ASUG sits down with its members to discuss their career progression, challenges, successes, and experiences leveraging SAP solutions.
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About my opinions on History..Culture..Human Behaviour. Share your feelings and Opinions at my blog.. Gmail:[email protected] Follow Me instagram: Twitter: YouTube: Telegram: FB :
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Obrolan Ringan tentang Asuransi. IG: @asuransiTalks
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Näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia asuntosijoittamisesta ja vuokranantajana toimimisesta Vieraina asuntosijoittajia ja vuokranantajia erilaisilla strategioilla, kokemuksilla ja näkemyksillä, joista voit saada uusia ajatuksia ja oppeja. Isäntänä Harri Huru.
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I've been a radio and club DJ since 1990, with a couple of breaks in there... My philosophy is: Since I can't make the music, I do what I can to support those who can!
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Podcast yang membahas seputar dunia kerja, pengembangan karir, self development, dengan hal-hal yang diselingi dengan komedi (semoga lucu ya!)
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Celoteh keluh kesah dalam resah
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The flagship podcast for the leading source of Arizona State football news and analysis. Launched in August of 2016, Sun Devil Source Report provides an inside look at the ASU football program. Hosted by editor Kerry Crowley and publisher Chris Karpman.
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Podcast ini berisi tentang keresahan-keresahan yang sering dialami masyarakat +62 khususnya dalam sudut pandang arief & kama
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Ruang berbagi untuk orang tua dan pendidik yang membahas berbagai masalah anak dan remaja dari sudut pandang psikologi.
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Medio de Comunicación Católico evangelizando las 24 horas por Internet
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Asuntogrilli on OP Keski-Suomen podcast, jossa grillataan OP:n asiantuntijoita nuoria asunnonostajia kiinnostavissa aihessa.
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Hip hop and evolving with time and growth elements.
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Victor Correal
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金沢を拠点にフリーのパーソナリティ、MCとして活躍する前田明日香(Asuka Maeda)のポッドキャスト「前田明日香のキッチン・トーク(Asuka's Kitchen Talk)」は、自宅のキッチンからお届けするような、リラックスしておしゃべりするプログラム。架空のFM局の番組のような感じでお届けします。キッチンは、そこから幸せな香りが広がっていくスペース。そんなふうに、この番組からハッピーが広がっていくように…とお送りします。食の話題から旅、音楽、子育て、日々の出来事、お気に入りのアイテム、話題のトピックスなど色とりどりにトーク。お料理を作ったり、美味しいおやつをを食べながらお送りします。あなたも対面キッチンの向かい側に座っているつもりで聞きながら、一緒に一息付いてください。 This is Japanese Podcast Program presented by Asuka Maeda in Kanazawa, Japan.
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Interviewing a wellness professional and student to evaluate asu’s wellness Cover art photo provided by bharath g s on Unsplash:
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Asumsi adalah institusi media yang berfokus pada bahasan politik, current affairs, dan kultur pop. Didirikan pada tahun 2015 oleh Pangeran Siahaan dan Iman Sjafei dalam bentuk channel Youtube, Asumsi dengan cepat menjadi salah satu sumber alternatif informasi politik dan sosial, terlebih bagi generasi digital native. Asumsi percaya dengan peran media sebagai sarana pendidikan politik masyarakat. Di Asumsi, kami mendengar semua orang.
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We are two people who talk about Guild Wars 2. Current updates, community news, and thoughts about the game.
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Tres amigos manabitas deciden publicar sus criterios, inquietudes y experiencias en un podcast. Asúntate es un programa político, cercano y multigeneracional en donde Pancho, Alba y Edgar profundizan temas de la cotidianidad con la participación de especialistas. ¡Pon atención y únete a la conversación!😉
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Podcast by Africa Sports Unified
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ASU Sun Devils heard on Arizona Sports 98.7 FM
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Canal Oficial de la Iglesia Evangélica Bola de Nieve Asunción en Paraguay
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Talk about creating better health, health care outcomes and a new kind of health professional.
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Un podcast para viajar por el mundo para entender qué está pasando, por qué se están produciendo los diferentes conflictos internacionales, con todas las claves para entender sobre la geopolítica en COPE.
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• Esposo de Camila Quezada • Padre de Lucas Rivera • Pastor Juvenil • Speaker
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Un podcast sin nigún propósito, solamente hablar de asuntos sin importancia, cualquiera que nos de la gana
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Análisis del libro «de sobremesa» José Asunción Silva - Camilo Escorcia y Juliana Mercado
Camilo Manuel Escorcia Mendoza
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Click Si Descopera Perspectiva Iluminata Asupra Propriului Tau Sine | Iubirea, Fericirea, Aprecierea, Implinirea, Pasiunea, Sanatatea, Banii, Libertatea, Adevarul..Esti Asta Esti
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La historia de la música y la música en la historia de Colombia y Latinoamérica
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ASU KEDtalks are the bridge between your curiosity and what Arizona State University researchers are exploring and discovering. KEDtalks spark ideas, indulge curiosity and inspire action. For more info and to see all of our ASU KEDtalks videos, visit our website at Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in the videos and podcasts are those of the speakers only. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Empieza a las cuatro de la tarde y acaba a las siete. Si no cuento mal, son tres horas. Ponemos discos y hablamos con señores y señoras de cosas que pasan, esa es la esencia. Queremos que la gente empiece el día con nosotros, aunque será complicado que los oyentes desayunen a las cuatro de la tarde. Según varios expertos consultados, el programa es bueno para la digestión y como sus argumentos son sólidos, no retiene líquidos. Y es que nuestra principal virtud, es reconocer nuestros defectos.
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Una serie de podcasts sobre derecho laboral para ejecutivos de recursos humanos y asesores internos que presenta conversaciones con abogados laborales y laborales con experiencia global en temas y tendencias clave de derecho laboral, noticias de inmigración y otras soluciones legales importantes de recursos humanos para empresas globales y multinacionales.
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Un espacio de Gobierno y Análisis Político AC para discutir, con especialistas y activistas, sobre las diversas tendencias globales que impactan la realidad latinoamericana y el estado de la democracia regional
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SunDevilSource podcast: Analyzing ASU's roster post winter portal, hoops ends skid and hockey update
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1:07:23SunDevilSource's Chris Karpman and Blake Niemann analyze how ASU has turned into 'Run it Back' U by not losing any regular starters to the transfer portal. Meanwhile, what players did the Sun Devils pick in the portal to help fill the voids of players who are moving on to the NFL Draft, including Cam Skattebo, Shamari Simmons, Leif Fautanu, and oth…
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346. Kiinteistösijoittajaksi ja noin 100 asuntoa Ville Vesterinen Osa 1
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1:07:01Ville Vesterinen tuli kolmannen kerran vierailulle. Reilun kahden tunnin keskustelun aikana päivittyy matka paristakymmenestä asunnosta noin sataan asuntoon. Ville kertoo, miten kasvun asennetta piti pariin otteeseenkin muuttaa, kun mahdollisuudet osuivat kohdalleen. Villen tarinassa on paljon ajateltavaa, opittavaa ja inspiraatiota myös aloittelev…
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To debrief major announcements from the most recent editions of Microsoft Ignite and ASUG Tech Connect, ASUG CEO & Chief Community Champion Geoff Scott and Carolyn Szczurek, ASUG Communications Lead, recently welcomed Holger Bruchelt, Principal Product Manager at Microsoft, to a special episode of the ASUG Talks podcast.…
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ASUG Talks Special Edition: Navigating Enterprise Architecture and AI - Live from ASUG Tech Connect with Diginomica
ASUG partnered with Diginomica for a special episode of ASUG Talks. Recorded at ASUG Tech Connect, Jon Reed, Co-Founder at Diginomica, hosted a conversation with Geoff Scott, CEO & Chief Community Champion at ASUG, and Joshua Greenbaum, Principal at Enterprise Applications Consulting. The three thought leaders fielded live questions from the audien…
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Episode #336 of DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **Isaac Howlett | Vague Lanes | AIMING | SIIE | Death By Love | Big Time Kill | BEAUTY IN CHAOS** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version…
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345. Positiivisuudella ja rakkaudella asunnoista kodeiksi Merja Riihimäki
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1:22:36Merja Riihimäki on pitkällä elämänkokemuksella varustettu nuori yrittäjä, jonka positiivisuudesta saa kuuntelijakin hyvää päiväänsä. Juttelimme Maatilalla olevan kodin laittamisesta omakotitalon suunnitteluun ja rakentamiseen Bo LKV:n stailaustiimistä sisustussuunnittelijaksi Asuntojen flippaajasta vuokrakotien tarjoajaksi Omien flippiasuntojen suu…
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Episode #335 of DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **Autumn | Miki Berenyi Trio | Twice Dark | Twin Tribes | Die Sexual | Propter Hoc | DSTRTD SGNL presents BIGOD 20** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc o…
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344. Karlsson, Grahn, Parviainen, Huru - Kuukausipalaveri 16
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1:41:47Agenda Suomen vuokranantajien 25-vuotisjuhla Vuokranantajatapahtuma järjestettiin 23.11.2024. Kuukausipalaveri #14 / #336 käsitteli kolmen osallistujan kokemusten kautta tapahtuman antia. Yksi erittäin hyvänä pidetty osio oli kolmen ekonomistin vuokramarkkinatilannetta käsitellyt paneeli. Suomen Vuokranantajien ekonomisti Eemeli Karlsson oli valmis…
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Episode #334 DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **Die Warzau | ACTORS | Black Angel | Plague Garden | ESOTERIK | Omnos | Eisbrecher** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc on my Linktree at…
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343. 20 tulovirtaa ja triplattu vuokratulo Kati Valjus Osa 2
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1:01:33Tuoreimman asuntosijoituskirjan toinen kirjoittaja, yrittäjä Kati Valjus on kasvattanut asuntosalkkunsa 11 asunnosta 19 asuntoon viimeisen 4 vuoden aikana. Kati oli Ostan Asuntoja Podcastin vieraana ensimmäistä kertaa 2020. Toimittava Taloushaukka Kati Valjus Osa 1 – Ostan Asuntoja Podcast #127 Kati on toimittaja ja kirjoittaa Taloushaukka -nimistä…
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* "You know, sometimes the bad things that happen in your life, they happen for a reason." - Claire Littleton * "People change, things change. The important thing is not to stop changing." - Hugo "Hurley" Reyes
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Episode #333 DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **grabyourface | The Sea At Midnight | Me And My Nightmare | Death Loves Veronica | Ash Code | Bess | GAARN** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc on my Linkt…
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Yrittäjä Kati Valjus on kasvattanut asuntosalkkunsa 11 asunnosta 19 asuntoon viimeisen 4 vuoden aikana. Kati oli Ostan Asuntoja Podcastin vieraana ensimmäistä kertaa 2020. Toimittava Taloushaukka Kati Valjus Osa 1 – Ostan Asuntoja Podcast #127 Kati on toimittaja ja kirjoittaa Taloushaukka -nimistä blogia Rahamediaan. Kolme kirjoitusta löytyy Ostan …
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Tune in for a special episode of ASUG Talks dedicated to insights from the recent collaborative research project ASUG undertook alongside DSAG and UKISUG. Focused on AI, the research examined how members of the three communities are approaching the technology and implementing it into their IT ecosystems. In this roundtable conversation, ASUG Resear…
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Episode #332 of DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **Allie Frost | Ductape | Pink Turns Blue | Amöniacö | Kite | Angelo D | Destroy Me Again** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc on my Linktree at https://…
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341. Roni Arvonen - Asunnoista, Podcastista, X:stä, elämästä
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1:53:26Roni Arvonen lopetti kiinteistönvälittäjänä 2020 ja vannoi, ettei koskaan palaa. Tänään paluu Ostan Asuntoja Podcastiin on totta. Juttelemme pitkään: Lopettamisen syistä ja paluusta -palvelun synnystä Vakuusarvioihin tiukentuneesta suhtautumisesta 7 vuoden aikana Kiinteistönvälittäjän vinkkelistä asuntomarkkinoiden muutoksesta siitä,…
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HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Episode #331 DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **TEMPTRIX | mARCIANO | Red Lorry Yellow Lorry | Crying Vessel | stiiill | Clan of Xymox | DSTRTD SGNL** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, T…
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340. Grahn, Parviainen, Huru - Kuukausipalaveri 15
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1:12:49Kiitos, Suomen Vuokranantajat, Flatco,, Treco, Vuokraovi ja Naapurikodit. Tutustu tämän jakson sponsoreiden tarjoamaan sopivan tilaisuuden tullen. Sinustako flippaaja? Oppia-Kokemuksia-Inspiraatiota -kirja tilattavissa. Ostan Asuntoja alennuskoodi FLIPPAA. Tilaa tästä. - Myös e-kirjana! Sinustako flippaaja -k…
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SunDevilSource UNFILTERED podcast: ASU's magical season comes to a heartbreaking end in an all-time CFP classic in Atlanta
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:28:18SunDevilSource's Chris Karpman and Blake Niemann give an unfiltered perspective of the Sun Devils' sensational 2024-25 season that came to a heart-shattering finish in Atlanta with ASU coming up just short 39-31 in a double-overtime thriller to Texas. Contained in this podcast are reflections on the greatest single-season turnaround in Arizona Stat…
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Episode #330 DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **SPANKTHENUN | Leaether Strip | Crushing State (ft. Chris Hall) | Solemn Shapes | RINA PAVAR | DRKNSS | Caressing Misery** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, e…
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339. Petri Roininen - näkymiä asuntosijoittamisen kannattavuuden elementteihin
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1:07:18Kiitos OVV, Suomen Vuokranantajat, Flatco, ja Naapurikodit. Tutustu tämän jakson sponsoreiden tarjoamaan sopivan tilaisuuden tullen. Sinustako flippaaja? Oppia-Kokemuksia-Inspiraatiota -kirja tilattavissa. Ostan Asuntoja alennuskoodi FLIPPAA. Tilaa tästä. - Myös e-kirjana! Sinustako flippaaja -kirjan avulla eteenpäin asuntosijoittami…
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SunDevilSource Podcast: Initial thoughts on ASU vs. Texas CFP matchup and recapping ASU basketball's impressive non-conference showing
SunDevilSource Podcast: Initial thoughts on ASU vs. Texas CFP matchup and recapping ASU basketball's impressive non-conference showing by Sun Devil SourceΑπό τον Sun Devil Source
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DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven Dark Xmas Special mixshow (Episode #329) is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new holiday tracks from **Mannhunter | Fatal Aim | CYFERDYNE | Interface | Morbid | Von Schnell | Biohacker** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc on my L…
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Di episode podcast kali ini, saya bersama dengan salah satu content creator karir yang bernama Hasna Hamidah yang saat ini juga lagi membangun bisnis bernama Karir Impian. Hasna adalah seorang content creator karir yang masih berusia 22 tahun, masih kuliah dan saat ini merantau ke Jakarta sampai sudah berhasil punya penghasilan 2 digiti per bulanny…
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Kiitos OVV, Suomen Vuokranantajat, Flatco,, Naapurikodit ja Vuokraovi. Tutustu tämän jakson sponsoreiden tarjoamaan sopivan tilaisuuden tullen. Sinustako flippaaja? Oppia-Kokemuksia-Inspiraatiota -kirja tilattavissa. Ostan Asuntoja alennuskoodi FLIPPAA. Tilaa tästä. - Myös e-kirjana! Sinustako flippaaja -kirjan avulla eteenpäin asunt…
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Supply chains have steadily become a major priority for organizations in recent years, especially as black swan events severely disrupted normal supply chains and trade routes. Enterprises must take steps to ensure their supply chains are effective and resilient, even in the face of unplanned circumstances. In this latest ASUG Talks Roundtable, sup…
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Episode #328 DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **klack | NECRØ | Advocatus Dei | NNHMN | Ruined Conflict | FIRES | Angelo D** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc on my Linktree at…
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Kiitos, Suomen Vuokranantajat, Flatco,, Naapurikodit ja Treco. Tutustu tämän jakson sponsoreiden tarjoamaan sopivan tilaisuuden tullen. Sinustako flippaaja? Oppia-Kokemuksia-Inspiraatiota -kirja tilattavissa. Ostan Asuntoja alennuskoodi FLIPPAA. Tilaa tästä. - Myös e-kirjana! Sinustako flippaaja -kirjan avulla ete…
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Entra en nuestro club: Descubre cómo configurar un estudio minimalista para grabar videos en YouTube de manera sencilla y eficiente. En este video, te mostraré el equipo esencial y los pasos necesarios para que, con solo presionar un botón, puedas comenzar a crear contenido de alta calidad sin complicaciones técnicas. I…
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SunDevilSource Podcast: Recapping ASU's commanding Big 12 Championship win over ISU to earn CFP bye
SunDevilSource's Chris Karpman and Blake Niemann recap everything from ASU's emphatic 45-19 win over Iowa State in the Big 12 Championship. The victory marked the culmination of ASU's remarkable run from being picked to finish last in the Big 12 in the preseason to now being crowned as conference champions. The Sun Devils were led once again by the…
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Episode #327 DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **Blaklight | She 1 - Him 2 | Creux Lies | Pawn Pawn | New Haunts | Hurtsfall | WOLF_X** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc on my Linktree at https://linktr…
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336. Grahn, Parviainen, Huru - Kuukausipalaveri 14
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1:31:45Onnea 25-vuotiaat Suomen Vuokranantajat. Kiitos Asuntopehtoori, If, Flatco,, Naapurikodit ja Vuokraovi. Tutustu tämän jakson sponsoreiden tarjoamaan sopivan tilaisuuden tullen. Sinustako flippaaja? Oppia-Kokemuksia-Inspiraatiota -kirja tilattavissa. Ostan Asuntoja alennuskoodi FLIPPAA. Tilaa tästä. - Myös e-kirjana! Sinustako flippaa…
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Más tecnología negocios en: Noesasuntovuestro.comΑπό τον Victor Correal
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ASUG Talks Live: ASUG Research - Expert Leaders Reflect on Generative AI in the SAP Ecosystem
In this latest episode of ASUG Talks Live, recorded at ASUG Tech Connect, AI takes center stage. Marissa Gilbert, ASUG Research Director, is joined by Geoff Scott, CEO & Chief Community Champion, ASUG; Jared Coyle, Chief AI Officer, SAP North America; and Soulat Khan, Worldwide Head of SAP Solution Architects, AWS. Diving into recent ASUG research …
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Episode #326 DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **Doors In The Labyrinth | HUIR | The Sea At Midnight | The Ultimate Dreamers | Ships In The Night | LUNAR PATHS | Blutengel** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn…
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SunDevilSource Podcast: Recapping ASU's 49-7 thrashing of Arizona to advance to Big 12 Championship
SunDevilSource Podcast: Recapping ASU's 49-7 thrashing of Arizona to advance to Big 12 Championship by Sun Devil SourceΑπό τον Sun Devil Source
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335. Asuntoyrittämisen sarjaprojekteja Rose ja Ville
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1:25:11Kiitos, Suomen Vuokranantajat, If, Flatco,, Naapurikodit ja Treco. Tutustu tämän jakson sponsoreiden tarjoamaan sopivan tilaisuuden tullen. Sinustako flippaaja? Oppia-Kokemuksia-Inspiraatiota -kirja tilattavissa. Ostan Asuntoja alennuskoodi FLIPPAA. Tilaa tästä. - Myös e-kirjana! Sinustako flippaaja -kirjan a…
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Nekat Kuliah di China Padahal Gak Bisa Bahasa Mandarin
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1:13:29Di episode kali ini, saya ngobrol bersama teman saya, Mayer. Dia sempat kuliah di China dalam kondisi belum bisa bahasa Mandarin sama sekali, tapi tetap nekat kuliah di China. Simak podcastnya! IG Junar: IG Mayer: IG Wuxian: https://www.instagram.c…
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SunDevilSource Report Podcast: Recapping ASU's double-field storm ranked win over BYU to improve to 9-2
SunDevilSource's Chris Karpman and Blake Niemann recap everything from ASU's chaotic 28-23 victory over BYU in a classic in Tempe. The win capped off an undefeated home stretch for the Sun Devils this season, the first time they have accomplished such a feat since 2004. Everything from the two-field storms, Kenny Dillingham's late game decisions, C…
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Episode #325 DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **NECRØ | Corlyx | Federale | Lost Signal | SIIE | JG OUTSIDER (ft. From Hell) | Orange Sector** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc on my Linktree at https:…
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334. Vuokrauksen monitoimiyrittäjä Katja Meriläinen Osa 2
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:25:20Kiitos OVV, Suomen Vuokranantajat, If, Flatco, ja Naapurikodit. Tutustu tämän jakson sponsoreiden tarjoamaan sopivan tilaisuuden tullen. Sinustako flippaaja? Oppia-Kokemuksia-Inspiraatiota -kirja tilattavissa. Ostan Asuntoja alennuskoodi FLIPPAA. Tilaa tästä. - Myös e-kirjana! Sinustako flippaaja -kirjan avulla eteenpäin asuntosijoit…
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En nuestra serie Travel Tuesdays, exploramos la necesidad de conocer aspectos relevantes en distintas jurisdicciones alrededor del mundo sobre la manera de hacer negocios. Esta semana nos adentramos en Paraguay. Permanezca atento para más episodios. Moderadora: Alexandra Aguilar (email) (BLP / Costa Rica) Orador invitado: Walter David Vera (email) …
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Pruébalo gratis: Noesasuntovuestro.comΑπό τον Victor Correal
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SunDevilSource Report Podcast: Talking ASU coaching contracts, Big 12 player honors and Sun Devil Hoops update
SunDevilSource's Chris Karpman and Blake Niemann discuss ASU's coaching staff contract situations and possible extensions, Sam Leavitt and Jordyn Tyson weekly Big 12 honors for their performances against Kansas State, Cam Skattebo being named a Doak Walker Award semifinalist and an update on Sun Devil men's basketball which is off to a 4-1 start fo…
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Episode #324 DJ AsuraSunil's weekly Sunday Seven mixshow is here!!! This week’s show includes brand new tracks from **ANCIENT MY ENEMY | Crying Vessel | Fatigue | Pneumagnosis | Gulvøss | Miss Trezz | Destroy Me Again** You’ll find links to subscribe to the podcast version of my show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, etc on my Linktree at…
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SunDevilSource UNFILTERED podcast: ASU's 8-2 start, Kenny Dillingham's rapid rebuild, future of the program, CFP hopes and much more
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Αναπαραγωγή αργότερα
1:06:27SunDevilSource's Chris Karpman, Jake Seymour, and Blake Niemann give an unfiltered perspective of ASU's 24-14 win over Kansas State and the Sun Devils resurgence under Kenny Dillingham on their trek back from Manhattan. Contained in this podcast are thoughts on Kenny Dillingham taking a program in shambles and turning it into a conference contender…
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Kiitos, Suomen Vuokranantajat, If, Flatco, Treco, Vuokraovi, ja Naapurikodit. Tutustu tämän jakson sponsoreiden tarjoamaan sopivan tilaisuuden tullen. Sinustako flippaaja? Oppia-Kokemuksia-Inspiraatiota -kirja tilattavissa. Ostan Asuntoja alennuskoodi FLIPPAA. Tilaa tästä. - Nyt myös e-kirjana! Sinustako flippaaja…
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Más tecnología negocios en: Noesasuntovuestro.comΑπό τον Victor Correal
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SunDevilSource's Chris Karpman and Blake Niemann recap everything from ASU's slim come-from-behind victory over the UCF Knights. The Sun Devils have now surpassed their combined win total over the last two seasons as the remarkable turnaround in Tempe continues in year two under Kenny Dillingham. Despite ASU being without arguably its two best offe…
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In a special episode of ASUG Talks, Thomas Saueressig, Member of the SAP Executive Board overseeing the Customer Services & Delivery Board area, sits down with ASUG CEO & Chief Community Champion Geoff Scott. Their conversation, recorded at SAP's global headquarters in Walldorf, Germany, focused on Saueressig's background, how he approaches his cus…
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