アラサー主婦クリエイターりおたろうによる番組🧸不定期更新です🐻 宇多田ヒカルサンに関することや、日常の些細なことを気まぐれに配信しています。 BGMを入れる回もあれば、好きな曲を流す回もあり、はたまた音声だけの回もあります。お好きな回をお楽しみください(´(ェ)`) お便りはこちら👇️ https://linktr.ee/riotarou
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Co-hosts Preet Bharara and Joyce Vance help you to make sense of law and politics each week, plus weekly notes and bonus content exclusive to CAFE Insider members.
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WXPN's live performance and interview program featuring music and conversation from a variety of important musicians
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De wereld kantelt, Café Weltschmerz helpt daar bij.
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کافه آوا، صدای فرهنگ، هنر و دانشجو
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Podcast para pessoas apaixonadas por café
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Aqui tem seleção primorosa da MPB e reflexões não-trivias –e muitas vezes polêmicas– do apresentador, escritor e palestrante Luciano Pires. É assim que o Café Brasil trata de comportamento, cidadania, política e cultura brasileiras, em edições semanais. Eleito por duas vezes o Melhor Podcast de Entretenimento e Variedades no Prêmio Podcast Brasil e frequentador dos destaques do iTunes.Podcast Café Brasil: valorizando a liberdade de expressão e semeando a autonomia de pensamento.
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Uma pausa para o café com média de 2 minutos e meio de Iscas Intelectuais sobre comportamento, sociedade, política, economia, educação… tudo aquilo que envolve a complexidade de ser humano.
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Pull up a chair at the lunch table and join Jonny Loquasto, Ryan Niemiller, and Brent Terhune for a weekly round table discussion on each of the three topics the boys bring to the show.
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Rádio Mix FM Poa. A rádio jovem mais ouvida no Brasil, com o melhor MIX do rádio!
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Café Brasil Luciano Pires
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Podcast por @juniorrostirola autor de @cafecomdeuspai
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A discussion on a topic from the week's Parsha covering many important parts of Judaism that are not regularly addressed.
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オンラインフランス語学校 Ensmeble en Français 提供「A la Cafet'」へようこそ。 この番組は、フランス語を勉強中の方やフランス語に興味があるという方に向けて、フランス語学習を楽しく効率よく続けるための秘訣などを、様々な角度からお伝えする番組です。 オンラインフランス語学校 Ensmeble en Français https://alacafet.ensemblefr.com/
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KJV Cafe is a daily 15-minute Bible study hosted by pastor Clark Covington of Heartland Community Baptist Church. Visit www.KJVCafe.com to learn more.
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Reviews,Talking ,discussion & news of comics anime , films ,entertainment & pop culture.
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The official podcast for the Latin American Studies program in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at the University of Toronto.
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Magazín d'actualitat amb Gemma Nierga.
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Sip your coffee and listen to a conversation about journaling, planners, and the latest in the stationery community!
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The Dividend Cafe is your portal for market perspective that is virtually conflict-free, rooted in deep philosophical commitments about how capital should be managed, and understandable for all sorts of investors. Host David L. Bahnsen is a frequent guest on CNBC, Bloomberg, and Fox Business. He is the author of the books, Crisis of Responsibility: Our Cultural Addiction to Blame and How You Can Cure It (Post Hill Press), The Case for Dividend Growth: Investing in a Post-Crisis World (Post H ...
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The Softest Place On The Planet Built For Your Relaxation & Peace of Mind
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Henrique Burnay, Madalena Meyer Resende, Bruno Cardoso Reis e João Diogo Barbosa conversam sobre as notícias e temas que marcam a semana europeia.
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Catalunya Msica es converteix en club de jazz a l'hora del caf per acompanyar-vos amb una sessi per a tots els pblics guiada per Pilar Subir.
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Join Armbar, Brock, Epi, and Rook, as they investigate the mysterious rise of wild magic in Waterdeep!
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Intelligence artificielle, réseaux sociaux, processeurs, jeux vidéo : Tech Café, c'est votre veille sur la tech, des dossiers et des interviews pour s'informer, dans un format divertissant et pratique à consommer au quotidien. Un regard piquant, sérieux et sourcé sur l'évolution des nouvelles technologies et ses impacts sur la société. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Mandolin music from the Mandolin Cafe
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Una charla sobre entrenamiento, alimentación y mentalidad desde una perspectiva simple y flexible.
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I Café Eddy vender Brian Holm og Bastian Emil det seneste nye i cykelsportens verden. Med skiftende gæster og med en stemning som på Den Gamle Kaffebar er der plads til skarpe holdninger i en ærlig atmosfære hvor også musik, mode, kunst, og poesi holdes frem i lyset. Café Eddy er en hyldest til cykelsporten, dens traditioner, særheder, brogede persongalleri, intriger, styrt, og viljen til sejr. Navnet sender tankerne mod cafélivet med plads til reflektion og iagttagelse, og Eddy Merckx den s ...
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KJV Cafe Weekend Edition offers an informal in-depth Bible study by pastor Clark Covington. The thirty-minute podcast is released each Saturday and Sunday morning. For daily 15-minute Bible study be sure to check out our signature KJV Cafe podcast.
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Nursing tidbits, knowledge and assessments. I am a couple months into working as a Registered Nurse now and I wanted to start a podcast to share some nursing information and my journey along the way. Send comments and request to caffeinatednurseRN@gmail.com
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Segunda fase do premiado podcast Café com Dungeon, na sua manhã com muito RPG! Reflexões, game design, análises, entrevistas com autores e pessoas com algo a dizer sobre o hobby.
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este es un podcast en el cual amamos el cafe pero sobretodo amamos mas a Jesús, así que toma unos minutos, relajáte, tomate tu cafecito y deja que Jesús hable a tu vida.
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Siena and Senna Are your host on a conversation based podcast, with individual and interview shows. Earthlite brings families and communities together - assisting humanity in uplifting to unity conscious - the remembrance that we are One, and we are Love. Our local efforts, with the global intent.
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Central Café, donde el aroma del café se mezcla con conversaciones enriquecedoras. Expertos nos acompañan en cada episodio. Descubre las historias de nuestros invitados y los mejores temas de actualidad.
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O podcast onde você pode ser o aficionado por crimes reais que você é sem julgamentos.
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Podcasts sobre temas relevantes em saúde com a produção de estudantes e professores do Curso de Medicina da Universidade Federal da Paraíba.
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〈浮かぶカフェ〉は文学、ダンス、音楽、古典芸能などアートを中心としたいろんなジャンルで活躍する「お客さま」をお迎えしてお送りするアート・ポッドキャストです。 地上のしがらみとは無縁の空間〈浮かぶカフェ〉では 月みたいにぽっかり 面影みたいにぼんやり 飛行船みたいにゆったり アイディアみたいにパーっと いろんなものが浮かぶことになっております。 聴いたらきっと心も浮かぶ、そんな場所。 お掃除中、通勤中、夜寝る前、ふとした隙間時間にぜひ「ご来店」ください。 毎週金曜日夜8時配信 番組の詳細は nekaa.org/ukabucafe リクエスト、感想等は ukabucafe@gmail.com までどうぞ。 なお、番組内の全てのコンテンツの無断転載、編集、再利用等は固くお断り申し上げます。 ©Nekaa Lab / Sachiyo Takahashi 2020
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Enjoy juicy conversations on the transformative power of sex, pleasure, and embodied sexuality. Hosted by somatic sex therapist Susan Morgan Taylor, MA, a specialist in sex therapy for couples and women's sexuality and the creator of The Pleasure Keys Couples Retreats. Featuring special guest interviews with experts in the field of somatic sex education, sex therapy, and sacred sexuality. More info at www.pathwaytopleasure.com and www.pleasurekeys.com
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⚖️La realidad política, económica y social de los países latinoamericanos con una mirada especial desde el derecho.🇦🇷 🇧🇷 🇵🇾 🇺🇾
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Este não é um programa de entrevistas, não tem perguntas programadas nem roteiro definido. É um bate papo informal partindo da visão de liderança e empreendedorismo, com gente que faz acontecer, e que vai para lugares onde nem Luciano Pires nem seus convidado imaginam.
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The Catholic Cafe radio show is a 30 minute program designed to convey the Truth of Catholic Doctrine and Teaching in an informal, conversational format. Deacon Jeff, Tom and their guests sit around a table at the cafe and chat about the Church! Archived episodes are avalable at the thecatholiccafe.com (click listen)
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Nora and Natalia met on the internet and quickly formed a mutual admiration society which grew into a friendship and many conversations about life and loss and faith and God. They knew there was a place in the current cultural and political climate for a kind of Christianity that was not “THAT kind of Christian”. So Cafeteria Christian was born. They are reclaiming this pejorative for good and reminding people that even when it comes to Christianity and faith, you can take what you like and ...
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What's on the menu at Lucid Cafe? Stories of transformation; healing journeys; thought-provoking conversations about consciousness, shamanism, psychology, ethics. Hosted by Wendy Halley of Lucid Path Wellness & Healing Arts.
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True history storytelling at the History Café. Join BBC Historian Jon Rosebank & HBO, BBC & C4 script and series editor Penelope Middelboe as we give history a new take. Drop in to the History Café weekly on Wednesdays to give old stories a refreshing new brew. 90+ ever-green stand-alone episodes and building... Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Msica que sona al programa:"Ole dulcis", "Quia ergo femina" (de l'lbum "Hildegard Project", 2024)Noah Preminger, saxo; Gary Versace, piano; Kim Cass, contrabaix; Rob Garcia, bateria."Oc virga ac diadema" (de l'lbum "Sacrum profanum", 2019)Adam Badych, viol i viol renaixentista; Krzysztof Dys, piano; Micha Baraski, contrabaix; Dawid Fortuna, bateria…
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Major-General Arnaut Moreira reflete acerca dos temas escondidos na agenda que podem condicionar as negociações na Arábia Saudita. Ainda, quais são os destaques da Cimeira de Paris? See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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Segona Hora - 28/03/25
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:04:13Lara Hernández, secretaria d'organització de Sumar, demana als socialistes que reflexionin sobre la tributació de l'IRPF. Lisa Berger, membre de DemsAbroadBCN, es mobilitzen contra les polítiques de Trump que afecten "a tot el món". La cantant Nina revela que la menopausa va afectar la seva veu i els seus cabells. Escuchar audio…
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O grande segredo aqui é a matéria-prima e não a tecnologia. espero que você ouça esse episódio e deixe de lado o preconceito com a cafeteira elétrica. Comente sobre este episódio e me siga em instagram/puracaffeina
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El Parlament demana el cessament de Paneque i reprova Puente pel caos de Rodalies El Barça masculí referma el lideratge a la Lliga i el femení passa a les semifinals de la Lliga de Campiones. La #VoltaCatalunya104 recupera l'etapa berguedana després de l'èxit de l'any passat, ens ho explica Sergi Fernández, membre de Primavera Ciclista Berguedà. En…
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Cerca de 30 países e organizações reuniram-se em Paris para conversar sobre o pós-cessar-fogo na Ucrânia. O envio de militares é uma das hipóteses. O Major-general, Vieira Borges, é o convidado. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.Από τον Observador
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Jonny is back (briefly). Also Brent's been going to nerd conventions.
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Café com Deus Pai | 28 de março Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesΑπό τον Junior Rostirola
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#2『あのMITの施設がナゼ渋谷に!?「SAKURA DEEPTECH SHIBUYAから考える スタートアップをより成長させるためには?」』熊本真之(東急不動産株式会社)髙橋正巳(スクラムスタジオ代表取締役社長)【出張版】
気鋭の経営学者・入山章栄とともに様々なジャンルのクリエ―ターや専門家、起業家たちが社会課題や未来予想図などをテーマにアイディア、オピニオンをぶつけ合い、より良い未来の姿とそれを実現するイノベーションのヒントを探ります。 #2『あのMITの施設がナゼ渋谷に!?「SAKURA DEEPTECH SHIBUYAから考える スタートアップをより成長させるためには?」』【出張版】 熊本真之(東急不動産株式会社) 髙橋正巳(スクラムスタジオ代表取締役社長) [更新 3月28日] [毎週火・金曜日更新] [TIME 28:46] See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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The familiar parable of the Prodigal Son is always heard during Lent, and it teaches many truths of the Faith. Perhaps the greatest takeaway is the undying mercy of the Father. This mercy is only available to us if we but turn back to Him in a state of repentance.Από τον Deacon Jeff Drzycimski
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Waardeer je onze video's? Steun dan Café Weltschmerz, het podium voor het vrije woord: https://www.cafeweltschmerz.nl/doneren/Op 24 januari was de nieuwjaarsborrel bij Café Weltschmerz. Na een inspirerende speech van Shoreh Feshtali genoten wij van prachtige muziek en sloten wij af met een borrel. Het was een geslaagde avond met veel ge…
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Plus, the Canadian singer-songwriter performs in front of a live audience in Philadelphia. Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices NPR Privacy Policy
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Cafezinho - Quinta-feira - 27/03/25
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LíderCast Business 362 - Dario Perez
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:11:44A Board Academy, referência na formação de conselheiros, tem o Board Club, maior ecossistema de conselheiros da América Latina, que oferece networking, conteúdos exclusivos e eventos conectados às melhores oportunidades. Acesse https://BoardBr.com/CafeBrasil e descubra como dar o próximo salto na sua carreira. A Santa Carga renovou o patrocínio ao …
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LíderCast Business 362 - Dario Perez
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:11:44A Board Academy, referência na formação de conselheiros, tem o Board Club, maior ecossistema de conselheiros da América Latina, que oferece networking, conteúdos exclusivos e eventos conectados às melhores oportunidades. Acesse https://BoardBr.com/CafeBrasil e descubra como dar o próximo salto na sua carreira. A Santa Carga renovou o patrocínio ao …
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Genesis 30:6 KJV And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan.Από τον KJV Cafe
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Segona Hora - 27/03/25
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:01:29Josep Nadal, gerent del CIAC, alerta dels efectes secundaris que poden tenir els nous aranzels de Trumps al sector automobilístic. Cristina de la Hoz no entén per què Sánchez no va intentar una aproximació al PP en presentar el pla de defensa. Europa intenta enllestir en una cimera a París les garanties de seguretat per a Ucraïna de cara a un acord…
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Sánchez diu al Congrés que l'Estat complirà el 2% del PIB en defensa amb "un gran pla" per l'impuls de la tecnologia i indústria de seguretat. Joan Guillén i Espín, president del Gremi Floristes, explica per què impulsen el distintiu 'rosa d’autor'. Salut impulsa una campanya per promoure la donació d'òrgans i posa el focus en reduir les negatives …
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Forbidden Realms #0077
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:23:06Balbi troca uma ideia com o Felipe Werlang, o Cara do RPG, a respeito de seus experimentos com hexcrawl em Faerun, unindo Forgotten Realms e Forbidden Lands. Links citados no episódioLinks dos anúncios Jogue Biergotten Apoie o Café com Dungeon Jogue Mitos de Atlântida Links mencionados no episódio O Cara do RPG no Instagram O Cara do RPG no Apoia.s…
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Navigating Market Reactions and Trade Policies In this episode of Dividend Cafe dated March 27th, Brian Szytel discusses the market's modest downturn amidst a choppy trading session, with most indices falling by roughly a third of a percent. He highlights the impact of President Trump's enacted 25% tariffs on the automotive industry, particularly a…
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In this bonus episode of Stay Tuned, Preet speaks with Ruth Marcus about the White House’s escalating attacks on the press and the broader implications for a free and independent media. Thank you for being a member of the CAFE Insider community. You can now watch this episode! Head to CAFE’s Youtube channel and subscribe. Tweet your questions to @P…
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Café com Deus Pai | 27 de março Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesΑπό τον Junior Rostirola
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The Soul Cafe (Hopeful)
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2:01:51The Soul Cafe: Hopeful Catch Chris Clay Mon - Fri 2p-6pm EST On www.soulcaferadio.com Produced By Heather Whitley and C.Clay Season 9 Hour 1 Luna Elle - AMPM Leven Kali - Pieces Patrick Cooper - That Day Wale - Bad (Remix) [feat. Rihanna] Aston Grey Project - Here With You The Double Down: Jam & Lewis Somewhat Loved (There You Go Breakin' My Heart)…
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Hear a performance from a fixture in the Louisiana blues and zydeco scene. Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices NPR Privacy Policy
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Cafezinho - Quarta-feira - 26/03/25
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Cafezinho - Terça-feira - 25/03/25
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Acompáñanos en este episodio en el que nos tomamos un café con Julián Blanco y Elizabeth Reyes, fundadores de "La Cocina que Suena", una página de recetas en la que mezclan su pasión por la gastronomía y la música, para hablar sobre el valor que hay detrás de compartir un buen tiempo en la cocina o de hacer una preparación culinaria para las person…
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Msica que sona al programa:"Born to be blue" (de l'lbum "An evening with George Shearing & Mel Torm", 1982)Mel Torm, veu; George Shearing, piano; Brian Torff, contrabaix."Stardust", "A shine on your shoes" (de l'lbum "Top Drawer", 1983)Mel Torm, veu; George Shearing, piano; Don Thompson, contrabaix."The way you look tonight" (de l'lbum "A vintage y…
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Genesis 30:6 KJV And Rachel said, God hath judged me, and hath also heard my voice, and hath given me a son: therefore called she his name Dan.Από τον KJV Cafe
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Segona Hora - 26/03/25
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:00:25Ricardo Álvarez-Espejo, tinent general de l'exèrcit a la reserva, defensa la necessitat de plans de defensa europeus com el kit d'emergència. Lluis Falgas ens parla del debat parlamentari sobre el cas de Rodalies. El fotoperiodista Emilio Morenatti reivindica la importància del fotoperiodisme en un context actual. Escuchar audio…
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Europa recomana tenir un kit d'emergència. Sánchez compareix per explicar el pla de rearmament. Concentracions i talls de carretera aquest dimecres en contra del tancament de línies escolars públiques El Saló de l'Ensenyament 2025 obre les portes i espera rebre uns 100.000 visitants. En Sergi Loras ens fa la previsió meteorològica que ens porta un …
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Market Update: Growth to Value Rotation, Economic Indicators, and Warren Buffet's Cash Position In this episode of Dividend Cafe from March 26, host Brian Szytel provides a market update from West Palm Beach, Florida. He discusses the market's downtrend, with a notable rotation from growth to value stocks, and highlights strong performance in defen…
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Over a year before he and two of his men starved to death, just two days’ march from a depot with food and fuel, Scott confided to young biologist Apsley Cherry-Garrard. ‘This is the end of the pole.’ He wasn’t questioning his planning or his leadership. He was blaming what he saw as the failure of their ‘transport,’ their dogs and ponies. Now they…
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Ivan Mizanzuk é professor universitário, escritor, produtor de podcasts e jornalista independente. Ele alcançou reconhecimento nacional com o Caso Evandro, que é a quarta temporada do podcast Projeto Humanos. Neste episódio, Dona Café pergunta tudo o que um crimizeiro gostaria de saber sobre o trabalho investigativo do Ivan e os bastidores da produ…
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En este episodio te cuento la importancia de incluir una buena cantidad de grasa en tu dieta y cuáles son las opciones más saludables para hacerlo. Apúntate a la newsletter en: https://www.lifters.es
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Café com Deus Pai | 26 de março Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoicesΑπό τον Junior Rostirola
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On the CAFE Insider docket: – The accidental inclusion of The Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg in a Signal group chat containing highly sensitive information about imminent war plans; – The naming of Trump’s former personal attorney Alina Habba as the interim U.S. Attorney for New Jersey; and – The attacks targeting Tesla and DOJ’s decision to investiga…
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Nvidia et les usines à tokens
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:24:42On parle des annonces de Nvidia à l'occasion de la GTC 2025, avec matériel, robotique et intelligence artificielle, ainsi que de plusieurs sujets particulièrement sordides... ❤️ Patreon 💬 Discord 💻 techcafe.fr 📺 YouTube Participants Une émission préparée par Guillaume Poggiaspalla Avec Stef500 Présenté par Guillaume Vendé Distribué par Audiomeans. …
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Karl Marx, leven en werk. | Kees vd. Pijl en Ab Gietelink
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:28:59Waardeer je onze video's? Steun dan Café Weltschmerz, het podium voor het vrije woord: https://www.cafeweltschmerz.nl/doneren/Karl Marx is een van de meest controversiële denkers uit de wereldgeschiedenis. Voor zijn aanhangers een inspiratiebron voor generaties van socialisten. Voor zijn tegenstanders inspiratiebron voor politieke repressie…
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Msica que sona al programa:"Lucent", "Play" (de l'lbum "Play", 2005)Frank Kimbrough, piano; Masa Kamaguchi, contrabaix; Paul Motian, bateria"Here come the Honey Man", "Walking by flashlight" (de l'lbum, "Solstice", 2016)Frank Kimbrough, piano; Jay Anderson, baix; Jeff Hirshfield, bateria"Ca'lina" (de l'lbum "Air", 2007)Frank Kimbrough, piano…
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Genesis 30:1-5 KJV 1 And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. 2 And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel: and he said, Am I in God's stead, who hath withheld from thee the fruit of the womb? 3 And she said, Behold my maid Bilhah, go in unto her; and she …
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