5 Spot Comedy Showcases Comedians from Southern California and beyond doing their best 5 min sets! Shot at multiple premier venues, produced by Sideshow Network and Amp Comedy, 5 Spot is capturing the "highest concentrate funny" for comedy lovers to enjoy!
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http://5spotcomedy.com/ Being multiracial is hard enough, but having multiple religions makes people around Tamer really uncomfortable. https://twitter.com/tamerkattan http://www.tamerkattan.com/Από τον 5 Spot Comedy
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http://5spotcomedy.com/ Candice Thompson laments having a great father, because now everyone else looks terrible. https://twitter.com/jokesbycandice http://candicethompsoncomedy.tumblr.com/Από τον 5 Spot Comedy
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http://5SpotComedy.com Aidan Park just has to get it out there, HE'S GAY! https://twitter.com/aidanparkshow https://www.facebook.com/aidanparksuperstar http://www.aidanpark.com/ http://sideshownetwork.tv/Από τον 5 Spot Comedy
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http://5SpotComedy.comKate Quigley might have a slightly outdated idea of what holding hands means.https://twitter.com/kateqfunnyhttps://www.facebook.com/katequigleycomedyhttp://www.katequigley.com/http://SideshowNetwork.tvΑπό τον 5 Spot Comedy
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