A Final Fantasy XIV podcast that's no longer half let's play, and no longer stories.
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Join Cody and Dan as they discuss the bewildering and magical land of Eorzea! From aether to Zodiark, no stone will be left unturned as they explore the realm of Final Fantasy XIV! New episodes uploaded every other Wednesday.
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14: A Realm Reborn! - Part 1
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:15:40Pictures of what we talk about: https://imgur.com/a/ZaTzcAh After months of laying the groundwork and looking into backstories, we finally begin discussing the primary plot of the game! Join us in this week's episode to see the first portions of twists and turns that make up the massive plot of A Realm Reborn! Spoilers for: A Realm Reborn main plot…
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Pictures of what we talk about: https://imgur.com/a/2HKjDqC A woman with gentle eyes who's life has been hidden from us, Minfilia has a past that few know the truth of. Today we unveil what her part in the grand scheme of things (or Ascians!) is. Spoilers for: story relating to Minfilia WardeΑπό τον Cody & Dan
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Rumors tell of a ghost ship sneaking through the sky unnoticed by most. What secrets does the vessel hold? What nightmares linger inside, and who is their lord? Tune in to discover the truth! Spoilers for: The Void Ark raidΑπό τον Cody & Dan
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This week we discuss the sorrowful tale of Edda Pureheart's life and love. To what end will she go for her lover, Avere? What dark secrets call to her? This one isn't just for romantics! Spoilers for: Edda Pureheart storyline and Palace of the DeadΑπό τον Cody & Dan
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We've looked at several calamities so far, but in this week's episode we dive into each calamity that is on record! What does it take for a disaster to become a calamity? What do calamities and the void have in common? Find out by tuning in! Spoilers for: HeavenswardΑπό τον Cody & Dan
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Join us as we embark to the beginning of history as we know it! Who are the Ancients? What are the blessings and tragedies from their time that have shaped the world into what it is now? Spoilers for: 5.0 - 5.3Από τον Cody & Dan
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In this episode we discuss the Fourth Umbral Calamity! How are the fate of the Allagan empire and the fall of Dalamud bound within the Meteor Project? Who saves the world when all hope is lost?! Spoilers for: Binding Coil of BahamutΑπό τον Cody & Dan
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This week we discuss one of the most notable threats to all of Eorzea! Where does the Garlean Empire come from? How is their society structured? Who is the three-eyed mall ninja? Find out the answers in this week's episode of Moogles & Mages!Από τον Cody & Dan
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The journey through learning about the many races in Eorzea has come to an end! Tune in as we break into our next chapter of content by discussing what primals are and who some of the more "eikonic" ones are!Από τον Cody & Dan
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In this episode we look at the last playable races to discuss: the Viera and Hrothgar! What is the origin of the Gunbreakers? What is the Vieran Green Word? Tune in as these questions and many more are answered! Next week, Primals!Από τον Cody & Dan
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In this episode we discuss the Roegadyn, who deserve far more attention than they're given as well as the many tribes of Au Ra. Delve in and learn how to captain a nation of pirates in addition to what it takes to become the leader of the Dusk Mother clans while marrying your horse!Από τον Cody & Dan
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3: The Elements are Jerks, Who Needs Them?!
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:02:55This week we're looking at the elegant Elezen, white mages, and the massive city of Ishgard! Who controls the elements? What is Batman? Who will give you hot cocoa when you're sad?! Find out the answers in this episode!Από τον Cody & Dan
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Lalafell, their politics, and culture are discussed in this episode as well as why channeling aether can be so dangerous!Από τον Cody & Dan
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We discuss two of the races that take part in the ever-growing story of Final Fantasy XIV: the Hyur and Miqo'te.Από τον Cody & Dan
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Today we talk about some major issues with train security in Midgar.
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Ready for some good ole' fashioned jrpg goodness? Well, Lexi is taking on the FF7 Materia Lockdown Challenge! I started this five months back when the fundraiser first started. But I started it on my boyfriends switch. Now I have my own, and I'm ready to finish this challenge off. Hardcore style! You can find more information about the Materia Lock…
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It takes half an hour, but Banshee finally claims victory over that stupid SkullB0i's face by trashing his stupid key door and reaching victory without it. Banshee don't need no power ups! Banshee don't need to keys! All Banshee needs is knowing that her switch is gonna die at any second, and that death means the ultimate defeat.…
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It's the second episode in the Final Reflections series! Here I talk about crossdressing in Final Fantasy 7, and in my life. Then I rate it on a 5 star rating!
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Final Reflections is a series where I take things I notice while playing Final Fantasy, and review those things on a 5 star scale. The Final Fantasy 7 Materia Lockdown challenge can be found at: http://materialockdown.com. Check it out, it's an amazing cause and a super fun way to play the game. The Anthropocene Reviewed can be found at: http://www…
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It's the ASMR episode!
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I get a Rotom Dex from the Professor! Still no Braviary...
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I attend a festival and reduce Hau's Pokemon to ashes.
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In which Lexi finds a new theme song for the bold, less good direction of the podcast!
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I play more Pokemon. Stick around to the end for a chance to name one of my Pokemon!
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I finally adopt my first Pokemon!
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I talk about things you didn't want to know, and then start my new Pokemon Adventure!
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The podcast takes a hard left turn. Into Pokemon challenge runs?! Is that even in Eorzea?! And where the flip did my story go?!
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In this episode the moon falls out of the sky, we meet the great hobbit wizard Bilbalf, and learn all about the play-dough game Splat!
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Welcome to Stories From Eorzea! Come join me on an epic journey, and listen to this podcast that is half story telling and half audio only let's play. In this chapter, I introduce my character, and take the first steps into an epic Final Fantasy World. And there are pirates. Maybe. You'll see. Twitter: MuteBansheeD3…
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This is the trailer for the world's only podcast that mixing story telling with audio only let's plays. Come join Alexis and her FFXIV character Flum Johnson as they step into Eorzea and create an epic legend together (with the help of square enix for making the game. Obviously)
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