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show episodes

Fides et Ratio

Karen Early

A Catholic theologian , scientist, engineer, wife and mother's response to a variety of topics. The topics include the Church Scandal, philosophy, natural law, marriage, and alternative medicine.
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Fly Fidelity


Hosted by Luke Bailey, The Fly Fidelity Podcast is a weekly podcast featuring thoughtful, layered, and intellectually adventurous conversations with some of hip hops most brilliant and impactful minds. Produced by Luke Bailey & Dale Lewis for Fly Fidelity Media
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Fidelity Answers: The Investment Podcast

Fidelity International

Fidelity Answers is an investor's podcast channel from Fidelity International where we put the questions investors are asking to our portfolio managers and analysts. Looking for invaluable sector views, market commentary, and the best investment thinking? Then this is the place for you.
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Sharon Fidelman

אנשים טובים צוחקים, בוכים, שמחים ועצובים מדברים על כל מה שטוב בחיים ואוכלים מלא אוכל טעים.
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Fidelity Viewpoints: Market Sense

Fidelity Investments

To help you navigate through current market conditions, Fidelity's leaders have come together for a series called Fidelity Viewpoints®: Market Sense. Each week, they'll cover the latest market happenings, actions you might consider, and answers to common questions. © 2025 FMR LLC. All rights reserved.
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High-Fidelity Conversations

Jonathan Marsh

This is a monthly podcast designed for healthcare workers looking to sharpen their minds and clinical skills. In each episode, we'll sit down and talk with an active healthcare professional as they reflect on some of their experience and expertise. We'll look to apply what we learn in a way that not only benefits you, but those around you. All specialties and topics are fair game, so come join your host and Simulation Coordinator, Jonathan Marsh, to hear more High-Fidelity Conversations!
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Fidelity Podcast Kapitalmarkt

Fidelity International

Ein Gast, ein Thema – und 45 Minuten Zeit für ein intensives Gespräch. Carsten Roemheld, Kapitalmarktstratege bei Fidelity International, widmet sich jeden Monat einem kompetenten Gast – und einem Thema, das die Gesellschaft prägt, die Politik beschäftigt, die Unternehmen herausfordert – und die Kapitalmärkte bewegt. Disclaimer Deutschland: Wertentwicklungen in der Vergangenheit sind keine Garantie für zukünftige Erträge und Ergebnisse. Der Wert von Anteilen kann schwanken und wird nicht gar ...
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Fidem Beats Podcast

Fidem Beats

Fidem Beats, an American Recording Artist/Music Producer Hosts "How You Create". A podcast aimed at people that want a successful career in the music industry. We cover topics ranging from marketing, social media tips, single and album distribution, booking shows, and making money from the music you create. Our hope is to give the artist all of the knowledge that they need to succeed within the music industry.
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The Fidelio Podcast

Marie Ross

The Fidelio Podcast features interviews with different kinds of artists. Host, Marie Ross, talks about various topics in the arts. She interviews artists who might not necessarily be household names, but are all known and respected in their disciplines. The Fidelio Podcast deals with ideas and inspiration, what these artists' lives are like, and why they are driven to create.
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Fidelis Inspire Podcast

Betsy Hoyt

Fidelis Inspire Podcast - This podcast explores the many facets of Fidelis. Fidelis is a National Organization with parish-chapters spread throughout the US. Fidelis is a Sisterhood of discipleship where we learn and grow in virtue. Girls 6th thru 12th grade participate while women from all walks of life mentor these young ladies. All of us together are striving toward heaven while recognizing ourselves as daughters of the King! Please read more at
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Haute fidélité

France Inter

Tous les après-midis de l'été, une heure pour savourer la playlist d'Inter avec l'enthousiasme irrésistible d'Aline Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Agencia de Noticias Fides

Agencia de Noticias Fides

La Agencia de Noticias Fides (ANF) con más de 50 años de servicio a la sociedad por medio de la generación de información, promoción de la libertad de expresión y el respeto a los derechos humanos desarrolla una iniciativa denominada “Hablar de Bolivia con una taza de café” con el objetivo de promover y posicionar la importancia de un diálogo democrático y plural para la mejor convivencia.
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Mere Fidelity

Mere Fidelity

From the Mere Orthodoxy Podcast Network: thoughtful weekly conversations about theology, the culture, and the church, hosted by Matthew Lee Anderson, Derek Rishmawy, Alastair Roberts, and Andrew Wilson.
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High Fidelity

Bridget Conry

A show exploring the intersection of cannabis, integrative selfcare and the arts. Hosted by Bridget Conry, an herbalist, foodie, art-lover and cannabis entrepreneur based in Burlington, VT. Tune in for quick hits on the emerging Vermont cannabis marketplace, pro tips on how to incorporate cannabis into a healthy lifestyle and engaging conversations with members of the cannabis community; no hate in this space, just High Fidelity.
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Fides Quotidianum

Diócesis de Arlington Apostolado Hispano

Viviendo la fe en la vida cotidiana. Nuestro Podcast tiene un enfoque especial en la vida de nuestros jóvenes. Hablamos sobre los obstáculos de nuestro diario vivir y como podemos enfrentarlos con la mano de Dios. Al escuchar este podcast recibirás las herramientas necesarias para vencer las dificultades y seguir creciendo en la fe. Conéctate en cualquier plataforma digital para llevarte un mensaje de esperanza y amor.
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Fidelis Guild Podcast

Derek Davis

Hello! In The Fidelis Guild Podcast we have multiple hosts that are going to be coming in each week. We go over what each of us have been up to in game in the last week. We also go over what the guild has been doing in the last week with raiding and guild management. Once we are done with all of that stuff we slide into WoW news for the week and dive into patches and even Dev tweets! Please don’t hesitate to jump in and join the fun!
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Fides Show with Jerry Cirino

Jerry Cirino, Jr.

Fides is pronounced "FEE-DASE" and is Latin for Knowledge, Faith, Truth. This podcast was started to get the truth out there in a world of falsehoods. I release two guest interviews per week and one episode where I go solo. I focus on conservative issues, such as pro-life, pro-freedom, pro-economic freedom, border security, and religious freedom. I will only ever tell you the truth. Guests have included Governor Scott Walker, Alveda King, niece of MLK, Liz Wheeler, actress Ashley Bratcher, a ...
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Sci Fi Fidelity

Den of Geek

Mike and Dave turn up the volume on sci fi, fantasy, comics, and horror-themed television shows that deserve your attention and share monthly interviews from those behind all of your favorite series. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Welcome to Fidelity International's monthly asset allocation podcast hosted by Richard Edgar, Editor in Chief. Each month we dive into the latest market trends with Fidelity's asset allocation group, asking them how they're positioned and why. What will the portfolio managers reveal about their investment strategies? What are the team's hot cakes this month? And what would they drop like a hot potato? If you enjoy Rich Pickings then be sure to try our other podcast, 'Fidelity Answers'. From ...
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show series
The spring housing market is upon us and home buyers, sellers, and investors may be watching inventory and wondering if the market will improve. Fidelity’s VP of Mortgage Lending gives us his take on the current housing market dynamics and how both buyers and sellers can be successful in this market. Plus, why have mortgage rates stayed so high, an…
  continue reading Poetry in the Faith- Psalms & Isaiah (Hebraic Poetry, translated) As Catholics, our measure is Christ, who is Present in many ways. Principally, the Eucharist. However, one way that we k…
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Face à une société obsédée par la performance et l'autonomie, ce numéro du Rendez-vous Fidélité explore une autre voie : celle qui reconnaît dans nos fragilités une source insoupçonnée de richesse humaine. Josef Schovanec nous dévoile comment la neurodiversité enrichit notre monde commun. Agathe de Miniac témoigne des transformations profondes qu'a…
  continue reading VIII. Other Notable Figures, i.e. popes or saints Pope Paul V had Bridget’s Revelations published in 1601 with a commentary by the Bishop of Montefeltre defending their orthodoxy. John Paul II declared Bridget, along with Catherine of Siena and Teresa Benedicta of the Cro…
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Comment guider nos enfants dans un monde où les écrans sont omniprésents et les repères traditionnels bousculés ? Ce Rendez-vous Fidélité rassemble des experts et témoins engagés pour éclairer notre mission éducative. Valérie d'Aubigny nous dévoile les clés pour donner le goût de la lecture de 0 à 16 ans, véritable antidote à la culture de l'immédi…
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Höhere Zölle in Amerika machen nicht nur den Europäern, sondern auch den Autoherstellern vor Ort das Leben schwer – denn zwischen Kanada, USA und Mexiko herrscht bislang beim Autobau eine rege Arbeitsteilung, wie Forscherin Heike Proff im Podcast anschaulich beschreibt. In Brasilien, einem Land ohne heimische Anbieter, machen derweil chinesische He…
  continue reading Evoking the purification of the wilderness when Yahweh was Israel’s love and sole source of dependency). Before the nation turned away from God and asking for kings like the other nations. 27 Zion shall be redeemed by justice, and those in her who repent, by righteou…
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[Ep60] Yep - we're talking about it. Listen in on this episode to refresh yourself on some of the general concepts and facts around measles. We'll also include some recent info regarding cases and outbreaks in the United States for 2025. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Resources General info on measles related to traveling The Epidem…
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Hospitalisé depuis plus d'un mois pour une double pneumonie, le pape François traverse peut-être la plus grande épreuve de son pontificat. Dans cet épisode du "Rendez-vous Fidélité", nous explorons avec nos invités experts - Etienne Pépin de RCF et Frédéric Mounier, ancien correspondant de La Croix au Vatican - l'état de santé du souverain pontife …
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Die einstige Vorzeigeindustrie steckt in Schwierigkeiten: Deutsche Autobauer sind weltweit längst nicht mehr so gefragt wie früher, gerade die Chinesen sind mit neuen Elektroautos weitaus erfolgreicher. Expertin Heike Proff erklärt, warum der Markt in Fernost völlig anders tickt. Was die jungen Käuferschichten statt Wurzelholz und Leder im Innenrau…
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Interview de Sandie Giacobi auteur du livre "Homo Entrepreneurus" : résilience et importance de se créer une tribu. Au sommaire de cette interview - La résilience - La création d'une communauté Plus d'informations sur le livre homo Entrepreneurus (21 €) Voici les points forts du livre Homo Entrepreneurus de Sandie Giacobi - …
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Face à la menace russe et au désengagement américain symbolisé par l'attitude de Donald Trump envers l'Ukraine, l'Union européenne vient de dévoiler un ambitieux plan de réarmement de 800 milliards d'euros. Un électrochoc pour un continent longtemps habitué à déléguer sa sécurité. Mais ce "ReArm Europe" suffira-t-il à construire une véritable auton…
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Les Callbots boostés à l'IA générative : intégrez ces petits surdoués dans vos parcours client !Les premiers callbots ont apporté une réelle avancée pour les services clients, en automatisant le traitement les demandes simples ou répétitives.Aujourd’hui, les agents IA conversationnels nouvelle génération, élevés à l’IA générative, entrent en scène,…
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Is 2025 finally the year of the bond? With market volatility rising, bonds have been outperforming stocks. On this episode of Market Sense, a Fidelity portfolio manager explains why the bond market may be looking brighter now than 2 years ago, and the opportunities he sees in fixed income. To research fixed income, bonds & CDs click here Read the f…
  continue reading VII. Promises (graces) attached to its recitation & indulgences HERE ARE THE SEVEN GRACES[1]: I will grant peace to their families. They will be enlightened about the divine mysteries. I will console them in their pains and I will accompany them in their work. I will giv…
  continue reading Covenant Lawsuit[1] The relationship between the Lord and Israel is governed by the covenant that binds them together. The covenant spells out the sacred obligations incumbent upon the parties as well as the consequences that follow compliance or noncompliance with …
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Tariffs and chip export bans don't sound like good news for Asian technology companies. But Fidelity fund manager Tina Tian and equities analyst Jonathan Tseng actually view current geopolitical tension as a positive for investors in the region. Why? Find out as they discuss all things Asia innovation with hosts Stuart Rumble and Taosha Wang. See o…
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Investors have been struggling with the question of whether this bull market has run its course, in the face of rising economic uncertainty and a recent uptick in market volatility. On this episode of Market Sense, we’re answering your top questions on whether a market downturn has already started, how to avoid reactionary portfolio moves, and inve…
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Amazon link for the book Defending Dixie’s Land: What Every American Should Know About The South And The Civil War- Kennedy twins' books - Jeb's LinkedIn - Jeb's X - 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 Support Catholi…
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L’IA va t’elle tuer le NPS grâce à l'analyse automatique de toutes les interactions (conversations téléphoniques, des emails, des chats... ) ? En effet, actuellement les taux de retours des enquêtes sont proches de 20%, ce qui veut dire que 80% des clients restent muets. Or l'IA générative ouvre des nouvelles portes pour mesurer la satisfaction cli…
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Artist, educator, curator, and cultural ambassador Queen Herawin (Juggaknots) is this week's guest on the podcast. Take a peek behind the curtain and go into the making of her latest project "Awaken The Sleeping Giant" in this expansive and insightful conversation.Produced by: D. Lewis and L. Bailey for Fly Fidelity MediaArt direction: Mango SharkA…
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We answer the questions investors are asking. Bottom up? Top down? What’s the best way to look for opportunities in volatile bond markets? Fidelity fund managers James Durance and Mike Riddell talk to hosts Rosie McMellin and Ben Moshinsky about how they’re responding to a sudden shift in the market narrative. See for privac…
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Tariffs on major trade partners and a potential government shutdown are all on our radar as we gear up for another busy week in the markets. Plus, we’re taking a look back with Fidelity’s Director of Global Macro, Jurrien Timmer who is celebrating 30 years at Fidelity. We’re asking him about how this current market compares to what he’s witnessed i…
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[Ep59] Have you been thinking about getting into 3D printing, but you feel a little overwhelmed with all the options? Perfect! This episode is for you. Listen in on our conversation to learn more about: What should I consider BEFORE I buy anything? What are the different kinds of 3D printing? Are there certain brands that I should look at? Can I pr…
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Our Market Sense viewers have been asking us more questions than ever about Crypto since the recent run-up in prices. So, we’re answering your most common questions, including how the new Trump administration could potentially impact the crypto industry, whether it’s a good time to get into crypto, and how you can determine if it’s a good fit for y…
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En direct du 61ème Salon International de l'Agriculture à Paris, cette édition spéciale de 57 minutes vous plonge au cœur des réalités agricoles françaises, un an après le début de la crise qui a secoué le secteur. Rencontrez ceux qui font vivre nos campagnes : éleveurs partageant leurs défis quotidiens, producteurs innovants réinventant leur métie…
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Montée des extrêmes en Europe, retour de Trump aux États-Unis... Le Rendez-vous Fidélité décrypte la progression apparemment inexorable du populisme avec trois experts qui analysent ce phénomène qui bouleverse nos démocraties et explorent les réponses possibles.Από τον Radio Fidélité
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Coming off last year's critically acclaimed "Blip" with The Expert, NAHreally joins us for a conversation about his latest project "Secret Pancake" and breaks down his recipe for making bangers. Produced by: D. Lewis and L. Bailey for Fly Fidelity MediaArt direction: Mango SharkAbout: Hosted by Luke Bailey, The Fly Fidelity Podcast is a weekly podc…
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Bonjour,Vous avez du mal à capter l’attention de vos prospects ? Vos taux de conversion stagnent et vous cherchez des idées pour déclencher l’achat ? Cela veut dire qu'il est temps d’adopter une approche plus scientifique et plus percutante .Les neurosciences justement explorent le fonctionnement du cerveau et des mécanismes qui l’animent. L’object…
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Have you been watching the mail for weeks getting all your tax documents in order? You’re not alone! On this week’s episode of Market Sense, we’re talking with a Fidelity Financial Consultant who has a background in tax preparation to hear her strategies to help reduce your taxable income. Plus, Fidelity’s Jurrien Timmer is getting us caught up on …
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Quels sont les défis des managers aujourd’hui ? Interview de Marie-Christine BERT, vie de manager : défis, astuces et idées reçues ! Au sommaire : - Comment faire un feedback qui motive à ses équipes ? - Comment gérer le quotidien en tant que manager ? - Comment créer du lien avec ses équipes - Comment bien gérer son temps entre manager et ne pas p…
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Four albums (and over ten projects) into her career, Rapsody is at the peak of her powers. In the week since she spoke to us for this episode, Rapsody has officially secured her first win for Best Melodic Rap Performance (“3:AM” feat. Erykah Badu) at the 67th Annual Grammy Awards   On this week's episode, Rapsody joins us to peel back the curtain o…
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🌟 4 experts partagent retour d'expérience sur l'utilisation réussie de l'IA en marketing B2B Nous serons 4 à vous présenter nos petites astuces : Hervé Gonay de Zenbaia Raphaël Richard SylvAIn Montmory Je vous présenterai des cas concrets d’usages de l’IA dans un CRM, et surtout applicables rapidement avec un impact immédiat. L’intelligence artific…
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Le chien occupe une place grandissante dans nos vies et nos foyers. Mais qui est vraiment ce compagnon millénaire en 2025 ? Entre évolutions des races, nouveaux modes de vie et attentes croissantes des propriétaires, comment notre relation avec les chiens se transforme-t-elle ? Dans ce Rendez-vous Fidélité, trois experts nous éclairent : Anne-Marie…
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Amazon link for the book Missing Monarchy: Correcting Misconceptions About The Middle Ages, Medieval Kingship, Democracy, And Liberty- Jeb's LinkedIn - Jeb's X - 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 Support Catholic Businesses here -…
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En 2025, les catastrophes climatiques se multiplient. Los Angeles brûle, Mayotte s'enfonce, la France subit inondations et sécheresses. Comment nos villes peuvent-elles s'adapter ? Entre innovations architecturales, nouvelles solidarités et défis assurantiels, quatre experts dessinent le visage des cités de demain.…
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En ce 80e anniversaire de la libération d'Auschwitz, Le Rendez-vous Fidélité explore les nouveaux chemins de la transmission de la mémoire de la Shoah. Entre témoignage direct avec Jean-Serge Lorach, déporté à l'âge de 4 ans, innovations pédagogiques avec la professeure Riselaine Chapel, et évolutions institutionnelles avec Alban Perrin du Mémorial…
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What do thousands of company meetings tell investors about the state of the world in 2025? What do leadership teams think about the impact of a new US administration? Where can investors seek value in China? And how are companies embracing AI? Fidelity International’s annual Analyst Survey answers these questions and more. Ben Moshinsky is joined b…
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