DebtFreeMuslims is a Qalam Institute project and hosted by Omar Usman and Adam Taufique. The show explores everything related to personal finance for Muslims, including home mortgages, budgeting, materialism, credit cards, student loans, marriage, and much more.
continue reading Beberapa tulisan : Solusi damai finansial. Debtfree. Real asset that produce stable passive income. Uang Anda yang kontrol, gunakan sebagai alat paling efektif penuh kebermanfaatan. by Rachmad Rofik Life Coach Mentoring and Self Made Millionaire.
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Ilmuwan dan fisikawan mengenali Tuhan dari riset fisika mereka. Para ahlut thariqah adalah ilmuwan metafisika yang mengenali Tuhan dari praktik langsung di laboratorium ruhani Suluk-nya. --- Send in a voice message:
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Ilmuwan dan fisikawan mengenali Tuhan dari riset fisika mereka. Para ahlut thariqah adalah ilmuwan metafisika yang mengenali Tuhan dari praktik langsung di laboratorium ruhani Suluk-nya. --- Send in a voice message:
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Transformasi energi umrah haji ke dalam lingkup suluk--- Send in a voice message:
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Literasi keuangan inklusif dari rakyat untuk rakyat. Merdeka. Berdaulat.--- Send in a voice message:
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Mental Kaya Dalam Mengelola Uang. Besarnya uang pada tangan yang belum siap hanya akan habis tanpa sisa. --- Send in a voice message:
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Beda Mindset Kaya dan Mindset Miskin Perilaku orang kaya juga berbeda dengan orang miskin, di sini saya rangkum menjadi 3 perbedaan. --- Send in a voice message:
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Mindset Miskin : Penyebab Utama Anda Tetap Dalam Kondisi Miskin Bagaimana mengubah taraf hidup Anda lebih baik dengan mulai merubah mindset Anda menjadi mindset kaya. --- Send in a voice message:
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Identifikasi teman beracun dan cara netralisir bahayanya --- Send in a voice message:
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Manusia Berlian Filosofi Berlian jika kita bisa bertahan, tidak hancur, maka kita akan tumbuh menjadi seseorang berkarakter laksana intan. Bersinar. Keras. Kokoh. --- Send in a voice message:
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Pondasi Kesuksesan Tahan Banting Belajar Dari Bambu Filosofi bambu --- Send in a voice message:
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Forex adalah wahana finansial terbesar di dunia. Mutasi sehari bisa mencapai 4 triliun dollar. Penguasaan skill di bidang ini salah satu jalan kedamaian finansial. Buka akun trading : Buka akun trading : Send in a voice message:…
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Hukum cermin. --- Send in a voice message:
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Awal bertrading ingat filosofi dari pakar keuangan sukses dunia ini. Nasehat trading untuk para trader pemula. --- Send in a voice message:
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Nasehat trading untuk para trader pemula. --- Send in a voice message:
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Praktik tasawuf aplikatif dalam keseharian. Membumikan rahmatan lil 'alamin. Misi semua Rasul dan Nabi diturunkan di bumi. --- Send in a voice message:
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Debt (hutang) alat untuk 'memperbudak' Anda.Bagaimana bisa keluar dari jerat hutang (debtfree).Bagaimana mencapai financial peace. (Kedamaian finansial).Bagaimana uang bekerja untuk Anda.--- Send in a voice message:
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Episode 34 - Dua for Getting Out of Debt This episode is a special sneak peek into the half-day Debt Free Muslims workshop we have been conducting in various Islamic centers and MSA's across North America. To host one in your community, please email [email protected] In this episode we cover a special dua that the Prophet (s) taught to one of…
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Episode 33 - Marriage & Money with AbdelRahman Murphy AbdelRahman Murphy is an Imam and instructor with Qalam Institute. He's a photography, coffee, and cat enthusiast. He holds a Master's in Mental Health Counseling, and is renown for his youth work through his organization Roots. In this episode we cover *The relationship between secular marital …
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Episode 32 (1st episode of Season 3!) Guest: Carl Richards Carl Richards is a Certified Financial Planner and the creator of the weekly Sketch Guy column in the New York Times and is a columnist for Morningstar Advisor. Carl has also been featured on Marketplace Money, The Leonard Lopate Show, and In addition, Carl has become …
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In this weeks episode, we show how Shaykh AbdulNasir's parents and teachers had a lasting influence on his financial convictions today. Connect with Shaykh AbdulNasir: Twitter: Facebook: Website: Episode sponsor: BeingThere ( Sea…
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Guest: Mohamed Hussein -10 Tips for Muslims with Student Loan Debt -How to view the test of student loans and deal with its burden -Making dua specifically in regards to debts and student loans -Importance of a mentality of making sacrifice -Importance of good company -Tawakkul…
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Episode 29: Islamic Investing with Fatima Iqbal Guest: Fatima Iqbal, Azzaad Funds Topics Covered: -How Fatima got involved in Islamic Finance -Why is the US behind other countries in Islamic finance? -Advice for someone who wants to start investing -What your financial picture should look like before investing -Assessing the risk of investing -Reti…
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Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan is the founder and CEO of Bayyinah Institute and aims to redefine the way Qur'an and Arabic is taught. He was recently listed among the 500 most influential Muslims in the world. Millions of online users across the globe enjoy and benefit from his simple, clear, and entertaining approach to unraveling complex subjects in the …
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Usman Mughni is a Marriage & Family Therapist and holds a Master's of Science degreein Marriage and Family Therapy from Northern Illinois University and a B.S. in Psychology from the University of Maryland, along with a degree in diagnostic medical imaging. He worked as a therapist at Alexian Brothers Behavioral Health Hospital in the Center for Ad…
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In this episode, brother Saeed Sheikh shares his debt free story with us. We talk about the following: How common is it for college students to get into credit card debt without realizing it The ways we rationalize purchases Behavioral and spiritual changes during his debt free journey Saeed's article on his debt free journey can be found here: htt…
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In this episode we're joined by Joe Mihalic author of "No More Harvard Debt" on the following topics: How he got $90,000 of student loan debt from going to Harvard Business School Maintaining the drive/motivation on getting a second job The lowest point of trying to pay off his debt and how he worked through it Struggles of selling items you own an…
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E24 - Decision Making with Jerry Hionis and Omar Usman
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1:20:40In this episode we're joined by Dr. Jerry Hionis and Br. Omar Usman doing a program on decision making. We'll be covering economics, food, car buying, and a whole host of other issues. You don't want to miss this episode. A few relevant links: 1) Decisive - This book forms the basic foundation of the WRAP framework that we mo…
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This episode covers: Picking a career path The importance of low-risk experiments like internships How LaunchGood started, and what all this "crowd-funding" business really is Challenges with crowd-funding specific to the Muslim community How crowd funding is changing as it grows, and a critical look at personal/individual crowd-funding campaigns L…
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Guest: Navaid Aziz Topics Covered: -How communities can help provide alternatives to student loans -How to apply the fatwa that says student loans are a necessity -How to buy a car with halal financing (easier than you might think) -House buying -How to increase the barakah in your finances Connect With Navaid Aziz -Facebook: https://www.facebook.c…
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We're really excited speak with Eyad Alnaslah who is a CPA in the Southern California area. Eyad wrote an article for Suhaib Webb's website back in 2013 called "M&M's: Marriage and Money." Here are some of the topics I discuss with Eyad about marriage and money: Financial compatibility in a marriage Focusing on work ethics How to grow financially a…
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Really excited about this episode as we interview brother Hamzah Ghia and how he graduated both his undergrad and got his Masters degree completely debt free! Hamzah is currently the Qur'an teacher at Masjid Hamzah in Houston, Texas. Some of the topics we cover: What his process was in going to college without student loans His scholarship applicat…
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This episode features an interview with Ron Lieber. Since 2008, He has been the “Your Money” columnist for The New York Times, where his columns about student loans won the 2011 Loeb award, business journalism’s highest honor, in the personal finance category. He is also the author of the newly released book, The Opposite of Spoiled. Some of the to…
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Ramadan is season of fundraising Negatives of fundraising system and need for financial stability - particularly how it affects things like juma Even as we seek financial stability, individual giving is still 80% of philanthropy in the US. Are we set up to sustain our institutions? How being in debt affects our ability to give and contribute Making…
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About Joe Bradford: Joe is traditionally and academically trained in the Islamic sciences. He holds a graduate degree in Islamic law from the University of Medina. He likes steak, star gazing, corny about pages, and long walks in the park. He has way too many kids. He currently works in finance and is an adviser to institutions and private individu…
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Debt Free Muslim Podcast Episode 16 This episode is brought to you by – Because Muslims matter. About Mufti Menk: Ismail Musa Menk was born in Harare, Zimbabwe. He was tutored by his father who is a well known scholar and Da’ee. He completed his hifz and recitation courses at an early age and learnt the Arabic and Urdu languages w…
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Debt Free Muslim Podcast Episode 14 This episode is brought to you by – Because Muslims matter. We're excited to have Shaanaan Dawda as our guest today. An Atlanta Native, Shannaan Dawda was born at Grady Memorial Hospital in 1986. Although a proud Grady baby and Southerner, his parents moved from Accra, Ghana to Georgia in the sp…
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Debt Free Muslim Podcast Episode 13 This episode is brought to you by – Because Muslims matter. We're excited to have Rachel Cruze as our guest. She is the co-author (along with her dad, Dave Ramsey) of the #1 New York Times bestseller - Smart Money Smart Kids. Buy the book - This episode covers: -Giving you…
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This episode is brought to you by Muslim Matters - because Muslims matter. In this episode, we discuss the Smart Conference that was hosted by Dave Ramsey and his team on March 29th in Dallas, TX. References in this podcast: Hadith on inheritance: Hadith about kissing children:\ Hadith on…
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This episode is brought to you by Muslim Matters - because Muslims matter. Who is Monem Salam? Monem Salam, Director at Saturna Capital Corporation, President and Fund Manager of Saturna Sdn Bhd was born in Pakistan in 1972. Raised in Texas, Mr. Salam received his degrees from the University of Texas: BA (Austin) and MBA (Dallas). He worked as Chie…
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Debt Free Muslims Episode 10 Sponsored by Entrepreneurship with Shomail Malik. In this episode we cover: -Shomail's journey from probably med school to entrepreneurship -Importance of good work ethic -Having mentors and role models -Importance of good time management to develop side income -Getting started with your own business R…
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Ayesha Ahmad is currently a student at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA and will be graduating this Summer. She is also the founder of Simply Scrumptious by Ayesha. In this episode we discuss: How she graduated Debt-Free and her main motivation for doing so What challenges she faced Advice for high school students now on how to graduate witho…
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Debt Free Muslim Podcast Episode 8 This episode is brought to you by – Because Muslims matter. Jerry Hionis holds a PhD from Temple University located in Philadelphia, PA. His primary research is in conflict theory with an emphasis on civil conflicts and Warlord-like competition. Other research interests include game theory, econo…
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Debt Free Muslim Podcast Episode 7 This episode is brought to you by – Because Muslims matter. Shaykh DeLorenzo is a member of the Sharia board for the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI). He is considered a leading authority on Islamic finance in the United States. He has translated ov…
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Debt Free Muslims Podcast Episode 6 This episode is brought to you by - Because Muslims matter. Our guest for this episode is Mufti Abdullah Nana. He graduated with honors from UC Berkeley with a degree in Business and Economics. After accomplishing his academic goals, Abdullah Nana went on to p…
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Episode 5 - Interview with Zuhair Shaath the Youth Director at the Clear Lake Islamic Center
25:07 Podcast Episode 5 This episode is brought to you by - Because Muslims matter. Our guest for this episode is Zuhair Shaath, Youth Director at the Clear Lake Islamic Center. In this episode we cover: His path to becoming a youth director Why do high school grads choose their major? How to explore scholarships whi…
continue reading Podcast Episode 4 This episode is brought to you by - Because Muslims matter. Our guest for this episode is Shaykh Mirza Yawar Baig. In this episode we cover: -Financial issues affecting Muslims in America vs. globally -Understanding the concept of rizq (sustenance) in Islam and misconceptions surrounding it -T…
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This episode is brought to you by - because Muslims matter. This episode covers: A Continuous Charity - Aimed at providing interest free student loans to students. Education is a need, but very few people are actually working for interest-free relief for students. Organization started with focusing on helping just one student to s…
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