Local artists collaborating and reviving classic alternative songs of bands from Newfoundland. A tribute and a retrospective, we rewind, re-cover the songs of yesteryear. During a time without internet, we searched for shows through posters on poles, and word of mouth. We watched and listened to these bands at all ages shows, bars, and we have collected and remembered their songs through our cassette tapes.
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709 Rewind talk to Ditch and share their remake of 2 Ditch songs.
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In memory of Fred Gamberg on his 50th birthday. 709 Rewind looks back on the band Giver, and speaks with surviving members Rene Rubia and Frank Nolan.
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Bung - Join the 709 Rewind crew and players in an engaging discussion on the early '90s scene with members of Bung and two super-fans from the era. Featuring a re-creation of their seminal recording "Bury it."
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Potmaster - Join us as the 709 crew and players engage with members of the band & scene to discuss the life and times of Potmaster and their creation "Snake Charmer" featuring a performance of the song by our players.
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