Magyar Közélet/Life and Politics in Hungary
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Podcast o tym, jak poradzić sobie z zaburzeniami odżywiania przy pomocy zmiany nawyków żywieniowych oraz zmianie podejścia do zdrowego stylu życia. Jedyny podcast w Polsce poruszający tematykę zaburzeń odżywiania bez tabu.
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Rozmawiamy o tym, co jeść i jak jeść, ale przede wszystkim, co zrobić, żeby się chciało to robić. W tym podcaście dowiesz się jak budować zdrowe nawyki żywieniowe w oparciu o dobre relacje z jedzeniem. Przed mikrofonem Monika i Magda, jesteśmy dietetyczkami klinicznymi z psychodietetycznym podejściem.
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Dile adiós al sobrepeso para siempre sin necesidad de hacer dietas ni depender de tu fuerza de voluntad o de tener motivación. El sobrepeso es un síntoma de que algo necesita tu atención. Es hora de priorizar lo que realmente importa para tener salud, calidad de vida y que finalmente puedas verte y sentirte como toda una mamacita.
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Clase continuación de dietas
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A ketogén diéta, vagy röviden keto diéta egy magas zsírtartalmú, alacsony szénhidráttartalmú étrend, amelyet évszázadok óta alkalmaznak bizonyos betegségek kezelésére.
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Podcast o všetkom čo sa týka špeciálnej pedagogiky a vzdelávania detí so špeciálnymi výchovno-vzdelávacími potrebami. Príbehy, rozhovory, skúsenosti z praxe.
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Podcast sobre Dieta Flexível e nutrição por Lucas Santiles.
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Podcast | IronFactory - sport, dieta, bieganie, triathlon, styl życia
Marcin Hinz: bloger triathlonista
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Our 140+ dietary supplements include products such as vitamins, herbs
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The Chacruna Institute for Psychedelic Plant Medicines weekly digest podcast, bringing you the most relevant weekly news from the Chacruna community in the psychedelic space: Hosted by Joseph Mays, Program Director for the Indigenous Reciprocity Initiative of the Americas (IRI):
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From your favourite guilty snacks to the fanciest feasts you'll find, Dietary Requirements discusses the high and low of the food scene in Aotearoa.
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Súmate a la Dieta Creativa, un podcast que pretende examinar todas las facetas de ser un creativo en la era del Instagram, Youtube, Twitter e Internet en general. Espero que tengas hambre de aprender.
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Desde 2011 ajudando centenas de pessoas a ficarem em forma. Principalmente Homens, Mulheres e Casais Jovens que querem um corpo bacana sem abrir mão da vida social. Designer, Pai e Sócio Fundador da metodologia BXVS, paulista e atualmente morando em Belo Horizonte MG.
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Podcast by Nutricionista Caio Fleury
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Ricordi quando il dietologo ti ha dato l'ultima dieta? Dai non negarlo eri davvero depressa/o, perchè non potevi mangiare nulla! Con noi dimagrisci senza dover rinunciare a niente, mantenendo il tuo buon umore. Provare per credere!!!
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Es relacionado a buscar la verdad de la causa de tu obesidad, son estrategias útiles para buscar tu bienestar. El dolor y el sobre peso no son condiciónes normales. El amor al prójimo empieza por amarte tu a ti mismo. Support this podcast:
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Compartimos nuestra dieta, tips, recetas y resumenes de los libros.
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Este es el podcast de la dieta Keto con tu Doctor Bayter. Cada semana te espero con un nuevo episodio para que aprendas cómo hacerla, qué comer, qué evitar y todos los beneficios sublimes que conseguirás con este maravilloso estilo de vida.
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Holistic Health Strategies for Moms | Dietary Supplements, Vaccines, Natural Remedies, Healthy Recipes
Heather Bedard - Health Coach
Do you feel unheard and dismissed by the medical system because you’re “just a mom”? Are you tired of spending too much time trying to find answers to your health concerns but not knowing who/what you can trust? Do you wish that you could cut through the noise and understand the research you’re finding? What’s real and what’s not? Are you frustrated by a medical system that appears to focus more on sickcare than healthcare? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This podcast was created to give you ...
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Escucha este podcast y muchos más en o en las apps de iVoox para iOS, Android o Windows Phone.
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Co to znaczy "dieta bez stresu"? To znaczy, że nie patrzysz na nią jak na suchego kurczaka z ryżem. Nie boisz się łączyć ogórka z pomidorem, a cholesterol pochodzący z jajek nie wywołuje u Ciebie gęsiej skórki. Rozumiesz, że pod pojęciem "dieta" kryje się sposób odżywiania jako element długofalowej układanki, która ma wznieść Twój organizm na wyższy level. Nie wystarczy wiedzieć tylko co jeść, ale również jak i kiedy jeść. Zdajesz sobie sprawę, że jedzenie musi iść w parze z dobrym snem, reg ...
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Pillole di Fitness e Alimentazione da ascoltare quando e dove vuoi! Fabio Marziotti di Radio Cantù e Roberto Pusinelli di Undertraining ti propongono preziosi consigli per la tua salute e il tuo benessere fisico: nutrizione, sport, attività fisica, integratori e molto altro ancora. Se vuoi rimanere in forma allora non perderti il nostro podcast!
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Tres expertos de talla mundial se unen con el objetivo de que la gente conozca el poder de la nutrición, coma rico y reciba los beneficios de tener una mejor salud. El Dr. Christian Assad es un Cardiólogo Intervencionista con un interés particular en prevenir y revertir enfermedades relacionadas con complicaciones cardiovasculares, a través de cambios en el estilo de vida de las personas. Por otro lado, el Dr. Ariel Ortiz Lagardere es un Cirujano Bariatra y Metabólico, por lo que su principa ...
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This podcast is a commentary inspired by a Facebook discussion based on a guide I posted about the 5 stages of Fasting and what to expect at each stage. For context , I am a enthusiast of the Bio-mineral Alkaline Veganism also known as Dr. Sebi's African Bio-mineral lifestyle. However, over the last few months there has been a surge of people flocking to Sebi nutritional guidance sites, groups, and pages wanting to get on board the lifestyle. When they ask how to start , the first thing 95% ...
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63: Niepłodność męska bez tajemnic – co musisz wiedzieć? Rozmawiamy z lek. med. Martą Swalarz
W tym odcinku podcastu porozmawiamy o płodności męskiej i problemach z płodnością - bez tabu. Dlaczego jakość nasienia u mężczyzn spada? Jakie badania warto wykonać? Czy dieta, styl życia i stres rzeczywiście mają wpływ na płodność? O tym wszystkim porozmawiamy dziś z wyjątkowym gościem – z lek. med. Martą Swalarz. Poradnia lek. med. Marty Swalarz:…
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Hi Mamas! Let’s talk about something we all care about—our skin! The beauty industry makes billions selling us products, but finding ones that are both effective and natural can be a challenge. That’s why so many people turn to collagen supplements, hoping for better hair, skin, and nails. Today we are going to find out if those supplements are act…
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41 - Struggling with a Special Needs Diagnosis? How One Mom Handled Crisis and Found Hope with Special Guest Sarah Joy
Hi Mamas, Get ready for an inspiring and heart-centered conversation with Sarah Joy, an emotional health coach and the founder of House of Belonging. In this episode, we dive deep into her personal journey of navigating the medical system as a mom of a special needs child. Sarah shares the raw and emotional moments of receiving unexpected news abou…
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Patreon támogatás itt: Timestamp 0:00 Beköszönés, algoritmus-etetés 01:10 Ukrajna, Amerika 40:00 Pride, Magyar Péter, Momentum, Füstbomba A Diétás Magyar Múzsa magyarul: Diétás Magyar Múzsa Magyar Közélet/Life and Politics in Hungary By Sandor Esik A Diétás Magyar Múzsa angolul: The Muse on a Hungarian Diet News an…
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Hey Mama, If you’ve ever had the flu, you know it’s no joke—the fever, the chills, the total wipeout. And while none of us are eager for a repeat experience, the flu isn’t going anywhere. That’s why flu vaccines are such a hot topic, recommended for just about everyone six months and older. But how did we even get here? In this episode, we’re takin…
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DMM Read Aloud: Jól teszi-e Magyar Péter, hogy nem csatlakozik a Pride betiltása miatti tiltakozáshoz?
Hogyan támogasd a Múzsát? Patreon. Itt bármilyen összeget küldhetsz. A Patreonra nem teszünk tartalmat, azért tartottuk meg, mert az a legismertebb felület. Előfizetés a magyar Múzsára. A magyar nyelvű Múzsán nincs fizetős tartalom, legfeljebb pár Q&A lesz, ami csak előfizetőknek van. Minimál összege 8 dollár. Előfizetés az angol nyelvű Múzsára. Ez…
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Hi Mama! Pregnancy comes with enough surprises — do we really need the endless (and sometimes conflicting) food rules on top of it? No lunch meat, no Caesar salad, eat for two… or maybe don’t? Instead of stressing over every little rule, let’s take a step back and focus on what really matters when it comes to nourishing both you and your baby. What…
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Felvesszük a fonalat újra a felolvasós podcastekkel, ez most egy kísérleti adás.
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Patreon támogatás itt: Timestamp 0:00 Beköszönés, algoritmus-etetés 02:00 Ukrajna, Amerika, Oroszország 20:55 Német politikai lecke demokráciából 33:18 Belpol A Diétás Magyar Múzsa magyarul: Diétás Magyar Múzsa Magyar Közélet/Life and Politics in Hungary By Sandor Esik A Diétás Magyar Múzsa angolul: The Muse on a H…
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Hey Mama, Want to have more productive, respectful conversations with your doctor? In this episode, I explain how to present solid, evidence-based research (and leave the “my friend said” stories at home). You'll learn why presenting quality information in a way doctors respect can change the game. But it’s not just about facts — your approach matt…
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Hey Mama! In this episode, I’m breaking down the science (and the hype) behind low-carb diets! We’ve all heard the promises—weight loss, better health, and more energy—but what do the studies really say? I take a closer look at several low-carb diet studies, pointing out some interesting findings along with their not-so-great flaws, like tiny sampl…
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Patreon támogatás itt: A Magyar Péter cikksorozat aktuális cikke: Panyi Szabolcs cikke Orbán boszniai akciójáról Timestamp 0:00 …
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36 - Healthy Cooking with Kids: The Step by Step Plan for Food Fun with Special Guest Nichole Boldt
Hi Mama! Ever wondered how to get kids of all ages in the kitchen without losing your mind? Well, you're in for a treat (literally)! In this episode with special guest, Nichole Boldt, we chat all about making cooking fun, educational, and (mostly) mess-free when little hands are involved. Nichole shares genius tips on how to manage a kitchen full o…
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Hey there, Mama! Ever wondered if microwaving your food is secretly bad for you? Or if “microwave safe” actually means safe? In this episode, we’re diving into the truth about plastics, chemical leaching, and what the research really says about heating up your leftovers. We’ll break down some common myths, compare what different health agencies say…
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Hey mama! Let’s talk microwaves — are they ruining your food or just getting a bad rap? In this episode, I’m digging into the studies critics love to quote and breaking down what they say. We’ll cover everything from garlic’s lost nutrients to the claim that microwaves cause “biological damage.” Plus, I’ll tackle the big concern—carcinogens. Are mi…
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Hi Mamas! Have you ever wondered if your microwave is zapping the nutrients right out of your food? Or maybe you’ve heard whispers that it creates dangerous radiation? Let’s bust some myths and uncover the truth about this kitchen staple! In this episode, we take a trip back to 1946, when Percy Spencer accidentally melted a candy bar in his pocket …
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"Envíame mensaje" ¿Sientes que cada vez que comes fuera o te das un gusto, entras en un ciclo de culpa y autosabotaje? En este episodio hablamos sobre cómo dejar atrás la mentalidad de todo o nada y aprender a comer con consciencia, sin restricciones extremas y sin drama. Te cuento cómo una de mis clientas aplicó este en…
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Hi Mama! Today, we’re tackling the pressure to justify your health decisions to others. It’s easy to feel like you need all the right answers to explain yourself, but the truth is—you don’t owe anyone an explanation. No matter how much research you’ve done, some people just won’t understand, and that’s okay. Rather than getting caught up in debates…
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31 - Struggling with Mental Health? The Powerful Connection Between Nutrition and Behavior with Special Guest Elizabeth Taylor-McClure
Hey Mama! This is a power-packed episode that I know you will love! In today’s episode, I sat down with licensed professional counselor Elizabeth Taylor-McClure, who’s been helping people navigate mental health since 2007. She takes a holistic approach, looking beyond quick-fix solutions to understand the root causes of anxiety, depression, and beh…
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62: Mikrobiom a zdrowie kobiet – hormony, metabolizm i jelita
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:18:55W tym odcinku podcastu rozmawiamy z dr n. med. Danielą Kurczabińską o mikrobiocie jelitowej i jej wpływie na zdrowie. Dowiesz się, czym dokładnie jest mikrobiota, jakie są najczęstsze przyczyny jej zaburzeń, a także jak czynniki takie jak stres, brak snu czy popularne leki mogą negatywnie wpływać na Twój mikrobiom. Znajdziesz odpowiedź na pytanie, …
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Welcome back, Mama’s! Today, we're tackling three common food myths that might be standing in the way of your best health. With so much conflicting advice out there, it’s easy to get lost in the noise, but the key to sustainable nutrition isn’t restriction — it’s balance. We’ll break down some of the biggest misconceptions about food and why a well…
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"Envíame mensaje" Muchas mujeres creen que perder peso es más difícil que ganarlo, pero ¿qué pasaría si te dijera que el aumento de peso es un proceso gradual y casi imperceptible? En este episodio, comparto mi experiencia en el estudio de Reverse Diet de la Universidad de South Florida, donde he aumentado mis calorías de 1,516 a 2,700 sin cambios …
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Hey Mama, Ever feel like your doctor is calling all the shots without really listening to you? In this episode, we’re flipping the script and reminding you that you are a healthcare consumer and your doctor works for you. It’s time to take charge of your health and ensure your medical team works in your best interest. We’ll chat about the importanc…
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#088 Czym różni się mindset osób, które wychodzą z napadów i restrykcji od tych, które w nich zostają?
W dzisiejszym odcinku kilka konkretnych różnic, które wyróżniają te osoby, które wychodzą z napadów objadania się i restrykcji niemalże ekspresowo od tych, które pozostają w nich przez lata. -> Dołącz do Grupy Mistrzyń - startujemy 24.02 -> 7 kroków do eliminacji napadów:…
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Hi Mama! The first time I heard someone say that vegetables are dangerous, I laughed. Surely, this was a fad that would vanish in five minutes, right? Well… here we are, and the idea is still making the rounds, especially in the carnivore diet world. But is there any truth to it? Should you be side-eyeing your salad? In this episode, we’re diving i…
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27 - 5 Reasons Why You Need to Know More Than Your Doctor and Why Apathy Could Cost You Your Life
Hi Mamas! Today’s episode is on a topic that I’m very passionate about - the healthcare system and how it works. In this episode, I’m sharing why taking control of your health and knowing more than your doctor is so important. As a regular mom with no medical background, I had to learn how to question the system, do my own research, and make inform…
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#45: Nutrición y Mentalidad que Transforma: En Directo con la Psicóloga y Mentora Vanessa Goméz
"Envíame mensaje" Vanessa Gómez en Instagram: Visita mi página web: Descubre en este episodio cómo puedes transformar tu vida de manera integral. Exploramos junto a Yari Rincón, coach de nutrición y fitness, las claves para romper con la mentalidad de dieta restrictiva, g…
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W tym odcinku dowiesz się, z jakiego powodu mamy niedobory pokarmowe, które pogarszają płodność oraz opowiemy Ci, o jakie kluczowe składniki odżycze powinnaś zadbać, jeśli starasz się zajść w ciążę. 📫Zapisz się na newsletter hormonalny: 💁♀️Współpraca indywidualna: 📲Instagram: https:…
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26 - The Secrets to Getting Your Partner Onboard with Your New Healthy Lifestyle with Special Guest Justin Bedard
Hi Mama! I have such a special treat for you in this episode! I asked my husband, Justin, to come on the show because I hear from so many of you that one of the biggest challenges in making health changes— whether for yourself or your kids — is getting your spouse on board. One of our first bonding moments (before we were even dating) was tackling …
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25 - 5 Reasons Perfectionism in Healthcare is Dangerous and What You Need to Know to Be Free
Hey friends! 👋 This episode is a real heart-to-heart convo with me, so grab a cup of tea, your comfiest blanket, and settle in. Today, I’m coming clean about something that has definitely been a sneaky little troublemaker in my life— perfectionism. I’ve been a recovering perfectionist in many areas, but I never expected it to creep into my personal…
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"Envíame mensaje" Visita mi página web: Come en casa: Pierde peso sin dietas es para ti, mujer profesional ocupada que es exitosa en su profesión pero no encuentra cómo tener éxito en lograr su peso ideal y mantenerlo. Sígueme en las redes sociales: w…
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Hey Mama! In this episode, I discuss adrenal fatigue, a term that is often used in alternative health but is frequently misunderstood. Actual adrenal fatigue, or Addison’s disease, is incredibly rare, and much of what’s being diagnosed as “adrenal fatigue” is likely something far less severe—or a completely different issue altogether. Misdiagnoses,…
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Hey there, friends! Today’s episode is a little different, but I promise it will set you up for success in living a healthy lifestyle. We’re diving into something that’s been a major roadblock for me and my clients: having a pantry set up that actually sets them up for success. 🥦✨ Let’s be real—if your cooking space is filled with temptation (hello…
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Hey, mamas! I am so excited about today’s episode because we’re talking about coffee! 🎉 I know a lot of you have questions about whether it’s good or bad for you, and honestly, I’ve heard so many opinions about it over the years. So, I thought, why not dive into the research and clear things up together? What I Want You to Take Away: Coffee has som…
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21 - Why Fitness isn’t What You Think it is! The Truth About Working Out as a Busy Mom with Special Guest Angela Christian
Hi friends! I couldn’t be more excited about today’s episode because I have an incredible guest joining me — Angela Christian! If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed trying to juggle healthy habits with the chaos of everyday life, you are in for a treat. Angela is one of the most down-to-earth, inspiring people I know when it comes to making wellness work…
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"Envíame mensaje" "Envíame mensaje" El reel del Dr. Bill Campbell aquí Visita mi página web: Come en casa: Pierde peso sin dietas es para ti, mujer profesional ocupada que es exitosa en su profesión pero no encuentra cómo tener éxito en lograr su peso ideal y mantenerlo. Sígueme en las redes…
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"Envíame mensaje" Visita mi página web: Come en casa: Pierde peso sin dietas es para ti, mujer profesional ocupada que es exitosa en su profesión pero no encuentra cómo tener éxito en lograr su peso ideal y mantenerlo. Sígueme en las redes sociales: www.facebook…
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Hey, Mamas! 👋 Do you have a little one diagnosed with ADHD? If so, you know the whirlwind that can come with trying to keep them calm and focused. It’s a lot, right? But guess what – today, we’re talking about a simple (and doable!) way to make things a little easier: food! Yep, the stuff we’re already feeding our kids can actually make a differenc…
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"Envíame mensaje" Visita mi página web: Come en casa: Pierde peso sin dietas es para ti, mujer profesional ocupada que es exitosa en su profesión pero no encuentra cómo tener éxito en lograr su peso ideal y mantenerlo. Sígueme en las redes sociales: www.facebook…
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🎉 Hi mamas! Today’s episode is all about helping you save money, time, and maybe even a little sanity when it comes to supplements. 🕒💰 Whether you’re new to supplements or a long-time fan, I’m spilling the tea on what you absolutely need to know before buying and popping those pills. Spoiler: Not all that glitters is gold, and not all “vitamins” ar…
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"Envíame mensaje" Visita mi página web: Come en casa: Pierde peso sin dietas es para ti, mujer profesional ocupada que es exitosa en su profesión pero no encuentra cómo tener éxito en lograr su peso ideal y mantenerlo. Sígueme en las redes sociales: www.facebook…
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Hey, mamas! In this episode, we’re diving into a topic on everyone’s mind—how to boost your immune system! I know firsthand how confusing it can be to determine if you’re doing everything possible for your health. That’s why, in this episode, I’m talking all about probiotics—what they are, why they work, and when you should take them. Spoiler alert…
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17 - How to Never Make Weight Loss New Year's Resolutions Again and Still Improve Your Health
Hi mamas! 🎉 It’s that magical time of year when we think about resolutions and fresh starts—but let’s be honest, how many of us have made those ambitious New Year’s goals only to see them unravel by February? 🙋♀️ If you’re over the cycle of setting resolutions that feel doomed from the start, this episode is for YOU. And if you love making resolut…
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"Envíame mensaje" Información sobre Come en casa: Visita mi página web: Pierde peso sin dietas es para ti, mujer profesional ocupada que es exitosa en su profesión pero no encuentra cómo tener éxito en lograr su peso ideal y mantenerlo. Sígueme en las redes sociales:…
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16 - Postpartum Fitness Secrets with Dr. Jena Bradley: Expert Tips for Strength and Confidence After Pregnancy
Hi Moms! I’m so excited to share this episode with you! In it, I had the pleasure of talking to a supermom from Pittsburgh who’s not just a mom of four but also a physical therapist with over 15 years of experience. She’s passionate about postpartum fitness, and I know you will love all of her tips for helping moms feel strong and confident after p…
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Hi Friends! Do you ever hear yourself saying things like, “I’ve been good this week,” or “This is my cheat meal”? Yeah, me too. But let’s get real—why are we talking about food like it’s some dramatic relationship? It’s time to shift our mindset and ditch the guilt around what’s on our plate. In this episode, I’m getting personal about how I’ve lea…
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Hi, mamas! The holiday season is here, and with it comes travel, indulgent meals, and routines turned upside down. But don’t worry, there’s hope to stay on track! In this episode, I’m sharing my tried-and-true tips for staying healthy and feeling great while you’re on the go, without missing out on all the fun. 🎙️ Here’s What I Cover in This Episod…
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Welcome Back, Mamas! Grab that coffee (yes, the one that’s been reheated three times) and settle in because today, we’re tackling something we think we know but rarely stop to define—health! 🍎🥦 Ever wonder why the conversation around “healthy” feels so chaotic? One family bans bread, while another thinks rice is a no-go thanks to arsenic. And then …
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"Envíame mensaje" Si siempre has pensado que las azúcares añadidas son las principales culpables del sobrepeso, este episodio es para ti. Recientemente publiqué un carrusel en Instagram donde comparo dos marcas de pancakes y reto la idea de que eliminar azúcares añadidas es lo más importante. Y quiero llevar esta conversación un paso más allá conti…
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Hi Mamas! Today, we are talking about our mindsets about ourselves and how they affect the decisions that we make. Sometimes, we limit ourselves because of what other people have said to us in the past, and other times, we limit ourselves based on fear. In this episode, I’ll give you some simple steps to break out of the negative narratives and mov…
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