INTELLIGENT INVESTMENT TODAY, a Shortcast "mini-podcast" series each around ten minutes, focusing on the teachings of the father of the craft, Benjamin Graham, teacher and mentor to the most successful investor of all time Warren Buffett. Designed for the complete novice without any experience in the stock market as well as the more experienced investor wishing to reacquaint themselves with the likes of "Mr Market" or to learn of exciting value opportunities that currently exist in the market.
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A podcast about Jimmy Buffett, parrot heads, trop rock, and all things escapism adjacent. Intro song credit: Kelly McGuire Logo credit: Cameron Hood at
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Cameron is a second-generation parrot head. Joe has a savant-like memory for everything except Jimmy Buffett lyrics. Together they are taking an album-by-album journey through the complete Buffett catalog. “Podcasting in Paradise” gives you the whole Buffett and nothing but the Buffett, with occasional discussions about crustaceans.
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Hello! "The Parrothead Podcast: All Things Jimmy Buffett" has set sail. If you'd still like to keep in touch with Ryan and Patrick, you can listen to their other show - "License to Chill: The Margaritaville Podcast" - available wherever you get your podcasts!
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Breaking Boundaries: A podcast from Northwestern University’s Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Northwestern University’s Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Innovators. Trail Blazers. Boundary Breakers. These are the people you will meet on the Breaking Boundaries podcast. This podcast series from Northwestern University's Roberta Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, illuminates how leaders and experts across sectors, national borders and cultural identities are joining forces to tackle our greatest global challenges and achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
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If you want to live on the beach like Jimmy Buffett, you've got to learn how to invest like Warren Buffett. We have the tools to help you build your own portfolio, through the use of daily market letters, a weekly stock analysis video and a unique computer program, that will not only outperform the S&P 500 index, but will also outperform 96% of professional money managers over the long run.
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Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs
Listen in to all of the events hosted by Northwestern University's Buffett Institute for Global Affairs. We believe that relationships – among individuals and institutions, globally and locally – can fuel knowledge and develop solutions to global challenges. The views and opinions expressed within our podcast episodes are those of the interviewees and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the Buffett Institute for Global Affairs.
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Hank and Adam are Parrotheads - but instead of "Over 40 Victims of Fate," they're under 40. Hank and Adam will explore all things Jimmy Buffett, including the perspective of being "younger" Parrotheads. Under 40 Victims of Fate will explore Jimmy's albums, books, shows, ventures, and have fellow Parrothead guests. Support this podcast:
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What I learned when the SEC Securities and Exchange Commission asked me to be their Whistleblower that everyone knows at least 1 someone who admits they are scammed by an Investment Advisor who calls themselves a "broker." There is no such thing as a "broker", DOCUMENTED. Can these crimes have been stopped? Absolutely, moreso would have sent the scammer to cops, courts & jails had they been told. But no one told. I tell you why, how, what I learned that I share to make things better for the ...
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In this episode we take a look at investment in bonds, a subject Graham had an awful lot to say about. We will consider how through sensible bond selection, investors can add an extra layer of diversity to their portfolio which may allow them the extra liquidity required to profit from falling markets. Support the show…
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In this episode we consider the events of the Great Depression beginning in 1929. We examine why without a financial super power willing and able to bail out the global financial system, the events of 1929 quickly spiralled into the deepest and longest recession in history. Since then the United States has reliably stepped up to the plate to stabil…
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In this episode we take a look at the interesting case of Billy Beane, the Scout and General manager of the Oakland A's baseball team. Beane took the skills learnt from value investment into the selection and recruitment of undervalued players using quantitative performance data. This allowed middling team with a small budget to compete with the bi…
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In this episode will consider the implications of Artificial Intelligence on Value Investing. Will bots that can do a better job than any human of crunching the data make value investment redundant? Or is there hope yet that value opportunities will remain abundant long into the future? Support the show…
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In this edition we consider how political shocks can effect the investment landscape and why those following the Graham framework can not only survive but profit from difficult times. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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In this edition we take a look at the South Sea Bubble of 1720. This event was widely consider to be the worlds first financial crash and Ponzi scheme. We consider how investors of today can learn from the mistakes from the past and why bubbles like this are very likely to occur again in the future. Support the show…
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In this edition we take at look at Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett's investment soulmate and the only man to rival Benjamin Graham in the shaping of Buffett's financial outlook. We take a brief look at Munger's career and route to becoming Vice President of Berkshire Hathaway as well as comparing Munger and Graham's investment approaches. Support th…
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In this episode we look at the investment strategy of market timing, the idea that investors can profit from buying or selling shares based upon predicted future market price movements. We consider the different ways market timing can be achieved and if there is any hope that it can lead to lasting financial success on the stock markets. Support th…
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In this edition we look back at previous technology inspired market bubbles, including the bubble of the late 1990's and ponder the question: Are we currently in the midst of a new tech bubble in the form of the tech surrounding artificial intelligence? Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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In this episode touch upon some of the "Get Rich Quick" schemes currently doing the rounds, and consider why the value investor will do well to be wary of all investment frameworks that have not stood the test of time. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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Successful Value Investment = One Part Intelligent Stock Picking to Five Parts Emotional Control
In this episode we discuss how picking the most promising stocks will not guarantee success on the stock market. In order to see your best ideas through to fruition you will need to follow Graham's framework to control your innate human emotions when faced with inevitable periods of market volatility or collapse. Support the show…
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In this edition we consider if investing in an index fund, a fund that tracks and mirrors the performance of an index as a whole offers superior results to a self selected portfolio or actively managed funds. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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A brief word om what Graham might have thought about investing in Cryptocurrencies and if any of his teaching can be of use to the Crypto investor. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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In this episode we take a deep dive into the relationship between Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham. We consider how Graham came to influence Buffett's investment style and how this style has evolved through the years under the influence of an investor with a very different approach, Charlie Munger. Support the show…
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In this episode we consider the different ways by which short selling, or the attempt to profit from falling stock prices can be undertaken and whether short selling should ever be part of a value investment strategy. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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In this episode we take a look at the factors that have depressed the UK stock market over the last decade or so and consider if now might be the time for a rethink on the prospects for UK PLC. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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In today's episode we consider the life and times of Benjamin Graham, the founding father of value investment and teacher and mentor to some of the stock market's most successful practitioners, including of course Warren Buffett. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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In this episode we examine the Efficient Markets Hypothesis, the theory that suggests that all the people in the market buying and selling stock based on the latest news and data means that at all times stocks trade at the price they deserve to. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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A look at how periods of market turbulence can affect the mindset of the average investor and why Value Investors should embrace times of market volatility. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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Today's Podcast discusses recent market turmoil and considers if we should really be listening to what the economists are saying at all? Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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In this episode we consider if Warren Buffett can still be described as a value investor, and if not what type of investor is he today? Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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We discuss the importance of remaining aloof to the noise of the market. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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In this episode we discuss the differing perspectives on the repurchase of a business's own stock between Buffett and his mentor. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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We examine the GameStop saga from a value investment perspective Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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In this episode we examine how I go about analysing a business using the principles of value investment. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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Benjamin Graham's thoughts on investing in businesses that you have a close personal attachment too, either as a customer, an employee or a friend of the CEO. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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What Benjamin Graham has to say on the diversification of your portfolio. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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An introduction into Benjamin Graham's idea of Margin of Safety. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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28. Take the Weather with You
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2:08:40Joe and Cameron return from hibernation to discuss the late and great album, Take the Weather with You.
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Today's episode examines the principle of acting like the owner of businesses in which you hold stocks. Too many investors rely on the market to value the businesses in which they own stock, thinking like an owner frees you from this trap leaving you better prepared to deal with market turbulence. Support the show…
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This episode focuses on a core principle of Benjamin Graham's teachings, the difference between Investment and speculation. While this might be understood in general terms by all, investors can fall into the trap of entering into speculative situations when they believe that they are investing. This episode gives investors the tools required not to…
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This episode examines Benjamin Graham's parable of Mr Market, the manic depressive who shapes markets. Described by Warren Buffett as one of the most important lessons taught by Graham. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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A brief introduction into an exiting new Podcast coming your way. Release your inner Warren Buffett and dramatically improve your chances of success on the stock market through learning the same lessons taught to Buffett at the age of 19. Support the showΑπό τον David Coombs
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An introduction for a brand new podcast, VALUE INVESTMENT TODAY, focused on teachings of the father of the craft as well as teacher and mentor to the most successful investor of the all Warren Buffett. As well as covering all the important concepts laid down by Graham we put them into practice through the examination of current real life value oppo…
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The season of the podcast focused on the role of technology in global affairs. In this episode, Professor Jacqueline Stevens, Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University and Founding Faculty Director of the Deportation Research Clinic at the Northwestern Buffett Institute for Global Affairs shares her expertise on the use of big data …
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Democracies around the world are grappling with the best uses of artificial intelligence (AI), the ethical and legal challenges it can pose as well as the benefits it can bring to citizens. In this episode, Catherine Régis, expert in AI governance and regulation talks about the importance of involving experts and citizens to address AI's ethical ch…
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27. Equal Strain on All Parts
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2:22:25Joe and Cameron dig in to the eternal Jimmy Buffett's latest album, Equal Strain on All Parts, while also finding any reason to be offended about all time album rankings. All music property of Jimmy Buffett unless otherwise explicitly stated.
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As more consumer-focused companies harness the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, research on human-machine interactions is becoming increasingly important. In this episode, Venus Jin, PhD, Director of the Communication Program at Northwestern in Qatar, talks with Annelise Riles about her research in this area and examines …
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As the 24th President of France, François Hollande was leading the country at the launch of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals—calling them one of the UN’s “most decisive steps toward ensuring the collective well-being of people and the planet.” In this episode, Hollande reflects on progress towards the goals and addresses the ne…
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Health and environmental risks surrounding disasters at nuclear power plants have become all the more urgent over the past year as Russia’s war in Ukraine persists and the threat of nuclear disaster looms at the Russian-occupied Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station in southeastern Ukraine. In this episode, radiation expert Gayle Woloschak, PhD, share…
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This season on the podcast, we are exploring the intersections between emerging technology, global affairs and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. In this episode, Annelise Riles dives into a topic she is personally passionate about: the power of multilingual engagement. Multilingualism has been identified as key to achieving the 17 U…
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26. License to Chill w/ Pat Collins
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2:31:51After a long hiatus, Joe and Cameron discuss JB's recent passing with Papa Parrothead himself, sharing their most Buffett songs in memorial. Then they dive deep into the country ensemble classic, License to Chill. All music property of Jimmy Buffett unless otherwise explicitly stated. Listen along to the playlist created on this episode here: https…
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In this episode, Annelise Riles talks Beatrice Fihn, the Former Executive Director of ICAN - the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons. Under her leadership, ICAN was awarded the 2017 Nobel Peace Prize and played a key role in the adoption of the landmark UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.…
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25. Far Side of the World
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2:28:24In this episode, Cameron and Joe diverge slightly from the standard format to gush over the 2022-23 Sacramento Kings.
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Many deepfakes are designed to spread disinformation or cause confusion and mistrust, and therefore are a threat to UN Sustainable Development Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions. How do we combat deepfakes, and can technology help us in any way to address this global challenge? Annelise Riles talks about this topic with V.S. Subrahmani…
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Changing Channels + All Time Top 10 Jimmy Buffett Songs
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1:51:29Dear Friends and Finterns, Pals and Parrothead Podcast-heads! Ryan and Patrick here to share the news that we're officially turning the page on our podcast journey and starting a new show within the Margaritaville family. It's called "License to Chill: The Margaritaville Podcast" and it's available now. This news also means that we'll be sunsetting…
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24. Beach House On The Moon
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2:31:14Joe and Cameron get logical and discuss the album that is directly responsible for all of this.
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Combating climate change, and its impacts, is at the heart of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. More specifically, public education is key to addressing UNSDG number 13, which is climate action. In this episode, Spencer Glendon PhD. talks about his efforts to create a public utility for climate change through his nonprofit climate l…
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In our first official album review video, we're diving into the tropical world of Jimmy Buffett's "Fruitcakes" album. Aside from being a fan favorite, it's also a favorite of ours. Join us as we review this classic record, track by track, and share our thoughts on the music, lyrics, and overall vibe of this iconic album. Check out our new website h…
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The impact of Russia’s war in Ukraine is far-reaching with some scholars arguing that the conflict threatens progress on all of the UNSDGs, especially UNSDG 16: peace, justice and strong institutions. In this episode, international law expert Oona A. Hathaway, discusses legal recourse to prosecute Vladimir Putin and other top Russian leaders for th…
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