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LX2 Codependency Coaching

S Aschenbrenner

Licensed Clinical therapist with 10+ years of experience treating individuals, families and couples navigating through the challenges of relationships, identity and life changes. Helping humans do relationships better with boundary setting and improved communication.
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Conquer Codependency God’s Way

Aliene Thompson: Author, Speaker, Founder of Treasured Ministries

Hi there! Welcome to the Treasured Ministries Podcast and YouTube Channel, where we talk about Conquering Codependency God's Way. My name is Aliene Thompson and I am your host, the executive director of Treasured Ministries International, the creator of the Nourish Bible Study Method and the founder of the Treasured Tribe, an online community for women. For years, I was unaware of my codependency because it flew right under the radar of my confused Christianity and controlling tendencies to ...
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My name is Whitney Walker, welcome to Women Waken! I am a Licensed Mental Health Therapist specialising in substance abuse, addiction, eating disorders, trauma, and Spirituality. Over 10 years ago I walked into a therapist office for the first time because I realised that I felt incapable of handling life. I abused drugs and alcohol, had rock bottom self esteem, often felt suicidal, was very self destructive, and had no idea how to resolve what felt like a complete mess inside my mind and em ...
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Healing Codependency with Erika Wright

Erika Wright

Do you want to create substantial change in your life and explore relationships in a brand new way? If you struggle to find the language for a relationship you’re navigating, or are seeking more loving relationships with yourself or others, this podcast — and the stories within each episode — is for you. Enter: Healing Codependency with Erika Wright, a six-part deeply personal podcast series that offers intimate insight into six core turning points throughout Erika’s life that made her who s ...
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This is a space where we talk about personal growth & development. We sometimes talk about hard things but we always talk about human things. We are here to breakdown, breakaway, & breakthrough emotional trauma so we can stop overthinking, get unstuck, & improve relationships. Lilli is a speaker, healer, author & coach based in Phoenix, Arizona with clients all over the world. Her biggest challenge came when her past trauma & abuse met her in real life & her crowning personal moment came whe ...
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show series
I've been thinking a lot about how hard it can be to trust. Trusting another person, a situation, an opportunity, a new romantic partner, a friend. You get the idea. I've felt let down, disappointed, and devastated many times when someone or something I'd decided to believe turned out to be full of crap. So what are we supposed to do about that? Ho…
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Emerging from an abusive or Narcissistic relationship undoubtably leaves someone profoundly devastated, confused, and depleted. So many unanswered questions, immense anxiety wondering the extent of the lies and manipulation, truly questioning what's up from down and how you will regain a semblance of feeling normal again. Where can a Woman turn whe…
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Today we are talking about anger. It is often said that anger is a secondary emotion. What is under the anger is usually fear, sadness, feeling disregarded, or not enough. Allow space to figure out what the feeling is. #anger #selfawareness, #70skid #genx #unhelpfulreactions #parentingΑπό τον S Aschenbrenner
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Happy Lunar New Year & New Moon in Aquarius! These combined energies occurring together certainly packs a punch and I have some things to say about it. Particularly about the SNAKE aspect as I adore snakes especially their Spiritual significance and meaning. With this being the Year of the Snake and 2025 incorporating a 5, you can anticipate a lot …
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Who are we? What are we? Quantum science is slowly revealing the fact that all of us are connected in a very intimate way. What do the spiritual texts tell us about the state of our reality, or who we are? What is the truth? These are all questions that inquiring minds often ask themselves when contemplating life and existence. Some of us even deci…
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There is no despair so absolute as that which comes with the first moments of our first great sorrow, when we have not yet known what it is to have suffered and be healed, to have despaired and have recovered hope. -George Eliot The above quote is the one I couldn't find while I was recording this episode. It meant a lot to me back in my 20's, when…
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When we begin to understand that trauma can silently shape our lives, affecting our emotions, actions, experiences, and even our physical well-being, then we realize how critical it is to address it in order to live our true destiny. My guest this week, Joy Baker, Her personal voyage led Joy down the "rabbit hole of pain" a courageous expedition in…
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Today we talking about validating and accepting our whole self. The phrase hay comida en la casa, meaning we have food at home. When we love our whole self first, we don't need to work as hard to get love from other people. #bridgetjones #haycomidaenlacasa #loveyourselffirst #lx2codependencycoachingpodcast…
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On last week's solo episode, when I pulled the Empress of Pleasure card from my W.I.T.C.H Oracle deck, I stated that I'd need to do an episode based on that fabulous card. And indeed, I have delivered. I wanted to explore further this concept of Pleasure being our Teacher, rather than Fear or Hurt & Pain. On this solo episode, I share some personal…
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It's remarkable how life can change in an instant. Something unexpected & perhaps unwanted can significantly alter our current circumstances. It is out of our control and leaves us asking, what do i do now? My guest this week, Nick Prefontaine, has a remarkable story of facing such a life altering event and made the choice the respond to it with an…
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Today, we are talking about seeing our struggles as character flaws. We often assume when we are struggling that something is wrong with us. It's not but that is how it feels. Shift the perspective to trusting yourself. You have gotten this far and you will get past this too. You are not broken. #characterflaw #mentalhealth #trustyourself #greatnes…
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It's a New Year and with it come a whole new slew of twist and turns and challenges to make you question everything you thought was healed and resolved within you. Woohoo! What a fun ride this life is, eh?! The good news is that life dolling out these hurdles means you're Soul is on a path of growth and evolution. You're ready to level up which alm…
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Welcome to the first Guest Episode of 2025! And what a perfect guest we have this week to kick off this powerful year as her focus on Women's Wisdom perfectly compliments the message of Women Waken. Corinna Wood has been a visionary teacher of holistic women’s wisdom for over 30 years, Corinna is known as a trailblazer—including founding and direct…
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Are you ready to break free from codependency and embrace the freedom found in God’s plan for your life? In today’s episode of Conquering Codependency God’s Way, we’ll explore how God uses storms in our lives to strengthen our faith and lead us toward deeper dependence on Him.Using the powerful story of Peter walking on water, we’ll dive into how f…
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Today, we are talking about intellectualizing versus feeling in the process of growth. We process lots of information through out thoughts before allowing ourselves to feel it. It is important to be aware of the old narratives and stories we are using when we process. Growth and healing comes from allowing the stories to change. #newyear #change #f…
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Welcome to 2025, Everybody!! We've made it! I'm seeing this year as a summit; we've made it up the hardest part of the mountain in the 5 years of this decade so far. And now we've reached a higher perspective and are open to receiving greater wisdom and insights. So it's time to get ready because big changes and great progress are on there way! On …
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Happy 2025 Everybody! I'm feeling very energized & empowered by this energy coming in with the New Year. I hope you all are feeling it as well & are entering the New Year with optimism and bold aspirations. To kick off the year I welcome back again my dear & talented friend, Erin Sikopoulos, owner of Turn a New Leaf Intuitive Energy & Bodywork. The…
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*Happy New Year Dear Ones! A final re-release for 2024 with some sweet, subtle messages to guide you into 2025 with intentions based in love, peace, and self regard. Highest blessings to each of you!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- So often it can feel like we don't have time to focus on all the aspects of our l…
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Alright, Ya'll may be tired of hearing it, because I've been talking about it for a year now, yet I needed to offer ONE LAST episode sharing the message of the Ol' Magician in the Mirror. One, because it is very powerful and pertinent to sit with before moving into a New Year. Two, because I was given a Divine synchronistic sign that indeed I neede…
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Well it's happening again! Another episode devoted solely to one of my favorite topics, tarot! Now many of you know that tarot is near and dear to my heart as I felt I was initiated by the tarot Goddess when the ball dropped into 2020. A Qoman at a New Years party did a little reading for me and afterwards she looked at me and said, "This deck no l…
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Are you struggling with codependency and longing for true freedom? Discover how to embrace temporary discomfort, set healthy boundaries, and follow God’s calling to live a life of purpose and freedom. With insights from 1 Peter 4:1-4, Eileen offers biblical wisdom, personal stories, and practical steps to help you navigate the healing journey and f…
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Happy Yuletide lovely listeners! We've reach that sweet special week, the last one of the year, that always seems to feel like a time of no time. We're closing the year and celebrating holidays so it's OK to eat candy for breakfast and chocolates all through the day. You may never get out of your pajamas (or bed) and subsist on leftovers. I for one…
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Today we are talking about being wrong. How being wrong is a good place to be because it gives us a different perspective. We can learn a lot when we are wrong. #beingwrong #scientific method #relationships #bestintentionsthebook The podcast I was listening to was 10% Happier with Dan Harris and Sharon McMahon…
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* Re-released from last year's solstice episode December 22nd 2023. Still holds true as another resource to celebrate in the Winter Solstice! Happy Winter Solstice everyone! I hope this long night finds you safe, cozy, healthy, and content as we move into another cycle around the sun together. While we're taking this time to slow down, gather with …
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I always like to have collaborative partners on the show. Especially when they are business AND romantic partners! A Divine Union of sharing love and creating together. My guests this week are quite the creative and inspiring couple, Heather Box and Julian Mocine-McQueen. They came together with a shared vision for encouraging others to own and sha…
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Did you all welcome the last Full Moon of the year last night? (Sunday, December 15th for those listening at a later date). This Gemini Full moon also coincides with the end of Mercury Retrograde. So while things will begin to settle soon, the dust is still swirling and emotions may be running high. This makes this the perfect time to take a look a…
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Hello Everyone & Happy Friday the 13th! This episode is meant to serve as your friendly reminder to take it easy on yourself and that YOU ARE NOT FOR EVERYONE. This is a powerfully accurate statement for all beings. We are each perfectly exquisite and worthy and wonderful in our own way and fully loved by the Divine. Yet, some people are still goin…
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Our unconscious minds are involved in everything we do, say, think, and believe. The problem is… we don’t realize it. Most of us walk around with unmet needs from past traumas, and we unwittingly bring those needs into our relationships and project our unresolved issues onto our partners. My guest this week, Riana Malia, went through this exact sam…
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Embrace the power of the Divine Feminine and unlock greater joy with these heart-opening practices. Start your journey towards a more fulfilling life today. What does it mean to come from love? How does it feel to live life with an open heart? Do we have the ability to control how we respond to situations? These are questions I elaborate on in this…
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“I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing.” ― Daniel Hillel When we've decided that we know exactly what we want in life, it can very very frustrating and discouraging when the process of getting it seems to move at a snail's pace. Yet the key thing to remember is that every creation in existence started with a tiny seedling of an i…
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There is something about dragonflies. Their brilliant translucence, the variety of colors they come in, their auspicious arrival into your space in unexpected moments. In a word, they are magic. Which is why I immediately noticed this week's guest abundance of dragonflies when we jumped on Zoom. From her jewelry to the artwork in her home. They wer…
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Welcome to December 2024! And Happy New Moon in Sagittarius. We are crossing into the final month of this ( fill in the blank) year. How would you describe 2024? How do yoy feel about it? Well guess what, however you might be feeling this New Moon in Sag combined with Mercury retrograde are here to remind you that; it ain't over yet! One more stret…
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This episode is from last year, yet it holds a beautiful message for this week. Ill be back with new episodes in December! So grateful for each and every one of you who take the time to tune into the show. I hope it brings you value and peace exactly when you need it <3 ************************************************************************* (This…
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There are many means for creating a greater sense & awareness of our cosmic make up and the gifts. Unveiling the personal attributes & ideal pursuits that are most aligned with our Soul's blue print. 2 of these tools are Human Design and Gene Keys. Yet, what are they and how can we come to work with and understand our unique design? Well I'm glad y…
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Hi Everyone! I'm off the road and settled into a lovely new home in Colorado. Surrounded by majestic mountains that are speaking to me, loudly. I'm very grateful, to have arrived safely after several weeks of travel and to have such a pristine new space. I hope this episode finds each of you in a cozy place of gratitude and love. I'm back with anot…
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Are you caught in a relentless tug-of-war with injustice that’s stealing your peace and joy? When we’re trapped in codependency, we often unknowingly surrender our power to others, making it difficult to confront injustice and leaving us emotionally and spiritually drained. We feel powerless, we lose our joy, and sometimes, we even fight against Go…
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Today we are talking about experiencing the world through our emotional perspective. Giving yourself grace and patience while you are having your emotions. Getting through tough experiences. #trustyourself #emotionalawareness #emotioalperspective #mentalhealth Get your copy of Best Intentions: The things we do for love https://bookstore.dorrancepub…
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Hey ya'll! One last throw back for you before I settle into my new place and begin popping out new solo episodes again. This is a great one to get you excited about your ever awakening Divine Feminine gifts as we are moving towards another POWERFUL and transformative year of this wild decade for Humanity! Enjoy! ************************************…
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Our planet is Ascending. Mankind is Ascending. Consciousness is Ascending. Life is malleable and ever-changing. When we are the embodiment of our Divine Nature, we are beacons of Light and Love through this tumultuous time. These are the messages that make up the quantum message coming through my guest this week, Sanar Alixandyr. Sanar is an Empowe…
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Are you tired of second-guessing your decisions and feeling stuck in doubt? We all want to be led by God, but knowing when He’s speaking can sometimes feel unclear. In today’s episode of Conquering Codependency God’s Way, I’ll share my journey from codependency to God-dependency and how it helped me break free from cycles of doubt. If you’ve ever w…
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Hello Lovely Listeners, I'm dropping in live today, coming out of my retreat in a beautiful, rustic, & remote cabin in Louisiana to do a little Divine Feminine episode. I felt called to record as I was sitting under the glorious Taurus Super Full Moon & wanted to tap into some of that magic to share with you all. I'll still be on the road for anoth…
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Happy Friday lovelies! Here is another throw back episode for you all while I complete my journey on the road to Audrey and I's new home in Colorado! I thought this episode would be appropriate as I hope my tales of nomadic life inspires many of you to incorporate more adventures and travel in your lives. In this episode I share the physical, menta…
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