Christ Church exists to glorify God by building a community of Spirit-filled disciples living on gospel mission.
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Hey Witches! I am a hellenistic Astrology student, beginner lunar gardener and long time witch. Listen along and join me as we learn how to navigate this divine world together. Let's grow this community of empowered and magical women!
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Welcome to the online sermons of Mt. Airy Baptist Church. Visit us online at
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Check out this new way of listening to gospel with Android and OSi with Soundcloud: Follow us at "Pastor Dr. David J Brady" & iTunes - Follow Pastor Dr. David Brady (Christ Community Church of Mount Airy) for the latest sermons provided from the churches website Subscribe to our iTunes for the Latest Sermons…/christ-community-ch…/id867438161… May you have a blessed day.
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How can we stand firm in life’s trials? Suffering is real, yet in Christ, we find deep, abiding joy, knowing He is always with us. Rejecting despair, we rely on God’s power, standing boldly through prayer and the Spirit to honor Christ with unwavering faith.
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We are called to forgive one another as the Lord has forgiven us, delivering us from darkness into the light. Reconciled and filled with the Word of Christ, we build one another up with singing, teaching, and admonishing.
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If we follow the wrong examples, we stray from God and lose our way. Fear not—Christ’s followers will suffer, but He remains faithful. Stay rooted in His Word—parents, faithfully teach and live out His truth.
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God calls us to bear the struggles of the weak, please others to build them up, and welcome them into our hearts—just as Christ has welcomed us. To do this we draw endurance and encouragement from Scripture and the example of Christ Himself and by living in unity for God’s glory.
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Jesus knew His time had come to suffer and die to atone for the sin of all nations. His sacrifice revealed God’s glory, love, justice and power. Without the cross there is no salvation, no mission, and no hope for the world.
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Truth is who God is and love is acting in obedience to His truth. The more truth is in you, the more you will love God and love one another in the way Jesus commands.
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In light of what God has done for us, He wants and motivates us to grow in our relationships with one another. We may love freely because He loves and forgives us.
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Trouble can bring us closer to God and help us remember Him. When we cry out to Him, He delivers us, deepening our relationship and renewing our gratitude for His steadfast love.
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Through the power of the Holy Spirit, our hearts are transformed to image Christ and we are freed from the bondage of sin. As we grow in faith and trust, apply God's Word to our lives daily, meet with fellow believers to speak what is true about Jesus, and invite others to seek Him, we behold the glory of God.…
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Celebrate with a whole heart the wonderful things God has done this year. Remember, He gives you the ability to produce good things. Plan intentionally to seek and follow Him this year.
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Jesus does not remove our every worldly tribulation, but offers us a peace that cannot be taken away. He makes peace by reconciling us to God. For peace to rule our hearts, we need Jesus to rule our hearts.
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What robs us of our peace - conspiracies and endless information? The coming of Christ is like a great light, replacing gloom with joyful gladness, peace, and healing.
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Shamelessly direct your cries and praise to God when facing trouble. True help comes from remembering Him--God's power, righteousness, and control are beyond our knowledge.
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God provided life giving manna from heaven to sustain His people and Jesus came from heaven to be the better manna— the bread of life all believers come to for eternal life.
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God hears our grumbling and complaining which is always ultimately against Him and His sovereign plan for our lives. He responds with goodness and grace, reminding us of His glory and of our close relationship to Him.
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God sees our struggles and powerlessness. Through a parable, Jesus encouraged us to pray persistently, and God who made us His children, will answer in His perfect timing with justice and wisdom.
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Exodus 15:22-28 shows how God leads His people from singing to testing, from grumbling to trust. God provides, heals, and makes bitter waters sweet. In bitter places, will we complain or cry out?
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Though we’ve turned from God, and rightly deserve His wrath, Jesus’ substitutionary death completed God’s plan to bring us back. Look to Jesus—He’s all we need.
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God calls the church to pray, trust His judgment over leaders, rejoice in trials, and use freedom to proclaim the gospel, all while hoping in His unshakable kingdom.
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God’s people are finally free! Moses and the people burst into song, singing about who God is, His saving work, and where He will lead them. When God rescues, we respond with praise. We sing of His power, love, and how He saves us to bring us closer to Him.
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In Exodus 14, we see God's unmatched glory and supreme uniqueness. He saves His people, controls every detail, and defeats evil. His power is limitless, leading hearts to trust in Him and His Mediator. Nothing is greater than God.
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God desires to be known by us as an impartial, promise-keeping God. He is transcendent, He is near, and He promises to rescue His own so we will proclaim His name.
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In Exodus, God leads His people with visible signs showing He is with them. He hardened Pharaoh’s heart to display His power. When trials and life’s challenges distract us, God commands us to fear not, stand firm, and be silent. Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. We can’t see everything He sees. Our journey is one of faith. Trust Him!…
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Since Jesus' resurrection, we've been given the Holy Spirit to share the gospel. Don’t give up when people don’t listen, or when life is hard. Suffering brings us closer to Jesus, who will raise you up, and it’s God’s work to save, ours to share.
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God redeems, gathers, and sends us for His glory. Through Jesus, we’re freed from guilt and share His righteousness. As a community, we encourage, confess, and grow in faith, spreading the good news of the Gospel and living for Him.
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From generation to generation God wants us to remember that by His strong hand we are a redeemed people rescued from slavery to sin and death. Only through His Grace, and the substitutionary blood of Jesus, God’s perfect lamb, are we set free.
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Blessings and trials in our lives serve to remind us of our dependence on God. Our role is to stay focused on and inspired by the example of Jesus, who made the ultimate sacrifice to unite us with God.
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The 10th plague brought the Destroyer, God’s wrath for sin to the first born of that house. Only those who obeyed His Word and placed the blood of the lamb on their door were spared from death. Then and today, all who call upon the LORD, and trust in the blood of Jesus Christ to cover our sins and protect us will be saved. Be ready!…
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In Exodus 12:14-20, the Feast of Unleavened Bread shows the importance of removing the old leaven, just as God delivered Israel from Egypt. Today, it's a memorial of His saving grace, urging us to examine our hearts, mourn our sin, and support each other in repentance.
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Even as God's last plague strikes, His actions in freeing the Israelites are meant to display His character and justice. These events happen so we’ll know Him, draw near to Him and proclaim His name.
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In the last phase of God's plagues, He shows His power and purpose, while Pharaoh's hard heart resists. Instead of quick destruction, God wanted to reveal Himself so we would know and proclaim Him. Trust that God is revealing Himself in your life.
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In Exodus, God strikes Egypt with plagues, and we explore how an encounter with God can change us forever. Embrace who God is and let your heart grow in love towards Him. Hard times can harden hearts but also show our need for God.
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Pharaoh’s hard heart looked to the waters of the Nile for life. God showed His power by turning it to blood and death. When we, like Pharaoh, seek life elsewhere, we harden our hearts towards God. Peace and life come from God alone. Jesus is our living water and only hope and security.
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God gives grace to those whose hearts are bent toward Him. His words, signs, wonders, purpose and plan transform our hearts through the power of His Spirit in us. Everything unfolds just as He wills, showing the world that He is God.
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When we want things too much, they can replace God in our priorities. Not being content with what God has given us is like living as if He doesn’t exist. We guard against covetousness and idolatry when we give back to God and give to others.
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God chooses flawed Moses to represent His people. God works through Moses and Aaron's imperfect priestly lineage to accomplish His perfect plan. He displays His power, keeps His promises, and leads His people to freedom.
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Jesus has made reconciliation with God possible for believers. Baptism, a symbol of our union with Christ, is for those drawn by God to faith and repentance, calling on Jesus' name. The Lord's Supper commemorates and proclaims Jesus' death.
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We hear seven glorious promises from the LORD directing us where to go in times when things go from bad to worse. They soothe our souls and speak to what our hearts crave. Jesus tells us to bring our burdens to Him and He will deliver and bless us in our trials.
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Psalm 51 shows us how to process our emotions and bring our burden of guilt to God. By acknowledging and confessing our wrongdoing, we are brought to repentance and restoration. Only God can transform our sinful hearts and make us righteous through the cross of Jesus.
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God does great things for His people, and over the last ten years, specifically for this church, we celebrate the blessings we have received through God’s grace. We are unified by Him to glorify Him and His endless love and perfection in the cross of Jesus.
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Knowing God is key to believing in Him when life goes from bad to worse. Seeking the truth about God will guard you from believing the lies of the enemy. Bring your “why?” questions to God, and He will help you.
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Like Moses, we cling to a God unlike any we can image, made possible through a covenant of His grace. God's priority for you is does not conform to our idea of ease, rather it is for your knowledge of God's sovereignty over all and His fathomless concern for you.
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God made you, knows you and perfects His strength through your weaknesses. He calls you to be His ambassador and through the power of Christ, the ability to accomplish whatever He leads you to do. Believe Him.
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God is showing us how He works! He accomplishes His plans using His people, power, and perfect process. We can trust that God’s plans always succeed at maximizing His glory and our good.
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God explains His name to Moses in steps. (1) "I Am" the eternal and absolute sovereign of the universe (2) "I Am" transcendent AND near to people. (3) "I Am" the LORD forever. Remember and proclaim it.
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God reveals Himself to Moses in the form of a burning bush and gives him a mission and the promise needed to accomplish it. Through this encounter we learn about God’s perfect timing, supreme holiness, mercy, and presence—always with us. We also learn how the same promise that enabled Moses’ mission, also enables ours today.…
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What does it mean to be a Christian? Is it about behavior, political stances or moral status? Paul’s letter to the Philippians makes it clear that being a Christian means you have had an authentic encounter with the risen Christ, that your heart has been changed by the resurrected Jesus. A Christian Counts every Good Work As Loss, Counts Knowing Ch…
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Moses foreshadows the rejection of Jesus' salvation offer. God wants to deliver us, and yet without God's own intervention we will reject Him. God is the hero at work in our lives to rescue us!
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God shows His love through His plan to save us at the right time by the substitutionary death of Jesus. The more the gift cost the giver and the less the recipient deserves it, the greater the love is seen to be. God poured out His wrath on His only Son so that you and I could be saved.
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God is with you and is active in your world. God prepares you today, as he did in the past, for the trials ahead by promising He will be with you. Even as God works in your waiting, He hears you, remembers you, sees you, and knows you.
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