this third day of February. We are walking together and can choose whether to be annoyed by the companions who grumble and argue and point out the mud and cold; or to link arms with the loving, good people. Think Atticus; think the Princess of Wales; think Floella Benjamin, Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, the Dalai La…
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Another visit to Mr Robin and the Church at Corton Denham; we finish Winston Churchill’s marvellous Preface to his History
I wish you a very peaceful Sunday evening.🤗🫖 Support the show Love Gretel 🌝Από τον Gretel le Maître
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Good evening. I wish you a very happy first day of February, 2025. Support the show Love Gretel 🌝Από τον Gretel le Maître
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