A Network4 podcastcsalád hanganyagai.
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Founded and run by the one and only, Gilbert Arenas. LIVE T-W-Th 11:30PT/2:30 ET on YouTube. Beyond becoming one of the most unstoppable scorers of his era, Agent Zero is one of the most celebrated personalities the league has ever seen. Follow along for his insight, views on the game, and theories that will make you look at basketball (plus the world around it) differently… https://www.youtube.com/@GilsArena/
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Darrers podcast - Ràdio Arenys
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Through a comprehensive research and publication programme, ARENI exists to inform, inspire and empower those invested in the future of Fine Wine. Join us as we explore the Future of Fine Wine, in conversation with experts.
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Philosophische Streitgespräche, wissenschaftliche Kontroversen, die für gesellschaftspolitische Debatten sorgen und einladen, beim lauten Denken live dabei zu sein, wenn Positionen formuliert und vermeintlich Feststehendes durcheinandergewirbelt wird - ein Labor für diskursive Experimente.
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Short stories from Tina, as she discovers her life's passion and purpose through play.
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This is the podcast of Arena of Life Church in Amarillo, TX with Pastors Travis and Brandi Bennett. We believe our mission is to Make a Difference. We hope that you enjoy!
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Become a Paid Subscriber: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/geoffrey-arend/subscribe From the Dean of air cargo journalists off the cuff, right to the heart of the air cargo business. It's the past, present and future in conversations with Geoffrey Arend, Award Winning Editor & Publisher of Air Cargo News Flying Typers since 1975 .Geoffrey is the original Air Cargo News .Our publication was in business publishing monthly eight years before a publication of the same name, now owned by t ...
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This podcast offers close readings of Arendt’s books alongside engaging interviews and thought-provoking conversations in the spirit of Hannah Arendt, who thought loving the world means neither uncritical acceptance nor contemptuous rejection, but the unwavering facing up to and comprehension of that which is.
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Building Arensberg is the story of how Thomas and Catherine Arensberg have remodeled their homes while raising a family and starting a business.Thomas and Catherine share stories and insight into the construction projects they've tackled. How do I decide what to do first? What do I spend my money on? Should I hire someone or learn to do it myself? Catherine has the vision and Thomas makes it happen (usually).While working on these DIY projects, Thomas and Catherine are also raising 4 childre ...
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The Texas HS Football podcast, hosted by Taylor Arenz, is your home for all things Texas high school football, including news, game recaps, and interviews with high school players, coaches, and the people that make Texas high school football the sport we love! Get inside the huddle with the Texas HS Football Podcast!
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The Official Podcast of Arena Church, featuring the messages from our services in Ilkeston and Belper, Derbyshire and Mansfield and Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, UK, as well as our Online services. For more information about Arena Church, please visit our website at www.arenachurch.co.uk
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A podcast made to help people be more vulnerable in their ministry whether that be a sermon or just a conversation with a friend.
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Uma igreja baseada na Palavra de Deus, e não de homens. Que procura, mesmo com as suas imperfeições, ser referência na transformação e conversão de vidas por meio do poder do Evangelho. Formando homens e mulheres que amam a Cristo e a missão de espalhar as boas novas para todos.
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Los libros son nuestro puente a otros mundos y aquí esos puentes son infinitos.
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Irish podcast exploring what's happening in the world of arts, culture and entertainment. Listen live every weeknight on RTÉ Radio 1 from 7-8pm. Listen to individual clips at rte.ie/arena. Presented by Sean Rocks.
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Women in the Arena is the celebration of everyday women living extraordinary lives in plain sight. We seek to inspire, encourage and challenge you to reach for the great heights you're made for.
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Follow me as every other week I take you on a trip down the terrifying, ridiculous, hair-pullingly frustrating road of contemporary and social topics centered directly in the good old US of A
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Humans Aren't Robots is a series of conversations about what makes work—and life—more human. We chat with leaders, creators, and curious minds about how creativity and the creative process help shape modern business. No edits, just real talk about the ideas and practices that bring people and workplaces to life.
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Un espacio literario donde se encuentran todos los géneros y estilos.
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The Eyre sisters, mothers of 18 children ages 1-25 and daughters of best-selling parenting authors, share stories and discuss how growing up in an eccentric family has impacted their lives and their own parenting journeys.
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Who is this podcast for? It's for you if you: Lay awake at night wondering if your medical practice is doing well financially, or if you are concerned about your insurance contracts or your reimbursement, or if you worry about being embezzled. Do you want a big piece of new equipment, but are not sure it's a wise purchase, or do you shudder every time a financial question comes up? Join Jill Arena, CEO of Health e Practices and other healthcare industry experts as they demystify the business ...
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”The Arena Productions” audio podcasts offer a diverse range of content primarily focused on video games, game development, and the broader entertainment and pop culture spectrum, including TV shows and movies. // EXCLUSIVE shows on PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/TheArenaProductions?fan_landing=true&view_as=public // Find us on DISCORD: https://discord.gg/egbyVwEyXn //And Twitter/X: https://x.com/what_be_on_tap / @Expat_Creator / @BurlyMenGaming / @TurnBasedCarl / @fubu87 / @leathehatless ...
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Sunday Homilies and Theological Reflections with Fr. Josiah Trenham - Weekly homilies and theological reflections recorded from the amvon of St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, California. This podcast is sponsored by Patristic Nectar Publications, a publisher specializing in resources for Orthodox catechesis. We thank you for allowing us to be a part of your spiritual quest, and we hope that your listening experience is an edifying one.
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This is a podcast created by the students of Roman Catholic High School in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The students will discuss events, various topics, and interview people of influence. All of this is done from the perspective of the Roman students.
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Follow me as every other week we talk about a topic close to the heart of the nerd community and your (occasionally) humble host, William, and learn some of the weird and often pedantically complicated history of all your favorite nerd stuff.
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Interesting stories of the how and why entrepreneurs chose to make the bold move to create their own businesses and change their destiny.
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Are you a coach who's passionate about making a difference and building a thriving coaching business? Join Joanna Lott, a business mentor and ICF certified coach, as she shares practical and emotional tools to help you succeed in the coaching arena. In each weekly Thursday episode of The Women in the Coaching Arena Podcast, Joanna provides valuable insights and actionable advice on various topics, such as business strategy, marketing, mindset, energy and entrepreneurship. Whether you're just ...
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The U may be silent, but Staunton has a lot to say. Join Visit Staunton as we sit down with inspiring individuals at the top of their craft. We’re chatting about what drives their passion, the actions behind the impact, and a little about the place where they’re making it all happen.
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På arenaplay hittar du inspelningar från seminarium och konferenser som tankesmedjan Arena idé arrangerat. Samtalen baseras ofta på rapporter som tankesmedjan eller någon av tankesmedjans samarbetspartners publicerat. Rapporterna och mer information finns att läsa på arenaide.se.
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Üdvözöllek, Horváth Attila profit specialista vagyok és ez itt a PROFIT Arena, ahol beszélünk üzletről, vállalkozásról, pénzről, bevételről, célokról, nehézségekről, megoldásokról, sikerekről, no és persze a profitról. Az a célom, hogy vállalkozóként sikeresebb, elégedettebb és gazdagabb legyél. Tarts velem és valósítsuk meg az álmaidat.
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JP Arena
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What happens when the information you are given ISN’T the whole story? What happens when discussing a complex issue, you are the ONLY one going against the pack? My goal is to bring thoughtful and in-depth discussion to the table, both with interviews and my own commentary. ❤️ Open minds necessary, critical thinkers welcome.
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The Men in the Arena podcast equips Christian men in the stress bubble of life: married, with kids, building your career and trying to follow God while leading your family well. We'll help you become your best version, equipping you to honor God in your marriage, parenting, work, church and community! Tuesday's podcast is Equipping Men in Ten - a ten-minute, laser-focused teaching from Jim Ramos to help you become your best version of a man. Friday's podcast is a high-octane interview with a ...
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Welcome to The Growth Arena, a podcast where we explore personal growth, mindset, and happiness—together. I’m Kaan Celebi, your host and a fellow traveler on this journey of self-improvement. Each episode dives into what I’m learning about resilience, stoicism, and living a more fulfilling life, with practical insights, real stories, and meaningful conversations. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of family life, entrepreneurship, or just trying to thrive in the everyday grind, this po ...
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The official podcast of theNHLarena.com
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A Leeds United podcast that focuses on the statistical and tactical aspects of the game Support this show at http://supporter.acast.com/thegameoftheirlives Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/thegameoftheirlives. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Join the female leaders of The Women in the Arena— the podcast that adds charisma and inspiration to your week while guiding you to rediscover your purpose, reignite your motivation and resubscribe to the projects that make you feel high on life.
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This podcast features the debates and lectures of Dr. William Lane Craig.
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Subscribe for audible content to stay connected to the AMA Arenacross Championship presented by Kicker Performance Audio.
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Step into the world of relationships with award winning Relationship Therapist Ali Moore. As a therapist I am always curious about how relationships work, what types are out there and how people are navigating them. I’ll be sharing my insights into what comes up in sessions for couples and families and also talking to amazing guests involved in the world of relationships – perhaps as a support or living their relationships there way. Relationships are all around us – they impact our lives ev ...
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Wie können wir die Klimakrise bewältigen, ökologisch nachhaltig leben und die erneuerbare Energiezukunft vorantreiben? Mit dieser Frage beschäftigt sich oekostrom AG-Vorstand Ulrich Streibl in diesem Podcast. Jeden Monat spricht er in der Arena Wien mit jeweils einer/einem Gesprächspartner:in über neue Ideen und Lösungsansätze rund um Klimaschutz und Nachhaltigkeit. Die oekostrom AG setzt sich als Anbieterin und Produzentin von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energiequellen aktiv für eine ökologische ...
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FinTech is booming, revolutionizing financial services through innovation and accessibility. Each 30-minute episode delves into the transformative power of custom software development in the FinTech space, featuring industry leaders who share strategies, insights, and actionable advice.
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ArenaFan Online is the premier independent website dedicated to covering the Arena Football League (AFL) and af2. Our ArenaFanCasts include our radio show AFL Tonight, as well as direct content from The Expert Fan Adam Locascio. We will also post ArenaFan Interviews.
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Temps era temps del 8/3/2025
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1:00:00El Temps era temps va de comunicar-se amb els oients. Que la gent demani les cançons de la seva vida i es transporti a altres èpoques. Amb Rosa Munne i els seus col·laboradors. Els dissabtes de 10:00 a 12:00h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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A primera plana del 8/3/2025
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1:00:00Es un programa que tracta temes d'actualitat que principalment han estat notícia durant la setmana. On hi participen tertulians que en algunes ocasions algun comptem amb algun especialista de primer nivell dels temes que tractem. En un format fresc cercant la màxima pluralitat i llibertat de càtedra de tots els participants. podcast recorded with e…
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Arenberg Podcast #16 パリ〜ブレスト〜パリが舞台の小説「アレアレ!」誕生秘話 パリュスあや子(作家)
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1:15:38人文系サイクリングニュースレターArenbergがお届けするポッドキャストシリーズ。今回は2月に小説「アレアレ!」(講談社)を上梓された小説家のパリュスあや子さんをゲストにお招きし、パリ〜ブレスト〜パリを題材したこの作品や、2023年大会の現地取材の思い出などを話しました。実は大学の同級生というArenberg主筆の小俣雄風太がホストします。 サイクリングの話題を「ある視点」から広く取り扱う不定期配信の人文系サイクリングニュースレターArenbergをぜひご購読ください。イベント情報や、ポッドキャスト最新回の配信をお知らせします。 Arenberg Podcast #16 Topics ゲスト:パリュスあや子さん 新刊「アレアレ!」(Amazon) パリ〜ブレスト〜パリを知ったのはミシュラン…
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Coblejant del 8/3/2025
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1:00:00Programa de sardanes i música per a cobla que fusiona la part més tradicional de la cultura popular amb el dinamisme d’una producció jove i desenfadada. Fet per Radio Calella Televisió, amb Queralt Pedemonte. Els dissabtes a les 8:00h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Església viva del 8/3/2025
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1:00:00Magazine setmanal de 30 minuts de durada amb reportatges i entrevistes d'actualitat cristiana, social i humana. Presentat per Àngel Rodríguez Vilagran. Els dissabtes a les 7:30h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Let's be friends! Mark your calendars for March 12th! Women in the Arena returns with an explosive Season 8 that promises to transform how you approach your professional and personal development journey. As your host, I'm bringing you unprecedented access to the most influential female leaders of our time who are ready to pull back the curtain on t…
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La Taverna del Faune del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00A la Taverna del Faune trobaràs cada setmana una selecció feta pel Faune dels millors grups de tots els temps i de totes les variants del hevy metal amb la participació del taverner que ens dona informació d'aquestes bandes. Dirigit i produït per David Alba. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Fraktionsspitzen zur Weltlage und zur Bundesratswahl
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1:22:54Die jüngsten Ereignisse im Konflikt zwischen den USA und Europa lassen auch die Schweiz nicht kalt. Wie soll sie sich positionieren? Gleichzeitig steht am 12. März ein innenpolitisches Grossereignis an: Das Parlament wählt einen neuen Bundesrat. In der «Arena» beziehen die Fraktionsspitzen Stellung. Seit Amtsantritt des US-Präsidenten Donald Trump …
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Nit vuitantera del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Programa que repassa els millors èxits musicals dels setanta i vuitanta, de tots els estils i ritmes. Presentat per Joan Garcia. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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TV Reviews - Album ReviewsΑπό τον RTÉ Radio 1
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Sinera amb misteri del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Vivim en un món complex on cada vegada sorgeixen nous misteris i enigmes, i experiències viscudes a les que no som capaços de donar resposta. Els divendres a les 21:00h, amb Joan Sintas i Sergio Sánchez. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Arenys en joc del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Programa esportiu bisetmanal amb les notícies més destacades, els resultats, les prèvies, reportatgesin entrevistes als esportistes de la vila. Amb Elisabet Cassà i Carles Toribio. Els dilluns i els divendres de 20:00 a 21:00h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Arena Church Belper 2nd March 2025Από τον Arena Church
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Instifonies del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Programa presentat i realitzat pels alumnes de l'Institut Els Tres Turons d'Arenys de Mar en el que hi trobareu actualitat, entrevistes, debats interessants i moltes coses més! podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Από τον Inforádió
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Από τον Inforádió
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Dr. Craig receives thoughtful questions from Reasonable Faith chapter directors around the world.Από τον Dr. William Lane Craig
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Arran de mar del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Un programa que parla de litoral, terra i mar, fet des de Ràdio Arenys, Tarragona Ràdio, Canal Blau FM, La Cala Ràdio, Delta.cat, Ràdio L’Escala, i Ona Malgrat) i amb coproducció de La Xarxa. De dilluns a divendres, de 16:00 a 18:00h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Ànimes del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Ànimes es un espai de relats, de poesia i de música. Un espai per endinsar-nos dins del cor. Un programa dirigit i presentat per Josep Torrents, amb la col·laboració de la Pi Milian i en Josep Maria Asensio. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Sendes del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Un programa dedicat a l’excursionisme, el senderisme i els viatges. Jaume Monés presenta Sendes, una producció de Ràdio Martorell per a La Xarxa de Comunicació Local. Els divendres a les 15:00h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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En joc (esports en xarxa) del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00L'espai de referència dels esports arrelats al territori, tant professional com amateur, i sense distinció de gènere. Connexions en directe, entrevistes, cròniques, reportatges i tota l'actualitat dels equips i esportistes de casa nostra. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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In this bonus episode recorded in collaboration with Radio Kingston, we share a preview of our spring conference on Hannah Arendt and Black Revolutionary Thought, organized by Jess Feldman, where Neil Roberts will give the 3rd annual DeGruyter-Arendt Center keynote lecture on March 27th at Bard College. The lecture is open to the public, and global…
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Informatiu migdia del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Tota l'actualitat d'Arenys de Mar i el més destacat del Maresme. De dilluns a divendres, a les 13:00h, amb Gemma Roig. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Ah i ara què? del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Ah... I ara què? parla amb diverses persones dels canvis durant la vida: ser pare o mare, trobar una nova feina... Presentat per Carme Fonts. Els divendres a les 12:30, cada 15 dies. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Corpresos del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00Un espai desenfadat en que es repassa l'actualitat del món del cor a través de les portades de les principals revistes. Amb Mar Sànchez i Joan Bosch. Els divendres a les 12:00h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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La Ràdio del 7/3/2025
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1:00:00El magazine matinal de Ràdio Arenys, presentat per Josep Maria Cano. Informació, entreteniment, participació i molta proximitat. De dilluns a divendres, de 10:00 a 12:00h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Men, are you ready to step up and protect your wife and daughters, while standing strong against the world’s distorted messages? God calls us to be protectors, leaders, and to walk boldly in His truth! In this week’s interview, Jim Ramos talks to Cynthia Garrett, author of ‘The Naked Truth: Reclaiming Sexual Freedom in a Culture of Lies’. Cynthia i…
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Join Adam Elliott, Martin Riley & Dan Holdsworth for our preview of the upcoming game against Portsmouth FC at Fratton Park Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/thegameoftheirlives. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Gil's Arena BATTLES Over Their Top 5 Active Point Guards
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2:41:24Gil's Arena BATTLES Over Their Top 5 Active NBA Point Guards as Gilbert Arenas & The Gil's Arena Crew react to Kendrick Perkins' insane list of his top 5 current NBA PG's consisting of Shai Gilgeous-Alexander, Jalen Brunson, Steph Curry, Luka Doncic and Cade Cunningham and get into a HOSTILE debate over their personal rankings. They then react to G…
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Film reviews - Lisdoon-Nirvana - The Naming of the BirdsΑπό τον RTÉ Radio 1
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Programes especials del 6/3/2025: Premis Enderrock 2025
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1:00:00Programes especials emesos per Ràdio Arenys. Festes Majors. Eleccions municipals, catalanes, estatals i europees. Concerts en directe. Entregues de premis... podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Tot ens va bé del 6/3/2025
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1:00:00Música i cançons de teatre musical d'ahir, d'avui i de sempre. Il·lusió, diversió, emoció, entreteniment i molt d'espectacle. Amb Jordi Serra. Els dijous, excepte si hi ha ple municipal, a les 21:00h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Pluja d'estels del 6/3/2025
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1:00:00Pluja d'estels, música i poesia, amb Assumpta Vitòria. Els dijous a les 20:00h. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Hortobágyi Cirill katolikus pap, bencés szerzetes, pannonhalmi főapát és Dobszay Benedek ferences szerzetes, az Emberi Méltóság Stratégia szakmai vezetője
Από τον Inforádió
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Send us a text It is the Texas HS Football Podcast with Taylor Arenz 100th Episode and she couldn’t be more excited and proud to hit this milestone. Back in the summer of 2022, Host Taylor Arenz started this podcast with a simple goal: to shine a spotlight on the incredible athletes and coaches that make Texas high school football so special. Her v…
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What does the wine trade need to become more profitable? At the very moment that everything is changing, it is important to take some time to evaluate professional wine education. Is it fit for purpose? How could a revised professional wine education answer some of our industry’s crucial issues? Pauline Vicard and Felicity Carter present Areni's la…
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En esta semana de la mujer queremos hablar de tres mujeres de nuestro pasado que abrieron tantas puertas a la mujeres futuras. Hablamos de María Moliner una gran mujer que realizó una labor titánica: escribir un Diccionario de uso del español. También de Carmen de Burgos la primera periodista profesional en España y primera corresponsal de guerra, …
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In today's episode of Women in the Coaching Arena, host Jo Lott welcomes special guest Teresa Wilson, a Coach and Shadow Work Specialist. Together, they explore the transformative power of shadow work. If you're a coach who struggles with self-judgment, constantly labeling your sessions as "good" or "bad," or feeling stuck in repetitive patterns, t…
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The Arena Podcast is the flagship of Patristic Nectar Publications. It contains the Sunday Sermons and other theological reflections by Father Josiah Trenham delivered from the ambon of St. Andrew Church in Riverside, California, and begun in 2010. There are more than 600 sermons and lectures covering ten years of preaching through the liturgical c…
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LeBron James' 40 Year Old Prime FIRES UP Gil's Arena!!
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2:33:02LeBron James' 50K Points Sparks A Gil's Arena Celebration as Gilbert Arenas &. The Gil's Arena Crew react to LeBron James beating father time once again by becoming the first player to ever score 50,000 points in their NBA Career and break down how King James' greatness is at an all time high following the Los Angeles Lakers' decision to draft Bron…
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Join us this week on this poorly veiled episode about the state of the world as we discuss unions and labor rights! Socials: Twitter YouTube Send me an email at [email protected]! Assets Credits: Ethan Hodge (https://twitter.com/EthanHodge20) Karrie Johnson (https://twitter.com/Karrie_00) Thank you Mihai Sorohan for trumpets in the intro, stinge…
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Joseph O'Connor - IMLÉ - Begin AnywhereΑπό τον RTÉ Radio 1
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QUICK HIT (3 Min): Becoming a Disciplined Man: Make Decisions Against Yourself – Dialed In Man of God EP 823
Do you need self-discipline? Jesus is the ultimate disciplined man! In this equipping episode, Jim Ramos teaches you about becoming a Disciplined man like Jesus, and what the Bible says self-discipline in the life of a godly Christian man looks like, pulling from Titus and 1 Timothy. The Dialed In man of God is a disciplined man. If that’s not you …
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Tóth István György, a TÁRKI Társadalomkutatási Intézet vezérigazgatója és Medgyesi Márton, a TÁRKI vezető kutatója
Από τον Inforádió
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Kyrie Irving's DEVASTATING Injury STUNS Gil's Arena
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2:39:34Kyrie Irving's DEVASTATING Injury STUNS Gil's Arena as Gilbert Arenas & The Gil's Arena Crew react to Kyrie Irving going down for the season with a Torn ACL and get real on the terrible luck that has cursed the Dallas Mavericks since the Luka Doncic trade, forcing them to make a push for playoffs without key stars Kyrie Irving and Anthony Davis. Th…
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Arra ugyan lehetett számítani, hogy Marc Marquezról szólhat a szezonnyitó thai hétvége, de ilyen szintű dominanciára talán senki nem számított. A nyolcszoros világbajnok játszadozott az egész mezőnnyel Pecco Bagnaiástul, Alex Marquezestül. Utóbbi viszont abszolút második erő volt egész hétvégén, így a MotoGP történetének első tesós 1-2-jét hozták M…
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Donate Easily: Text "PNP" to 53-555 to make a quick tax-deductible donation from your phone. | Links | NEW THEOLOGICAL LECTURE! Churchmanship: Learning to be a Faithful Parishioner https://app.patristicnectar.org/discover/churchmanship TICKETS ON SALE NOW! 2025 Spring Conference: Repentance Bishop Irenei & Father Alexis Torrance www.conference.patr…
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Julie Delpy - Twist by Colum McCann - The HaircutΑπό τον RTÉ Radio 1
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Seba shares her powerful journey of discovering that joy is an internal experience, even through profound loss, and how it shaped her approach to life, creativity, and branding. Find Seba online: https://www.designrepublicstudio.com/ https://instagram.com/designrepublic_ ---- TIMESTAMPS 00:00 - Welcome to Tina’s Arena 01:39 - Choosing Joy, Even in …
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