Karim Rissouli, accompagné de Laure Adler et Camille Diao, présente ce rendez-vous où les idées sont les vedettes, des idées qui éclairent l’actualité et la complexité du monde. « Débattre, c’est argumenter pour ne pas se battre », Étienne Klein, physicien et philosophe des sciences. Telles sont la philosophie générale et l’ambition de C ce soir. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Celebrity memoirs, pop culture, and books! Join us as we book club female celebrity memoirs through a thoughtful lens.
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Os sucessos mais dançantes dos anos 70 e 80 com mixagens do DJ Flávio Wave e apresentação de Fabiano.
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New York comedians Claire Parker and Ashley Hamilton are reading celebrity memoirs so you don't have to.
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Stasera c’è Cattelan esplode e diventa Supernova, cioè un vivace e avvincente podcast di interviste a personaggi straordinari o – come preferisce definirlo il suo conduttore Alessandro Cattelan – l’ennesimo podcast. Lunghe conversazioni dirette e informali che spaziano dai più insignificanti dettagli della quotidianità alle riflessioni sul senso della vita.
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Chaque jour un humoriste rejoint Matthieu Noël Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Jacob and Drew review animated movies and TV shows and discuss what they appreciate about them.
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Curated Questions: Conversations Celebrating the Power of Questions Hosted by Ken Woodward, Curated Questions is a thought-provoking podcast that celebrates the art and science of asking profound questions. This podcast is for curious minds who understand that the right question can unlock new perspectives and drive personal growth. What to Expect Insightful Conversations: Experts from diverse fields share their journey in mastering the craft of inquiry, revealing how it has transformed thei ...
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Welcome to Celebration Church!
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The Celeb Savant show is a weekly entertainment show hosted by Barret Edelstein. Each week we will have long-form career retrospective type interviews with celebrities namely, singers, actors and industry experts. APVA Awards 2023 - nominated as The Best Entertainment/Lifestyle Podcast
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Celebration Center
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Aurora Tinajero y Patricia Vazquez presentan temas pro-vida. Descubre que significa ser pro-vida y como respetar y defender la vida. Llama al 1-800-701-0373 para ser parte de la conversación.
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Audio messages of Celebration Church Int'l
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Retrouve le dernier message des célébrations à ICF BULLE.
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„Aby ste sa mohli cítiť bezpečne, niekto musí mať poriadnu paranoju.“ Celé zle je vaša pravidelná dávka optimizmu a voľné pokračovanie podcastu Daj NATO!. Peter a Michal, sami dvaja, alebo s vyberanými hosťami a hostkami. O bezpečnosti, dianí doma a vo svete a všetkom ostatnom. Pritrafí sa aj humor, ktorý občas končí smiechom. Naďalej platí: názory účinkujúcich sa nemusia zhodovať s názormi účinkujúcich. Podporte nás na www.patreon.com/celezle. Napíšte nám na podcast@cele-zle.sk. Sledujte ná ...
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Sharing the Good News with my friends, family and the world!
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Getting to sleep can be difficult sometimes. Now you can achieve that urgently needed rest by taking advantage of our most precious natural resource: celebrities. Each week on the slyly humorous and reassuring Sleeping with Celebrities, host John Moe talks with a different guest from the world of entertainment about something they know a lot about. The conversation is guaranteed to be just interesting enough to draw your attention away from your own swirling anxieties but never interesting e ...
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New podcast from Ohio based comedians Jason Banks and Damon Darling.
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Christian Visual Arts, Science and Communication Technologies
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Celebration Church will upload their sermons for you to listen to every week! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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l'humeur de Christophe Bourseiller Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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This is a podcast that shares life change stories, courage, hope and leadership wisdom, centered around the Celebrate Recovery principles. Come along for the journey.
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A regular talk show on being a marriage celebrant, the Australian marriage laws around celebrancy, and the art of running a celebrant business, hosted by the editors of the Celebrant Institute, Josh Withers and Sarah Aird
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Celebrity memoirs aren’t like normal books—they’re fun! Join comedians Steven Phillips-Horst (@gossipbabies) & Lily Marotta (@lilyblueyez) as they rifle through the diaries of drug-addled starlets, oddly obsessive restaurateurs, brass-knuckled female realtors, and boring gay politicians’ even more boring gay husbands, finding fertile ground for searing cultural insights and juicy gossip. Martinis not included.
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Celebrating Southern Africans around the globe, their stories, journeys, projects, businesses and what makes them so special and unique.
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Garrett, and special guests give you EXCLUSIVE entertainment news and headlines.
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Celebration Church is located in Nowra on the south coast of NSW. We exist to “Celebrate God, people, and life, locally, nationally and globally.
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Celebration Church Orlando
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Celebration Church - Phoenix, AZ
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Celebration Mindset is the 2024 podcast and groundbreaking initiative designed to inspire, encourage, and empower the 15 million single mothers across the United States to have the confidence and practical tools to transform their lives. Feature inspiring stories, practical advice, actionable steps, and encouragement. May Your Celebration Mindset help you make YOUR Life Worth Celebrating. www.CelebrationMindset.com April@CelebrationMindset.com
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Celebratenstien hungry. Celebratenstien eat.
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This podcast is a deep dive into the life, times. works. and influences of Edgar Allan Poe - "America's Shakespeare." Mr. Poe comes to life in this weekly podcast!
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Welcome to the Celebration Church Podcast. The podcast will have the weekly sermons from our Pastors! To learn more visit us at CelebrationEdmonton.com. At Celebration Church, you can come as you are. We are not here to judge you or your past; we’re here to share the biblical truth of Jesus Christ with you and how this message changes everything.
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Shirin Lafiya Jari ce na tattaunawa da likitoci da mahukunta a game da kiyon lafiyar jama’a, sanin sabbin magunguna da binciken kimiya ya samar. Ana gabatar da shirin a ranar Littinin da hantsi, tare da maimaici a ranar Jumma'a da safe.
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A podcast for the love of cinema! For more info check out our website: https://celebratingcinema.com. As always, we want to hear from you so please get in touch at celebratingcinema@lab111.nl
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Each week Singing Harpist Sam Hickman tells you all about her week, her work and her life. You will learn what it takes to be a free-lance musician in the gig economy.
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Listen, Learn, and Earn CE Hours with Elite Learning. Elite Learning is among the first to bring you nursing podcasts that are part of an accredited continuing education activity. With real-world examples, interviews with subject matter experts, practical insights, and the opportunity to earn nursing CE hours- we’re taking learning to the next level. Subscribe and never miss a chance to listen, learn, and earn nursing CE. Learn more at elitelearning.com/podcast
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If you could meet any celebrity in the world, who would it be? Face it: we all have that one celeb we’re obsessed with and would love to meet. This is the game show that makes superfans’ dreams come true. Comedian Taylor Tomlinson hosts an epic showdown between superstar and super-fan, filled with obscure (and often hilarious) questions. Each week, Taylor will introduce a musician, influencer, actor, or personality to someone who has always wanted to meet them, and they will face off. Along ...
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Celebrate Your Story dives into the journeys of individuals from all walks of life who strive to make a difference, big or small. Through conversations with everyday heroes, changemakers, and those who uplift, we uncover the stories behind their personal growth and positive impact. Each episode celebrates triumphs, navigates challenges, and highlights the power of connection. Join us to be inspired by transformative paths that lead to purposeful living.
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Hosted by Lisa Flahant of Celebrant in Cornwall, The Wedding Celebrant Show brings you insights, tips and even a confession or two about life as a former registrar and busy celebrant, as well as conversation with some of the UK's top wedding professionals. Perfect for couples planning a wedding, professional wedding celebrants, or those craving some behind the scenes gossip! Enjoy!
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The BIPOC Coach Collective is proud to present Elevate and Celebrate. This podcast highlights our amazing global community with a platform to elevate our voices in the coaching profession. Every month we celebrate our successes in this brave and authentic space. Learn more about us at https://www.bipoccc.org
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Adesso ci trovate a questo indirizzo: https://www.spreaker.com/show/la-biblioteca-che-non-ce Oppure su Spotify qui: https://open.spotify.com/show/1rTvVLyk5AOCoXsBljMpMD Seguici anche su Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb2etJfurlwy3wp-PW8MXig Per donazioni - https://ko-fi.com/bibliotecachenon Per abbonamenti - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb2etJfurlwy3wp-PW8MXig/join
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Wins and losses we all take! Black Excellence Music Beauty Filthy Gossip
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Ciao, io sono Viola e ho delle amiche e degli amici molto belli con cui, ogni tanto, parlo anche davanti ad un microfono. Se desiderate contattarmi mi trovate come @viuola su Instagram, @iovirgolaviola su Telegram o alla cara vecchia mail: iovirgolaviola@gmail.com. Grazie!
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La foi vient de ce que l'on entend est un podcast évangélique francophone qui traite de la formation de disciple de tous les âges ainsi que de comment vivre en tant que chrétien au 21ème siècle. Il est animé par Jean-Sébastien Morin, pasteur, auteur, philosophe et conférencier québécois. Vous pouvez trouvez plus d'outils sur sa plateforme : www.missionnel.org
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Celebrity Salute was created to honor our veterans, active duty military, their families and those who support them. Through conversations with celebrities, we recognize our nation’s true heroes and the sacrifices they make to protect our freedoms. We owe them greatly, and hope to raise awareness and support for them and their families while in active service and as they transition to civilian life —many continue to serve in the communities in which they live.
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Welcome to Celebrate Arkansas, where we delve into the dynamic intersection of business impact and community vibrancy in the heart of Arkansas. Join us as we spotlight the voices of visionary leaders and passionate members of our state that are shaping local landscapes and explore the pulse of Arkansas' ever-evolving economic and social landscape.
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Retraites : le dialogue impossible ?
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1:06:24Quand le débat sur les retraites menace le gouvernement Bayrou… Alors que les participants claquent la porte les uns après les autres, le fameux conclave voulu par le Premier ministre est-il déjà voué à l’échec ? A qui la faute ? Trahison de François BAYROU ou irresponsabilité de ceux qui décident de quitter la table des négociations ? Quelles cons…
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durée : 00:04:04 - La chronique de Yann Marguet - par : Yann MARGUET -Από τον Yann MARGUET
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Chissà se Messi ha mai lanciato dei cori contro di voi, se Armani vi ha confidato un segreto o se Djokovic vi ha raccontato di aver affrontato un lupo. Al nostro ospite son successe tutte queste cose e non solo: benvenuto a Supernova Aldo Cazzullo! Colonna sonora di questa puntata secondi noi: Piazza Grande di Lucio Dalla Supernova è anche su YOUTU…
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Envoies un texto à La Foi vient de ce que l'on entend! Une des choses qui ont le plus détruit non seulement des mariages, des vies, des ministères et des églises est l'adultère ou l'immoralité sexuelle de leaders spirituels. Quand un pasteur tombe, ce n’est pas juste une personne qui chute, c’est une onde de choc qui ébranle toute une communauté. D…
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Shirin 'Lafiya Jari Ce' na wannan makon ya mayar da hankali ne akan cutar sankarau, wanda ke yin ƙamari a cikin yanayi na zafi da ake ciki, musamma a ƙasashenmu na nahiyar Afrika. Tuni aka samu ɓullar cutar sankarau a sassa daban-daban na Najeriya inda ta kashe gomman mutane a jihohin Kebbi da Sokoto, wadda aka bayyana ta da annoba. Masana a ɓangar…
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durée : 00:04:36 - Ce monde me rend fou - par : Christophe Bourseiller - Christophe Bourseiller a lu le dernier numéro de Sciences humaines.Από τον Christophe Bourseiller
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Le novelle marinaresche di mastro Catrame - Completo - Emilio Salgari
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4:42:02Le novelle marinaresche di mastro Catrame - Completo - Emilio SalgariΑπό τον La Biblioteca che non c'è
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This is episode 2 of the series: Gender Bias in Healthcare: Consequences and Solutions Gender bias in healthcare can lead to significant disparities in patient care and outcomes. Understanding and addressing gender bias is essential for healthcare professionals to provide equitable and effective care. This podcast series aims to empower healthcare …
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Από τον celebratejesusministry
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During the Max Fun Drive, we’re offering you special mini-sodes in our regular feed. In this one, host John Moe tells of fostering a rescue dog named Ducky who is really moved by being allowed up on the couch. So much so that he builds a vast network of used and donated couches for dogs to lie down and relax on. It’s a really impressive business mo…
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Sheryl Sandberg’s Memoir Lean In (with Becca Platsky)
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1:19:10Chelsea and Becca Platsky (host of the Corporate Gossip podcast) put on their office peplum and stinky ballet flats to travel back to 2013 and book club Sheryl Sandberg’s memoir "Lean In." This widely popular book told women to get a seat at the table, only for that table to be run by Mark Zuckerberg in a Benson Boone jumpsuit chugging from a red s…
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Snowing Down South - Gust Greyvenstein and Lihan Puren from the South African alternative rock band - join us on this episode of Celeb Savant. We hear how the band chose their name, Gust and Lihan's individual, and the band's journeys, why they went on hiatus, and what’s coming up next. Instagram - @snowingdownsouth_officia Facebook - @snowingdowns…
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Από τον celebratejesusministry
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Certain movies would have you believe the dogs can play football but I think we all agree iguanas shouldn’t. They’re too delicate. They can, however, form eclectic musical ensembles and play mid-tempo music on bugle, triangle, oboe, and woodblock. This is the story of one band that did just that and was much beloved by a local football team, especi…
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Israël-Gaza : La guerre permanente ?
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1:07:23Dans C CE SOIR, ce mercredi 19 mars 2025 le retour du cauchemar dans la bande de Gaza… Près de 1000 morts en 48 heures dans des bombardements israéliens selon les chiffres du ministère de la santé du Hamas… Et ce n’est que le début, prévient Benjamin NETANYAHU… Ses opposants, qui sont de retour dans la rue, dénoncent une fuite en avant pour se main…
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Missed It By That Much! | Get Smart (2008) | PLUS
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2:17:53Jacob and Drew welcome Char-Char (Book_Of_Gaming on Twitch) to review his favorite movie, Get Smart From 2008 Jacob and Drew then also review Batman The Animated Series episodes Eternal Youth and Perchance to Dream! Linktree links will be coming soon!Από τον thecelcast
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Από τον celebratejesusministry
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When Luigi Mangione allegedly gunned down UnitedHealthcare’s CEO, the media called it a senseless crime. But online, a different story emerged—one of rage, reckoning, and a suspected killer turned folk hero. More than just a true crime podcast, LUIGI, hosted by Jesse Weber, dares to look beyond the crime and the accused to explore a cultural tippin…
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For many people, Steve Inskeep is a voice you hear in the morning on NPR in intermittent bursts, sometimes telling you about alarming news. We switch that around with Steve, bringing him to you for a bedtime appearance and speaking at length about things that are benign or even pleasant. Steve discusses the state of Indiana, Abraham Lincoln, the pr…
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Send us a text Welcome to Celebrate Poe - Episode 347 - The Origins of Vampires - Today I would like to delve into what is believed to be the beginnings of the vampire myth. So this specific episode will NOT be dealing with Dracula or Nosferatu, or any of the relatively recent names that we associate with vampires, and not specifically with Edgar A…
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Effort de guerre : Faut-il sacrifier notre modèle social ?
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1:08:30le débat sur le financement de l’effort de guerre qui s’installe chaque jour un peu plus… “Le moment exige des décisions sans précédent depuis bien des décennies” disait Emmanuel MACRON à la télévision il y a 15 jours… oui, mais quelles décisions ? Faut-il sacrifier notre modèle social pour financer la guerre ? Faut-il travailler plus et plus longt…
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You made a fool of me
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1:11:25The guys discuss being scammed. Jason explains how his pitch was turned down. Listen in to hear the guys talk about Sia, Petey Pablo, Michael Jackson and more.Από τον jasonbankscomedy
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Este programa fue emitido por primera vez el Martes 18 de marzoΑπό τον Guadalupe Radio Network
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Have you ever found yourself caught up in the moment, forgetting there’s more than enough to go around? Pastor Joel Varty shares a story about bread, hunger, and an unexpected emotional moment at the Old Spaghetti Factory—leading to a powerful realization of God's abundance. Join us as we unpack how generosity isn’t just about giving but about trus…
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durée : 00:03:42 - La chronique de Lucie Carbone - par : Lucie Carbone -Από τον Lucie Carbone
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We dive into the Story of Naaman this week in our "Miracles Vol. 1" series! A soldier who struggled with leprosy secretly. But when a little girl said that he could be healed by a prophet in Samaria, he went off to get healed. When he found the house of the prophet after speaking with the king of Israel, he expected the miracle to take place how he…
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durée : 00:04:02 - La chronique de Rosa Bursztein - par : Rosa BURSZTEIN -Από τον Rosa BURSZTEIN
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Sarah Hoover Drops the Motherlode
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2:12:54Step inside the world of high art with art adjacent writer Sarah Hoover. The gallerist, writer, and wife of a very rich artist opens up about how motherhood is not what all the downtown moms would lead you to believe. WE’RE BACK ON TOUR April 4: Toronto April 10: Philadelphia April 11: Washington DC April 24: San Francisco May 1: Chicago May 16: Lo…
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Wouter Kellerman - a South African flautist, producer, composer, 3×Grammy and 9xSAMAs awards winner - joins us live in studio on this episode of Celeb Savant. Wouter explains how he started his professional career in engineering and how, after 20 years at the age of 44, he went into music full-time... successfully creating award-winning World, Root…
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Από τον celebratejesusministry
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Chelsea and Nora McInerny ("Thanks for Asking") dive into The Cut’s advice article, "My Friends Abandoned Me When They Had Kids." They break down how friendships shift when one person becomes a parent, the (questionable?) advice prescribed in The Cut, and whether it’s fair to expect single friends to just “wait it out.” Plus, Chelsea and Nora share…
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Obviously, Seattle has a rich and vibrant wizard scene. We all know this. Well, one day, one of the wizards turned a tugboat named Louie into a human being and Louie decided to do one of the most Seattle things possible: open a teriyaki restaurant. He was really good at it. The meat was not too soggy but not burnt, the glaze was sweet and just a li…
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The podcast welcomes world-famous radio host, Glenn Beck, to the program to talk about his lengthy career on the airwaves, what he is up to now, thoughts on our military and it’s current state of affairs, as well as an interesting discussion on the state of radio and talk radio.Από τον National Defense Network
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Trump : dans la main de Poutine ?
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1:08:45Le coup de téléphone le plus attendu depuis très longtemps… Demain Donald TRUMP et Vladimir POUTINE ont rendez-vous pour parler de la fameuse trêve de 30 jours proposée par les Américains et déjà acceptée par les Ukrainiens… Donald TRUMP a-t-il une chance d’imposer ce cessez-le-feu à Vladimir POUTINE ? En a-t-il les moyens ? En a-t-il la volonté ou…
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Colossians: Jesus Over Everything - Spiritual Decapitation - Pastor Derrick Ross - March 16, 2025
Pastor Derrick shares a message about spiritual decapitation and some of his experiences in Cambodia! Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Kanye West, Kim Kardashian feud as he drops new song featuring daughter North, Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs. Jessica Simpson’s ‘Very Single’ Era: Heartbreak, Nashville, and What’s Next. Meghan’s Netflix Show Was A Royal Roast. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Από τον Elvis Duran Podcast Network and iHeartPodcasts
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Key Passage: Matthew 7:7–12 Big Idea: God invites us to approach Him with persistence and trust, knowing He delights in giving good gifts to His children according to his will.
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She did not book the Edinburgh Gig and here's why.... You ever tried to promote a gig? It's hell. SATURDAY: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-hickman-bolley-follies-tickets-1209965231579?aff=oddtdtcreator 3-5Th May Brighton: https://www.brightonfringe.org/events/sexy-rude-harp-concert/ 24th May Brighton: https://www.brightonfringe.org/events/the-k…
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Από τον celebratejesusministry
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Bude na Ukrajine mier?
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1:10:16Ako by asi vyzerali mierové rokovania medzi Ukrajinou a Ruskom? Čo by pre Ukrajinu znamenal výpadok americkej pomoci? A bola hádka medzi Trumpom a Zelenskym v Bielom dome zinscenovaná? Okrem toho aj najväčšie prekvapenia a sklamania z prvých troch rokov vojny, malá lekcia z diplomatického protokolu a pozdrav Peťovi Saganovi. Sledujte náš …
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In Step 8, we made a list. Now, in Step 9, we move into carrying out amends through direct communication with those who we’ve offended and we learn how to forgive and walk in grace toward those who have offended us. Why in the world would we want to carry out this important step? In this episode, Rodney Holmstrom, Global Field Director of Celebrity…
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During the Max Fun Drive, we’re offering you special mini-sodes in our regular feed. In this one, host John Moe tells one of his improvised and semi-drowsy bedtime stories. It’s about an onionman named Ed, who opens the shop of his dreams, selling all 21 types of onions. But in the effort to market his shop, he finds a love even greater than onions…
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Send us a text Welcome to Celebrate Poe - Episode 345 - Challenging Male Authority Well, I had planned for the previous episode to be the last one where I dealt with Carmilla - but I soon found out that the work was easy to get into, but hard to get out of. So what follows is another - and hopefully the last - episode regarding Carmilla. You see, ”…
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Joy is a Seed II ✨ He emphasized that the desire for enjoyment was created by God and He has created eternal pleasures for us in Him. Here are a few key notes from the sermon: 📌 In God’s presence, there is fullness of joy. True pleasure is found in God. He is our source of joy, and we should enjoy spending time in His presence—whether in prayer, wo…
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Joy is a Seed ✨ He emphasized that the desire for enjoyment was created by God and He has created eternal pleasures for us in Him. Here are a few key notes from the sermon: 📌 In God’s presence, there is fullness of joy. True pleasure is found in God. He is our source of joy, and we should enjoy spending time in His presence—whether in prayer, worsh…
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In the parable of the shrewd manager, Jesus challenges us to be wise and faithful stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us. He teaches that our use of earthly wealth reflects our spiritual priorities, urging us to serve God rather than being enslaved by money. True discipleship requires faithfulness in both small and great matters, remindi…
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