Bebas ngobrolin apa aja lah
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Welcome to the amirhoein podcast, where amazing things happen.
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An NBA Show hosted by basketball super fan Amir Blumenfeld. Each episode will include Amir and a friend discussing all things hoops--from way downtown Los Angeles.
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Where amazing things happen.
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This is my first podcast, please have fun listening and give feedback :)
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studi epidemiologi
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Comparison of American Football and rugby league Cover art photo provided by Kristina Kashtanova on Unsplash:
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Cerita kami dan kerja kami Cover art photo provided by JFL on Unsplash:
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Amir objects
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Testing out Anchor
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Discussing topics around content marketing, social media, generating side income online and more.
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I recite Qur'an!
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G FFS ah LCD back f flash h retrofit r too
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Empowerment of women, the LGBT+ community, sex/sex work and THE TWERK TIME!!
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Hi my name is Amir Hafizuddin//26/6/2006//Brawl Stars Player//Loading...
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Podcast by AmirHayek
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Welcome to the فیزیولوژی podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash:
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I gather interesting talks on YouTube, convert to audio, and add them here. Cover art photo provided by Anton Darius | @theSollers on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the Amir Moussavi podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Pembicaraan seorang yang gak tau mau jadi apa tapi lagi menggeluti di dunia kopi please feel free to follow my instagram @amerlading
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Welcome to the Amir Adel podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Predavanja sa YouTube kanala mr. Amira I. Smajića Profesora možete pratiti putem Facebooka ili Viber zajednice. Facebook: Viber: Youtube:
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Welcome to the amir rana podcast, where amazing things happen.
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My name is Amire. I post podcast about life situations and how to deal with them I am new to this podcast thing but be alert because I have a lot to share with you guys so stay tuned. Much love and happiness. - Amire
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All about Music,Lifestyle,Entertainment and everything in general
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We will be interviewing people from all walks of life and share their experiences to success and cover some topics that will sure spark emotion in you.
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„Wahrheit ohne Pflicht“ ist der neue Podcast mit Negah Amiri. Sie redet ohne Tabus und ohne Filter über Themen wie z.B. Beziehungen, Selbstfindung und Empowerment. Jede Woche mit einer inspirierenden Frau! Micaela Schäfer, Cecilia Asoro, Nicolette Fountaris und auch Frauen ohne große Reichweite bekomme bei uns eine Stimme. Respektvoller Girlstalk halt!
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I Am Amiri. Sharing my thoughts about Love, Life, Money, Health, Food, a little bit of Everything. I love art, cooking, architecture, beautiful, places, and spaces. Just learning about life and all the speed bumps that come with it.
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Welcome to amirAshoja Audio Journey... let’s learn together. به سفر صوتی با امیر شجاع خوش آمدید...با هم یاد بگیریم
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Every two weeks, one hour of DJ set with House, Electro and Progressive tunes of the moment mixed by Amir Prynce
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Hey guys my name is Amir Ings and this is my first ever podcast
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Unveiled with Abu Amir 😎 #StraightTalkNoChaser #Raw #Uncut #Unedited #ISeeTheVision #HushTruth #SkysThLimit #UNVEILED #Podcast #LateNights #Working #BuildingABrand #LinkInTheBio #Spotify #iHeartRadio #Pandora #YouTube #GoogleMusic #AppleMusic #iTunes #Sticher #Spreaker
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Sharing our thoughts on everything from Parenting to Religion to Education
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Welcome to our podcast channel dedicated to the latest expansion of World of Warcraft: Dragonflight! Dive into a world of dragons, new adventures, and epic battles as we explore every corner of this thrilling new chapter in the WoW universe. Each episode offers in-depth analysis, strategies, and tips for both beginners and veteran players. From mastering new classes to conquering challenging raids like Amirdrassil, our experienced hosts share insights and secrets. ...
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ڈاکٹر امیر جعفری نے ڈاکٹورل کام یونیورسٹی آف اوکلاحوما میں ریٹورک ( علم الکلام ) میں کیا تھا . لیکن اِس سے پہلے نیو یورک کے ایچ بی اسٹوڈیو میں تھیٹر کے کام میں مشغول رہے قریب تیس برس سے ڈاکٹر جعفری امریکہ اور پاکستان کی متعد یونیورسٹیز میں درس و تدریس سے منسلک رہے ہیں
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Podcast by Our Marriage-Journey w/Shannon & Amiri
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Salaam💕 I'm all about entrepreneurship and helping online startups to open. I've started a small business of my own where I create startup resources, social media content and email-based consulting. On this channel, be prepared to learn more info about startup ideas, marketing and motivation to love and stay in your business. I’ve also started a small trucking business with my husband so I’ll drop some info on that as well👍🏽 I appreciate all of your support. Well wishes, Shante🥰 Cover art ph ...
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Connecting you to some of the best minds in the world of business, entrepreneurship, leadership, personal development and technology. Learn from these authors or thought leaders in helping you take your business and life to the next level. The podcasts are recorded by Amir Anzur who simply gets the greatest minds so that you can learn from them and their experience.
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I'm Amir Fazeli, the founder of Adonis Athletics, a Masters degree holder in Sport Science (Sports Performance), business lover, world champion powerlifter and combat sport athlete. On my podcasts I will be talking to a wide range of interesting guests covering anything from strength & conditioning and training to business and life success aswell as the mindset it takes to crush it in life and get after it...not to mention general chats and shenanigans. Please rate the podcast and smash that ...
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PT. Amir Hajar Kilsi merupakan perusahaan pertambangan andesit bersama hasil tambang bersifat bahan galian industri batu andesit. Sistem penambangan andesit gunakan tambang terbuka bersama metode penambangan quarry.
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I den här podden tar Brita Zackari och Parisa Amiri ett tag om veckan som gått. Populärkulturella frågor står i fokus men det blir även inslag av politik, nyheter och andra viktigheter i livet. Nytt avsnitt varje fredag! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Josh and Amir, two driven young college students, explore many different perspectives and elements of life. Amir is a pursing a degree in philosophy while minoring in political science. He skates, modifies cars, and enjoys reading to learn and develop his perspective on things. Josh is a drummer, songwriter/composer, and multi-instrumentalist, he is pursuing a degree in English and studying for his philosophy and business minor. Together Josh & Amir have a passion for understanding new persp ...
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Well, the Lakers finally did it: They landed a superstar. Here we are the morning after to disuss how it happened, why it happened -- and more importantly, why the Utah Jazz were involved at all. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at…
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TW: Ab Minute 31:18 - 35:50 wird über Kalorienzählen und Essstörungen gesprochen. "Jaha, das kann ich noch gerne machen!" (Eigentlich ertrinkst du in Arbeit). Typischer People-Pleaser Satz. Negah und Maren Schiller sprechen darüber, wie es sich anfühlt, nie wirklich "Nein" sagen zu können - und welche Konsequenzen das mit sich bringt. Dazu gibt’s n…
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Spicy Stories & Real Talk: Negah erzählt vom Drama mit ihrem Ex, der im Knast saß und sie betrogen hat. Welche Verbindungen hat Sandra noch zu Berlin - Tag & Nacht, und ist sie mit Onkel D verwandt? Dazu: Negahs peinlichster Waxing-Fail, der TikTok-Trend #WomanInMaleFields und ehrliche Einblicke, wie es ist, eine Schönheits-OP zu bereuen. Wir freue…
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Sarah Engels und Negah packen über ihre weirdesten Angewohnheiten aus, erzählen, warum Sarah mal an der Kasse ohne einen Cent in der Tasche stehen gelassen wurde und wieso Cycling-Kurse für beide fast schon eine Obsession ist. Außerdem gibt's ehrliche Worte zu einem Thema, das oft verschwiegen wird: Wie sich der Körper nach der Schwangerschaft wirk…
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One month into the basketball season and we are already pleasantly surprised with some teams, cautiously disappointed with others -- and everything in between. Let's talk about it! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at…
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Wie ist es, ein Popstar zu sein? Zu Gast ist Bahar Kızıl, ehemaliges Monrose-Mitglied. Sie spricht über das Leben in der Girlgroup, ihre Solokarriere - und ob ein Comeback möglich ist. In dieser Folge wird es wild: Von weirden Fotografen und im Schlaf französisch sprechen, obwohl man es gar nicht kann bis zu der verrückten Story, warum Negah fast e…
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"Omg, ist das nicht die Freundin vom Bachelor?" - genau diesen Satz hört Jenny Köpper oft. Sie ist zum ersten Mal Gästin in einem Podcast und spricht mit Negah darüber, wie es ist, mit solchen Sätzen konfrontiert zu sein und zeigt uns, was sie viel mehr ausmacht und welche tolle Persönlichkeit hinter dem "Freundin-Status" steckt. Außerdem exposen s…
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Viel Tiefe UND lockerer Girlstalk: peinliche Dating-Fails, alte Jugendlieben und warum Feiern ab 11:00 Uhr morgens einfach besser ist! Aber es geht auch um die ernste Frage, wie es ist, im falschen Körper geboren zu werden. Nicolette Fountaris aka Vlogt, hat einen inspirierenden Werdegang hinter sich und öffnet sich Negah über die Höhen und Tiefen …
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„Für eine FRAU bist du aber ganz schön durchsetzungsfähig!“ Solche Kommentare sind im Berufsalltag nach wie vor verbreitet. Oder der Klassiker: "Das ist doch Männersache!" Doch wie geht man mit solchen Äußerungen um und behauptet sich in einer immer noch männerdominierten Welt? Negah und ihre Gästin Tijen Onaran haben all das selbst erlebt und wiss…
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Wo kommst du denn her? Die absolute No-Go-Frage für Menschen, die nicht typisch deutsch aussehen. Hier geboren und trotzdem ist Deutschland kein richtiges Zuhause. Denn die anderen geben einem immer noch das Gefühl, nicht dazu zu gehören. Dabei kann die gegenseitige Inspiration so viel Gutes hervorbringen. Beispiel: Ohne die Einflüsse von außen wär…
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"Du hast Periodenschmerzen? Da hilft Sex!" Stimmt das wirklich oder ist das nur einer der zahlreichen Mythen, die es rund um die Periode gibt? Negah geht gemeinsam mit der Zyklus-Coachin und zweifachen Buchautorin Jessica Roch der Frage nach, was PMS eigentlich bedeutet, welche hilfreichen Tipps es für die Zeit während der Periode gibt und welche M…
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In dieser Folge geht’s um die große Frage: Was ist denn eigentlich "schön"? Negah und Leila Lowfire sprechen darüber, wie Social Media und unser Umfeld unser Bild von Schönheit beeinflussen und wie sehr die Modeindustrie dazu beiträgt, dass wir uns nicht schön finden. Wir freuen uns über eure Gedanken und Meinungen zu dieser Folge! Instagram: Negah…
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2024-25 Over Under Draft!
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1:11:06We are back! And we are drafting our favorite Over/Under bets from this upcoming NBA Season. A tradition unlike any other. Who will win? Who will lose? And most importantly: Who dare takes the Wizards over 20.5 wins? See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at…
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Alleinerziehend in Deutschland ist gerade für junge Mütter eine riesengroße Herausforderung. Das Geld ist knapp, Anträge bei Behörden bleiben oft liegen, eine gute Kita mit flexiblen Öffnungszeiten zu finden, ist so wahrscheinlich wie ein Lottogewinn. All diese Hürden allein nehmen zu müssen, ist doppelt schwer. Wie das trotzdem geht, ohne sich sel…
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Warum ist es clever, beim Sex im TV auf eine Decke zu verzichten? Sind diese Szenen wirklich echt? Reality-Star Cecilia Asoro hat die Antworten! Bevor sie aber ins Rampenlicht des Reality-TV trat, arbeitete sie als Pflegerin und jonglierte eine Zeit lang beide Karrieren. Bekannt aus Formaten wie „Der Bachelor“, „Prominent getrennt“, „Germany's Next…
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Lass mal reich werden Schwester!
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1:03:09Wie kann man trotz steigender Preise und wirtschaftlicher Unsicherheiten sparen und investieren, um seine finanziellen Träume zu erfüllen, selbst wenn man nicht zu den großen Top-Verdienerinnen gehört? Micaela Schäfer, bekannt aus Germany‘s Next Topmodel und dem Dschungelcamp, gibt Einblicke in ihre persönlichen Spar- und Investitionstipps und räum…
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Wer kennt das nicht? Der Alltag holt einen ein: Klausuren, Arbeit, Haushalt ... der ewige Kreislauf. Allein beim Gedanken daran wird man sofort wieder urlaubsreif! Negah und Maria Clara Groppler fühlen das voll und teilen in dieser Folge ihre persönlichen Urlaubserfahrungen. Urlaub macht aber vor allem dann Spaß, wenn man nicht sein halbes Vermögen…
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Er Frauenheld, sie Schlampe?!
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1:01:46In dieser Folge sprechen Negah und ihre Gästin Carina Blumenau darüber, warum Frauen immer noch anders bewertet werden, wenn´s um Sexy-Time geht. Wieso werden attraktive Boys für sexuelle Erfahrungen gefeiert, während Girls oft als Schlampen bezeichnet werden? Erfahrt, wie Carina mit diesen Vorurteilen umgeht und warum sie so offen über Dating und …
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"Wahrheit ohne Pflicht“ ist der neue Podcast mit Negah Amiri. Sie redet ohne Tabus und ohne Filter über Themen wie z.B. Beziehungen, Selbstfindung und Empowerment. Jede Woche begrüßt sie eine tolle Frau und fasst Themen mit viel Witz und Humor an, bei denen es Redebedarf gibt.
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Black women should be safe in their own homes. Black women should be safe in this country. I am praying for Sonya's family and loved ones. Twitter... Body-camera footage showing the fatal police shooting of Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman who had called 911 for help, was released Monday in a case that has led to murder charges against a dep…
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Change is needed. Action Steps. Support the showΑπό τον Amiri
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What Makes a Bad Roommate? Is an Habitual Borrower Is Pushy and Too Personal Doesn't Do the Dishes Is Disrespectful and Not Courteous Written by Sarah Casimong 13 June, 2017 Coming home to a bad roommate is the last thing you want to do after a long day. Sharing a living space with another person -- whether with a friend or a stranger -- means that…
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Gun Violence In Kansas City Missouri ‘Bright light:’ 6th grader remembered Real Talk With Amiri
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (KCTV) - A Kansas City school is grieving the death of an 11-year-old girl as the community calls for answers. Police said someone shot and killed Kourtney Freeman just before 10 p.m. Wednesday, April 10. Investigators said she was inside her home near 33rd St. and Flora Ave. when gunfire from outside hit her. The sixth grader atte…
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It's the most wonderful time of the year: Eight teams enter, but only four survive. Should the Lakers tank? Should the Warriors win? We talk about it-- and who is most likely to upset their opponent in the first round. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at…
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Unmasked Fame & Fortune. We will delve into the dark side of fame and fortune, and explore the question: why do celebrities and musicians often become corrupt people? Support the showΑπό τον Amiri
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One area where we may be falling short is teaching resilience. In a society that puts a premium on success and achievement, it's easy for children to feel pressured to be perfect all the time. But the truth is, failure is a natural part of life. We need to teach our children how to bounce back from setbacks, how to persevere in the face of adversit…
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SAMHSA’s National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders. 1-800-662-HELP (4357) Help in Missouri Our Modern Facility Has Everything You Need. Grand Falls is centrally located in Joplin, Missou…
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We're back in the zoom room discussing the Lakers, the Warriors, and other teams that could actually win the NBA championship. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Alabama mother Mahogany Jackson was found shot in the back of the head on Feb. 26 by the side of a road in a remote area in Birmingham, Alabama, hours after she texted her mother saying that she had been kidnapped and asking for help, according to the Birmingham Police Department. Now six of the eight suspects charged in connection to the kidnappin…
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Are Black Women Raising All The Killers? Because a large percentage of Black Men are not in the homes. So whose fault is it? Support the showΑπό τον Amiri
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Is the gun really the issue? Or is it who is holding the gun? Homicide Updated on 04/19/2018 n. the killing of one person by another person. In a legal context, homicide is often subdivided into excusable homicide (as in self-defense or resulting from an accident), justifiable homicide (as in carrying out a death sentence), and felonious homicide (…
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Rapper Chrisean Rock was sued Tuesday for allegedly assaulting a man backstage at a Los Angeles show, then using a homophobic slur, according to court papers reviewed by The Times. The rapper, whose real name is Chrisean Malone, was sued in Los Angeles Superior Court on Tuesday after she was accused of punching a man in the face, breaking two of hi…
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How To Become Unstoppable
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1:25:12You want to earn more money, have better relationships, feel good about yourself and your own life? You want to become unstoppable? Paul Mort ( is the UK's leading coach that helps people get these outcomes. In this insightful interview, he shares his secrets from coaching tens of thousands of men and women on how to lead a …
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The Entertainment Industry is a Circus Surviving remaining alive, especially after the death of another or others: "there were no surviving relatives" continuing to exist; remaining intact: "surviving correspondence alludes to his aristocratic lifestyle" Support the showΑπό τον Amiri
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Said or written to a person who is celebrating his or her birthday in order to convey the good wishes of the speaker or writer (literally, "may you have a happy birthday") When Stuart entered the room, everybody yelled, "Happy birthday!" Support the showΑπό τον Amiri
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Awesome Interview with Katt Williams on Club Shay Shay Youtube 39,718,213 views Premiered Jan 3, 2024 Full Episodes | CLUB SHAY SHAY #ClubShayShay #kattwilliams #comedy Support the showΑπό τον Amiri
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In this podcast episode, we discuss how to effectively complete the Amirdrassil raid in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. The Amirdrassil raid is unique and requires specific strategy and preparation. We will cover key points that will help players successfully tackle this challenge. First and for…
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The term "two-faced" refers to someone who is insincere, dishonest, and hypocritical12345. This person may act one way in certain situations and then act in a contrary manner in others1. They may also say unpleasant things about someone behind their back while seeming pleasant to their face5. The term is often used to describe people who are good a…
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Evil is a broad concept that refers to the opposite or absence of good. It is often used to describe morally reprehensible, sinful, or wicked actions or intentions. Evil can also mean harmful, detrimental, or disastrous for oneself or others. Evil can be seen as a force, a quality, or a result of bad conduct or character. Support the show…
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We're back in the zoom room and talking all about the World Championships of Pre-Xmas Basketball: The Lakers. Also the Pistons, the Wolves, the Grizzlies, the Magic and a few other teams that have caught our eye. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at…
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Making weight is a challenge that many athletes face, specially in sports like powerlifting, weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, and MMA. It can be tempting to resort to drastic measures like dehydration, starvation, or laxatives, but these can have serious consequences for your health and performance. In this episode, I will share some strategies th…
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The people-pleaser may have traits that include: Low self-worth Accommodates everyone else’s needs Undermines her own needs Goes with the flow that’s dictated by others Is too agreeable, in general Does not assert themselves Rarely says no Feels valuable when complying with others Values praise from others Says sorry, when no apology is required Ta…
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Sport psychology is absolutely one of my passions and something I think that is HEAVILY misunderstood and underutilised by basically every single athlete...even the ones who think they pay attention to it.In this episode I talk about my first BJJ competition on the weekend and the steps I took and have been taking over the last handful of years tha…
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Some teams have great vibes, other's terrible vibes. We go over them all (and more!) on our ten game check-in. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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The carnivore diet is a controversial eating plan that consists of only animal products, such as meat, eggs, cheese, and butter. More athletes have adopted this way of eating lately claiming this diet can improve their health, weight loss. One thing athletes (specially combat athletes) do notice though is a significant drop in performance during hi…
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If you are a personal trainer, you might think that the best way to get more clients is to constantly look for who to 'close' next on the gym floor. However, this can backfire and make you seem needy, desperate, and weird. Instead of chasing potential customers (and scaring them away), you need to learn how to attract them by changing your mindset …
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Entitled First Dates Real Talk With Amiri Podcast Special Guest Afreca AJ Talynthia
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1:03:20Places that some women don't want to go on a first date.... Here’s the full list: Cheesecake Factory Applebee’s Chili’s Chipotle Olive Garden The Movies Your House Any Fast Food Chain Buffalo Wild Wings Wingstop Red Lobster A buffet IHOP Denny’s The gym Church Starbucks Coffee dates Ice cream dates Family functions Movie night (Netflix, Hulu, and e…
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In this episode, we're diving deep into a vital aspect of combat sports that's often misunderstood - the difference between being "fit" and being truly "conditioned" as a fighter. Buckle up as we unravel the secrets of how fighters need more than just raw fitness. Conditioning means mastering the art of moving efficiently even when fatigue sets in,…
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We're challenging the conventional belief that athletes must always feel fantastic to perform at their best. You'll discover the powerful art of dissociating your feelings from your performance. You should still be able to unlock peak performance, maintaining consistency, and achieving your goals, no matter how you feel when you turn up to training…
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Charis Santillie went through a family tragedy when she was 19 years old and her father became a quadriplegic and needed the family to look after him.She drove herself into becoming a workaholic and coping with it in her own ways over the years. It wasn't until she received coaching that her life really got better and she understood the patterns in…
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