1/2 Calantha Progressive Techno Trance Underground
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A podcast that talks about our Ukrainian Catholic faith and our relationship with Jesus Christ
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Fussball total – der grosse Fussball-Podcast aus Basel. Stephan Gutknecht und Kevin Wandji Tchatat sind das Basilisk Penalty-Team und in Sachen Fussball, vor allem rund um den FC Basel, immer bestens informiert. Rot-Blau pur – ob Super-League, Schweizer Cup oder internationale Wettbewerbe – es geht rund in der Basilisk-Fussball-Show. Dabei werden Experten, Spieler und Fans interviewt, es wird gefachsimpelt und gelacht. Der Basilisk Penalty verspricht mit jeder Menge Spass und Infos rund um d ...
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Founded in 1795, the Basilica of Saint Mary in Old Town Alexandria is the first Catholic Church established in Virginia. Pope Francis named the church a minor basilica on December 6, 2017 due to its important role in the growth of the Catholic Church in North America.
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Le podcast consacré à l’écologie et aux initiatives positives ! Chaque semaine, Jeane donne la parole à celles et ceux qui imaginent et rêvent le monde de demain. On y parle d'écologie, d'alimentation durable, de mode éthique, de biodiversité... Podcast indépendant et engagé créé et produit par Jeane Clesse depuis 2017. Distribué par Audiomeans. Visitez audiomeans.fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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We are a community of friends sharing life, faith and resource for the cause of Christ in Hollywood and Los Angeles.
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mujer lesbiana, gorda, feminista y de región, comentando diversos temas que le irritan, le gustan, o le hacen llorar
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Empreendedor Serial & Network Mkt Pro • Apaixonado por Liberdade e Formar Lideres • Missão: Ajudar pessoas a ultrapassarem a média e conquistarem o topo
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Welcome to the Basil Arman podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Basil Bottler comically reviews stuff https://basilbottler.com
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Dive headfirst into life and some things entirely different (pun unintended) with BASED by Basil. There's never a dull moment with Ronald and his insights. And you'll be set straight for the journey that is life!
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Conversations with movers and shakers, badasses and change-makers; discussing decisions made, obstacles overcome, and lessons learned.
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Fakten, Hintergründe und Einblicke in die Arbeit der Kantonspolizei Basel-Stadt. Von Velodiebstahl über Cybercrime bis zum Taschendiebstahl, der Basilea Copcast lässt hinhören. Mehr Infos auf www.polizei.bs.ch Produktion & Redaktion: Jeannine Borer (kommUniq GmbH) I Musik & Sound: Thomas Baumgartner (Schallhaus)
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Sermons and other edifying content from St. Basil American Coptic Orthodox Church in San Diego. We are a Christian parish that brings the two-thousand year old faith of the Orthodox Church of Alexandria to English Speakers. All of our services are in English. We are a family-oriented, child friendly parish. We welcome all people of all backgrounds to "taste and see that the Lord is good."
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I talk about Social Media news, tips, and more.
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Welcome to the Basil Bottler Show comedy podcast. www.basilbottler.com Available on itunes.
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One dude, one day at a time. Howdy friendo, I'm Basil. I make media things - mostly videos, mostly docu-style. I'm just riffing as I go through life, sharing little audio nuggets. I love podcasts and I love vlogging, so I'm combining the two into a daily podcast.
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The Bacon Podcast with Brian Basilico | CURE Your Sales & Marketing with Ideas That Make It SIZZLE!
Brian Basilico: Author • Speaker • Online Strategist | BaconPodcast.com
The Bacon Podcast is part coaching that explains and educates you on various marketing tools, and expert interviews with successful people who share their knowledge and experience around their area of expertise!
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A podcast where writer, Steve Basilone, talks to funny people about genuinely terrible things that have happened to them.
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Former counselor & music exec, host Joanna Basile brings you off-the-cuff conversations with some of her favorite people and well-known friends. Listen as Basile & Co. take deep dives into unexpected topics that may enlighten, motivate and even challenge you. Join her on the road to redemption as she navigates life in the middle lane.
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Es un conjunto de narraciones creadas por Guillermo Huyhua y Rosa Arroyo
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Welcome to THE RISE. This is a motivational podcast where we talk to different people in the entertainment industry, who are trying to bust through that glass ceiling and leave their footprint. In this podcast we talk industry, we talk business, we talk Shhhhh, we motivate and get things done. Music: Higher up/ Shane Ivers
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Next Level Network Family of Podcasts!
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Rethink your perceptions of young people experiencing homelessness in Birmingham. You are 16-24? Support is available in Birmingham if you need advice or if you are about to become homeless. If you become homeless in Birmingham ‘out of hours’ and need immediate help: If you’re 16 or 17 please call the Birmingham Children’s Trust emergency duty team: 0121 675 4806 If you’re 18+ call 0121 303 2296 Are you homeless today or at risk of homelessness within 56 days? St Basils can assess you today ...
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Fresh Kills is a podcast collection of original short stories by the authors of the popular literary blog The Kill Zone. Reminiscent of the Twilight Zone, these killer tales vary from the paranormal to the chilling to the just plain scary. Each delivers a finely crafted tale that will keep you clicking through the pages. Contributors to the podcast version include these award winning and best selling authors: John Gilstrap, Michelle Gagnon, James Scott Bell, Kathryn Lilley, John Ramsey Mille ...
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Momentum / Episode 106
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2:01:3901) Char Spinelli - As Above02) Paul Lennar Ft. BassQ - Deep In The Dark03) Trilucid - Calling (M.O.S. Extended Mix)04) Tiefstone - Anubis05) Xspance - Blacklight (Callecat Remix)06) Kay D - Chimaera07) Hobin Rude - Silent Pathways08) Bedrock - Heaven Scent (Marsh Remix)09) Rise And Fall - Perfect Motion10) Little Foot - Winter Solace 11) Sasha, Ma…
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Sechs Spiele, ein Sieg: Wo steht der FCB wirklich? Plus: Diskussionen auf der Bank, fehlende Effizienz, Sponsorenfragen und Nati-News. Nur ein Sieg aus den letzten sechs Spielen – obwohl alle fit sind und die Defensive und Offensive die beste der Liga ist. Stephan Gutknecht und Kevin Wandji Tchatat, unser Basilisk Penalty-Podcast Duo, fragen sich: …
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Envie de lancer ton projet ou de réinventer ta carrière ? Avec Ulule Formation, on t’offre un coup de pouce concret pour passer à l’action ! Pour participer : https://forms.gle/sWSoHxb8nve7vAsYA Cette semaine, à l’occasion du Podcasthon, je vous propose un épisode un peu particulier, placé sous le signe du lien, de la convivialité et de la cuisine …
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Father Christopher Goodwin, an assisting priest, shares a homily during the Second Sunday of Lent. It was given in the Basilica on March 16, 2025.Από τον Basilica of St. Mary
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Episode 619: Basilica Parishioner Aimee Redmann Shares about Her Devotion to Saint Joseph and the History of the Saint Joseph Altar
Aimee Redmann is a Basilica parishioner who is from Louisiana, where the Saint Joseph Altar is part of the Catholic culture there, especially in the New Orleans area. She shares about her devotion to Saint Joseph and talks about the history of the altar, which will be on display on Wednesday evening, March 19, in our Lyceum Auditorium. As part of t…
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Fabio Celestini hat sich seinen Wunsch erfüllt und war am Morgestraich – nun folgt das Kräftemessen mit Meister YB im Joggeli. Eine ereignisreiche Woche ist vorbei. Für Celestini und den FCB gings an die Basler Fasnacht. Zudem gab es viel Fussball mit Champions League, Europa League und Conference League. Nach dem Ausscheiden vom FC Lugano ist es f…
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1 personne sur 3 en France peine à se nourrir correctement. 4 millions de femmes sont en situation de précarité menstruelle. Face à ces chiffres alarmants, Ramdam Social a décidé d'agir en réinventant notre façon de consommer. Leur modèle est simple : un produit acheté = un don pour une personne dans le besoin. En seulement un an, leur concept a pe…
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Father Jack Riley, the spiritual director of the diocesan retreat center, who will be leading our Lenten Parish Mission from March 10-13, shares a homily during the First Sunday of Lent. It was given in the Basilica on March 9, 2025. To learn more about the parish mission, click here: https://stmaryoldtown.org/2025lentenmission…
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Mar 9, 2025 Sunday of icons
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1:11:58Από τον Bmalow
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Der FCB will in der Innerschweiz die Tabellenführung verteidigen. Und Trainer Fabio Celestini möchte sich mit dem Besuch des Morgestraichs belohnen Die Fasnacht steht in Basel vor der Tür. Auch der FCB hat die bevorstehenden «drey scheenschte Dääg» im letzten Heimspiel gegen den FC Sion erneut mit einem Fasnachts-Trikot eingeläutet. Unser Basilisk …
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Episode 617: Virginia Nyce Shares a Theology on Tap Talk Called "The History of Catholicism in Virginia"
During a Theology on Tap talk on March 3, 2025, at Murphy's Grand Irish Pub in Alexandria, Virginia, Virginia Nyce, the Basilica's archival manager, shared about the history of Catholicism in Virginia. To learn more about the Basilica's history and its museum, click here.Από τον Basilica of Saint Mary
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Tout comprendre au climat en jouant – avec Anaïs Terrien, présidente de la Fresque du Climat
Dans cet épisode de Basilic, je reçois Anaïs Terrien, présidente de la Fresque du Climat, un outil pédagogique devenu incontournable pour comprendre les mécanismes du dérèglement climatique. Avec plus de 2 millions de participants, 89 000 bénévoles et une présence dans 167 pays, la Fresque du Climat ne cesse de se déployer à travers le monde. Comme…
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Episode 616: Father Edward Hathaway Shares a Homily during the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Father Edward Hathaway, the Rector of the Basilica, shares a homily during the Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. It was given in the Basilica on March 2, 2025.Από τον Basilica of Saint Mary
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Father James Searby, a parochial vicar, offers a reflection on the Third Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, the Nativity, for our Communal First Saturday for March. It was recorded on March 1, 2025.Από τον Basilica of Saint Mary
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Für den Trainer zählt nur die Leistung. So machen ihm die Spieler die Arbeit schwer und er kann trotzdem gut schlafen. Erleichterung nach dem erfolgreichen Cup-Spiel in Carouge. Mit Zuversicht geht es zurück in die Meisterschaft. Das Basilisk Penalty Podcast Team kritisiert aber die einfachen Fehler. Unter anderem wirkt Jonas Adjetey in der Spielau…
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Episode 614: Dr. James Bergida Previews His Four-Week Lenten Series on Catholic Social Teaching
Dr. James Bergida, a professor of political science and economics at Christendom College, previews the subject of his upcoming four-week Lenten series in our Lyceum Auditorium – an introduction to Catholic Social Teaching. The series will share about the Catholic Church's "best-kept secret”: its social doctrine. Here are the dates of his talk: + Ma…
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In this episode, the monthly series called “What Are the Sisters Reading” continues. For the month of March, Sister Julia Darrenkamp, FSP, shares about a book called "The Holiness of Ordinary People" by Madeleine Delbrêl. The book gathers together essays and notes written by Delbrêl, who was a French poet, social worker and lay missionary and has b…
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Dans cet épisode Feel Good, je vous embarque avec moi pour un voyage slow travel jusqu’au Maroc, à bord des trains européens et marocains. Je vous partage aussi mes coups de cœur et envies du moment : quelques livres, un film engagé et une belle découverte d'un produit d'hygiène qui rejoindra prochainement vos étagères. Au programme : Récit de voya…
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Father Peter Clem, a parochial vicar, shares a homily during the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. It was given in the Basilica on February 23, 2025.Από τον Basilica of Saint Mary
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