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DizzyPunch D&D

Dizzypunch Animations

We are a group of Indie animators who love D&D. We post our sessions regularly on our youtube channel alongside our animations and want you to stay update while on the go.
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Dopisi iz Diznilenda Podcast

Dopisi iz Diznilenda Podcast

Sedmični osvrt na društvena događanja u Srbiji i regionu, politika bez političke korektnosti i gikovština bez gikovske smotanosti. Dva Bosanca na neprivremenom radu u Beogradu. P. S. Burek je samo s mesom. Patreon: www.patreon.com/dopisi
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Poeta da Cidade

O podcast semanal do Poeta da Cidade, dizedor e poeta 🇵🇹 mais vendido de 2023, onde ouvirão leituras de ensaios, conversas com pessoas fulcrais do panorama cultural, artístico, político e literário, e sempre muita poesia. Todas as segundas-feiras! Saibam como fazer parte da comunidade exclusiva no patreon em www.poetadacidade.com
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Into the Dizneyverse

Into the Dizneyverse

The perfect podcast for any Disney history buff. Each week, Alex, Chris, Ryan and Mags do a deep dive on a different Disney topic. Whether its a movie, park attraction, restaurant, or character, you can count on the Dizneyverse team for giving you a rich history on the topic as well as some crazy opinions! Visit linktr.ee/dizneyverse to find all of our episodes, social media, Patreon, and merchandise!
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Ouvi dizer que


Sejam bem-vindos ao podcast: Ouvi dizer que! Conversa descontraída sobre investimentos, finanças pessoais, dinheiro e dicas. Um espaço para descomplicar e explicar os assuntos mais maçadores e complexos! Este podcast foi fundado pela empresa Finpartner e tem como oradores pessoas especialistas nas áreas de contabilidade, IRS, gestão e consultoria. Sigam a Finpartner nas redes sociais e fiquem a par de todas as novidades!
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Talk Dizzy To Me

Balancing Act Rehab

We’re just two vestibuloholics excitedly bringing you a comprehensive view into the complex field of dizziness. Made for both clinicians and patients, we’re aiming to provide you with endless resources, tips & tricks, interviews with experts, and so. much. more. Hosted by Dr. Abbie Ross, PT, NCS and Dr. Danielle Tolman, PT
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DIZAJN, INŠPIRÁCIA, TRENDY a praktické tipy. Presne o tom je podcast DIZAJN guru. DIZAJN guru je sprievodca labyrintom sveta interiérového dizajnu, inšpirácií, trendov a praktických informácií pre každého. Tipy a rady prinášam pre každého nadšenca dizajnu. Na svoje si zaiste prídu aj skúsení dizajnéri a realizátori interiérov. Podcastom DIZAJN guru vás sprevádza Jožko Tučný.
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Um espaço para dizer as coisas mais aleatórias que a sua mente pensar. Episódios novos todo domingo às sete e meia da noite em todas as plataformas digitais.
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Dizkussion Rap

Dizkussion Rap

Dizkussion Rap ist ein Podcast für Deutschrap Fans & welche , die es einmal werden möchten. Im wöchentlichen Rhythmus werden aktuelle Themen aufgegriffen und verbal verarbeitet. Wir sind KEINE Journalisten ! Wir sind reine Konsumenten und diskutieren, präsentieren & besprechen aktuelle Geschehnisse im Deutschsprachigen Hip Hop. Aktuelle Musik, Interne News, Diskussionen, Interviews, Alben Reviews & weitere Themen ! Freut euch auf zukünftige Spezialepisoden und spannende Diskussionsrunden! Ge ...
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Legenden Talk mit Dizzl


Tauche ein in die faszinierende Welt von „Legenden Talk mit Dizzl“, dem Podcast, in dem der charismatische und niemals fluchende Twitch-Streamer und Künstler Dizzl Koryphäen aus den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen unserer Gesellschaft begrüßt. Jede Episode bietet tiefgehende Gespräche, inspirierende Geschichten und persönliche Einblicke, die du so noch nie gehört hast. Ob visionäre Künstler, mutige Unternehmer oder deine Mutter – Dizzl führt seine Gäste mit einer Mischung aus Charme und gefähr ...
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Podcast Akhir Pekan adalah sebuah podcast yang kami dedikasikan bagi teman-teman yang kepengen mendengar segala pendapat kita tentang segala sesuatu yang kita bahas
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Home of The Break Room Podcast and Another Round with Tom & Frank (check out the pilot & teaser today!), and more from the Capital Region. Don't forget to check out our tracks from local artists!
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Diz Host Interactive

Diz Jensen

Diz Host Interactive digitizes the magic of Disney to put it right into your living room. It also gives you a place to voice your opinion on different topics in the Disney Online Community.
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Solly's Podcast [The Dizz]

Solomon Frizzle

Solomon, a.k.a. Solly, The Dizz About Solomon (Solly): Hey there, folks! I'm Solomon, but you can just call me Solly – a name that's affectionately used by my friends and family. By day, I'm your average, everyday guy, but when the sun sets, I transform into the DJ extraordinaire known as "The Dizz." Welcome to my world, where I'm all about the beats, vibes, and everything in between. About The Dizz Podcast: "The Dizz" is not just a DJ alias; it's a musical journey, a passion, and a way of l ...
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The Hearts of Dizney Podcast

Brian Leon & Jessica Leon

Faith, Family, Fun and of course everything Disney, Put'em together and what have you got? Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo.....The Hearts of Dizney Podcast! Join your Hosts Brian and Jessica every week for new Disney fun filled episodes. They could be talking about anything from the movies to the parks or even Walt Disney himself. They might even have some of their Disney friends join in too. Tune in and find out! See ya real soon!
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Divas Dish Diz

Christine Fox

Divas Co-Hosts Christine Fox & Jennifer Novotny share their love for all things Disney, Entertainment, Beauty... Guests consist of Social Media personas/Cast Members/Disney Execs/Celebrities & more! The Ladies keep you entertained with their humor & fun games!
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show series
The Disneyland recapping fun continues! Frank talks more about his first ever Disneyland trip! *** Special thanks to Vasilia Lyras at ET Family Travel! Get a vacation quote from Vasilia today! *** Dillo's Diz 55 Gerard St. #987. Huntington, NY 11743 Affiliate Links Music & Themes produced by Matt Harvey. Feedspot’s Top 25 Siblings Podcasts You Must…
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Start out each week with Touring Plans Crowd Calendars and crowds. We get updated information on Smugglers Run, Frontierland expansion, and Monsters Inc. door coaster. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Mu…
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The crew are joined by Jarrett Fennema, from Where the Magic Happens podcast, as they go over the history of The Country Bear Jamboree. And you'll never believe what they are able to accomplish without Alex!! Where the Magic Happens Pod: https://www.instagram.com/wherethemagichappenspod?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== For…
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Esta semana, na estante, há uma “Carta Aberta aos animais”, de Frederico Lenoir; uma análise da crise económica alemã, por Wolfgang Münchau, intitulada “Kaput - O fim do milagre alemão”; “Uma história dos bombardeamentos”, de Sven Lindqvist; e o regresso do inspector Pepe Carvalho, a icónica personagem de Manuel Vásquez Montalbán, na reedição de “A…
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Está a ser escrita a crónica de uma morte anunciada. Duas moções de censura depois, ambas chumbadas, o governo exige a confiança da oposição. Na terça-feira, se não houver um golpe de teatro de última hora, um ano e um dia, depois das últimas eleições para a Assembleia da República, chega ao fim a legislatura. O Presidente da República, lesto, já a…
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Shaun and Matt discuss the Disneyland 70th offerings. We close the episode down with The Friday 5 and a Before and After on when Disney World 2026 packages will open. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Mus…
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2025-03-06: Flower and Garden Booth kicks off. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyrighted by Audio Jungle
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We get a little behind the scenes video on the Pirates lounge. Matt talks about how it hopefully will differ from Oga's. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyrighted by Audio Jungl…
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Can you believe it’s been 3 YEARS since we first had a conversation with Dr. Shin Beh about vestibular migraine? Dr. Abbie Ross, PT, NCS, and Dr. Danielle Tolman, PT catch up and discuss some new updates in vestibular migraine treatment approaches. About Dr. Beh Dr. Beh completed his neurology residency training at the University of Texas Southwest…
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Na intersekciji podcasta Dopisi iz Diznilenda i ExKurs Podcast nalazi se Peder, Pop i Pravnik Podcast. Miljan (Peder) kao poveznica između Vukašina Milićevića (Pop) i Nemanje Paleksića (Pravnik). Sve teme iz oba podcasta i one kojima u njima nema mesta, ovde, na jednom mestu. Vidimo se (i čujemo), za sad, dvaput mesečno.Poslije velikog sabora stude…
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Matt gets into the battle between both of these goliaths and how they will impact each other. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyrighted by Audio Jungle…
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Vota no meu livro "Vim Sem Tempo" para o PRÉMIO BERTRAND MELHOR LIVRO DE POESIA DO ANO em bertrand.pt No episódio desta semana do podcast Dizer converso com o músico Valter Lobo, um dos cantautores portugueses mais estimados pelo público, ficou conhecido com o seu segundo álbum “Mediterrâneo”, em 2016, que incluía músicas como "Guarda-Me Esta Noite…
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Blizzard Beach is celebrating it's closure after it's 30th anniversary. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyrighted by Audio Jungle…
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Alex shares the history for The Princess and the Frog while Chris and Mags share some hot takes. For more Dizneyverse, head over to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Dizneyverse.com⁠⁠ or check us out on Instagram @Dizneyverse ⁠https://www.instagram.com/dizneyverse/one⁠ Check out our Tee-Public page for a shirt or sticker. ⁠http://tee.pub/lic/tEDcAPdSVFA⁠…
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Sinema ve dizi podcasti Bu Hafta'nın 260. bölümünde, Kathleen Kennedy’nin Lucasfilm ve Star Wars geleceği hakkındaki açıklamalarını, Another Simple Favor fragmanını ve Nicolas Cage’in başrolünde olduğu The Surfer fragmanını konuşuyoruz. Andor 2. sezon fragmanını inceliyor, Nicole Kidman’lı Holland ve Elizabeth Olsen’lı The Assessment yapımlarına gö…
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A semana começou com notícias de que o governo está convencido da existência de uma cabala para desacreditar o primeiro-ministro. E acabou com uma notícia do Expresso que vai obrigar o executivo a horas extraordinárias durante o fim de semana. O que não é extraordinário é a situação política de Montenegro depois de se ter sabido que a empresa famil…
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Na estante desta semana temos “Cultura – uma nova história do mundo”, de Martin Pushner; “Tóquio Express”, de Seichô Matsumoto; “Desconhecido na Morada - a carta no cinema”, de Clara Rowland; e Diálogos com Lídia Jorge, de Carlos Reis. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Από τον SIC Notícias
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Matt closes the week down with The Friday 5. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyrighted by Audio Jungle
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Frank has returned from his first trip ever Disneyland trip! *** Special thanks to Vasilia Lyras at ET Family Travel! Get a vacation quote from Vasilia today! *** Dillo's Diz 55 Gerard St. #987. Huntington, NY 11743 Affiliate Links Music & Themes produced by Matt Harvey. Feedspot’s Top 25 Siblings Podcasts You Must Follow AND Top 100 Disney Podcast…
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Matt scans through the Flower and Garden Outdoor Kitchen food booth menu and brings a Dizgreivance and a bottom 5 rides to a non existant news day. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings…
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We say goodbyes to Virtual Queues and speculate when they might return. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyrighted by Audio Jungle…
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Sinema ve dizi podcasti Bu Hafta'nın 259. bölümünde, Amanda Seyfried'in kayıp kız kardeşini aradığı Long Bright River, Ellen Pompeo'nun başrolünde olduğu Good American Family ve Uzo Aduba'nın Beyaz Saray'da bir katili bulmaya çalıştığı The Residence dizilerinin fragmanlarını konuşuyoruz. Ayrıca, Marvel’ın Nova, Strange Academy ve Terror, Inc. proje…
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Light news day, but we have plenty of content. Mike returns with another MIKE Check segment and recaps his trip and covers a top 10 list. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyright…
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O episódio desta semana é um episódio livre, sem convidado, sobre a minha experiência no festival Correntes d’Escritas, sobre os desafios para o trabalho da tradução na era da inteligência artificial, sobre o asco em que se está a tornar a política portuguesa e a responder a questões de patronos. Equaciona apoiar o podcast e torna-te patrono por 2€…
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No episódio de hoje, temos o prazer de receber duas profissionais da área da contabilidade interna da Finpartner: Sara Duarte e Filipa Augusto. Elas irão partilhar a sua experiência sobre o trabalho cotidiano de um contabilista, os principais desafios que enfrentam e como a transformação digital tem impactado o setor de contabilidade interna.…
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Slow news over the weekend but we start out speculating what could come soon in terms of news and keeping on our eyes on the lack of virtual queues. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappening…
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Alex shares the history of Daredevil and then the crew gest to listen to a message from Niels. For more Dizneyverse, head over to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Dizneyverse.com⁠⁠ or check us out on Instagram @Dizneyverse ⁠https://www.instagram.com/dizneyverse/one⁠ Check out our Tee-Public page for a shirt or sticker. ⁠http://tee.pub/lic/tEDcAPdSVFA⁠…
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Há o dentro e o fora. As pequenas causas e as grandes cousas. Nestas últimas, enfrentamos o “blitzTrump”: um mês de presidência por decreto em que a Casa Branca até já publicou uma fotografia do Presidente com uma coroa de monarca. O mundo mudou e na Europa, por entre calafrios, não há dúvidas de que terá mudado para pior. Trump, ao mesmo tempo que…
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Na estante desta semana, temos “Como Deuses entre os Homens – Uma história dos ricos no Ocidente”, de Guido Alfani; “Esperança”, a autobiografia do Papa Francisco, o primeiro Papa que publica a sua história de vida; “Fascismo e Populismo - Mussolini Hoje”, de Antonio Scurati; e “Quincas Borba”, de Machado de Assis. See omnystudio.com/listener for p…
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Redovni izvještaji sa svih frontova. Ko nas (sve) plaća? PZE, bojkot istog i ko je uopšte Bojana Vunturišević u toj priči? Kuda plovi američki brod, geopoetika i ostale prinadležnosti. Potreba za (kolektivnim) identitetom. Svi koji vole klasično Diznilend šarenilo, izvolte u salonu.Pratite nas na:https://www.youtube.com/@dopisiizdiznilendawww.faceb…
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Matt finishes the week with TF5 and we'll get back to the news next week. We say farewell to the Jedi Training Trials and pay our respects. Follow Judy Winslow for an excellent WDW takes here: https://x.com/JudyWinslow_fm Her boat rankings: https://x.com/JudyWinslow_fm/status/1892403769347801125 Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: http…
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Frank and Jen talk with Barry Jacobson, a former Disney executive with over 30 years of experience in leadership, customer service, and creating world-class guest experiences. Barry's website: https://www.barryjacobsonconsulting.com/ *** Dillo's Diz 55 Gerard St. #987. Huntington, NY 11743 Affiliate Links Music & Themes produced by Matt Harvey. Fee…
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Level99 replacing NBA Experience at Disney Springs. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyrighted by Audio Jungle
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Volcano Bay nights are on sale. But more importantey, TBA and Guardians is off VQ! We breakdown the impact. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyrighted by Audio Jungle…
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Sinema ve dizi podcasti Bu Hafta'nın 258. bölümünde, The Fantastic Four fragmanında Galactus’a karşı hazırlanan ekibi, Hurry Up Tomorrow filminde Jenna Ortega ve Barry Keoghan’ın The Weeknd ile çıktığı yolculuğu ve Jurassic World Rebirth ile dinozorların geri dönüşünü konuşuyoruz. Ayrıca, Thunderbolts ve Final Destination: Bloodlines fragmanlarını …
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Villains Land/Frontierland gets the go ahead with the water and Matt responds to the bad hot takes. Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhappenings copyrighted by Audio Jungle…
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No episódio desta semana no Podcast Dizer o convidado é o Bruno Duarte Eiras, bibliotecário de profissão e subdiretor-geral da DGLAB (a Direção Geral do Livro, dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas), a entidade governamental responsável pela implementação de políticas públicas de incentivo à leitura, à valorização das bibliotecas, do livro, da escrita, e …
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We open the week with the Touring Plans crowd calendar and the forecast. We get into Jelly Rolls closing and is the Villain project about to take flight? Send us a text Twitter/X Handles: Dizhappenings: https://twitter.com/dizhappenings Shaun: https://twitter.com/rankingthemouse Matt: https://twitter.com/mattpeto Before/After Watch Music in Dizhapp…
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Mags shares the history of The Hall of Presidents and then things get off the rails when Mags hosts a President's themed game. For more Dizneyverse, head over to ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Dizneyverse.com⁠ or check us out on Instagram @Dizneyverse https://www.instagram.com/dizneyverse/one Check out our Tee-Public page for a shirt or sticker. http://tee.pub/lic/tED…
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