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Falls du mehr digitale Produkte wie Coachings, Online-Kurse oder Gruppen-Programme verkaufen möchtest – an mehr Kunden zu höheren Preisen –, bist du hier goldrichtig. Im Conversions und Copywriting-Podcast sprechen wir 2 Mal pro Woche darüber, wie du: - den Wert deiner Angebote so kommunizierst, dass Kaufinteresse entsteht, - online mehr Kunden für deine digitalen Produkte gewinnst (und mehr pro Kunde verdienst), - nachhaltig sichtbar wirst, sodass verkaufen einfach wird. Kurzum: Im Conversi ...
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Copywriting For Coaches

Megan Kachigan

The Copywriting for Coaches Podcast is for the high-level coach with a loyal following, a true expert at your craft, and have achieved amazing results...But something's missing. Juggling team leadership, parenthood, and personal time - while managing your marketing - feels like a constant uphill battle. You crave a more sustainable approach to success – one that doesn't sacrifice your well-being. This podcast will support you in confidently copywriting without compromising your unique brand ...
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Build Your Copywriting Business

Filthy Rich Writer

Ready to turn your love of writing into a successful copywriting career? Join professional copywriters Nicki Krawczyk, Kate Sitarz, and the Filthy Rich Writer team to get the tips, tools, and training to help you become a copywriter and build a thriving business of your own. Whether you want to land an on-staff job, freelance full-time and work from wherever you want, or make extra money with a side hustle, the best place to start learning is right here. Nicki and Kate have 20+ and 10+ years ...
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Empathisches, ehrliches und achtsames Online Marketing, Hinterfragen von typischen Funneln & Co. plus Interviews mit Online-Unternehmer*innen, die ihren eigenen Weg im Online Marketing und im Online Business finden. Beim Messy Marketing Podcast scheuen wir vor nichts zurück! Wir schauen hinter die Kulissen der Online-Business-Bubble und begeben uns samt Hut auf Entdeckungstour nach Strategien fernab von Manipulation, Druck und Schönmalerei. Dafür betrachtet Copywriterin Caroline Metz vor all ...
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Matthieu Le Spécialiste du Copywriting vous révèle sa Méthode "Oui Ca$h Copy !" Qui Déclenche Des Ventes Instantanées, une suite de logiciels qui s'appuie sur l'Intelligence Artificielle (comme celle de Deep Blue d'IBM) pour concevoir des textes de ventes puissants et percutants, qui transforment des visiteurs, des abonnés EN CLIENTS ! C'est à votre tour de profiter de notre Intelligence Artificielle Propriétaire qui compile, combine et associe les mots qui déclenchent des Ventes Instantanée ...
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As a small business owner, you know copywriting is one of the essential “skills to pay the bills.” But how often do you sit down at your laptop and struggle with knowing what and how to write? You’re not alone. It’s difficult to write your own copy (even for pro copywriters). Plus, when you’re juggling a family, clients, and a team... there just isn’t enough time in the day to do it all. It’s why sending an email to your list or updating your website never gets crossed off your to-do list. E ...
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Copy That Converts - Entrepreneurs, Copywriting, Launch, Email Marketing, Conversion

Megan Wisdom | Copywriter, Email Metrics Mentor, Marketing Strategist

Are you a female entrepreneur with an online business who’s struggling to grow and nurture your audience? Do you feel like you’re not making enough sales despite your best efforts? Do you feel confused by all the marketing jargon and just wish you had a bossy business big sister to shoot it to you straight? I know you didn’t get into business to get bogged down by writing, but let’s face it, the internet is still powered by WORDS. The good news? You can harness the power of those words to co ...
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AdBriefing Copywriting Tips

JCO Media | Justin Hitt

Episodes muse about writing copy that sells. Finally, get beyond the written word into the psychology, persuasion, and methods that get copy written. Learn to write faster and convert more. Grow your freelance copywriting into a marketing agency that runs on autopilot.
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In each bite-sized episode, personal trainer, gym owner, and copywriter Mitch Rothbardt covers a key aspect of copywriting and marketing you can use right away to can speak to your ideal prospects and get more of the clients YOU want.
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1 Copywriting University

Michael Senoff at

Tap the brains of some of the greatest masters of writing of all time including Ted Nicholas, John Carlton, Denny Hatch, Melvin Powers, Mike Pavlish, Carl Galletti, Brian Keith Voiles, Gary Halbert, Joe Vitale, Bob Bly, Ben Settle, Eugene Schwartz and more and cut years off your education right now!
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Listen to $100MM email marketer Troy Ericson chat with the industry's best email marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs. You'll learn all about Email Marketing, Copywriting, and scaling your business to new levels. Plus... hear zero-to-hero stories that you won't find anywhere else! (Podcast formerly known as 'Secrets of Scale').
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When you show up as yourself in business, you feel good in your work, so you're able to DO good for your clients and for the world. But with so many “must-have” tactics and strategies online, it isn’t always easy to shed the “shoulds” and express yourself wholeheartedly. Your host, Sara Gillis, and her guests drop-kick the tired ol’ strategies that everyone else is using and empower you to change the script to what makes you different, so you can show up online in a way that feels like, “Tha ...
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show series
Hoping to take it easy in your life and business this summer? You’re going to love this episode! I'm sharing three things I'm doing this year to make my business and life easier over the summer. Maybe you can take one of these ideas and do it for yourself, or maybe something I share will spark a new idea for you and help you create some space in yo…
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Voulez-vous convaincre votre communauté, vos abonnés et vos fans d’acquérir vos produits et vos services ? Pour cela, se pourrait-il qu’il existe des mots, des structures de phrases qui peuvent intensifier le désir et la curiosité pour votre activité — que vous soyez coach, consultant ou thérapeute ? Un produit de qualité suffit-il à attirer… Quels…
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Are you considering getting into copywriting but worried that you’re “too old” to pivot into a new career? Is it too late? Am I past the point where I can make a change? Over the years, CCA student Kelly has worn many hats: lawyer, fundraiser, freelance writer, academic program director… But the one constant has been her love of words. Kelly is liv…
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Are you struggling to get people to buy your products or services through email marketing? Be sure to tune in to this episode of Copy That Converts for tactics you can use to help close the sale. Instead of blasting sales messages into an inbox every day, try these kinder, gentler (but effective!) tactics instead: Focus your copy on the right thing…
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Copywriting is often the determining factor if you get leads or not. Mastering effective copywriting strategies is essential for maximizing conversions. At every stage of business, understanding how to craft compelling copy can significantly impact your success. Today, we explore four effective copywriting strategies designed to help you maximize c…
  continue reading 520 - Was wäre, wenn du mit nur einem Monat Engagement deine Social-Media-Präsenz revolutionieren könntest? Genau das habe ich mit der 30-Tage-Reels-Challenge erreicht. In dieser Episode teile ich alle Details mit dir. Du erfährst unter anderem: Warum reine Online-Kurse immer weniger konsumiert werden und Transformation…
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Brace yourself for the emotional ride of writing a book, my friends. Because there sure as heck is a lot of vulnerability in sharing your thought leadership in print. Good thing we have Jodi Brandon, a book coach and editor, on the podcast today. We'll help you navigate the long-term strategy of book publishing, and we'll make sure to explore the a…
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Hier kannst du dich zu meinem Newsletter anmelden: #039 Im Mai habe ich mein dreijähriges Jubiläum als Vollzeit-Selbstständige gefeiert. Ein guter Anlass, um mal persönlich zu werden: Wo habe ich angefangen, wie war die Reise bisher und wo soll es jetzt hingehen? In dieser Folge nehme ich dich mit durch meine Anfänge und wi…
  continue reading 519 - Bist du bereit, deine Arbeitsweise grundlegend zu verändern und von den innovativen Möglichkeiten von ChatGPT zu profitieren? Du wirst nicht nur praktische Einblicke erhalten, sondern auch inspiriert werden, eigene Lösungen mit ChatGPT zu finden. In dieser Episode erfährst du unter anderem: 7 praktische Anwendungs…
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What’s in a name? As a copywriter, this is a question I get asked a lot. Several factors go into writing a scroll-stopping, attention-getting name. So in this episode, I'm giving you five quick tips to keep in mind when you're brainstorming and creating names for your products, services, newsletters, webinars, freebies, events, blogs, or podcasts. …
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Are you considering a transition into copywriting but struggling to ignore the nagging voice telling you it’s “manipulative” or “unethical”? Many people associate marketing with the “icky” feeling of being sold to, thinking it’s all about pushing unwanted products onto reluctant buyers. But copywriting *isn’t* about sleazy tactics or tricking peopl…
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Don't let your success plateau because your messaging hasn't kept up. If you’re building toward your next big revenue goal, I know that one of the biggest fears is like taking your foot off of what is working to take the leap to the next thing. You know how to sell this offer, attract your ideal client, and how to speak to them where they think “oh…
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Today, I’m debunking 4 common myths about storytelling in email marketing. Spoiler alert: Storytelling is crucial for higher conversions! If you want to stand out and make more sales, give this one a listen. Here are the 4 myths we’ll be discussing on today’s episode: Myth #1: "No one wants to read stories in emails." FALSE! Myth #2: "Storytelling …
  continue reading 518 - Hast du dich jemals gefragt, warum deine Webinare nicht mehr die gleichen Ergebnisse bringen wie früher? Entdecke, wie sich Webinare weiterentwickeln und welche Alternativen es gibt, um Produkte erfolgreich zu vermarkten und im großen Stil zu verkaufen. In dieser Episode erfährst du unter anderem: Wie du mit mehrt…
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Tips on making money through social media, starting from posts to newsletters, community building, and bigger projects. How our early experiences shape our beliefs and nostalgia. Why short videos are becoming more popular on social platforms, like YouTube.Από τον Neville Medhora
  continue reading 517 - Hast du dich schon mal gefragt, wie du ungenutzte Umsatzquellen in deinem Business aufdeckst und maximierst? In dieser Episode enthüllen wir Strategien, die dein Unternehmen profitabler machen und deinen Umsatz deutlich erhöhen können. In dieser Episode erfährst du unter anderem: Die Bedeutung einer überzeugenden …
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We're a few episodes into this mini-series on thought leadership, which means its just about time to address the fact that a person isn't born WITH thought leadership. Thought leadership is actually created, developed, recreated, curated, and built upon over time. And one way to do that: to practice your thought leadership and strengthen it is to o…
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What’s your ideal summer? For me personally, I’m looking for a summer of ease. I want to work a little less, check out some summer music festivals, go camping, and read a few fiction books. Whatever your goal is, I want to help you set yourself up for success! In this episode of ill communication, I’m sharing a workshop I’m hosting next week to hel…
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Mike Feldstein is the founder and CEO of Jaspr that makes cool looking giant air purifiers. 10+ years ago he got into the “Disaster Business” by restoring homes after big floods, then started a generator business to combat ice storms, then started restoring homes after wildfires, then saw air quality sucked so he made giant industrial level air pur…
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One of the most difficult psychological shifts for new business owners is going from an employee mindset to a business owner mindset. Most of your life, you’ve likely operated as a consumer: waiting for a paycheck so you can take care of your expenses. And when things get challenging in the economy, your instinct is to tighten the purse strings and…
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Have you ever left an event feeling transformed, but struggled to put that magic into words? I'm sharing 5 tips (with examples!) so that you can create emails and sales page copy that will capture that intangible experience and fill your room with the right people. We also walk through what this can look like throughout the whole marketing process,…
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Exciting news - It's my one year podcasting anniversary! 🥳 In this special episode, I share what I've learned about long-form content and how it can help grow your email list and business. Plus, there are prizes to be won!! I’m sharing what I’ve seen using podcasting as the primary long form content and traffic source for my business. Is it worth i…
  continue reading 516 - Bereit für den ultimativen Insider-Einblick in die Welt des Storytellings auf Instagram? In dieser Podcast-Episode tauchen wir ein in das spannende Abenteuer von Sophia und Tim, die mutig die 100-Tage-Reels-Challenge meistern. In dieser Episode erfährst du unter anderem: Wie wir erfolgreich 100 Reels in 100 Tagen …
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A comprehensive guide covering compelling copy techniques, Adding 'Full Stack' to your title, refining your writing process, setting effective quarterly goals, and engaging with a supportive community.Από τον Neville Medhora
  continue reading 515 - Ein Tag, 40 Reels - Wie schaffen wir das nur? Tauche ein in die aufregende Welt des Drehens von Instagram Reels! In dieser Episode erfährst du unter anderem: Welche simplen Tools und Tricks wir für unsere Video-Produktion verwenden. Wie wir uns auf einen Drehtag vorbereiten und welche drei Formate am besten perfor…
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You’ve been searching for public speaking opportunities for quite some time to share your thought leadership. Now, imaging stepping onto the stage. Do you feel all of the audience’s eyes on you? Will the words that you’re about to share with them change their minds, motivate them or inspire them? Even more important: How will those words drive your…
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Thinking about using AI in your business? In this episode of ill communication, I’m answering a question I get asked all the time as a copywriter- what I think about AI. I’m sharing my honest thoughts on using AI and ChatGPT as well as some mind-blowing ways you can use it to elevate your life and business. Topics We Cover in This Episode: A sneak …
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Pitching is the only way to truly control your copywriting business’ success. But when it comes to sitting down to actually do it, our brains love to come up with all kinds of reasons *not* to hit “send”. “Oh, that company is waaay too big to pitch, they would never need my help!” or, at the other end of the spectrum, “A solopreneur? They’d never b…
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Are you feeling overwhelmed with writing copy for your business? Or maybe your current copy isn't converting as you hoped? It might be time to consider outsourcing your copywriting. In this episode, not only will we talk about when to outsource, but you'll also learn how to find the right copywriter for your business. Key traits include: feeling a …
  continue reading 514 - Stell dir vor, du könntest deine Instagram-Reichweite ohne Videos, ohne Schneiden und ohne aufwendige Grafiken erheblich steigern. Klingt zu gut, um wahr zu sein? In dieser Episode verraten wir dir das Geheimnis hinter einem einfachen, aber extrem effektiven Beitragsformat. In dieser Episode erfährst du unter ande…
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Picture this: you, leading a cohesive team that fully supports your vision. You already have so many roles to juggle, so this is a loving reminder that it is safe to not also have to play the role of chief marketer. In fact, it’s better that you don’t. This is when the idea of hiring a copywriter for coaches might cross your mind. But then the ques…
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The fascinating evolution of our alphabet, the impact of modern conveniences versus historical contexts, creative hacks for efficient content creation, changes in urban landscapes, and the art and science of pricing strategies.Από τον Neville Medhora
  continue reading 513 - 100 Reels in 100 Tagen – Ende März haben mein Team und ich uns dieses ehrgeizige Ziel gesetzt. Wir haben es fast geschafft! In dieser Episode teile ich unsere größten Learnings und Erfahrungen auf diesem spannenden Weg. In dieser Episode erfährst du unter anderem: Warum wir Instagram als neue Plattform gewählt hab…
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As a high-level coach, you've poured your heart and soul into your business...but there comes a point when it's time to lay down the hustle. This is where the idea of hiring a copywriter might cross your mind. But then the questions hit: "Isn't that expensive? Can't I just write my own copy?" The short answer is yes, you can write your own copy. Bu…
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Feeling overwhelmed by copywriting? Wondering if it's time to hire a pro? Spoiler alert: the answer might surprise you! In this episode, we tackle the common struggle of coaches: copywriting. We explore the options, from DIY approaches, the power and limitations of AI technology, to outsourcing to a professional copywriter. We'll discuss the signs …
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Have you ever thought about having a course for your business? Or, maybe you have a course or courses right now and you're wondering how it fits in with your overall thought leadership. Regardless of how you answered that, I want you to stop and think for a second: What do you want to be known for? And can the courses that you'd hope to create or t…
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If you've built a solid audience, are putting content out regularly, but are running out of time and capacity to do it all…you are in the right place. This is where we get your copywriting to effortlessly attract high-value clients, who resonate with your premium offerings. In this episode of the Copywriting for Coaches Podcast, we talk about: [00:…
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Want to turn your complicated and confusing copy into simple, powerful messages that create sales? I have you covered. This episode of ill communication is the final episode in the mini-series on simplicity in sales! Join me as I share some powerful insights and trends I'm seeing in online marketing and sales and how to avoid the curse of TMI (too …
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Since she was old enough to hold a pen, Comprehensive Copywriting Academy student Rachael Kelly has been writing and telling stories. But figuring out how to turn that passion into a well-paying career? That was the part Rachael struggled with—and crummy job-bidding sites like Fiverr and Upwork were (ahem, unsurprisingly) *not* the answer! In this …
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Want to improve your email marketing but short on time? This EMAIL QUICK TIPS SERIES was made for you! In these 5 minute episodes, you’ll get quick and actionable tips to improve your email marketing in small ways that lead to big impacts over time. The final quick tip episode is here, and we're diving into the controversial topic of double opt-ins…
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