Weekly podcast from Democracy Docket going over the top voting rights, elections and democracy news.
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An independent daily global news hour, anchored by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González, broadcast weekdays on 1,400+ radio and TV stations. Livestream the show weekdays from 8AM to 9AM ET at http://www.democracynow.org.
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Democracy Now! is an independent daily TV & radio news program, hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. We provide daily global news headlines, in-depth interviews and investigative reports without any advertisements or government funding. Our programming shines a spotlight on corporate and government abuses of power and lifts up the stories of ordinary people working to make change in extraordinary times. Democracy Now! is live weekdays at 8am ET and available 24/ ...
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Welcome to Is This Democracy, the podcast where we discuss the ongoing conflict over how much democracy, and for whom, there should be in America. Hosted by Lilliana Mason and Thomas Zimmer
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Stories from ancient China, and whatever else comes to mind.
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A fan-made podcast dedicated to discussing Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, as well as a broad range of anime and manga through our podcast network! Affiliated with ToonamiFaithful.com and MangaMavericks.com .
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L'émission la plus raciste de sphère francophone
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An ongoing discussion with activists, advocates, political operatives, candidates and others about the state of democracy in the U.S., the threats to its future and how we can fight back to preserve our nation.
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Democracy DarKar - پادکست دموکراسی درکار - Democracy at Work Persian
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democracy-ish is a bold and unfiltered political podcast dedicated to defending democracy and maintaining your sanity in an era where both are under attack. Hosted by outspoken political commentators Danielle Moodie and Wajahat Ali, this podcast exposes the dangerous forces of white supremacy and ignorance that threaten our nation's future. For too long, America's political landscape has been dominated by a white-centric narrative, ignoring the true diversity of our multiracial society. Dani ...
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Democracy Mao is comedy podcast about culture, politics, and history. Comedians Wilfred Padua and Jeff Scheen dissect the past, present, and future of Asian culture.
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Democracy Forum, with host Ann Luther, featuring topics in Maine's participatory democracy, encouraging citizens to take an active role in government and politics.
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Reportagen aus der Welt der Kirchen und Religionen. Lebensfragen, Ethik, Theologie.
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Join the LSAT Demon team Tuesday through Sunday as they discuss a broad range of topics related to the LSAT and law school admissions. Listen on your way to work and kickstart your daily study routine. Questions? Email daily@lsatdemon.com. Learn more at lsatdemon.com
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Dating, engaged and married objectives from a young Christian perspective! I'm Monique Simmons the host of DEMO with Mo. I started this podcast to give a space for people who have a desire to do relationships well and to hear authentic conversations about the struggles we all face.
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Hier findest du alle Predigten aus dem CZM
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Vermont Conservation Voters’ Political Outreach Director, Justin Marsh, hosts a weekly conversation with legislators, energy and climate leaders, and environmental champions.
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Ob Tötungen im Cannabis-Wahn, illegale Autorennen oder Auftragsmorde: Im Hamburger Gerichtssaal 237 werden die spannendsten Kriminalfälle verhandelt – und Gerichtsreporterin Elke Spanner ist immer mit dabei. In diesem Podcast teilt sie mit Journalistin Anna Rüter ihre persönlichen Eindrücke und erklärt, warum Urteile manchmal anders ausfallen, als man vielleicht denken würde. Das ist Stoff für wahre True Crime Fans, die tiefer in die Materie eintauchen, unser Rechtssystem besser verstehen wo ...
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Hier könnt ihr Bewohner*innen von Pflegeheimen zuhören, die aus ihrem Leben erzählen.
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NSFW Podcast Discussing Everyday Absurdities And Serving Big Laughs!
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On Democracy in Question, published by The Brookings Institution, host Katie Dunn Tenpas interviews guests about contemporary American politics and the future of democracy. Each episode poses a different question to better understand the broad contours of our democratic system.
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„Dem-Schmerz-Gewachsen” mit Anästhesist und Schmerztherapeut Robert Bonnemann ist Ihr Podcast rund um spezielle Schmerztherapie und Schmerzmedizin. Wir beleuchten aktuelle Forschung, teilen Praxiserfahrungen und erkunden alternative Heilmethoden. Entdecken Sie ganzheitliche Ansätze zur Bewältigung chronischer Schmerzen – für Betroffene und Interessierte.
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Montag bis Freitag. Aktuell und informativ. Wirtschaftsthemen als Radiobeiträge in knapp drei Minuten unterhaltsam aufbereitet. Kontakt: https://www.was-audio.de/de/content/kontakt/
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Good News For Lefties (and America!) - Daily News for Democracy
Beowulf Rochlen - A democracy advocate, daily news content creator, positive progressive, proponent of democratic principles, and all around lefty.
Positive, daily news for progressives and democracy! Democrats, Leftists, liberals, and democratic socialists welcome. A respite from troubling headlines in difficult times. Sure, read the bad news, but then listen to us! Send good news tips to beowulf@twosquaredmediaproductions.com or 202-656-6271 Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/good-news-for-lefties-and-america-daily-news-for-democracy--6256627/support.
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Democracy Now! is an independent daily TV & radio news program, hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. We provide daily global news headlines, in-depth interviews and investigative reports without any advertisements or government funding. Our programming shines a spotlight on corporate and government abuses of power and lifts up the stories of ordinary people working to make change in extraordinary times. Democracy Now! is live weekdays at 8am ET and available 24/ ...
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Since its origins, democracy has been a work in progress. Today, many question its resilience. How to Fix Democracy, a collaboration of the Bertelsmann Foundation and Humanity in Action, explores practical solutions for how to address the increasing threats democracy faces. Host Andrew Keen interviews prominent international thinkers and practitioners of democracy.
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A 90-second radio report and podcast which keeps you informed of the key democracy issues in the U.S. Visit us at AmericanDemocracyMinute.org, on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter @democracyminute. The American Democracy Minute is the successor to the Open Democracy Minute, produced from 2019 to 2022 and focused on NH democracy issues. Click on the ADM Logo on the episode, or in other players, the Play ⏯️ button. Are you a radio station? Find our broadcast files at Pacifica Radio Network's A ...
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Der Rückblick auf die Anfangsjahre der Schweizer Radiohitparade, gespickt mit Wettbewerben, Trouvaillen und Anekdoten von Ralph Wicki, Musikexperte.
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Logbuch eines theologischen Goldgräbers
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Welcome to Demon Babie, the podcast where we talk about all things culture, relationships, and living our best lives in the city of angels, Los Angeles. Hosted by the dynamic duo, Joey and Emma, who bring you their hot takes on the latest happenings in the media, as well as stories from their wild nights out in West Hollywood. With Emma's unique perspective as a bisexual woman and their 10-year-strong relationship, the two offer a fresh and fun take on love and life. Join us for some laughte ...
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Dem Black Mamas answers all the questions yo mama won't! From sex & dream catching to adulting & raising free Black children in an unfree world, three #BlackMamaCreatives Crystal Tennille Irby, NeKisha Killings, & Thea Monyee, give you all the #BlackMamaMagic your heart can hold while pursuing their own creative dreams.
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Nach dem Abspann, der Filmpodcast! Wir reden hier über neue Blockbuster, aber auch über Sneak Previews und Geheimtipps. Falls Ihr noch mehr über unsere Liebe zum Film erfahren wollt, findet Ihr hier die Links zu unseren Letterboxd Profilen: Kevin: https://letterboxd.com/ZettMan/ Niclas: https://letterboxd.com/allroundamateur/ Melanie: https://boxd.it/4csLb
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This is On The Frontlines of Democracy, a podcast about the challenges facing democracies around the world
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What can YOU as US citizen do to preserve Democracy? We talk to YOU to hear about your ideas, your thoughts and your proposals. The US is a democracy in development - and YOU are a part of it! WE Inform! WE Motivate! WE Kick YOUR Butt to READ, THINK and VOTE! Host: Cornelia Gyura
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These short top tips and skills for the Amazon Echo are for everyone who’s simply dotty about Alexa. Your host is Robin Christopherson - with frequent appearances by Shaun Preece and other friends.
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Surviving Trump is your indispensable guide to navigating the challenges and contradictions of life under the second Trump administration. In the first 20–25 segments we’ll uncover what’s truly at stake: our democracy. You'll deep dive into the key players, from Trump and Musk (with candid insights into their mental states) to MAGA supporters and other Trump loyalists, revealing who they are and why they pose a threat to democratic values. This essential guide equips you with the knowledge a ...
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Dem Tod auf der Spur - Der True Crime-Podcast Erleben Sie spannende und tiefgründige Einblicke in die Welt der Kriminalistik mit "Dem Tod auf der Spur - Die Jagd nach dem Täter" vom Hamburger Abendblatt. Jede Folge wird moderiert von Deutschlands bekanntestem Gerichtsmediziner, Prof. Klaus Püschel, und unserer erfahrenen Gerichtsreporterin Bettina Mittelacher. Was erwartet Sie? Neue Fälle alle 14 Tage: Tauchen Sie ein in komplexe Mordermittlungen, grausame Verbrechen, und die Welt der Serien ...
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Best of the Left - Leftist Perspectives on Progressive Politics, News, Culture, Economics and Democracy
Expertly-curated progressive politics, news, and culture produced by leftist humans, not algorithms or AI. This is an award-winning podcast that dives deeply into a wide range of national and international issues facing society and governments. We draw from hundreds of sources of progressive news and commentary. Est. 2006. Save time by listening to a range of perspectives on a focused topic in each episode and be introduced to new sources you will not have come across on your own!
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The Democracy Works podcast seeks to answer that question by examining a different aspect of democratic life each week — from voting to criminal justice to the free press and everything in between. We interview experts who study democracy, as well as people who are out there doing the hard work of democracy day in and day out. The show’s name comes from Pennsylvania’s long tradition of iron and steel works — people coming together to build things greater than the sum of their parts. We belie ...
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Democracy in Focus is a new program from New Narratives and Front Page Africa looking at Liberia's governance and democracy. It's a collaboration with reporters from some of Liberia's best reporters with the New Narratives program. Funding is provided by the Swedish and US embassies and the American Jewish World Service. The funders had no say in the program's content.
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I rep my family like Vin Diesel
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Für SR 3 Saarlandwelle unterhält sich Uwe Jäger mit spannenden Gästen über alles, was direkt "Aus dem Leben" kommt. Das Besondere dabei ist, dass er Zeit für das Gespräch mit seinen Gästen hat und in die Tiefe gehen kann.
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La política en Chile y el mundo ya no es sólo izquierda vs. derecha. Cada vez más, es sobre democracia vs. sus amenazas: populismos, autoritarismos y el retorno del fascismo, las que crecen y tienen sus espacios y medios. La defensa, promoción y proyección de la democracia necesita los suyos. Ese es nuestro objetivo. Programa semanal por Ximena Jara y Davor Mimica
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A casual look about all things Liberal Democrat in the weird and wonderfully sandalled world of LibDem Land. Started by Richard Kemp & John Potter but with guests from everywhere. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram @libdempod
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Die aktuellen Wirtschaftsnachrichten mit Michael Weyland Thema heute: Entspannt verreisen: Nicht jede Versicherung hält, was sie verspricht Die Urlaubszeit rückt näher und Viele freuen sich auf Sonne, Strand und Erholung. Bei aller Vorfreude sollten Reisende jedoch die finanziellen Risiken einer Krankheit oder eines Unfalls im Ausland nicht untersc…
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Sie war 10, als ihre Mutter verstarb; der Vater, letztlich erfolglos in dem Bemühen das frische Busunternehmen ans Laufen zu bringen, fand eine neue Frau, seine Kinder hatten den Namen „Madame“ für sie, sie wurden für den Betrieb eingespannt und mussten sich strikt an viele Regeln halten. Sie müsse aus dem Hexenkessel raus, meinte ihr späterer Mann…
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Es gibt sie als Bild oder Symbol in vielen christlichen Kirchen, aber meist ist sie gut versteckt: die Figur des "Grünen Mannes". In der christlichen Kunstgeschichte wurde sie meist ignoriert. Sie gilt als Spielerei früher Kirchenbauer ohne tieferen Sinn. Sie steht jedoch für eine tiefe spirituelle Verbindung mit der Natur. In Camino stellt Geseko …
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In der neuesten Episode unseres Crime-Podcasts tauchen wir ein in einen der mysteriösesten Kriminalfälle Hamburgs. Ende 2002 und Anfang 2003 wurden zwei kaltblütige Morde verübt, die auf den ersten Blick ohne Motiv schienen. Eine Hausfrau aus Stellingen und ein Supermarkt-Filialleiter, dessen Leichnam im Volkspark gefunden wurde, wurden beide mit e…
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DBM Ep 65: Marriage, Hot Topics & Black Motherhood
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:19:50Dear Mama, What do Telvin Osborne, Black marriage, generational wealth, Altadena, data as currency, the TV show Paradise, and white women in Idaho have in common? We cover them all in this episode. Yup, it’s hot topics, and we got hot takes well, not hot takes. We got Black Mama takes on all the above. In this episode, we talk: ✨How Telvin Osborne …
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Από τον Karin Mayer
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🎧 Wie wirksam ist Akupunktur wirklich? Diese Folge beleuchtet die jahrtausendealte Technik der Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin (TCM) und deren wissenschaftliche Bewertung. Ich erkläre, wie Akupunktur das Qi beeinflussen soll, warum sie nach westlicher Medizin als Reiztherapie gilt und welche Rolle Endorphine spielen. 📌 Besonders spannend: Die G…
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Suzi Quatros «Devil Gate Drive» erreicht mit Platz 2 seine Höchstposition.Από τον Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)
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Hast du das Gefühl, dass Gott in deinem Leben nicht so wirkt, wie du es dir wünschst? In dieser Botschaft geht es darum, wie wichtig es ist, Erwartungen an Gottes Verheißungen zu haben. Lass dich ermutigen, deine Sehnsucht nach seiner Nähe zuzulassen…Από τον CZM München
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Ein Mann wird skrupellos in einer Hamburger Shisha-Bar ermordet. Trotz stichhaltiger Hinweise, die in eine andere Richtung weisen, legt sich die Staatsanwaltschaft auf einen Verdächtigen fest und prügelt den Prozess mit ihm durch. Doch: Ist er wirklich der Täter oder steckt hinter der öffentlichen Hinrichtung jemand völlig anderes? Anna Rüter und E…
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Herzlich Willkommen und viel Spaß mit Folge Nr. 141 von "Nach dem Abspann" mit Kevin & Melanie! Instagram Instagram Melanie Letterboxd Kevin Letterboxd Melanie…
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Season 6 is here!!!! After a hectic few months the Lib Dem Podcast is back with episode 268. John and Hannah are joined by Cllr Mike Ross. Mike is the candidate to be the Lib Dem's first large seat area victory as he fights to win the Hull and East Yorkshire Mayor. How hard is it for Lib Dems to scale up to a seat that contains 6 parliamentary cons…
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With DOGE dismantling our government and anger building across the country, more and more Americans are looking for ways to get in the fight. Many are talking about running for local office or Congress next cycle to make Republicans pay for their surrender to Musk and Trump. The barriers to running for office can seem daunting but the National Demo…
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Host: Ann Luther, League of Women Voters of Maine Production Assistance: Linda Washburn, Joel Mann Democracy Forum: Participatory Democracy, encouraging citizens to take an active role in government and politics. This month: This month we’ll talk about civil resistance and how civil disobedience have succeeded or failed historically, seeking contex…
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Who Needs Education?
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:01:02This week in the new American hell-scape: Donald moves to dismantle public education, the Commerce Secretary moonlights as a Tesla salesman, and Elon Musk gets recalled—again. 🇺🇸 Danielle Moodie and Wajahat Ali bring the fire in another can’t-miss episode of democracy-ish. Catch us LIVE Fridays at 12 PM… if we still have a democracy! Hosted on Acas…
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#1699 A Government Of the People, By the People, and Weaponized Against the People
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
3:04:48Air Date 3/21/2025 If you've been paying attention, the weaponization of the government against Trump's political and ideological enemies is exactly what you would have seen coming and now it's here. Be part of the show! Leave us a message or text at 202-999-3991 or email Jay@BestOfTheLeft.com Full Show Notes | Transcript BestOfTheLeft.com/Support …
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Democracy Now! is a daily independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Visit democracynow.org to watch and listen to the latest interviews, read through show transcripts, search the vast news archive or to make a donation to support our nonprofit news program. Livestream weekdays 8 a.m. ET.…
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Today we randomly roam over several useful phrases used to find out what your A-lady can do. Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️ thedottodotpodcast@gmail.com 👍 Do tell your friends, leave us a review on iTunes (ok, 🍏 Podcasts) or follow us on Twitter with #DTDPodYou can also support the show with a tap at https://glow.fm/dottodot - please conside…
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Human Rights Attorney Wolfgang Kaleck on Double Standards in International Law, from Russia to U.S.
Wolfgang Kaleck, founder of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, talks about the need for a universal, international criminal justice system instead of one where only some nations are held to account. Kaleck is a longtime human rights attorney who has represented Edward Snowden. He twice filed war crimes suits against former U.S…
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Peter Kornbluh on JFK Files & Trump's False Pledge to Run “Most Transparent Administration in History"
Watch an extended conversation with Peter Kornbluh, senior analyst with the National Security Archive, who has been analyzing the newly declassified files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
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Democracy Now! 2025-03-21 Friday Headlines for March 21, 2025 Trump vs. Public Schools: Executive Order Aims to Dismantle Department of Education Mahmoud Khalil Update: From ICE Jail, Khalil Warns of Trump's War on Dissent & Targeting Palestinians "Catch and Revoke": AI-Driven State Dept. Program Targets Pro-Palestinian Students & Visa Holders Decl…
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Peter Kornbluh on JFK Files & Trump's False Pledge to Run “Most Transparent Administration in History"
Watch an extended conversation with Peter Kornbluh, senior analyst with the National Security Archive, who has been analyzing the newly declassified files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
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Democracy Now! 2025-03-21 Friday Headlines for March 21, 2025 Trump vs. Public Schools: Executive Order Aims to Dismantle Department of Education Mahmoud Khalil Update: From ICE Jail, Khalil Warns of Trump's War on Dissent & Targeting Palestinians "Catch and Revoke": AI-Driven State Dept. Program Targets Pro-Palestinian Students & Visa Holders Decl…
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Human Rights Attorney Wolfgang Kaleck on Double Standards in International Law, from Russia to U.S.
Wolfgang Kaleck, founder of the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, talks about the need for a universal, international criminal justice system instead of one where only some nations are held to account. Kaleck is a longtime human rights attorney who has represented Edward Snowden. He twice filed war crimes suits against former U.S…
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An article sent in by listener Elijah highlights how the scholarship game draws a sharp line between the haves and have-nots. Ben and Nathan remind listeners that a high LSAT score is the surest path to free law school. Read more on our website. Email daily@lsatdemon.com with questions or comments. Watch this episode on Youtube!…
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Democracy in Nebraska, Tax Credits For Families, Democrats Fight In The Heartland, and Transgender Rights
From a town hall meeting exemplifying democracy in Nebraska to groundbreaking bipartisan tax credits for families, we explore the stories that uplift and inspire. We also highlight the Fighting Oligarchy Tour featuring Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, and celebrate a significant court ruling in Ohio that protects transgender rights. Tun…
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By Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan The detentions, deportations and disappearances are stoking fear in the immigrant community, which is certainly one of its main objectives. One who remains undaunted is Jeanette Vizguerra.Από τον Democracy Now!
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VLord and Nick discuss the anime film Make a Girl, the directorial film debut of viral animator Gensho Yasuda. Enjoy the show, and follow us on Twitter at @manga_mavericks, on Bluesky at@mangamavericks.bsky.social, on tumblr at mangamavericks.tumblr.com and on Youtube! If you’d like to help support the show financially you can pledge to ou…
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Episode 742: Washington State 2022 Audit of Rejected Mail Ballots Offers Valuable Insights for States Using Signature Verification
The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for March 21, 2025 Washington State 2022 Audit of Rejected Mail Ballots Offers Valuable Insights for States Using Signature Verification A Washington State audit of rejected 2020 mail-in ballots offers insight on whose ballots are more likely to be rejected, and recommends actions to reduce that …
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Democracy Now! is a daily independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Visit democracynow.org to watch and listen to the latest interviews, read through show transcripts, search the vast news archive or to make a donation to support our nonprofit news program. Livestream weekdays 8 a.m. ET.…
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David Enrich on the Right-Wing Plot to Erode Press Freedom by Overturning NYT v. Sullivan Libel Case
Extended conversation with David Enrich, author of Murder the Truth: Fear, the First Amendment, and a Secret Campaign to Protect the Powerful. In the book, Enrich chronicles an ongoing campaign by the wealthy and powerful to overturn the landmark Supreme Court decision New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, which in 1964 established bedrock protections ag…
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Democracy Now! 2025-03-20 Thursday Headlines for March 20, 2025 Criminalizing Dissent: Greenpeace Ordered to Pay $667M to Dakota Access Pipeline Firm over Protests "Murder the Truth": David Enrich on Right-Wing Campaign to Silence Journalists & Protect the Powerful Disappeared: U.S. Sends Venezuelan LGBTQ Asylum Seeker to El Salvador's Version of G…
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Democracy Now! 2025-03-20 Thursday Headlines for March 20, 2025 Criminalizing Dissent: Greenpeace Ordered to Pay $667M to Dakota Access Pipeline Firm over Protests "Murder the Truth": David Enrich on Right-Wing Campaign to Silence Journalists & Protect the Powerful Disappeared: U.S. Sends Venezuelan LGBTQ Asylum Seeker to El Salvador's Version of G…
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David Enrich on the Right-Wing Plot to Erode Press Freedom by Overturning NYT v. Sullivan Libel Case
Extended conversation with David Enrich, author of Murder the Truth: Fear, the First Amendment, and a Secret Campaign to Protect the Powerful. In the book, Enrich chronicles an ongoing campaign by the wealthy and powerful to overturn the landmark Supreme Court decision New York Times Co. v. Sullivan, which in 1964 established bedrock protections ag…
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Last covered nearly 500 episodes ago and recommended as one of her top games by the A-lady herself - which came first, fab fun skills by developers like @VocalaCo or the invention of the wheel? 🪓 (I wish they were all that easy.) 😕 Feedback, comments, demos pleas to ✉️ thedottodotpodcast@gmail.com 👍 Do tell your friends, leave us a review on iTunes…
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A student has exhausted all their LSAT practice tests and is now reusing them. Ben and Nathan encourage her to continue drilling and reviewing them just as thoroughly as if she were seeing them for the first time. Read more on our website. Email daily@lsatdemon.com with questions or comments. Watch this episode on Youtube!…
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Regarding the Song Dynasty mandarin who defined the mission for the Confucian intelligentsia. Support the showΑπό τον William Han
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Judge Blocks Trump’s Trans Military Ban, Gun Safety Victories, Abandoned School Turned Into Affordable Apartments: Good News for Democracy!
In today’s episode of Good News For Lefties, Beowulf Rochlen brings you stories of victories, progress and hope. From a federal judge blocking Trump’s ban on transgender military service to bipartisan victories for gun safety in Alabama and Oregon, we’ve got the stories that prove democracy is alive and kicking. Plus, we’re celebrating Pattie Gonia…
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Air Date: 3–19-25 Today, Jay!, Amanda, Deon and Erin discuss: - A special little ditty Jay put together - The legitimate problems that helped birth the damaging MAHA movement - Sherrod Brown’s OpEd on how the Democrats lost their way - What Jay learned from India’s railway engineers - An interview with Ro Khanna that sparked some hope FOLLOW US ON:…
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Episode 741: Washington Supreme Court Rules Signature Matching Can Be Used to Disqualify Ballots But Acknowledges It Impacts Too Many Voters
The American Democracy Minute Radio Report & Podcast for March 20, 2025 Washington Supreme Court Rules Signature Matching Can Be Used to Disqualify Ballots But Acknowledges It Impacts Too Many Voters Washington State implemented their universal vote-by-mail system in 2013, and built in signature-matching for identity verification. A March ruling by…
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Democracy Now! is a daily independent news hour hosted by award-winning journalists Amy Goodman and Juan González. Visit democracynow.org to watch and listen to the latest interviews, read through show transcripts, search the vast news archive or to make a donation to support our nonprofit news program. Livestream weekdays 8 a.m. ET.…
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Democracy Now! 2025-03-19 Wednesday Headlines for March 19, 2025 Israeli Strikes Kill 174+ Children in Gaza as Netanyahu Breaks Ceasefire to Save Political Career "We Live in a Fascist Dictatorship": Elie Mystal on Trump's Lawlessness, Attacks on the Judiciary ICE Agents Detain Immigrant Leader Jeanette Vizguerra, Who Once Sought Sanctuary in Denve…
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Democracy Now! 2025-03-19 Wednesday Headlines for March 19, 2025 Israeli Strikes Kill 174+ Children in Gaza as Netanyahu Breaks Ceasefire to Save Political Career "We Live in a Fascist Dictatorship": Elie Mystal on Trump's Lawlessness, Attacks on the Judiciary ICE Agents Detain Immigrant Leader Jeanette Vizguerra, Who Once Sought Sanctuary in Denve…
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Frank, like a lot of students, is coming to the Demon from another prep company. Nathan and Josh give advice on starting over with the Demon to do the LSAT the right way. Read more on our website. Email daily@lsatdemon.com with questions or comments. Watch this episode on Youtube!
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