Nota Bene, c'est une autre façon de découvrir l'Histoire de France et du monde ! L'Histoire est sociale, économique, scientifique, politique, elle touche à tous les domaines. A travers des émissions thématiques et des entretiens avec des historiens, archéologues et chercheurs, voyagez de l'Antiquité à nos jours et redécouvrez la richesse de cette Histoire ! Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
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We hope you‘re enriched by homilies recorded at our weekly Mass.
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Industry experts break down the latest news & trends in employee benefits, healthcare reform, regulations and compliance, designed to empower executive decisions.
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Audio podcasts of short stories from Beneath Ceaseless Skies Online Magazine.
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Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sáb às 08h00m | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração
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Our global experiences have revealed a range of cultural clashes, beliefs, stereotypes, opinions, and values. We explore cultural diversity, highlighting differences, similarities, and misconceptions.
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A podcast about the history of everything told through the history of tattooing.
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Showcasing and profiling underground music.
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International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans benefits pros Julie Stich, Justin Held, Anne Patterson and Stacy Van Alstyne dive into retirement, health care, hot trends, or whatever else the benefits industry throws at them.
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Jak v práci dělat více zajímavých, smysluplných věcí a méně těch otravných? Příběhy a myšlenky o tom, jak získat kontrolu nad svou prací a čas i energii něco změnit. Jak se dostat k zajímavé práci? Jak se nezbláznit z meetingů? Kolik hodin pracovat? Jak zlepšit komunikaci? Jak přestat věci odkládat? To jsou palčivé otázky, na které každý hledá odpověď. Podcastem vás provází Jiří Benedikt, trenér, který pomáhá lidem ve firmě tvořit a růst v digitální době
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Literary Adventure Fantasy
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If the Golden era of Old Hollywood is your thing, our podcast is for you! If you want TYRONE POWER instead of TOM HARDY, JENNIFER JONES instead of JENNIFER LAWRENCE, or ROBERT MITCHUM rather than ROBERT PATTINSON, then FROM BENEATH THE HOLLYWOOD SIGN is the gin joint for you. Each week, writer and producer STEVE CUBINE and actress and writer NAN MCNAMARA explore, discuss, and dissect the magical, mysterious, amusing, and sometimes bizarre tales of Old Hollywood. So sit back and revisit a tim ...
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Each week we seek to rightly understand God's Holy Word, then apply that truth to our twenty-first century lives!
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Beneath the Surface features interviews with leading thinkers and activists on the important issues of the day, with a focus on deeper analysis.
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Ten minutes of daily Mishnah in clear, simple English, focussing on the content and the structure of the text and following the global cycle, finishing the entire Mishnah in January 2028. Running five days/week, the series covers between two and four Mishnayot on every episode. For source sheets and materials, go to
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This podcast is aimed at helping CEOs dig beneath the surface to find new pathways to increased profitability. Deborah Fell from Chief Outsiders, will seek to challenge and inspire leadership teams and provide immediately actionable solutions to unlock growth.
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It's two guys, sometimes with guests, solving all the world's problems in an hour. Ish.
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Brief clips which highlight an important reminder, a tidbit of knowledge, or other interesting benefits.
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Beneath the Crown is a conversation space that empowers women to curate lives they love by cultivating a positive mindset through authentic dialogue and bold insights. Join Latina as she navigates life's realities, sharing stories that spark growth, resilience, and transformation. In every episode, we explore the highs and lows of personal journeys, uncovering how mindset, action, and community shape our paths. Tune in for empowering moments that elevate your soul and inspire you to create a ...
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Podcast by Howard Kettner
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The writing team from keeps you up-to-date on everything related to the Seattle Kraken and their fandom.
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Beneath the Shadows takes you on a journey through the incredible stories that shape our world, from dark mysteries and unsolved crimes to uplifting tales of resilience and inspiration. Each episode shines a light on both the extraordinary and the enlightening, unearthing the hidden details of historical events, heartwarming moments, and the human spirit's triumph over adversity. Whether we’re uncovering eerie forgotten mysteries or sharing stories that touch the soul, we'll explore the dept ...
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Welcome to Risky Benefits, a podcast from FBMC Management, Inc. As your personal advisor on all things benefits, join host Rick Farris, Chief Sales and Marketing Officer, every month while we educate you with all the ins and outs of compensation packages. From topics about insurance to employees and everything in between, you’ll walk away with the knowledge needed to get the most out of healthcare benefits.
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Join our podcast team as we geek out about anime, manga, visual and light novels, gaming, conventions, and cosplay. As we share our experiences and insight, we hope to build bridges across the otaku community, and highlight the meaningful things in life—love, community, and faith. New episodes air twice a month on Wednesdays.
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saint benedict’s table is a liturgical community in the Anglican tradition, deeply involved at the intersection of faith and culture. Along with posting our weekly Sunday sermons, we are creating new podcasts exploring themes and questions of interest both to the church and to the wider culture. Inspired by what Robert Webber called “the church’s ancient-future,” we draw deeply on the great liturgical, theological and spiritual traditions of our forebears as we explore new ground, new music, ...
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Let's Talk About Issues pertaining to #grief"that hits us everyday, #Coaching #Narcissism #spiriituality #IntercesoryPrayerWeekend #Coaching: Coaching has responsibilities. Discussion about coaching issues #The Narcissist: Do you know one? What do you know? Jesus Christ is Lord🎶 He rules, reigns, and is King and is coming again. Dr. Jones brings the weekend message on either the 1st, 3rd, or 5th weekends. .
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Life can be so complex, and we spend so much time trying to figure it out, all while hiding who we truly are. Millennials are at the point in adulthood where we are starting to understand more about what life is, but still we avoid vulnerability and tough conversations. Never going Beneath The Seams limits us from experiencing an unfiltered life filled with genuine connections. We owe it to ourselves to change that. I'm your host Kala Riggins and I share a mixture of confessions, candid conv ...
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This podcast is created for the exploration of the Bible, examination of the church and the expectation of a Christian life.
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Tune in for thought-provoking conversations with smart, creative thinkers in the fields of benefits, economics, government, demography and more. This show is brought to you by the American Benefits Council, a Washington D.C. trade association that advocates for employers, connecting public policy and private-sector solutions to shape employee benefits for the evolving global workforce.
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Forest Bathing guides Orlagh and Cat help their listeners every month to connect with nature in an easy and accessible way. They talk about nature connection, mental health, Celtic traditions, poetry, the seasons, and sustainability. When it comes to self care they believe that 'some is better then none'. They talk about tips and tricks to achieve that in your everyday life. Join Orlagh and Cat every month beneath the canopy.
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Join Mercules and Kyt Kutcha for weekly breakdowns of Star Wars media! We go over connections between the shows, movies, comics, games, and books (both Legends and Canon), as well as behind the scenes trivia and stories from production. Let's talk about Andor, Ahsoka, The Bad Batch, Tales of the Empire, The Acolyte, and more!
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Trends with Benefits is a podcast by VanEck with a forward-looking perspective. Host Ed Lopez interviews a guest each week to discover new ways of thinking about the markets, investing, work and life. Subscribe today.
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Comedian Jason Horton sits down with old friends and new to find out how they found success in their chosen fields.
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Friends with Fantasy Benefits brings you the most up to date and in depth analysis to help you win your fantasy baseball leagues!
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SuonA Tipo Bene è un podcast che esplora film, serie TV e videogiochi attraverso le loro colonne sonore! Pensato per chiunque, a prescindere dalle conoscenze musicali. Tenuto da Fabio Antonelli, compositore, produttore e polistrumentista, spiega la funzione della musica e i suoi retroscena, il tutto accompagnato da ospiti a sorpresa. Se ti piace il podcast, puoi supportarci tramite Patreon e seguirci su Instagram e YouTube per rimanere aggiornato.
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Conversations on all things benefits including trends, innovations, new technologies, and idea to help associations create more value for members, employees, and their families. Catch all the latest insights from the official podcast for the Concourse Benefits Platform, hosted by Marc Palud, one of the Co-Founders and Chief Marketing Officer of Concourse Benefits LLC. A benefits game-changer, the Concourse Benefits Platform is a comprehensive, end-to-end, customizable benefits management eco ...
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Retirement can be a tricky affair these days for many. It may be even trickier for Federal and Postal employees. According to Elizabeth Inman, ChFEBC, a nationally recognized Federal Benefits Educator, Author, Speaker, and Federal Retirement Specialist, who retired from the USPS with over 23 years of Federal service, "Without a proper understanding of the options and the landmines, it’s easy to make some well-meaning yet costly mistakes when you retire as a Federal or Postal employee. These ...
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ICPB's 10th Educational Seminar: Benefiting from the Blessed Month of Ramadhan with guest speakers Abu Muhammad al-Maghribi and Saeed Rhaana, held at the Islamic Center of Palm Beach, North Palm Beach, FL USA from Sha'baan 18th - 20th, 1436AH (June 5th - 7th, 2015).
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Stories and songs for kids from the town of Benedettiville.
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Benefits Influencer highlights the strategists, thought leaders, and operatives who are impacting, innovating, and elevating go-to-market strategies in the Employee Benefits and HR industry. Hosted by employee benefits GTM expert Dennis Carlson, each episode delivers actionable insights and tactics on go-to-market strategies for anyone selling employee benefits, total rewards, HR, work-tech, and digital health products and services through the benefits broker channel.
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One-on-one discussions on emerging issues with industry leaders, hosted by Connex Health. Be sure to also check out the Simplify Prior Authorization podcast series.
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Die Wissenschaft des Investierens mit Benedikt Brandl | wie man abgesichert und profitabel investiert
Benedikt Brandl
In diesem Podcast wirst du hören, wie man abgesichert und profitabel investiert und zwar mit wissenschaftlichen Methoden. Es ist eine Zusammenfassung der Erkenntnisse aus 70 Jahren Kapitalmarktforschung. Durch die konkreten Handlungsanweisungen wirst Du in die Lage versetzt bessere finanzielle Entscheidungen zu treffen, Empfehlungen Deiner Bank kritisch zu hinterfragen und selbst Geldanlagen zu tätigen, kostenminimiert und wissenschaftlich fundiert. ETFs bzw. Indexfonds spielen natürlich auc ...
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Beneath the Noise is a podcast about mental illness—the raw, disorienting, and sometimes darkly funny reality of living with a brain that doesn’t always cooperate. Hosted by Emily Jatcko, it’s part memoir, part cultural analysis, and entirely uninterested in the sanitized, feel-good version of mental health. This isn’t a self-help podcast. There are no five-step plans or platitudes about positive thinking—just an honest look at psychosis, medication, work, relationships, and the ways neurodi ...
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BeNeFoot is a website dedicated to discussing Belgian and Dutch football in English. The website is made up of several high-profile writers who produce regular articles and online magazines dedicated to football in the two nations. Our podcasts provide you with more discussion and analysis on the Dutch and Belgian leagues. Enjoy!
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Next Economy Now highlights the leaders that are taking a regenerative, bio-regional, democratic, equitable, racially-just, and whole-systems approach to creating the new economy. Popular guests include Vincent Stanley (Patagonia), Winona LaDuke (White Earth Reservation), Frederic Laloux (Reinventing Organizations), Autumn Brown (AORTA), Kate Raworth (Doughnut Economics), and Aaron Tanaka (Center for Economic Democracy). Learn more at
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ENTRETIEN - Lire l'heure dans l'Antiquité gréco-romaine, c'est tout un art ! - Avec Jérôme Bonnin
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1:52:39Mes chers camarades, bien le bonjour ! Aujourd’hui pour savoir l’heure, c’est pas bien compliqué : il suffit de regarder sa montre, son réveil, son téléphone… Mais dans l’Antiquité, c’était une autre paire de manches ! Mais alors, comment faisaient-ils ? Eh bah ils avaient notamment des cadrans solaires ! Mais concrètement, comment est-ce que ça fo…
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In questa prima parte di episodio dedicato a Wicked, andiamo ad analizzare le principali tematiche dell'adattamento cinematografico. In particolar modo, i richiami presenti al musical originale e all'importanza della "I want song" di questo film. Insieme con me in questo episodio: Grace Ambrose. Un ringraziamento speciale ai ragazzi di Unlearn Stud…
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Can he be trusted with her? For the source sheet, look here: For other resources go to https://www.thedailymishnah.comΑπό τον Benedict Roth
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In our conversation with Harold Green, one theme resonated particularly strongly: business evolution requires building on past experience while constantly looking forward. After nearly five decades in the paving and recycling industries, Harold has turned his attention to helping companies measure and monetize their carbon reductions. In this segme…
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In this week’s episode, Host Dorothy Cociu has a discussion with Phil Calhoun, owner and publisher of California Broker Magazine, as well as President/CEO of Integrity Advisors, about what’s going on around the health insurance industry and what Phil is seeing as the primary trends regarding the aging population of agents and Baby Boomers in genera…
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Mes chers camarades, bien le bonjour ! Dinguerie, on aurait retrouvé le tombeau de Thoutmôsis II ! 3500 ans, quand-même ! C’est fou de trouver ça juste avant le début de la saison touristique non ? ...non ? En vrai l’actu serait incroyable mais il y a quand même un peu de scepticisme, notamment de la part de certains archéologues. On va pas être ma…
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Explore how VC secondary markets are transforming venture capital, what’s fueling their growth and how they are creating new opportunities for investors.Από τον VanEck
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Homily given by Fr Dan on Tuesday 4 March 2025. If you would you like to explore what’s on offer in our community, you can find some details here: Or you can contact us directly at [email protected] ABOUT US St Benedict’s is a vibrant Catholic Community based in Melbourne, Australia, and the spiritual home to peopl…
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No longer fully-married, but not divorced! For the source sheet, look here: For other resources go to https://www.thedailymishnah.comΑπό τον Benedict Roth
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Episode CXLIX - Chronological Clone Wars - Heroes on Both Sides (310)
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1:07:17The intro episode to a three part arc that dives deep into the politics of the Republic and the Separatists, introducing some characters that will be surprisingly impactful to the wider galaxy even if they are just barely given some screen time here. Let's jump in! BECOME A PATRON: CHAT SERVER: https…
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Enjoyed the episode? Contact me here and let me know your thoughts! In this episode, Kevin breaks down the passage Romans 8:28 to reveal that God's ultimate purpose transcends our immediate desires, aiming for a greater good that aligns with His divine plan.Από τον Kevin Toomer
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração---📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 7, 7-13.00:00 Louvor | Mais uma vez - Comunidade Gerados Pela Imaculada04:48 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique06:52 Rm 7, 7-13 | Medita…
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Mes chers camarades, bien le bonjour ! Vous pourrez écouter dans quelques jours sur le podcast un nouvel entretien historique en compagnie de Jérôme Bonnin, un spécialiste des cadrans solaires. On a notamment pu discuter des cadrans solaires anciens et de leurs usages dans l’Antiquité gréco-romaine. Mais ça, vous en saurez plus bientôt quand l’émis…
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"MARY BETH HUGHES - CLASSIC CINEMA STAR OF THE MONTH" - 3/03/2025 For those of you who don't know the charms of MARY BETH HUGHES, when she was under contract at MGM, she was dubbed "the poor man's LANA TURNER." It was a rather unfair assessment since MGM gave Lana all the plum roles, and Mary Beth got her hand-me-downs. But still, Mary Beth had gre…
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What do tiny houses have to do with your staff? A lot, as it turns out. Well, kind of. Host Stacy talks with International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans VP of Talent, Andie Gebert, on her advice and insights for how employers can navigate communications, policies and more for employees spanning four, sometimes five generations, all with diff…
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Jealousy and suspicion! For the source sheet, look here: For other resources go to https://www.thedailymishnah.comΑπό τον Benedict Roth
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Beneath The Surface - Sunday, March 2, 2025
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1:00:12Beneath the Surface features interviews with leading thinkers and activists on the important issues of the day, with a focus on deeper analysis.
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As Jesus needed encouragement to complete His saving work, so we need the same to continue in Him whenever life is difficult!Από τον [email protected] (Rev. Robert Green)
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Ever feel like you’re trapped inside a meticulously crafted David Fincher thriller or a Chuck Palahniuk fever dream? You might be. In this episode, we dive into two of the most fascinating, unsettling, and two of my favorite creators of all time—David Fincher and Chuck Palahniuk—exploring how their work dissects power, obsession, identity, and the …
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Mes chers camarades, bien le bonjour ! Avec ce que disent Donald Trump et Elon Musk… Non, je vous arrête là, c’est pas un épisode réact, promis ! Mais, j’avoue, ces deux bonhommes ont fait quelques déclarations sur l’espace, la conquête de Mars, etc., qui m’ont posé des questions ! Parce que, après tout… oui marcher sur Mars, ça fait un peu rêver, …
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Homily given by Fr Cam on Sunday 2 March 2025. If you would you like to explore what’s on offer in our community, you can find some details here: Or you can contact us directly at [email protected] ABOUT US St Benedict’s is a vibrant Catholic Community based in Melbourne, Australia, and the spiritual home to people…
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Celebrating Irish nature
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1:00:41Spring has officially sprung! This month we come from Orlagh’s sun-soaked garden. In this Saint Patrick themed episode, we celebrate everything Irish in nature. From trees and animals to music and poetry. Also in this episode: What sparked our interest in nature, our favourite colours, and the upcoming Ecolution podcast, featuring Beneath the Canop…
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Homily given by Fr Dan on Saturday 1 March 2025. If you would you like to explore what’s on offer in our community, you can find some details here: Or you can contact us directly at [email protected] ABOUT US St Benedict’s is a vibrant Catholic Community based in Melbourne, Australia, and the spiritual home to peop…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração 📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 7, 1-6 00:00 Rm 7, 1- 6 | Meditação da Palavra 26:15 Louvor | Decisão - Ir Bakhita (Diácono Eduardo Henrique)…
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Dnes vám ukážu mou novou strategii, jak si rozšířit obzory a vyskočit ze své bubliny. A nakonec zkusím říct i něco vtipného :) 👇ODKAZY POD EPIZODOU Sem jedu: SXSW Conference & Festivals | March 7-15, 2025 📚 Knížky na rozšíření obzorů 📗 V zajetí geografie: Jak lze pomocí deseti map pochopit světovou politiku📗 Streetfight: Handbook for an Urban Revol…
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Bienvenue dans ce nouveau format de cuisine historique ! J'ai le plaisir de retrouver Fabian Müllers, un cuisinier et historien de l'alimentation avec qui j'ai déjà collaboré ! Ensemble en 2025, on va vous présenter 10 recettes historiques, allant de l'Antiquité jusqu'à nos jours. Pour aujourd'hui, ce sera le porc mijoté de l'Antiquité, alors à vos…
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Homily given by Fr Terrence on Friday 28 February 2025. If you would you like to explore what’s on offer in our community, you can find some details here: Or you can contact us directly at [email protected] ABOUT US St Benedict’s is a vibrant Catholic Community based in Melbourne, Australia, and the spiritual home …
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Joy is more than just a feeling—it’s a form of resistance. In this special Black History episode of Beneath the Crown, we’re exploring the power of joy as a protest, a birthright, and a revolutionary act. Through reflection and intentional practice, we’ll dive into how Black joy has always been a source of strength, resilience, and creativity, even…
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Closing the tractate: was Samuel a Nazir? For the source sheet, look here: For other resources go to https://www.thedailymishnah.comΑπό τον Benedict Roth
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Episode 34 Preview - In Episode 34 of Beneath the Crown Podcast, we discuss how joy is more than just a feeling—it’s a form of resistance. In this special Black History episode of Beneath the Crown, we’re exploring the power of joy as a protest, a birthright, and a revolutionary act. Through reflection and intentional practice, we’ll dive into how …
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How do you forgive people who have done something terrible to you? Does forgiveness—as God demands it—require trusting that person again and rebuilding the relationship? Mike digs into this pertinent and challenging topic today through the example of Nami and Hachi on episode 18 of The Power of God and Anime podcast! He also drops another old-schoo…
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This one is for the millennial who is done with the silly "rules" of dating and wants to experience things on their own terms. In this episode we discuss... Ditching Dating Rules: Finding Peace and Connection Beyond Social Norms Navigating the Complexities of Modern Dating for Millennials Authentic Dating: Embracing Intimacy and Connection Without …
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 6, 15-23.00:00 Louvor | Grande Pai - Diácono Eduardo Henrique 03:23 Rm 6, 15-23 | Meditação da Palavra…
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Mes chers camarades, bien le bonjour ! Faut-il encore présenter Pompéi ? Cette cité antique est ultra célèbre depuis des décennies, et ce n’est pas pour rien ! Elle fascine par son histoire tragique : détruite lors d’une éruption volcanique à l’automne 79, figée à tout jamais par les cendres qui l’ont recouvertes, elle offre aujourd’hui une fenêtre…
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Homily given by Fr Cam on Thursday 27 February 2025. If you would you like to explore what’s on offer in our community, you can find some details here: Or you can contact us directly at [email protected] ABOUT US St Benedict’s is a vibrant Catholic Community based in Melbourne, Australia, and the spiritual home to …
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Welcome to 2025 Federal Employees! There's an unprecedented shakeup happening right now in real time, and your career and retirement hang in the balance. There's lots of rumors flying, but not many solid facts. That's why you need to hear what Elizabeth Inman is saying in this episode. This Thursday and Saturday, Elizabeth Inman is conducting a FRE…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração---📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 6, 1 - 14.00:00 Louvor | Grandiosa Luz - Ir. Bakhita05:00 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique07:20 Rm 6, 1 - 14 | Meditação da Palavra 12…
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S4E4 - Wrestling Wish Granted!
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1:09:04Chris and Also Chris blind rate Mario characters, talk autograph dilemmas, offer up their wrestling wishes, and a whole lot more!
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Mes chers camarades, bien le bonjour ! Ah travailler en groupe, quelle galère ! Y’en a presque toujours un qui fait tout, un qui glande, l’autre qui prend les lauriers, et le quatrième qui fait que poser des questions… Mais malgré tout ça, l’union fait la force, et Vercingétorix l’a bien compris : c’est pour ça qu’il a fait un groupe, un très grand…
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In today's business landscape, environmental consciousness isn't just about doing good—it's becoming a business imperative. Deborah Fell interviews Harold Green, CEO of Global Emissionairy, a business leader who has blended entrepreneurship with environmental stewardship throughout his career. Starting from humble beginnings working at a country cl…
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Homily given by Fr Justin on Wednesday 26 February 2025. If you would you like to explore what’s on offer in our community, you can find some details here: Or you can contact us directly at [email protected] ABOUT US St Benedict’s is a vibrant Catholic Community based in Melbourne, Australia, and the spiritual home…
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In this week’s podcast, Host Dorothy Cociu discusses California Legislative Updates with Faith Borges, Legislative Advocate for the California Agents & Health Insurance Professionals (CAHIP). We discuss the relationship between the Trump Administration 2.0 with California and what impact the federal elections will have on California, California’s s…
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Diácono Eduardo Henrique, Fundador e Prior Geral do Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração | Partilha da Palavra | Seg a Sex às 08h00 | Instituto Beneditino Em Adoração 📖 Meditação da Carta de São Paulo aos Romanos 5, 12-21. 00:00 Louvor | Então Fala - Ir Bakhita (Mayara Gonçalves) 02:34 Introdução | Diácono Eduardo Henrique 06:37 Rm 5, 12- 21 | Meditaçã…
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In this episode of Risky Benefits, the hosts introduce Elizabeth Fire and Timree from BEXA and Allstate, respectively. They discuss a new partnership aimed at improving healthcare for women, particularly focusing on early detection of breast cancer. The episode highlights the functionality of BEXA's handheld technology, which addresses gaps in care…
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A Sermon by Andrew Colman based on Luke 6:27-39 Subscribe to the show wherever you listen to audio and recommend this episode to your friends. We invite you to rate us or write a review of what we are doing on Apple Podcasts. Reviews help others join the conversation. This podcast is created at saint benedict’s table, a congregation of the Anglican…
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Homily given by Fr Cam on Tuesday 25 February 2025. If you would you like to explore what’s on offer in our community, you can find some details here: Or you can contact us directly at [email protected] ABOUT US St Benedict’s is a vibrant Catholic Community based in Melbourne, Australia, and the spiritual home to p…
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Send us a text Conversations on all things benefits including trends, innovations, new technologies, and idea to help associations create more value for members, employees, and their families. Catch all the latest insights from the official podcast for the Concourse Benefits Platform, hosted by Marc Palud, one of the Co-Founders and Chief Marketing…
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Episode CXLVIII - Chronological Clone Wars - Hostage Crisis (122) and Hunt for Ziro (309)
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1:37:10These two episodes combine to make one really fun "gangster" arc, with gratuitous violence and some absolutely ridiculous scenes that could only work in Star Wars. We'd both forgotten how interesting these episodes are, and they conclude Season Three's first extended arc on a high point. Let's jump in! BECOME A PATRON:…
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We may be uncertain, but we still base our decisions on facts whenever we can! For the source sheet, look here: For other resources go to https://www.thedailymishnah.comΑπό τον Benedict Roth
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