The day’s top stories from BBC News, including the latest from Gaza, on US politics and about the Ukraine conflict. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.
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Global News Hour at 6 is B.C.’s most watched nightly newscast and is the flagship news broadcast at Global BC.
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The longest running independent international affairs podcast features in-depth interviews with policymakers, journalists and experts around the world who discuss global news, international relations, global development and key trends driving world affairs. Named by The Guardian as "a podcast to make you smarter," Global Dispatches is a podcast for people who crave a deeper understanding of international news.
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The best stories, interviews and on the spot reporting from around the world including highlights from News hour, The World Today and World Briefing. Up to 30 minutes compiled twice a day from the 24 hour News coverage from the BBC World Service.
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Anchor Tad Flakey brings you the most pointlessly weird and funny news from around the world, just to put a smile on your face. No fact checking, some is fiction, but most stories are the cold, hard and hilarious (sometimes gross) truth.
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A thought-provoking look at the news--offering entertaining insights into politics, economics, and popular culture--which are occasionally grounded in actual facts.
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Podcast by Easy Global News
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Steve Palley and Pete Newsom dive deep into notable global affairs in this weekly podcast.
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Reporting the current issues in national and international by putting your point of views and observing what the news is informing about
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Broadcasting weekly news highlights from around the world. Designed to summarize global news for local listeners on the go. If you have news you think should be highlighted, please send an email.
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Welcome to NewzKidz! A new weekly podcast covering global news stories and current affairs, presented by Rose, Zara, Aiza and Laurie - kids aged 8-11 years. Tune in to hear us talk about what's important in our world today, what's making the news headlines, and why kids should care. You can discuss our stories with your friends, parents and teachers, and let us know what you think.
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Global perspective Human stories
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Dane Wigington is a geoengineering scientist with a background in solar energy who is regarded as one of the foremost experts
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Podcast by Michael Welch
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Perspectiva Global Reportagens Humanas
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A weekly review of wildlife conservation success stories and news highlights from across the globe. #LetNatureThrive
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story beyond the headlines, strap yourself in for 60 minutes of informative and provocative radio.
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一天1Hashtag,聊天不Lag! 寰宇#關鍵字新聞,帶你關注亞洲放眼全球 國際政經一聽就懂x關鍵字聊天不卡卡X 180秒快速好吸收 🐧週一~五:7-9am更新 🐧週六~日:驚喜更新 🔎寰宇新聞YT: 🔎寰宇新聞網: 🔎寰宇全視界: 🔎寰宇看東亞: 🔎看見新東協: 抖內我們這裡請: 商業合作信箱 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Want to keep up with all the news from China’s business scene but short on time? Then tune into the Caixin China Biz Roundup! Each weekday, we break down the biggest developments in the Asian giant’s economy, financial world and tech sphere — all in around 15 minutes! Expect to find lots of analysis and informative updates delivered in a fun, light-hearted manner. Also on our channel is the Caixin-Sinica Business Brief and China Stories, which are both produced in collaboration with SupChina ...
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PRGN Presents: News & Views from the Public Relations Global Network
Public Relations Global Network
PRGN Presents is the essential podcast for international business leaders, non-profit executives, and those who hire public relations, marketing, and communications firms. It provides an exclusive look into the ever-evolving world of PR and communications, featuring experts from the Public Relations Global Network, “the world’s local public relations agency.” Is your message winning hearts and minds? No matter where you do business, there is a PRGN member agency in your region with the deep ...
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NewFinxo Capital Daily Financial News 18 04 2024 Dollar Strength Amidst Global Tensions Set Your Course to Trading: Finxo Capital Will Be Your Trusted Navigator in Your Journey Look no further, you have landed in the right place for Your trading future. GET STARTED Convenience and Accessibility Online brokers offer the convenience of trading from the comfort of your home or on the go through mobile apps. Lower Costs Cost- effectiveness can help you reduce the impact of ...
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美國企業在本周,相繼公布財報,美股17日,在川普宣誓就任總統前的最後一個交易日,各類股普遍上揚,道瓊走高超過330點。不過在川普上任前夕,國際貨幣基金首席經濟學家表示,川普的經濟政策,有重燃美國通膨的疑慮。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉…
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Global News Hour at 6 - Jan 17, 2025 Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον CKNW / Curiouscast
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Israel’s cabinet has given its final approval to a Gaza ceasefire deal, despite some ministers’ opposition. It will begin on Sunday with a hostage-for-prisoner exchange. Also: The US Supreme Court upholds a ban on TikTok.Από τον BBC World Service
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Especialista em direitos humanos cita Brasil nos casos de redução de diálogo regional; líder da Missão de Apuração de Fatos sobre o país aponta luso-venezuelanos entre os afetados pelo “exercício arbitrário do poder” por autoridades na Venezuela.Από τον United Nations
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story …
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600 trucks per day need to reach Gaza after the ceasefire begins, says the World Health OrganizationIn Sudan, deadly ethnic violence is on the rise as the country’s long-running war goes on, says the UN human rights officeDignity for migrants should be our guiding objective, insists ‘Cabrini’ actress: UNHCR…
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Abbie Fink and Terrie Ard discuss the 2025 M.Cast™ Trends Report and the importance of forward-looking thinking and data-driven insights for business leaders and communications professionals alike. Terrie shares how the M.Cast™ Trends Report was initiated as a guide to help leaders think like futurists, equipping them with the insights to foresee a…
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Misinformation is rampant in conflict and war, and the extent to which people believe misinformation can often influence the trajectory of these conflicts. But when is misinformation actually believed, and when is it not? My guest today, Daniel Silverman, is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at Carnegie Mellon and the author of a groundbr…
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This week on the Global Research News Hour with Justin Trudeau announcing he will soon resign as Prime Minister, and as the Liberal party leader, we will be taking a close look at his record in power, and casting a similar look at what the leader who succeeds him will be like. In our first half hour, we are joined by author and activist Yves Engler…
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"Los Angeles begins to face ‘apocalyptic’ devastation as wildfires continue to burn" (PBS). "It feels apocalyptic: Californians on the loss and devastation from LA wildfires" (Guardian). "Economic loss from L.A. wildfires could top $50 billion, making it one of the costliest U.S. natural disasters" (LA Times). And in the rest of the US, "Biggest sn…
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On today’s show, anti-tank mines are found at Ikea? Next, Pigs and Iguanas are in this week’s animal roundup Finally, I’ll dish out the 411 on performing better in sports and it all starts in the bathroom.Από τον Philzer Productions
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In an exclusive interview with Caixin, Bank of Thailand Governor Sethaput Suthiwartnarueput also discusses tackling high household debt. Note: The conversation segment of this episode was generated using AI and has been edited for accuracy. It is based on the Caixin story: Interview: Thailand’s Central Bank Chief on Its Rate Cut, Household Debt and…
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美國最高法院,維持TikTok的「不賣就禁」法案,意味著TikTok將於1月19日從全美國下架。現任總統拜登則表態,禁令執行將由繼任者川普決定。而川普曾在競選期間承諾拯救TikTok,如今禁令決策權掌握在手,TikTok能否渡過此次危機,將成為川普上任後的重要挑戰之一。而由於擔心平台下架,大批美國網友,湧入中國社交平台小紅書,但因中國嚴格的內容審查,部分網友認為這股熱潮,很快就會消退。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全…
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為了因應超級寒流來襲,川普20日的就職典禮,將從戶外,移至國會大廈大廳內舉行,以免當天下探攝氏零下11度的超低溫,造成有人員「冷到受傷」。上一次美國總統就職碰上大寒流,還是在1985年,雷根總統連任時的就職典禮上。此外,川普近日與習近平通話,針對台灣、貿易等敏感議題交換意見。儘管習近平不會親自出席就職典禮,但他卻派了國家副主席韓正出席,是史無前例的等級,也被外界視為中方釋出緩和信號。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視…
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以色列總理辦公室宣布,以色列內閣,已經表決通過加薩停火及人質釋放協議。這將是結束加薩,15個月戰爭的重要關鍵,協議19日生效,首批以國人質,也預計在當天獲釋。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 https://lih…
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新一輪裁員潮,似乎正在席捲科技業。在Meta執行長祖克柏宣布,將裁員5%,大約3600名績效表現最差的員工後。亞馬遜也表示,北美門市部門,將裁員大約200人。而微軟也宣布類似的裁員行動。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡…
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美國專利調查公司,發布最新數據顯示,南韓三星2024年,在美國專利商標局註冊的專利數量,位居全球第一,連續3年居冠。但三星3奈米GAA製程良率,面臨挑戰,傳出三星原本考慮,委託台積電代工處理器,但遭到台積電回絕。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉…
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在中國教育部最近發布通知,禁止中小學生攜帶手機進入校園後,就有很多中國業者各出奇招,紛紛推出了「藏手機神器」,要幫學生躲避這項新規定。其中,有些真的做得出神入化,完全看不出裡面可以藏手機,而有些則是踢到鐵板,發揮不了功用。帶您一起來看有哪些神器。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 …
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美國洛杉磯野火肆虐,當地災情持續惡化,一度有傳言今年奧斯卡頒獎典禮將首度取消,所幸經官方否認,典禮將如期舉行。但更嚴峻的挑戰是2028奧運籌備,有聲音質疑洛杉磯,是否能同時兼顧重建與主辦奧運。儘管出現反對聲浪,專家指出更換城市不切實際,且場館未受波及,奧運應該會照常舉辦。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉…
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中國演員王星誤以為赴泰國拍戲,卻遭綁架至緬甸電詐園區,引發輿論譁然。不少計劃春節遊泰的中國遊客,因擔憂安全紛紛退訂,打擊泰國旅遊業。日前更有傳言指出,電詐集團手竟與中國福建幫有關,利用政商關係逃避警方追緝。儘管中國外長王毅公開呼籲打擊詐騙犯罪,部分民眾仍對中國官方立場存疑,事件持續發酵。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 https://lihi1…
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印度在16日,成功完成「太空對接」 實驗,成為繼美國、俄羅斯、中國之後,全球第4個,完成這項創舉的國家。這項任務難度在於,得讓太空中飛行中的衛星,自行完成機械接合,這項技術,對於衛星的維護保養,還有太空物資運輸,都相當關鍵。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 https://lih…
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美國億萬富豪馬斯克旗下太空公司SpaceX的星艦,在第七次試飛中損失了上半部的太空船,解體後的碎片還迫使墨西哥上空航班被迫改道,另一邊亞馬遜創辦人貝佐斯旗下航太公司「藍源」,在當地時間16日進行大型新火箭「新葛倫」的首次試射,要和馬斯克一較高下。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 …
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南韓、美國與日本近來在朝鮮半島附近,舉行聯合空中演習,美國並且出動B-1B戰略轟炸機。這是美軍與日韓空軍,今年首次進行聯合演習,目的是提升對北韓威脅的反制能力。這也引發北韓不滿,譴責美國派出軍機飛越朝鮮半島。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉…
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針對美國拜登政府,所推出的晶片圍堵政策,中國迅速展開反制行動。中國商務部近日宣布,將針對美國以低價出口成熟製程晶片,對中國本土企業產生的不公平競爭及利益損害,正式啟動貿易調查。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請👉 ht…
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美國政府對TikTok的禁令,持續引發全球關注。根據NBC新聞台,以及華盛頓郵報指出,拜登政府正在考慮,暫時讓TikTok繼續運營,而接下來上任的川普,更是計畫要解除這項禁令。與此同時,大量「TikTok難民」,湧入中國社交平台「小紅書」,促使平台進行營運調整。然而,審查規範的差異,也讓部分美國用戶感到不適應。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 h…
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以色列與哈瑪斯的談判代表,已經在卡達首都多哈簽署停火協議、同意釋放人質。然而這其中仍然有變數,以色列的鷹派官員,不滿對哈瑪斯的讓步,揚言退出政府。同時以色列總理辦公室,也指責哈瑪斯出爾反爾,未遵守原本的協議,本來敲定的停火協議在最後一刻碰上亂流。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 …
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中國文旅部17日宣布,將恢復民眾赴台旅遊。對此國台辦呼籲全面恢復兩岸直航航班,同時也指出小三通營運班次,同比增長幅度大增。而中國旅遊業者更是引頸期盼能夠盡快促成此事,希望能趕在農曆年成功開團旅遊。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖…
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美國總統就職典禮,將於20日在華盛頓舉行。外界關注的不只是川普,連參與賓客都成焦點。和美國關係緊張的中國,將派出國家副主席韓正赴美。至於科技業,也有多位領袖與會,包括貝佐斯和馬斯克等人,因為如此,輝達執行長,黃仁勳不出席,成了例外。除此之外,美國前第一夫人,蜜雪兒歐巴馬,也因不出席典禮,讓外界開始議論,她和歐巴馬關係,是否出了問題。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽…
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美國候任總統川普,提名的內閣人選最近都陸續出席任命聽證會。其中國防部長人選赫格塞斯在被問及,關於東協的問題時竟都答不出來,交了個空白卷,讓參議員達克沃斯要他把功課做好,也意外在東協國家,像是泰國和印尼,掀起熱議。而財政部長人選貝森特,則在聽證會上提出了不同經濟議題的看法,包括要確保美元的國際準備貨幣地位,以及聯準會應該保持獨立。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五…
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美股16日下跌,蘋果股價暴跌4.04%,創下去年8月以來最大單日跌幅,外界對於蘋果市場競爭力的擔憂加劇。在中國智慧型手機市場,蘋果市佔率滑落至第三,面臨來自華為等,本土品牌的激烈競爭,與技術挑戰。此外全球iPhone銷量下滑2%,與智慧型手機市場成長的趨勢形成對比,令投資者更加憂心。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 https://lihi1.c…
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台灣這幾天天氣冷颼颼,但南美洲卻因為正值夏季,既炎熱又天災頻頻。阿根廷酷暑難擋,面臨熱浪危機,再加上降雨量不足讓農民憂心忡忡。而巴西則是季節性豪雨釀成嚴重災情,造成當地多人死亡及失蹤。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡請…
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美國總統當選人川普,提名的國務卿人選盧比歐,針對兩岸議題提議華府應該支持,對台灣實施「豪豬戰略」,以讓中國了解,侵台代價遠高於,可能獲得的利益。同時,北約軍委主席,包爾,也表示北約對中國傳達的訊息很明確,不能玩兩手策略,一面說要遵守聯合國憲章,一面卻對在歐洲發生的戰爭添加柴火。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉…
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在探索神經科學的領域裡,科學家們持續運用創新技術,試圖解開大腦運作的奧秘。美國康乃爾大學的研究團隊,近日結合虛擬實境技術,為實驗老鼠打造專屬眼鏡,透過模擬環境進行腦部研究,不僅為理解阿茲海默症帶來新突破,更為未來的多感官研究開創了新可能。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 http…
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又有一位重量級人物突襲到訪烏克蘭。英國首相施凱爾當地時間16號,毫無預警現身基輔,與澤倫斯基總統簽署了「百年夥伴安全協議」,承諾會在國防、安全、能源方面提供烏克蘭更多援助。但沒想到這位西方領袖到訪期間,俄羅斯卻以飛彈、無人機伺候,差一點點就引爆另一場外交危機。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國…
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有「華爾街之狼」之稱的興登堡研究,近日宣布關閉公司讓外界震撼。興登堡研究因為專門調查企業不法,像是做假帳等詐欺行為,發布報告,再進行做空,而聲名大噪。其中,他們狙擊過的公司,包括美超微、印度巨頭阿達尼集團,和億萬富豪卡爾伊坎公司等大型企業。創辦人安德森表示,並不是因為遭到威脅或是健康因素而關閉公司,並將繼續投入製作興登堡模式的影片,公開調查方法,讓其他人可以延續這項使命。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉htt…
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南韓總統尹錫悅自從被逮捕後,已接受超過10小時的訊問調查。而南韓憲法法院也在16日下午,針對尹錫悅「涉嫌內亂罪」指控進行第二次開庭。尹錫悅本人以立場不變為由拒絕出席,不過他的律師團在法庭辯論中持續強調,當初的戒嚴令是合理行為,甚至辯稱總統從來沒有下令軍隊封鎖國會。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更…
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Israel’s cabinet has given its final approval to a Gaza ceasefire deal, despite some ministers’ opposition. It will begin on Sunday with a hostage-for-prisoner exchange. Also: The US Supreme Court upholds a ban on TikTok.Από τον BBC
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Comissário da agência fala de implicações de leis aprovadas no Parlamento de Israel e prestes a entrar em vigor; Philippe Lazzarini argumenta que serviços na área de conflito são essenciais para sucesso do cessar-fogo.Από τον United Nations
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Iniciativa pretende rastrear incidentes e atitudes preconceituosas em meios de comunicação tradicionais e redes sociais; Alto representante para Aliança das Civilizações diz que é preciso identificar e reagir causas profundas da intolerância religiosa e crimes de ódio.Από τον United Nations
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Secretário-geral discursou na base da Força Interina das Nações Unidas, Unifil, reconhecendo papel das tropas na restauração da estabilidade; segundo ele, nação árabe precisa aproveitar janela de oportunidade para criar segurança e paz duradouras.Από τον United Nations
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Από τον United Nations
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Από τον Monica Grayley
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Some Israeli ministers have threatened to resign over the agreement. Also: Imran Khan is sentenced to a further 14 years in prison. And a Russian court jails Alexei Navalny's three lawyers.Από τον BBC World Service
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