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CAFE Insider


Co-hosts Preet Bharara and Joyce Vance help you to make sense of law and politics each week, plus weekly notes and bonus content exclusive to CAFE Insider members.
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A la Cafet' 旬のフランス・フランス語学習方法をご紹介

オンラインフランス語学校 アンサンブル アン フランセ

オンラインフランス語学校 Ensmeble en Français 提供「A la Cafet'」へようこそ。 この番組は、フランス語を勉強中の方やフランス語に興味があるという方に向けて、フランス語学習を楽しく効率よく続けるための秘訣などを、様々な角度からお伝えする番組です。 オンラインフランス語学校 Ensmeble en Français
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Canal Café Brasil

Luciano Pires & Café Brasil Editorial Ltda

Aqui tem seleção primorosa da MPB e reflexões não-trivias –e muitas vezes polêmicas– do apresentador, escritor e palestrante Luciano Pires. É assim que o Café Brasil trata de comportamento, cidadania, política e cultura brasileiras, em edições semanais. Eleito por duas vezes o Melhor Podcast de Entretenimento e Variedades no Prêmio Podcast Brasil e frequentador dos destaques do iTunes.Podcast Café Brasil: valorizando a liberdade de expressão e semeando a autonomia de pensamento.
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Fernando Berlín

Un premiado informativo con actualidad, entrevistas y debate desde la perspectiva progresista. La Cafetera está dirigido por el periodista Fernando Berlín y el programa tiene lugar en directo conversando con la audiencia de las redes sociales. Los oyentes forman una amplia familia en la resistencia. Si te gusta el programa súmate a la revolución cafetera haciéndote mecenas en Producido por radiocable . com la pionera emisora de radio por Internet. Premio Ondas, Premio ...
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浜松町Innovation Culture Cafe


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The Cafeteria

Cafeteria Pod

Pull up a chair at the lunch table and join Jonny Loquasto, Ryan Niemiller, and Brent Terhune for a weekly round table discussion on each of the three topics the boys bring to the show.
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KJV Cafe

KJV Cafe

KJV Cafe is a daily 15-minute Bible study hosted by pastor Clark Covington of Heartland Community Baptist Church. Visit to learn more.
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el CafeciTO

el CafeciTO - Latin American Studies @ UofT

The official podcast for the Latin American Studies program in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Toronto.
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Café com Dungeon

Rafael Balbi

Segunda fase do premiado podcast Café com Dungeon, na sua manhã com muito RPG! Reflexões, game design, análises, entrevistas com autores e pessoas com algo a dizer sobre o hobby.
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Backstage at the Vinyl Cafe

Apostrophe Podcast Network

Backstage at the Vinyl Cafe welcomes listeners into the warm and comforting world of the Vinyl Cafe. Each episode features stories about Canada’s favourite fictional family: Dave, Morley and the kids, narrated by the late Stuart McLean and recorded live in concert. For the first time ever, long-time producer Jess Milton shares rare, behind-the-scenes stories from her 15 years touring, travelling, laughing, and recording with her close friend Stuart. This is a world that is rooted in kindness ...
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How is a podcast like a New York City saloon? They each provide the setting for entertaining conversations with fascinating people. I engage in great conversation with the most interesting people from the Hamptons, Montauk and beyond...
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A história do homem, seu mundo, o universo e seus mistérios. Nesse podcast criado e apresentado pelo historiador Christian Gurtner, a cada episódio você conhece um pouco mais sobre o mundo e o universo. Siga nas redes sociais através de @escribacafe.
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Luciano Pires & Café Brasil Editorial Ltda

Uma pausa para o café com média de 2 minutos e meio de Iscas Intelectuais sobre comportamento, sociedade, política, economia, educação… tudo aquilo que envolve a complexidade de ser humano.
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History Cafe

Jon Rosebank, Penelope Middelboe

True history storytelling at the History Café. Join BBC Historian Jon Rosebank & HBO, BBC & C4 script and series editor Penelope Middelboe as we give history a new take. Drop in to the History Café weekly on Wednesdays to give old stories a refreshing new brew. 90+ ever-green stand-alone episodes and building... Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Torah Cafe

Zalman Gordon

A discussion on a topic from the week's Parsha covering many important parts of Judaism that are not regularly addressed. Support this podcast:
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Tech Café

Guillaume Vendé

Intelligence artificielle, réseaux sociaux, processeurs, jeux vidéo : Tech Café, c'est votre veille sur la tech, des dossiers et des interviews pour s'informer, dans un format divertissant et pratique à consommer au quotidien. Un regard piquant, sérieux et sourcé sur l'évolution des nouvelles technologies et ses impacts sur la société.
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〈浮かぶカフェ〉 - Ukabu Cafe


〈浮かぶカフェ〉は文学、ダンス、音楽、古典芸能などアートを中心としたいろんなジャンルで活躍する「お客さま」をお迎えしてお送りするアート・ポッドキャストです。 地上のしがらみとは無縁の空間〈浮かぶカフェ〉では 月みたいにぽっかり 面影みたいにぼんやり 飛行船みたいにゆったり アイディアみたいにパーっと いろんなものが浮かぶことになっております。 聴いたらきっと心も浮かぶ、そんな場所。 お掃除中、通勤中、夜寝る前、ふとした隙間時間にぜひ「ご来店」ください。 毎週金曜日夜8時配信 番組の詳細は リクエスト、感想等は までどうぞ。 なお、番組内の全てのコンテンツの無断転載、編集、再利用等は固くお断り申し上げます。 ©Nekaa Lab / Sachiyo Takahashi 2020
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Café com Tulipa

Café com Tulipa

O Café com Tulipa é uma plataforma de conteúdo cristão reformado que tem o objetivo de trazer informação de qualidade para todos. Queremos desconstruir os termos e palavras complicadas da teologia reformada.
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Central Café

Su Presencia Radio

Central Café, donde el aroma del café se mezcla con conversaciones enriquecedoras. Expertos nos acompañan en cada episodio. Descubre las historias de nuestros invitados y los mejores temas de actualidad.
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Café Evropa

Café Evropa

Originální podcast pod značkou Café Evropa, pod kterou probíhají již tradiční debaty v celé ČR na témata, která rezonují v české společnosti. V podcastu se však zaměříme především na osobní zkušenosti našich hostů s EU a jejich pohled na pro ně palčivá témata. Posluchači tak mají možnost poslouchat odlehčené rozhovory s osobnostmi z různých oborů, kteří sdílí své názory, zkušenosti a příběhy související s Evropskou unií. Více informací o debatách naleznete na a také na faceboo ...
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Loyola Café

Loyola Café

Loyola Café (ex Café de Sèvres) : on y discute philosophie et théologie. C'est là que, chaque semaine, Isabelle et Parnel dialoguent avec un enseignant des Facultés Loyola Paris. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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KJV Cafe Weekend Edition

Clark Covington

KJV Cafe Weekend Edition offers an informal in-depth Bible study by pastor Clark Covington. The thirty-minute podcast is released each Saturday and Sunday morning. For daily 15-minute Bible study be sure to check out our signature KJV Cafe podcast.
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show series
Parlem de com Junts pressiona el govern i acorda amb el PP una esmena sobre l'impost de generació elèctrica. Sobre els pescadors, l'Alba Prieto ens explica que Brussel·les assegura que els pescadors al Mediterrani podran pescar els mateixos dies si adopten mesures sostenibles. Els pagesos també alcen la veu contra l'acord de la UE amb Mercosur. En …
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Nossa cultura define o valor das pessoas através de seus bens, por isso, as pessoas correm para alcançar os bens que acreditam as farão ter valor na sociedade. Jesus, na posição oposta a esta, ensina que de nada adianta ganhar o mundo e perder a alma. Jesus não nos define a partir de nossos bens, mas de nosso relacionamento com ele. Vá a Jesus e vo…
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Unbelievable, sinister. Milton Friedman advises apartheid South Africa that neoliberal free-market economics can solve the problems of the Soweto riots, in the same way it delivered a ‘miracle’ of liberty under the brutal dictatorship of General Pinochet in Chile. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.…
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Se você tem preocupação com a censura e o acesso restrito a conteúdos internacionais, a solução é usar uma VPN. Ao buscar liberdade e segurança na navegação, use a NordVPN, que permite acessar conteúdos globais, encontrar melhores preços e navegar sem rastros. Acesse para obter um desconto e quatro meses extras grátis…
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On the CAFE Insider docket: – Whether President Joe Biden should pardon people on the so-called Trump enemies list; and – The arrest of and charges brought against Luigi Mangione, the suspect in the killing of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson; and – Supreme Court oral arguments in a case challenging Tennessee’s ban on gender-affirming care for t…
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این پادکست مخصوص دورانی است که گیج و منگ در پی این هدف و آن هدف کوچه به کوچه میدوید. اگر دانشجویی هستید که چیزی از دانشجویی نمیدانید یا دانشگاه را صرفا محلی برای درس خواندن میدانید و یا حتی در زندگی کاری به جز درس خواندن نکرده اید حتما به این پادکست گوش دهید. توصیه اکید به دانشجویان ترم یک نیز نیاز به گفتن ندارد. ━━━━━━━━ 🔘 طراح کاور: یلدا ملاحسینی…
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Waardeer je onze video's? Steun dan Café Weltschmerz, het podium voor het vrije woord: Baudet. Oprichter van Forum voor democratie en fractieleider 2e Kamer Een van de meest controversiële politici en politiek denkers in Nederland Bovendien auteur van een reeks van politieke boeken Wie is hij e…
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Genesis 24:62-67 KJV 62 And Isaac came from the way of the well Lahairoi; for he dwelt in the south country. 63 And Isaac went out to meditate in the field at the eventide: and he lifted up his eyes, and saw, and, behold, the camels were coming. 64 And Rebekah lifted up her eyes, and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel. 65 For she had sai…
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Balbi compartilha reflexões sobre as diferenças entre problemas sociais e problemas lúdicos no RPG; sobre como confundimos os dois, como os dois se relacionam e como se propulsionam mutuamente ou não. Quer que o Café com Dungeon volte a ter 5 episódios semanais? Considere apoiar o projeto e sua expansão em nosso…
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Assine o Café Com Leite em Você sabia que existem diferentes tipos de amizade? Neste episódio do Podcast Café Com Leite, Bárbara e Babica exploram as lições que aprendemos com os amigos desde pequenos. Vamos falar sobre amizades por utilidade, por prazer e, claro, aquela amizade rara e especial baseada na virtude.…
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Con Nora Merlin, psicoanalista, escritora y analista social, vamos a hablar del discurso de odio y la violencia generadas por la derecha y el individualismo y de la necesidad de construir políticas que incluyan los afectos y sean capaces de transformar la indignación y el descontento individual en potencia colectiva. INSTAGRAM:…
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Entre a proposta de compra de uma empresa e o fechamento do negócio há um mar de negociações onde muitos empresários se lançam sem nenhum preparo e acabam perdendo dinheiro. Daniel Milanez, sócio e fundador da igc Partners, transformou essa odisseia numa oportunidade. Hoje ele vem aqui contar essa história e explicar como conduzir um processo de fu…
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Our ancestor Jacob was tricked by his uncle Laban into marrying Laban's 2 daughters Rachel and Leah. While the Torah allows for polygamy, it does not allow for marrying two sisters. How then was Jacob able to marry two sisters in violation of Jewish law? This classic question has been asked and addressed by countless commentaries over our long hist…
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Ethique et cinéma ? N'est-ce pas un lien assez improbable à l'heure où il semble désuet voire malvenu de juger un film à l'aune de sa moralité ? Mais ce n'est pas tout à fait le programme de cet atelier réalisé en partenariat avec Signas-cinéma : Dominique Coatanéa, enseignante en théologie morale, nous présente cette baller nouveauté de l'année un…
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Une plateforme qui condense le pire des dérives en matière de cryptomonnaies fait le buzz, avec son apogée proposant des diffusions de vidéos en live peu recommandables. ❤️ Patreon 💬 Discord 💻 Tant pis Black Friday, vendredi noir pour la planète ? Pumpfun, triomphe tardif de la logique Shadok. Un gros tuyau pour faire transiter le liqui…
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思いのリズムは場所を超え 時間を超え伝わってゆく🕊️今週のメニュー: ☁️文楽人形遣い桐竹紋臣『とみさんのプカプカ温泉独り言』〜 東京公演二日目 with 店主サチヨ‼️、詩「思いのリズム」「今日も終わった」🌝️☁️店主サチヨの夜の呟き〜 文楽に惚れ直す😻 + 新内節公演ご案内皆様のご来店をお待ちしております☕️ 番組HP ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ リクエスト、番組へのご感想等は へどうぞ。
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“He stuck his head in the dryer. It was not the wisest decision.” Today on the pod, two more stories of festive shenanigans. Mary and Polly try to outdo each other as the ultimate party planner, while the neighbourhood races to keep up. And in our second story, Sam smuggles home a fragrant guest for the Christmas holidays. Hosted on Acast. See acas…
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Luego de varias semanas de análisis, el estudio de abogados contratado por Café Fandango llegó a una conclusión concreta: No hay nada en el contrato fandango sobre una duración mínima de episodio. Tampoco dice nada respecto a techos con asbesto, pero ese será un problema para la semana que viene. Además de preguntarte si el programa se bajó bien, e…
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気鋭の経営学者・入山章栄とともに様々なジャンルのクリエ―ターや専門家、起業家たちが社会課題や未来予想図などをテーマにアイディア、オピニオンをぶつけ合い、より良い未来の姿とそれを実現するイノベーションのヒントを探ります。 第264回後半『僅かでも可能性があれば「できます」の精神「個人内多様性は何をもたらすのか」』 スミマサノリ(俳優/作家) 中川 知也(ネイル・アーティスト) [更新 12月6日] [毎週火・金曜日更新] [TIME 27:16] See for privacy information.Από τον 文化放送PodcastQR
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S čím vším se budou muset Evropská unie a nová Evropská komise poprat? Návrat Donalda Trumpa do Bílého domu, pokračující válka na Ukrajině a konkurenceschopnost Evropy. O tom Viktor Daněk v novém díle podcastu Café Evropa mluví s bývalou místopředsedkyní Evropské komise Věrou Jourovou, která v Bruselu působila 10 let. Co si myslí o vlivu Elona Musk…
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The Soul Cafe: Smokin Music Catch Chris Clay Mon - Fri 2p-6pm EST On Produced By Heather Whitley and C.Clay Hour 1 Tyrese, Lenny Kravitz, & Le'Andria Johnson - Don't Think You Ever Loved Me (with Lenny Kravitz & Le'Andria Johnson) Shantel May & Maliibu Miitch - Dangerous Kiana Ledé - Weakness Jacquees-Middle of the night Loos…
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Corey Senese is a surfer. I am not. Corey Senese wakes up in the morning thinking about surfing, goes to bed at night thinking about surfing, and spends most of the time in between.... Surfing. I surf whenever I can and the conditions work and the planets align and I don't talk myself out of it. So when I get Corey to (finally!!) join me on the pod…
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¿Te gusta comprar por internet o no sabes cómo hacerlo? En este programa te mostramos los pro y los contra de comprar online y más en esta época navideña. 🔴 Señal en vivo en: ⁠⁠⁠⁠ 🔴 Síguenos Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠
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Send us a text Join us for an insightful conversation with Rishabh Goel, Co-founder of Dodo Payments, as we dive into the world of cross-border payments and the emerging role of Merchant of Records in simplifying global transactions. 🌍 In this episode, Rishabh takes us through his incredible journey—from studying at BITS Pilani and London Business …
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Enchante Gallardo is a Hawaii born freediving athlete who has recently surpassed the 100m depth. In this episode we discuss: Enchanted was born and raised on Oahu, Hawaii. She went to school in California and lived for many years in Puerto Rico. She did her first course with FII in Hawaii and immediately fell in love. She spent a lot of time around…
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Our heroes delve deeper into Count Chocula's Castle. Also what is the deal with these birds? Our Cast: Paul as the DM Nick from Monster Cafe as Will Whopper Rye as Breadmond Xtina from Agents of DAMNED as Dr. Cherry Pepper Love what you're hearing? Join our network Discord community! We use wild magic tables from the DMsguild by Dan Panfilo. You ca…
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Discusion de Moana 2 Alejandro de @cinemaspodcast & Kc dicuten sobre que les gusto y que no, las voces detras de esta animacion y que paso con estas peliculas recientes de superheroes... #moana2 #comicsanimefilmentertainment #marvel --- Support this podcast:…
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Em 2005, Maria Aparecida da Silva acreditava ter encontrado o amor de sua vida nas redes sociais. Porém, sua história de amor não teria o final feliz que ela sempre sonhou. Terminaria com um pacto de morte entre os amantes. - Aproveite os melhores preços do ano na Black Insider! #insiderstoreDesbloqueie até 40% de desconto somando as promoções do s…
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Welcome back fellow listeners, to episode 6! After a long vacation, we're back with some more car talk on today's news with declining new car sales and some brash opinions on new vehicles. We hope you enjoy this long awaited episode of Car Cafe! Have a question? Or simply want to induce a heated conversation for us? Leave us a comment or email us a…
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