Freie Meinung, kluge Gedanken: "Essay und Diskurs" präsentiert zu Fragen der Gesellschaft, die aktuell diskutiert werden, ein eigenes Radioformat.
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Este é o 'Durma com essa', podcast de notícias do Nexo, um jornal digital para quem busca explicações precisas e interpretações equilibradas sobre os principais fatos do Brasil e do mundo. De segunda a quinta, o programa traz para você a notícia mais instigante do dia. E que pode continuar a ecoar por aí.
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Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.
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Fabio Porchat tira as melhores histórias de três convidados e participação da plateia com a intenção de buscar conexões entre eles.
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A essência de um ofício, um percurso, um legado, uma personalidade, um evento, uma época, um livro.A história, as artes, a ciência, a diplomacia, as ideias e o pensamento.
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Mit Ernährung Krankheiten in den Griff bekommen oder sogar heilen. Das geht! Und die NDR Ernährungs-Docs wissen, wie es geht. Wissenschaftsjournalistin Julia Demann spricht mit Dr. Silja Schäfer, Dr. Viola Andresen und Dr. Matthias Riedl über ihre spannendsten Fälle und erstaunlichsten Erfolge. "Essen als Medizin" lautet ihre Strategie, die Themen reichen von antientzündlicher Ernährung bis Zuckerersatz. Gemeinsame Mission: eine Ernährung, die schmeckt, die beim Gesundwerden und -bleiben hil ...
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Leading writers on arts, history, philosophy, science, religion and beyond, themed across a week - insight, opinion and intellectual surprise.
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ADHD Podcast for Parents and Educators
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Denis Botana e Danilo Silvestre contam alguma coisa um para o outro. Histórias, causos, experiências pessoais, algo que um de nós descobriu, viveu ou leu sobre nos últimos tempos. Tem do submundo dos perfumes às origens dos reality shows, passando por vício em xadrez e arte contemporânea.
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Um programa onde se fala de vinho, gastronomia e cultura. Para ouvir Segunda-feira às 23h40.
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Der Essay bietet Produktionen auf höchstem Niveau und mit literarischem Anspruch. Unsere Autor*innen sind Philosoph*innen, Dichter*innen, Soziolog*innen, Künstler*innen. Im SWR Kultur Essay denken sie laut. Manchmal denken sie auch leise. Aber immer hörbar und meinungsstark. Der Essay: Ein akustisches Theorie-Theater.
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Apprendre, découvrir et explorer de nouveaux champs de connaissances, progresser ensemble, aborder et partager des sujets qui vous touchent directement, c’est le programme d'ESSENTIEL academy ! Retrouve Julie & Mag tous les mercredis à 20h pour une séance express de coaching !
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Mit der buch|essenz stellen wir Sachbücher von besonderer Bedeutung für den gesellschaftlichen Diskurs, als Buchzusammenfassungen für dich bereit. Du musst Sachbücher mit mehreren hundert oder gar tausend Seiten nicht gänzlich lesen, um die Kernaussagen und Argumente der Autoren zu verstehen – denn genau dies decken unsere kompakten Buchessenzen ab. Mehr:
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Neste podcast, você vai ter a experiência de ouvir livros que adoramos ler, com histórias que amamos escutar. Vai ser melhor ainda se você estiver com o livro em mãos pra poder acompanhar esta aventura sonora. Pelo Instagram, o adulto que te acompanha nessa jornada pode se comunicar comigo, me mandar uma mensagem sua pedindo "Conta essa história pra mim?". ACESSE: APOIE O PODCAST:
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Andrew’s take on all things, pop culture
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Podcast by De Gids
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The finest House, Soulful, Nu Disco and Jackin in the World each week
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Podcast oficial del paraiso del house de la FM mezclado y seleccionado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE. Cada fin de semana en tu dial favorito de radio y en nuestro podcast oficial en
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A place where joy and smiles are the order of the day as music lifts our spirits and souls
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essenZ fürs Ohr – der Podcast für alle mit Wissenshunger! Jeden zweiten Freitag im Monat veröffentlichen wir – Dr. Heike Niemeier und Team – eine neue Folge, in der wir Themen rund um Essen und Ernährung auf den Tisch bringen – und das gern auch mit Gäst:innen. Leicht verdaulich und geschmackvoll werden so Wissenschaft und Kochtopf, die Theorie und die Praxis, zusammengebracht.
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Vetiver Vibes is a podcast created to open the conversation around becoming a certified aromatherapist, creating a successful health business and your go to place for general tips and tricks in aromatherapy. Join us weekly where we teach people to be empowered in Aromatherapy and bring you the Essential Oil Scoop!
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A show in which musicians and other creators talk about the songs that shaped who they are.
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Dieser Podcast bietet Essays über aktuelle und überzeitliche Themen aus Philosophie und Theologie aus katholischer Sicht. Dazu gehören kritische Analysen moderner Entwicklungen in Kirche und Gesellschaft sowie Einsichten aus Glaube, Vernunft und Offenbarung, von denen ich überzeugt bin, dass sie das nötige Hintergrundwissen abgeben, um sich ein zeitgeistunabhängiges Urteil bilden zu können.
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Brought to you by Loughborough University’s Anarchism Research Group (ARG), Anarchist Essays presents leading academics, activists, and thinkers exploring themes in anarchist theory, history, and practice. For more on the ARG, please visit and follow us on Twitter at @arglboro
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The Essential Reads podcast is a collection of classic audiobooks from your favourite authors such as Orson wells, Robert Lewis Stevenson, Mary Shelley, and many more, narrated by Isaac Birchall. Join Isaac on his journey to help get these books to the masses in an easy accessible way. Support the show and Join the Book Club
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Ironia, sarcasmo, acutilância. As perguntas que marcam o dia são lançadas por Paulo Ferreira e Júlio Magalhães. Todas as manhãs depois das 7, na Rádio Observador.
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Essential Church exists to remove every non-essential barrier between people and God and move them towards a loving relationship with Jesus Christ that can be enjoyed for all eternity. For more information, visit
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Short essays to cultivate thoughtful, faithful living through substantive reflection on issues relevant and timely for people in Anabaptist churches and of broad interest to other Christians and seekers. You can find the full text at
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¡Bienvenidos a el Podcast de Essenta FisioSalud! Somos una clínica de fisioterapia ubicada en Santa Cruz de Tenerife, comprometidos con tu bienestar y salud integral. En nuestro canal, encontrarás contenido informativo y educativo sobre salud, fisioterapia y bienestar. Además, contamos con un emocionante podcast en el que invitamos a expertos y profesionales del sector para discutir temas relevantes y compartir sus conocimientos. ¡Únete a nuestra comunidad y descubre cómo mejorar tu calidad ...
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Um podcast sobre discos e suas histórias, apresentado por Danilo de Almeida.
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future college student...which means hella podcasts😂 #GSC22
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No universo dinâmico do empreendedorismo, cada passo é uma jornada repleta de desafios e aprendizados. No "Lancei Essa", mergulhamos fundo no emocionante mundo dos negócios para explorar as histórias por trás das startups e dos empreendedores visionários que as impulsionam. Fuckup Night: Fundadores compartilham falhas e lições aprendidas, inspirando empreendedores a superar adversidades nos negócios. Ecosystem of a Startup: Exploramos o ciclo de vida de uma startup, entrevistando diversos at ...
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Best guidance on essay writing
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Improve your tennis with the Essential Tennis Podcast, the very first podcast dedicated to tennis lessons and instruction! Tennis professional Ian Westermann answers listener questions about technique, strategy, mental toughness, and much more.
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Hello everyone, and welcome to Learning Essentials. I’m your host, Herly. I am excited to be back and share podcast episodes about anything that speaks on the essentials of day-to-day learning within the realm of workplace scenarios or life in general. As we start the year, allow me to take you on another journey to inspire us as we start the new year with the new YOU. Subscribe now and make Learning Essentials a part of your weekly routine. Let’s dive into Our Essentials!
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for the love of house, for the love of deep!
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My vision for Essential Zodiac Podcast is to provide valuable and reliable information on a variety of topics related to astrology. We'll discuss New and Full Moons, important monthly transits and unique Astrological happenings. The podcast is released every other week, on the Friday closest to the New and Full Moons.
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Edufaith Essentials is an educational podcast dedicated to providing essential tips and knowledge about diverse learners: students with disabilities, Section 504, ESOL, MTSS/Response to Interventions, teaching, leadership, and current information. Edufaith Essentials' mission is to bring awareness, tips, and information to impact and promote inclusion in education positively. Edufaith Essentials aims to Restore Faith in Education, One Student at a Time.
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Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum du isst, was du isst? Oder warum es manchmal so schwer fällt, deine Ernährungsziele zu erreichen? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Im Podcast Kopfsache Essen tauchen Life Radio Redakteur Philipp Granbacher und die bekannte klinische Psychologin Cornelia Fiechtl ( tief in die faszinierende Welt der Ernährungspsychologie ein. Hier erfährst du, wie dein Gehirn deine Essgewohnheiten beeinflusst und wie du diese Erkenntnisse nutzen kannst, u ...
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Featuring extended interviews with some of the biggest names in football and in-depth analysis of the latest talking points with Sky Sports' football journalists, dive deeper with the Essential Football podcast. Follow, like or subscribe today and make sure you don’t miss an episode.
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A sétima temporada do podcast Essa Geração é realizada por meio de parceria entre a Tide Setubal e o Geledés - Instituto da Mulher Negra. Desta vez, o tema central é a pluralidade cultural. A temporada é composta por cinco episódios sobre as relações da cultura com o cotidiano em áreas diversas, como multiculturalismo, encruzilhadas culturais, oralidade, influência afrodiaspórica e transformação social por meio de equipamentos e coletivos culturais. Ficou interessade? Fique por dentro da tem ...
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Join AOT2 and Ugochi on their wild journey as they discuss everything Pop culture, music, movies and more. 234 Essential focuses on Nigerian pop culture but goes beyond trending topics on social media. It looks at the bigger picture and provides accurate historical and societal context to what is trending online. 234 Essential Podcast is another podcast original from Global Village. For fan mail: For ads: 234 Essential on Twitter 234 Essenti ...
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Get the essential astrology download for your week! Your host, Veronica Perretti, delivers the forecast with humor and clarity so that even the newest astro-phile can follow along. Discover how current events are impacted by the movement of the planets. Find out what's happening up there in the heavens so you can dictate your fate down here on Earth.
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Ausgewählte Features nehmen Sie mit in das riesige Themenspektrum der Kultur, vom Blick in die Geschichte bis zu hochaktuellen Fragen unserer Zeit, vom Wissenschafts- bis zum Lifestyle-Thema – lassen Sie sich inspirieren!
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Nurse Essentials is a podcast about all things nursing — from tips for making your next shift easier to advice on how to handle the big challenges you face. Whether you’re just starting your practice or have years of experience, we’ve got you covered.
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Everyday issues and solutions
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Megyn Kelly praises Meredith Vieira and Ann Curry for ‘sounding the alarm’ on Matt Lauer, Kourtney Kardashian Robbed, Bachelorette alum Mike Johnson asks Keke Palmer out on live TV...
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Dizia a AD que a intenção inicial do Governo teria um impacto de 500 milhões de euros, mas projeções apontam para um resultado muito diferente: 841 milhões de euros, quase 70% a mais. See for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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Britta L. leidet unter immer wiederkehrenden, genetisch bedingten Nierensteinen (Kalziumoxalatsteine). In der akuten Phase kommt es zu Koliken: Bauchkrämpfe, Übelkeit, Erbrechen und starke Schmerzen sind die Folge. Britta hat schon zahlreiche OPs hinter sich, ihr droht die Dialyse. Das will Ernährungs-Doc Viola Andresen verhindern. Konkret bedeutet…
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O Governador do BdP gosta de mudança, mas diz-se, agora, focado na atual função. A questão que se impõe é: o que fará quando acabar? Avizinham-se tempos de reflexão, em especial... para o PS. See for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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SUMMARY The concept of "You Incorporated" - examining whether we would keep our job if we were the CEO, CFO, or manager of our own lives. The issue of self-control and being "mastered" by things we desire, such as addictions, impulses, and cravings. The limitations of willpower and the ancient Greek philosophical idea of the "mind over matter" appr…
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Em destaque a melhor edição de sempre.da Essência do Vinho LisboaΑπό τον Renascença
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EP 138 Iron Maiden (1980)
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O ano de 1980 foi marcado por grandes lançamentos no mundo do Rock e pela popularização do movimento New Wave of British Heavy Metal. Um desses lançamentos marcou a estreia de banda que se tornaria a cara da NWOBHM e uma das mais cultuadas e aclamadas dessa geração, o Iron Maiden. Escolha sua rede social favorita e siga o podcast: Twitter: @jaouviu…
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En el episodio de hoy charlamos con Maria Ruiz. Fisioterapeuta experta en obstetricia, embarazo y mujer. Espero que disfrutes de este podcast. Recuerda que también estamos: @essenta_fisiosalud
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Wie sie die Gesellschaft herausfordern – und wie man ihnen begegnen sollte.Erfahrungen von sozialer Ausgrenzung sowie von Abstieg und Statusverlust haben einen großen Einfluss darauf, wie zufrieden Menschen mit der Demokratie sind und wie groß ihr Vertrauen in Politiker und Institutionen ist. Ziel der Politik muss es also sein, in Krisenzeiten ein …
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Discutir o 25 de Novembro reflete, em especial aos mais jovens, lições de história para entender como chegámos aqui. Afinal, vale mais do que um capítulo nos manuais escolares. É aproveitar. See for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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Essay #93: Alexander Sawatsky, ‘Anarchist Perspectives for Social Work Practice: Disrupting Oppressive Systems’
In this essay, Alexander Sawatsky talks about his recent book, Anarchist perspectives for social work: Disrupting oppressive systems. Along with a summary of the main topics and themes, he describes how he arrived at the idea of writing this book as well as his motivation to work towards an anarchist informed social work practice. Alexander teaches…
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Es liegt etwas Märchenhaftes in der Biografie des Christian Daniel Rauch (1777-1857). Vom Kammerlakaien stieg er auf zu einem der bedeutendsten und erfolgreichsten Bildhauer Deutschlands. Fast ein halbes Jahrhundert wird Rauch, dieser Künstler des strengen kühlen Klassizismus, der Bildhauer und Porträtist der preußischen und europäischen Führungsel…
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Im Dezember 1924 wurde die Dichterin Friederike Mayröcker in Wien geboren. Bekannt ist sie durch ihre Gedichtbände und lyrische Prosa geworden, aber auch durch Hörspiele, die sie zum Teil zusammen mit Ernst Jandl verfasste. 1969 wurde ihr gemeinsames Hörspiel "Fünf Mann Menschen" mit dem Hörspielpreis der Kriegsblinden ausgezeichnet und leitete die…
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Essential House 943 (Col Lawton)
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 5, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D Sibyl’s home, she dances around…
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Nach Jahrzehnten des wirtschaftlichen, kulturellen und individuellen Wachstums müssen wir uns nun an Unangenehmes gewöhnen: Verlust von Ressourcen, Status und Perspektiven. Sind Verlusterfahrungen schon zum Signum unserer Gesellschaft geworden? Thorsten Jantschek, Essay und Diskurs…
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Noch heute bleibt das Stollenrezept gut gehütetes Geheimnis vieler Hausfrauen und Bäckerfamilien. Wie lange muss ein Weihnachtsstollen ruhen? Dürfen die Rosinen vor dem Backen in Rum eingelegt werden? Und heißt es nun "der Stollen" oder "die Stolle"? Und welches Gebäck darf sich letztlich "Dresdner Christstollen" nennen?Die Sendung erzählt Geschich…
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Stress spielt in unserem Körper eine sehr große Rolle. Auch beim Essverhalten. Einerseits nehmen wir uns stressbedingt oft zu wenig Zeit zum essen. Andererseits reagiert der Körper ebenfalls auf den Stress. Was genau da im Körper geschieht, was positiv ist und was negativ - darüber spricht Cornelia in der neuen Folge. Auch mit wertvollen Tipps, wie…
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Episode 18: Deep Essence Podcast Sessions [Episode 3 - mixed by Sun Of Michael]
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Tracklist: 1. Intro 2. Melanie De Biasio - Brother [Shunus remix] 3. Local Options - Be My Satellite [Original mix] 4. Arco - Melody Of Love [Lucas Keizer remix] 5. Sound quest ft. Moyo - Nilipaulendo [Deep Inc & Santi Touch deepah mixx] 6. David Kassi - Arahova [BIG AL Back from Arahova remix] 7. Added - Rumble In The Bronx [I. Katelanos remix] 8.…
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A Study in Scarlet by Arthur Conan Doyle chapter 8 On The Great Alkali Plain by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D 2 opens on a D…
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Geld begegnet uns überall im täglichen Leben, als Banknoten und Münzen, als Buchgeld auf Bankkonten oder als digitales Geld auf Karten und dem Smartphone. Entscheidend ist nicht, welches Material oder welche Form Geld hat. Entscheidend ist, dass es allgemein als Zahlungsmittel akzeptiert wird. Geld muss drei Funktionen erfüllen: Die Tauschmittelfun…
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Sócrates foi detido há 10 anos e ainda não há data para o julgamento. A Justiça parece ter percebido que tudo podia ter sido diferente e, agora, o Tribunal da Relação recorreu ao famoso artigo 670º. See for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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AOT2 and Ugochi catch up on the previous week and discuss every news that made the rounds. OUTLINE 00:00 - Introduction 06:54 - Catch up 58:17 - X of the week 01:04:50 - Nudity on X 01:46:00 - Flop and Prop of the weekΑπό τον Global Village
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This week comes with a big vibe shift. From the murky waters of Scorpio, the Sun emerges and enters Sagittarius bringing light, joy, and some holiday magic. The big news though is that Pluto enters Aquarius and this time, it's for good, well at least for the next 20 years. With Pluto in the fixed air sign get ready for big-idea thinking, a speed-up…
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Wicked the movie, starring Ariana Grande & Cynthia Erivo, is officially out in theatre’s! It was amazing!
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Essential Questions: Why has Pep chosen to stay, and how does Portugal keep producing top talent?
As Pep Guardiola agrees a contract extension at Manchester City, Ron Walker, Peter Smith and Sam Blitz discuss why he's chosen to stay with the champions and how his decision could affect the Premier League. Plus, in the second half of the episode we're joined by Portuguese football journalist, Miguel Lourenço Pereira - author of the book, "Bring M…
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Você sabia que a construção histórica e cultural do Brasil teve grande influência dos povos africanos? Segundo Lélia Gonzalez, a África se manifesta no Brasil a partir das nossas realidades, por meio da religião, alimentação, música e principalmente da linguagem. Inclusive, sabia que a maioria das palavras que utilizamos hoje, no Brasil, tem origem…
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Diz-se que o tempo cura tudo, mas 50 anos depois ainda há feridas por curar na extrema-esquerda. O PCP não vai às celebrações do 25 de novembro, enquanto o BE vai representar-se por só uma deputada. See for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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In this podcast, Eckhart talks with an audience in Prague. He explains that most people are searching for an identity. For many that leads to disappointment. Eckhart uses the word dukkha which in Buddhism means suffering. He explains most of us are consumed with thoughts about our problems which become part of our identity. We also define ourselves…
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The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde chapter 4, narrated by Isaac BirchallSubscribe on YT or Join the Book Club on Patreon and support me as an independent creator :D month goes by, Dorian has grown …
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Depois do sucesso do seu "Dom Quixote", Miguel Cervantes foi pego de surpresa ao encontrar a segunda parte da sua obra. Ele não havia escrito essa sequência e nem conhecia o autor. Cervantes era, afinal, dono dos seus personagens? Hoje falamos sobre autoria e a contação de histórias criadas por outras pessoas. Este é mais um episódio do Escuta Essa…
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Thiago Pantaleão, Daniel Furlan e Maria Bopp
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Na roda com Porchat, Maria Bopp, Thiago Pantaleão e Daniel Furlan. Na plateia, um brownie mágico e uma lenda da Angola.Από τον GNT
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Send us a text Medical-surgical nursing is the backbone of nursing. In the latest episode of the Nurse Essentials podcast, a clinical nurse and CNS in medical-surgical nursing at Cleveland Clinic Fairview Hospital share their passion for the specialty and advice for leaders to support the field.Από τον Cleveland Clinic
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O metropolitano de Lisboa parece ter aderido ao ramo da espionagem. Nos últimos dois anos, a empresa vigiou as redes sociais de três ativistas que se opõem à expansão da linha vermelha. See for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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Vor 15 Jahren nahm sich Robert Enke das Leben. Die Nachricht erschütterte am 10. November 2009 das Land. Es war ein so einschneidendes Ereignis, dass die meisten Menschen noch heute wissen, wie und wo sie davon erfahren haben. Bis zu seinem Tod wusste kaum jemand, dass Robert Enke schon seit Jahren an schweren Depressionen gelitten hatte. Wie verbr…
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Nach mehrtägiger erregter Debatte verabschiedete das Preußische Abgeordnetenhaus am 20. Mai 1911 mit nur zwei Stimmen Mehrheit das "Gesetz, betreffend die Feuerbestattung". Da dauerte der Streit um die Einäscherung schon einige Jahrzehnte. Im christlich geprägten Europa galt sie als ein "heidnischer" Brauch, denn die Auferstehung – so die Kirchenme…
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Mapeando o Ecossistema de Startups de Brasília com Lucas de Melo (Ecosystem of a Startup 029)
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"Mapeando o Ecossistema de Startups de Brasília com Lucas de Melo (Ecosystem of a Startup 029)"Nos siga nas nossas redes sociais! pelo seu apoio e esperamos que aproveite o episódio!Lancei Essa
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David Meijers draagt een gedicht voor.Από τον De Gids
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Terça-feira (19) foi dia de nova operação da Polícia Federal, esta para prender suspeitos de planejar o assassinato do presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, do vice Geraldo Alckmin e do ministro do Supremo Alexandre de Moraes. É mais uma revelação da trama do golpe, que envolve o ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro e seu entorno. Todas as frentes contra o…
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As reclamações por discriminação nos transportes dominam. No ano passado, houve 203 queixas, das quais 65 estavam relacionadas com a “recusa ou limitação de acesso aos transportes públicos". See for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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"Mein Freund Felix ist Ende Vierzig, als bei ihm Krebs diagnostiziert wird. Er steht wenige Tage vor der Hochzeit mit seiner zweiten Frau, die gerade hochschwanger ist. Von Anfang an steht fest: Dieser Krebs ist medizinisch nicht heilbar. Felix ist ein Mensch, der den Austausch mit anderen Menschen sucht und schätzt. So lädt er nun uns, seine Freun…
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SUMMARY The importance of managing your finances and being a faithful steward of the resources God has entrusted to you. The biblical principles of budgeting, avoiding debt, and prioritizing God over money. How our finances and spending habits reveal the true condition of our hearts and relationship with God. The temporary nature of earthly possess…
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Essential deLuxe 1263
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Edición #1263 del paraíso del house de la FM mezclado y presentado por Diego Castillo aka 4DELUXE con el lanzamiento oficial en todas las plataformas de 'Take Slow'. Además novedades de Blow (ITA) & Dave Delly, BondiNotBondi, Castion, Hardsoul bajo el remix de CASSIMM, Kastelo x Kaylee Ameri & shndō, Krystal Roxx x Chelcee Grimes, Livin Joy bajo el…
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Mais... c'est qu'elle a du lion, cette émission ! Retrouve Julie et Mag dans une édition rugissante d'ESSENTIEL academy !Από τον ESSENTIEL radio
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Enoturismo e arroz carolinoΑπό τον Renascença
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Norwegian singer Susanna, whose full name is Susanna Karolina Wallumrød, first grew to fame for her work in her group Susanna and the Magical Orchestra. Her warm, soulful, and at times ethereal voice lends both her original compositions and beautifully-rendered covers a deep source of vulnerability and humanity. First recommended to us by previous …
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