Sermons (Talk + Q&A) about God's love for animals throughout the Bible and our responsibility to care for God's created world.
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The Earthkeepers Podcast promotes global connection among ecological-minded people who believe that earth care is an integral part of spiritual life. Through conversations about topics like ecology, climate change, gardening, farming, social enterprise, theology, environmental justice, outdoor recreation, conservation and community development, we aim to inspire a movement of ordinary earthkeepers who will help heal the world.
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This podcast explores how churches in Ireland are developing #CreationCare mission and #ClimateJustice projects. Cover photo by Patrick Metzdorf on Unsplash
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Dr. Matthew Sleeth is the Executive Director of Blessed Earth, an educational nonprofit that inspires and equips Christian communities to become better stewards of the earth. Through outreach to churches, campuses and media we build bridges that promote measurable environmental change and meaningful spiritual growth.
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Career In Audio - Zach McCrite chats about Podcasting, Radio and Other Content Creation
Zach McCrite
After being asked about starting podcasts and getting into the radio biz, host Zach McCrite fires up his smartphone to throw up bite-sized advice on creating audio content. McCrite, a veteran of sports radio for over 20 years and podcast creator of “The Podcast About Sports Radio” (the first podcast of its kind devoted to interviewing sports radio legends and experts), had been asked enough about how to get start a podcast or get into the radio biz that he just thought he’d share thoughts on ...
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113. Agrarian Spirit: Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land with Norman Wirzba
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In this archive episode Forrest and James talk to Norman Wirzba, professor and author of a book called Agrarian Spirit: Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land. In this book, Dr. Wirzba makes the case for a kind of spirituality that is grounded in deep awareness of creation. Among other things, this sort of humble, earthy spirituality that he en…
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FNL #143 - Does God answer the prayers of animals? (Psalm 147:9)
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Psalm 147:9 says, “He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call.” This suggests God hears the voices of animals and responds favorably. Join us as we see what else the Bible says about God and His concern for animals. The whole creation is groaning for God’s vegan kingdom to be restored on earth as it is in heaven!…
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This is a different sort of episode from our normal format. Basically, it is a small book review followed by a conversation between that book’s author and Christine Sine. The book is called The God of Wild Places, by a chap named Tony Jones. It is a deeply honest account of the author's life, filled with stories of failure, self-doubt, and redempti…
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After taking a month off, Friday Night Live Talks are back! This week we are looking at Daniel and his friends, who refused to eat flesh and blood, and were found to be not only healthier but ten times wiser than everyone else! Join us as we examine the wisdom of God and the plant-based diet God established in His wisdom from the beginning. Become …
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FNL #141 - Three Years of Friday Night Live Talks
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Join us as we look back on three years of Friday Night Live Talks, and be the first to hear what plans Creation Care Church has for the future. We have some important announcements regarding FNL talks, and this is your opportunity to ask any questions you might have and to provide your input.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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Leah Kostamo, a counselor and spiritual director, discusses the ways in which her helping practices integrate and collaborate with nature. She emphasizes the shared meaning of caring for creation as a way of joining in God’s work and finding hope thereby. In her musings about self-care and creation care, she emphasizes the ways that nature can heal…
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#140 - The Table of Demons (1 Corinthians 10:21)
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Part 4 of 4 in our Clementine Homilies Series “You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons” (1 Corinthians 10:21, NIV). What is the table of the Lord and the table of demons? Why does Paul say you cannot sit at both tables? In this talk we examine what Jesus…
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FNL #139 - The Key of Knowledge (Luke 11:52)
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Part 3 of 4 in our Clementine Homilies Series “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge. You did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered” (Luke 11:52, NKJV). What is the key of knowledge and who has it? In this talk we examine what Jesus taught to His disciples on this subject, as preserved in th…
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110. Spiritual Practices for Creation Care: Becoming People of Restoration, with Liuan Huska
In this episode Forrest talks with Liuan Huska, about her work with what she calls “liturgies of restoration”. Commissioned by the Au Sable Institute, Liuan has developed a workbook, which is now the basis of a course—one that helps people to explore how habits of thought and action shape our character, and inform the larger stories we tell ourselv…
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Forrest, the Earthkeepers podcast host, also works for the Pacific Rim Institute for Environmental Stewardship on Whidbey Island, off the coast of Washington State. This episode focuses on one of PRI's partners, an organization called the Au Sable Institute, which serves undergraduate students whose vocational interests lie in some form of earthkee…
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In recognition of the recent summer solstice, we are releasing an episode from the podcast archives. This is in fact an episode from season one, a conversation with Randy Woodley. Out of all the episodes we’ve done, this episode has been listened to more than any other—and for good reason! As you listen to this conversation, you might ask yourself …
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FNL #138 - The Prophet Like Moses (Acts 3:22)
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Part 2 of 4 in our Clementine Homilies Series “For Moses said, ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers. You must listen to Him in everything He tells you’” (Acts 3:22, BSB) Why did the apostles refer to Jesus as the Prophet like Moses? What was the significance of this title? In this talk we consider what…
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In this episode (part two of the conversation begun in the last episode) Forrest and Wes focus more directly on the overarching theme of season five: the idea that every vocation can somehow be made greener—and that in almost every job we can find ways to practice the values of earthkeeping. As a real estate agent in Philladelphia, Wes has given lo…
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FNL #137 - Clement and the Clementine Homilies (Philippians 4:2-3)
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“I urge Euodia and Syntyche to agree with each other in the Lord. Yes, and I ask you, my true yokefellow, to help these women who have labored with me for the gospel, along with Clement and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life” (Philippians 4:2-3, BSB). Who is Clement of Rome? What are the Clementine Homilies? How can …
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FNL # 136 - The Wedding Banquet (Luke 14:15-24)
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What is the wedding banquet Jesus talked about? Are Christians accepting the invitation to the wedding banquet? Is God having to go to secular atheist vegans because Christians refuse the invitation to the wedding banquet? In this live talk we examine these questions according to the scriptures.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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In this podcast we speak often of the particular concerns of younger generations—including Gen X, Millennials and Gen Alpha. We try to pay attention to voices representing these generations, knowing that they are the ones who will ultimately suffer more as the climate changes—bringing increasing environmental and social disruption in the coming yea…
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What does it mean to have a clean heart? How is the heart connected to sin and death? What does it mean to forgive from the heart? In this talk we examine the importance of having a clean heart.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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Back in 2001, Brian McLaren wrote a book called A New Kind of Christian. For many, it turned out to be a revolutionary book that explored a kind of faith outside the boxes of mainstream Christianity—a faith that challenged tired, unhelpful ways of thinking and doing, and raised exciting possibilities for a reinvigorated postmodern Christianity. His…
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FNL #134 - Is Truth for Everyone? (John 14:6)
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Should we persuade others that Jesus is THE (objective) Truth or is truth subjective? How should a believer respond when someone says they don't need the Bible to tell them what is right or wrong or about what is true? In this talk we examine these questions.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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FNL #133 - "You Must Become Like a Child to Enter the Kingdom" (Matthew 18:3)
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Jesus says you must change and become like children to enter the kingdom of God. What does this mean? What Scripture verses was Jesus referring to? Why is this significant for Christians and non-Christians alike? In this talk we examine those questions.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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Every now and then, Earthkeepers features an interview with an author about a new book, but only ones that we recommend . That is certainly the case with Leah Rampy’s new offering, called Earth and Soul: Reconnecting Amid Climate Chaos. In the book, she explores what lies beneath our unwillingness to change how we interact with the natural world, b…
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FNL #132 - The Yoke of the Lord (Matthew 11:29)
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What is the yoke of the Lord? How can we take His yoke upon us? What can the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15 and other early apostolic teachings tell us about this? In this talk, we examine these questions.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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FNL # 131 - 4/26 Understanding Paul (2 Peter 3:15-16)
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There are varying opinions about Paul. Was he a faithful apostle or a heretic? Did he endorse or oppose veganism? Are his writings accurately or inaccurately preserved, translated, and interpreted? In this live talk we discuss how to understand Paul and certain key passages in his letters that are often used against veganism.…
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On this podcast, we talk often about the importance of creative, out-of-the box thinking when it comes to making a difference in promoting earth care and fighting against climate change. In this conversation, we find out what such innovative problem-solving can look like when it comes to educating young kids. Shauna Causey confronted the need for f…
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FNL #130 - Who are the Sons of God? (Job 38:4-7)
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Who are the "Sons of God" in the Bible? In this talk we consider the various ways in which this term is used throughout the Old and New Testament of the Bible.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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FNL #129 - Moving Mountains (Mark 11:23-26)
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Jesus taught that we have the power to move mountains. What does that mean and how can we do it? In this talk we examine what the Bible says about this question and why Jesus considers it to be one of the most important aspects of His message to the world.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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FNL #128 - The Forbidden Fruit (Genesis 2:17)
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What is the forbidden fruit? This is one of the most enigmatic questions in the Bible that has perplexed people for millennia. In this talk we piece together various clues in the Bible to try and solve the mystery of the forbidden fruit!Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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Earthkeepers has been deeply affected by A Rocha because of the profound formational influence of the organization’s founders, Peter and Miranda Harris. On the podcast we’ve frequently featured A Rocha voices, including that of Leah Kostamo of A Rocha Canada, way back in episode 5. In episode 62, we talked about carbon offsetting with Brittany Mich…
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FNL #127 – The Resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:20)
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At this time of year, almost two thousand years ago, the power of sin and death was overcome! In this week’s live talk, we discuss the first fruits of the resurrection and the hope it affords each of us.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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FNL #126 - The Right Hand of Fellowship
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What is the right hand of fellowship? Who has God extended the right hand of fellowship to? Are we neglecting our responsibility to extend the right hand of fellowship when it comes to animals? In this talk we consider what the Bible says about these important questions!Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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In this week's live talk we examine what the Bible says about violence, and why opposition to violence was a central theme throughout the message of the prophets, including that of Jesus in His ministry.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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Recently, Brandon Stiver and Phil Darke asked Earthkeepers host Forrest Inslee to be a guest on THEIR podcast, called Think Global, Do Justice. Among other things, they wanted to ask about a book he edited recently with Angel Burns, called Re-Imagining Short-Term Missions. They also talked about COP 28, evangelical attitudes toward creation care, p…
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Did God command ravens to feed meat to Elijah? What might you say in response to someone claiming He did? In this week's live talk we examine what the Bible says about Elijah and the ravens.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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FNL # 123 - Building Church Community (1 Thess. 5:11)
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We are told to build up the body of Christ, to multiply disciples, and to preach the gospel to every creature. In this week's talk we discuss what the Bible says about building church community, and practical ways we can accomplish this in our lives.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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This is the 100th episode of the podcast! In keeping with this landmark episode, we’ll be doing something special: We’re launching a NEW Circlewood podcast called Youth in Climate Action! As you might imagine, this podcast will focus on the needs and questions of younger folks about earthcare and the climate future. Importantly, it will also featur…
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FNL # 122 - God remembers the animals, and so should we! (Gen. 8:1)
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In this message, we examine the instances in which God remembers the animals throughout Scripture, and how He calls us to likewise not forget them!Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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FNL # 121 - The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-18)
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The letter to the Ephesians tells us to put on the full armor of God to prepare us for spiritual battle. In this week's talk we examine what this means, how to do it, and why it is so important.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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This special episode features a guest host from Uganda, Dr. Edward Olara, who Forrest interviewed in episode 71. Edward was once Forrest's student and has become a friend; they’ve worked together in Uganda to encourage and empower development professionals. Recently, Edward published a book called The Elephants and the Farmers. As the HOST of this …
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In the last episode, we talked about the enormous impact that relatively mundane choices like what we eat have on the health of the planet. In this episode, we talk about another part of our everyday habits that we might not normally think about in earthkeeping terms: what we wear—and the impact of the clothing choices we make on the planet as a wh…
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There are many misconceptions about biblical veganism, ranging from claims that veganism is unbiblical, to claims that it is a liberal, new age doctrine of demons. In this week's talk we dispel some of the most common misconceptions about biblical veganism.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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God promises that one day bow and sword will be abolished. What will this look like? When will it happen? Who did God promise this to? In this talk we examine each of these questions.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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While most listeners to this podcast have found ways to make changers in their lives in order to live in more earth-sustaining ways, how often do we pay attention to what we eat as a critical factor for an earthkeeping lifestyle? Think about the foods that made up the last meal you ate: Do you know where those foods came from? How they were produce…
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FNL # 118 - On Earth as it is in Heaven (Matthew 6:10)
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Are we living according to the perfect will of God now? Or are we waiting until Jesus returns? In this talk we learn what the Bible says about God's will being done on earth as it is in heaven.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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Jesus says the greatest command is to love God with all your heart. In order to fulfill this, you must first seek God, not halfheartedly, but with all your heart. In this talk we examine what the Bible says about seeking God wholeheartedly.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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In this episode, we talk with TJ Fittis, owner of Camano Island Coffee Roasters. I became a fan of Camano Island Coffee way back in 2006, when I asked the company’s founder, my friend Jeff Ericson, to come lecture in a course I was teaching. This course was all about social entrepreneurship—and for those not familiar with that term, a social enterp…
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God commands us to undo the heavy burdens of those who are oppressed. When it comes to humans and animals who are burdened by exploitation for profit, are we undoing the heavy burdens or are we adding to them? In this talk, we examine this topic.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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FNL # 115 - Was there Cuddling in the Garden of Eden? (Ecc. 4:11)
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Was cuddling part of God’s very good design for humans and animals? Did Adam and Eve cuddle with animals? Will there be cuddling with animals in the kingdom of heaven? In this lighthearted talk we see what the Bible says about this topic!Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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We’re glad to have you back with us as we launch season five of the podcast in this new year. The format of this episode will be a bit different because, as is our usual custom, our Executive Producer, James Amadon, and Forrest reflect a bit on season four and look ahead to some exciting new directions for season five. James Amadon Executive Direct…
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Jesus tells us to proclaim His message from the rooftops, revealing to the world the kingdom of God and its ways. In this week's talk, we consider various creative ways to proclaim this good news for all creation!Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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In the Gospel of John, Jesus says "I AM'' several times, indicating to His audience who He is. In this talk, we examine some of these instances and their significance in understanding the identity of Jesus.Από τον CREATION CARE CHURCH
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