The day’s top stories from BBC News. Delivered twice a day on weekdays, daily at weekends.
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The longest running independent international affairs podcast features in-depth interviews with policymakers, journalists and experts around the world who discuss global news, international relations, global development and key trends driving world affairs. Named by The Guardian as "a podcast to make you smarter," Global Dispatches is a podcast for people who crave a deeper understanding of international news.
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Global News Hour at 6 is B.C.’s most watched nightly newscast and is the flagship news broadcast at Global BC.
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The best stories, interviews and on the spot reporting from around the world including highlights from News hour, The World Today and World Briefing. Up to 30 minutes compiled twice a day from the 24 hour News coverage from the BBC World Service.
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A thought-provoking look at the news--offering entertaining insights into politics, economics, and popular culture--which are occasionally grounded in actual facts.
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Podcast by Easy Global News
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Steve Palley and Pete Newsom dive deep into notable global affairs in this weekly podcast.
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Reporting the current issues in national and international by putting your point of views and observing what the news is informing about
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Broadcasting weekly news highlights from around the world. Designed to summarize global news for local listeners on the go. If you have news you think should be highlighted, please send an email.
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Welcome to NewzKidz! A new weekly podcast covering global news stories and current affairs, presented by Rose, Zara, Aiza and Laurie - kids aged 8-11 years. Tune in to hear us talk about what's important in our world today, what's making the news headlines, and why kids should care. You can discuss our stories with your friends, parents and teachers, and let us know what you think.
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Global perspective Human stories
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Dane Wigington is a geoengineering scientist with a background in solar energy who is regarded as one of the foremost experts
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Perspectiva Global Reportagens Humanas
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Podcast by Michael Welch
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The CCP’s Global Ambitions + NEWS
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Want to keep up with all the news from China’s business scene but short on time? Then tune into the Caixin China Biz Roundup! Each weekday, we break down the biggest developments in the Asian giant’s economy, financial world and tech sphere — all in around 15 minutes! Expect to find lots of analysis and informative updates delivered in a fun, light-hearted manner. Also on our channel is the Caixin-Sinica Business Brief and China Stories, which are both produced in collaboration with SupChina ...
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A weekly review of wildlife conservation success stories and news highlights from across the globe. #LetNatureThrive
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story beyond the headlines, strap yourself in for 60 minutes of informative and provocative radio.
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一天1Hashtag,聊天不Lag! 寰宇#關鍵字新聞,帶你關注亞洲放眼全球 國際政經一聽就懂x關鍵字聊天不卡卡X 180秒快速好吸收 🐧週一~五:7-9am更新 🐧週六~日:驚喜更新 🔎寰宇新聞YT: 🔎寰宇新聞網: 🔎寰宇全視界: 🔎寰宇看東亞: 🔎看見新東協: 抖內我們這裡請: 商業合作信箱 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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PRGN Presents: News & Views from the Public Relations Global Network
Public Relations Global Network
PRGN Presents is the essential podcast for international business leaders, non-profit executives, and those who hire public relations, marketing, and communications firms. It provides an exclusive look into the ever-evolving world of PR and communications, featuring experts from the Public Relations Global Network, “the world’s local public relations agency.” Is your message winning hearts and minds? No matter where you do business, there is a PRGN member agency in your region with the deep ...
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NewFinxo Capital Daily Financial News 18 04 2024 Dollar Strength Amidst Global Tensions Set Your Course to Trading: Finxo Capital Will Be Your Trusted Navigator in Your Journey Look no further, you have landed in the right place for Your trading future. GET STARTED Convenience and Accessibility Online brokers offer the convenience of trading from the comfort of your home or on the go through mobile apps. Lower Costs Cost- effectiveness can help you reduce the impact of ...
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Global News Hour at 6 - Sept. 11, 2024 Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον CKNW / Curiouscast
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Both Harris and Trump claim victory in Tuesday’s presidential election debate. Also: Ukraine pressures US and UK over long-range missiles, and should you be allowed to eat in bed?Από τον BBC World Service
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Από τον United Nations
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Frost Warning Issued for Three States as Temperatures Plunge. Cooler weather has hit the Northeast and the Midwest this week, with Montana seeing a storm cause 12 inches of snow in Glacier National Park" (from Newsweek). "Heatwave across US west breaks records for highest temperatures. Hottest summer on record continues, with millions from Phoenix …
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U.S. government needs to deliver justice for 9//11victims: human rights expertUN refugee agency seeks millions to combat mpox outbreak in AfricaUNICEF condemns migrant family separation in Latin America and the CaribbeanΑπό τον Shanaé Harte, UN News
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我國距離中國最近的馬祖與金門位處軍事最前線,近年來受到政策影響,中國遊客大量減少,當地經濟也逐漸下滑,雖然當地人歡迎中國遊客,但面對中國的軍事威脅,政府的決策也陷入了兩難的窘境。有日本媒體特地前往馬祖採訪,指出了當地對於中國觀光客減少,造成經濟下滑而感到不安。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國…
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Send us a text Adam and Jeff welcome a good friend of the Omaha Bugle, Chris Eddy, back to the program, for an unprecedented third appearance--an honor that would typically be reserved for presidents, kings and deep-pocket program sponsors. Chris provides Adam and Jeff with an update of his campaign to win the 25th Congressional seat in the U.S. Ho…
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Gene therapy is effective against many diseases and even has the potential to address enduring global health challenges like HIV. However, gene therapy as it currently exists is astronomically expensive to develop and administer. What’s more, the burden of diseases that may be most susceptible to gene therapy, such as sickle cell disease and potent…
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Hosted and produced by CKUW News Director and contributor, Michael Welch, in association with the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Global Research News Hour is a one hour analysis of major developments in the world of economics, politics and geo-politics, with researchers and news makers from around the world. If you want to get the story …
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9/11 Inquiry Denied and 9/11 Questions Ignored. Conversations with Matt Campbell and Ray McGinnis
This week on the Global Research News Hour, we do our anniversary special on the 9/11 attacks by seeing it through the lens of family members of the casualties of the terrorist attacks, particularly those who came to doubt everything that was said about the tragedy being caused by member of government for reasons other than being caught with their …
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Both Harris and Trump claim victory in Tuesday’s presidential election debate. Also: Ukraine pressures US and UK over long-range missiles, and should you be allowed to eat in bed?Από τον BBC
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Secretário-geral diz que tipo de colaboração pode ajudar a alavancar apoio multilateral e alcançar prosperidade partilhada; trocas comerciais no Hemisfério Sul correspondem a mais de um quarto do total global.Από τον United Nations
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Com especialistas e governantes, documento busca garantir que crescente demanda por minerais essenciais para energia renovável seja conduzida de forma equitativa e sustentável; relatório destaca justiça, direitos humanos e transparência como pilares para um desenvolvimento econômico global responsável e inclusivo.…
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Jornal da ONU, com Felipe de Carvalho:*Líder da ONU condena ataque com armas pesadas em área povoada de Gaza*ONU alerta para aumento de mortes e sofrimento na Ucrânia em meio à escalada do conflito*Abertura da 79ª sessão da Assembleia Geral a duas semanas da chegada de líderes globais*Unesco promove práticas sustentáveis de geração de renda na regi…
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Kyiv is putting more pressure on allies to end limits on using long-range western missiles inside Russia. Also: Reaction to the US presidential election debate, and Brazil's former president is awarded $2000 in damagesΑπό τον BBC World Service
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Από τον United Nations
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Meta é melhorar oferta de serviços de saúde para pessoas forçadas a se deslocar e comunidades anfitriãs; iniciativa deve cobrir 35 países africanos; agência da ONU diz que dimensão e complexidade da situação exigem mais financiamento.Από τον United Nations
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Kyiv is putting more pressure on allies to end limits on using long-range western missiles inside Russia. Also: Reaction to the US presidential election debate, and Brazil's former president is awarded $2000 in damagesΑπό τον BBC
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António Guterres lamentou o “assassinato de civis, incluindo mulheres e crianças” em Khan Younis nesta terça-feira por meio de incursão aérea de Israel; vítimas haviam se dirigido ao local por orientação das forças israelenses; chefe da Unrwa disse que falta de escolas em Gaza está criando “geração perdida”.…
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中國於九年前提出「中國製造2025計畫」,目標發展10項關鍵產業技術,並已在全球產業中取得顯著成就。根據美國聯邦參議員盧比歐的最新報告指出,中國在4大產業上已達到世界領先地位,並在其他5個產業上接近預期目標。報告也深入探討了中國製造業的進步,特別是電動車、能源發電、造船和高鐵等領域的領導地位。盧比歐強調美國應迅速應對,以保護其技術與經濟利益。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉…
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蘋果才剛發表iPhone16系列,華為也緊跟其後推出了全球首款3摺疊手機。這款3折疊手機被網友笑稱,像古代皇帝批的「奏摺」。而這款新機更是華為有史以來最貴的手機,1TB容量版本的售價甚至超過新台幣10萬元。不過也有分析師表示,華為以「3折疊」做噱頭,都是為了要淡化他們原地踏步的晶片技術。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 https://lihi1…
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芒果是埃及的主要出口產品之一,但由於烏俄與以哈戰爭導致埃及經濟受重挫。高通膨以及高物價,一般民眾都快吃不起自家盛產的芒果了。而在埃及不只民生用品、油價都飆漲,連赴埃及旅遊的團費都翻了1倍的價錢。這對以觀光為主要收入之一的埃及經濟,又是一大打擊。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 h…
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賀錦麗和川普在辯論會前,都頻頻對主辦活動的ABC新聞網表達不滿。而雖然最後辯論會,沒有照賀錦麗團隊要求全程開麥,但由於另一方不能即時用言語回應,也讓辯論會上出現了不少隔空交火的精彩鏡頭。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 抖內我們這裡…
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美國總統大選辯論落幕,部分分析師認為民主黨候選人賀錦麗的表現,比共和黨候選人川普略強一些。2人的稅率政策也牽動市場表現。高盛分析師認為賀錦麗提高企業稅的計畫,恐怕會讓標普500指數成分股企業獲利下滑,但整體而言,賀錦麗勝選對美國經濟可能比較好。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 h…
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美國總統大選,川普對上賀錦麗的第1場電視辯論,在台灣時間11日上午9點登場。許多美國民眾也在電視機前或手機上,觀看副總統賀錦麗對決前總統川普。同時各大媒體也找來專家,分析這次辯論的重點,以及2位候選人的表現如何影響11月總統大選。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 https://…
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歐洲法院最近裁決蘋果、谷歌控告歐盟2案皆敗訴,並且要做出鉅額補稅。主管競爭法的歐盟執行委員表示,這不只是歐盟的勝利,也是賦稅正義、公平競爭的勝利,讓外界知道即使最強大的科技公司,也不能凌駕於法律之上。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉…
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烏俄戰事持續處於膠著,而烏克蘭在反攻俄國西部後,應用的軍事手段也越來越多。烏軍在10日向俄國首都莫斯科,發動了15架無人機攻擊,釀成至少1名平民死亡。而烏軍也在近日展示了它們的最新「龍」型無人機,這款無人機能從空中向敵人噴灑高溫的鋁熱劑,震懾效果十足。只是這種類型的武器,也引發了可能會觸戰爭罪的疑慮。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 https:…
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日本的秋天迎來梨子與栗子的豐收季,成為這段時期的代表性食材。有店家將梨子與復古料理結合,讓民眾體驗懷舊風味。而栗子則是秋季西洋經典甜品,蒙布朗的關鍵食材。儘管今年夏天的幾個颱風影響部分收成,農民仍對今年的栗子豐收表示滿意。秋季的美味食材吸引民眾紛紛前往品嚐當季美味,享受這段美食豐收的時光。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 https://lihi…
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俄羅斯在近日展開了大規模的海上演習,而其中與中國聯合進行的「北部 聯合2024」,也在10日展開,並會持續至下周一。美方對此表示,雖然有看見中俄在近年加大軍事合作,但目前還沒有看見,讓美國認為有需要改變軍事狀況的跡象。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 https://lihi1.…
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加拿大繼上個月對中國電動車提升關稅後,又再宣布從10日開始展開諮詢,研究對包括關鍵礦產、電池及零部件、太陽能產品與半導體等加徵關稅。與此同時,中國成功在印尼發展的鎳礦和鎳提鍊產業,也導致美國試圖加持重要鎳加工出口國菲律賓,以脫離中國的控制。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 htt…
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聯合國正在加薩,展開小兒麻痺疫苗接種,避免疫情擴散,但卻傳出疫苗接種人員的車隊,遭到以色列軍隊扣押攔查,甚至還對車隊開槍警告,引發聯合國嚴重關切。除此之外以軍還在10日,轟炸了一處指定的人道區域,造成至少40人死亡。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 看更多國際政經新聞👉 https://lihi1.c…
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即將迎來中秋佳節,中國月餅業者卻是苦哈哈。消費者對於創新口味,調降價格的月餅都不買單。有月餅代工廠就表示,因為月餅需求低,工廠缺訂單,員工做三休一 。另外還有不肖業者在這個時候,想分一杯羹,推出冒牌精品月餅。這樣的月餅,沒有生產日期、廠家,地址,完全是名副其實的「3無產品」。 小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉…
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美國總統選舉2位候選人,現任副總統賀錦麗,前總統川普,在台灣時間11日9點,進行選前第一次辯論,這也是2人首次「面對面」言詞交鋒。主持人針對國內經濟民生問題、鬧得沸沸揚揚的墮胎議題,以及國會暴動一案,對2位候選人交叉提問,隨後也問及了國際上幾個大型衝突,美國在這些衝突中扮演的角色。帶您一起來看,這次的辯論重點整理。小額贊助支持本節目: 留言告訴我你對這一集的想法: YT收看《寰宇全視界》👉 聽眾五星留言+訂閱👉 …
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Trump and Harris have clashed on issues including the economy, immigration, and foreign policy in a fiery presidential debate. Both sides accused each other of weakness and spreading false information. We bring you analysis from Washington. Also: We hear from Missouri where presidential election day will also see voters decide whether to legalise a…
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Trump and Harris have clashed on issues including the economy, immigration, and foreign policy in a fiery presidential debate. Both sides accused each other of weakness and spreading false information. We bring you analysis from Washington. Also: We hear from Missouri where presidential election day will also see voters decide whether to legalise a…
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Global News Hour at 6 - Sept. 10, 2024 Learn more about your ad choices. VisitΑπό τον CKNW / Curiouscast
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Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are facing each other in a live presidential debate. Also: the staggering impact living through the Covid pandemic had on girls' brains, and the campaign to end Afro hair discrimination.Από τον BBC World Service
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