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show episodes

LSD, La série documentaire

France Culture

Documenter toutes les expériences de la vie, des cultures et des savoirs. Chaque semaine, un grand thème en quatre épisodes, autonomes et complémentaires. Du lundi au jeudi de 17h à 18h. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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LSE: Public lectures and events

London School of Economics and Political Science

The London School of Economics and Political Science public events podcast series is a platform for thought, ideas and lively debate where you can hear from some of the world's leading thinkers. Listen to more than 200 new episodes every year.
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LSE Podcasts

LSE Podcasts

The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world-leading university, specialising in social sciences, with a global community of people and ideas that transform the world. Our podcasts focus on the social sciences and the world today.
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LSE IQ podcast

London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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LSAT Demon Daily

LSAT Demon

Join the LSAT Demon team Tuesday through Saturday as they discuss a broad range of topics related to the LSAT and law school admissions. Listen on your way to work and kickstart your daily study routine. Questions? Email Learn more at
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LSE Middle East Centre Podcasts

LSE Middle East Centre

Welcome to the LSE Middle East Centre's podcast feed. The MEC builds on LSE's long engagement with the Middle East and North Africa and provides a central hub for the wide range of research on the region carried out at LSE. Follow us and keep up to date with our latest event podcasts and interviews!
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Jenny Eliscu

Interviews focus on key moments of discovery, and the songs/artists that have soundtracked the guest's life. Hosted by journalist and radio presenter Jenny Eliscu (@jennylsq), these are laid-back but in-depth discussions about the journey to find their creative voice and process, and how it has evolved over their career. Episodes also occasionally feature clips from Eliscu's extensive archive, which includes 25 years' worth of interview audio.
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London School of Economics and Political Science

LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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LSQ Podcast

Redeemer Lincoln Square

Our church began in 2017 and is located just down the street from Lincoln Center, which is in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of Manhattan. This podcast will primarily feature sermons from our Sunday worship service and the occasional interview or ministry resource. We hope you’ll subscribe.
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LSU Daily

Guaranty Broadcasting

LSU Daily is a Podcast hosted by 104.5 ESPN's Matt Musso breaking down all things LSU. Matt is the producer of the critically acclaimed "After Further Review" radio show in Baton Rouge. Musso is also the host of Musso at The Box, a daily LSU Baseball podcast that runs in season.
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Thinking LSAT

Nathan Fox and Ben Olson

Ben Olson and Nathan Fox started the Thinking LSAT Podcast to become better LSAT teachers and have some fun. Please 1) subscribe, 2) rate and review, and 3) send us questions: Don't pay for law school! Learn more at
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Africa's LSP Podcast

Bolingo Consult

Africa's LSP Podcast is a monthly podcast for the African language services industry, covering trends in translation, interpretation, localization, and language services in Africa. We speak with industry professionals such as translators, interpreters, language researchers, and scholars, as well as African language enthusiasts. Africa's LSP Podcast is presented by Bolingo Consult. Kindly send feedback and suggestions to Visit our website at Soun ...
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Steve Schwartz of LSAT Unplugged created this podcast to help you with the LSAT and law school admission process. He started teaching the LSAT after scoring a 152 and gradually working his way up to a 175 (it took over a year!). Please (1) subscribe, (2) rate + review, and (3) email me your questions:
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The official podcast network of LSU Athletics. The Hey Fightin' Podcast Network takes you inside LSU Sports all year long. From Hey Fightin' Podcast – the official podcast of LSU Football – to Tigers Win, Hearing Voices, Play by Play, and more, the Hey Fightin' Podcast Network brings you episodes covering all things LSU Sports (almost) every week day.
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LSEG Sustainable Growth

LSEG (London Stock Exchange Group)

The LSEG Sustainable Growth Podcast tackles important issues which intersect sustainability and finance, hosted by Jane Goodland, LSEG’s Group Head of Sustainability. We talk about some of the biggest issues of our time – from climate transition and investment, green infrastructure to greenwashing, natural capital, carbon markets, financial inclusion, equality and inclusion and more! We hear from leading experts from Microsoft, ISSB, IIGCC, Blackrock, IFAD, Women's World Banking, Climate Imp ...
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Democracia en LSD

Democracia en LSD

La política en Chile y el mundo ya no es sólo izquierda vs. derecha. Cada vez más, es sobre democracia vs. sus amenazas: populismos, autoritarismos y el retorno del fascismo, las que crecen y tienen sus espacios y medios. La defensa, promoción y proyección de la democracia necesita los suyos. Ese es nuestro objetivo. Programa semanal por Ximena Jara y Davor Mimica
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Hachana L'Shabbos

Rav Shlomo Katz

What type of rest do we yearn for on Shabbat? How do we frame our mindset during the week to prepare for Shabbat and how can we transform our Shabbat experience? Using the teachings of Rabbi Yaakov Meir Shechter, a leading Breslov Rabbi, in his sefer Yom Machmadim, we build tools towards enhancing our ability to connect to the day of rest.
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LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science. This is the podcast where we ask some of the leading social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. To subscribe on Apple Podcasts please visit - Or search for 'LSE IQ' in your favourite podcast app or add our RSS feed - ...
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Logic Games Bible author Dave Killoran (@davekilloran) and PowerScore Test Prep VP Jon Denning (@jonmdenning) are two of the world’s foremost experts on the LSAT and law school admissions, and they’ve created the PowerScore LSAT PodCast to share their knowledge and experience with you! Topics will range from specific LSAT concepts and strategies to test changes and updates to admissions advice and frequently-asked student questions, so be sure to (1) subscribe, (2) rate and review us, and (3 ...
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Stressed about applying to law school? Looking for that *something* to provide an edge when your LSAT scores and GPA aren't enough to set you apart? Steve Schwartz of LSAT Unplugged shares insights on everything law school admissions – personal statements, diversity statements, LSAT prep, recommendation letters, and more. This show is for you if you’re looking to craft law school applications that will showcase your strengths and maximize chances of law school admission. Please (1) subscribe ...
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show series
LS Community Church live Sunday gathering, December 8th; teaching by Stan Rodda Judges 2:10, Judges 6:11-16, Judges 7:2, Judges 7:7, Judges 7:9-11, Judges 7:14, Judges 7:20-22, Judges 8:28 Today we move into a new period for the people of Israel–the time of the judges. Often when you talk with someone about engaging in ministry in some fashion, one…
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Pētot dzelzs laikmeta apbedījumus, gūtas jaunas atziņas par vides ietekmi uz bēru tradīciju. Arheologu komanda izpētījusi kā mirušo guldīšanas virzienu ietekmēja ne vien saullēkta un rietēšanas punkts, bet arī, piemēram, upes tecējums vai augstākais kalns ainavā. Tāpat kādā kapu laukā izpētīta augu klātbūtne tā laika bēru rituālā.…
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Latvijā ir maz inovatīvi aktīvu uzņēmumu. Kā liecina Centrālās statistikas pārvaldes dati, 2008. gadā tādi bija tikai 24%, savukārt jau 2022. gadā – 33% no kopējā uzņēmumu skaita. Lielākais pieaugums vērojams tieši pakalpojumu nozarē – 14 gadu laikā inovatīvi aktīvo uzņēmumu skaits palielinājies no 14,5 līdz 33,5%. Pagājušajā nedēļā "Eksporta un in…
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How to Write a Law School Addendum for a Low LSAT or GPA Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: Unlimited Application Essay Editing: Unplugged Prep: Ge…
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How to Write a Law School Addendum for a Low LSAT or GPA Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: Unlimited Application Essay Editing: Unplugged Prep: Ge…
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Matt Musso breaks down the latest with LSU in the transfer portal. We look at three key targets who have set visits to Baton Rouge for this week; Zechariah Poyser, Will Heldt and Luke Hasz. The Tigers dish out another offer to a talented EDGE defender. Plus, a former five star EDGE with ties to LSU's coaching staff enters the portal. How aggressive…
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Legal scholars discuss the American Academy of Arts & Sciences’ new report, “Achieving Civil Justice: A Framework for Collaboration,” on Talk Justice. Since 2014, the Academy’s Making Justice Accessible project. has highlighted the scale of the civil justice gap by recognizing its social, economic and human costs, and calling for improved data coll…
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Valdība otrdien, 10. decembrī, vienojās par dzelzceļa projekta "Rail Baltica" prioritārajiem uzdevumiem, kā arī apņēmās noteikt projekta maksimālās pieļaujamās izmaksas. Savukārt iecere par Eiropas ātrvilcienu ienākšanu Rīgā nav atmesta pavisam – izdevīgāko risinājumu meklēs pētījumā.
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Latvijas vīriešu florbola izlasei otrdien ir pirmā brīvdiena pasaules čempionātā, un komanda pēcpusdienā noskaidroja nākamos pretiniekus. Minimālo mērķi sasniegt 3. vietu grupā komanda izpildīja, bet nedēļas vidū florbolistus gaida galvenās spēles jau izslēgšanas turnīrā.
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Sīrijā pēc autoritārā Bašara al Asada režīma krišanas vērojama ne tikai cilvēku līksmība, bet arī mēģinājumi kara plosītajā valstī nodrošināt stabilitāti. Jau ir nosaukts pagaidu valdības vadītājs. Vienlaikus aizvadītajās dienās šajā valstī vērojama arī Telavivas darbība. Nedēļas nogalē Izraēlas spēki iegāja buferzonā, kas nodala Sīrijas kontrolē e…
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Ukrainai šonedēļ izdevies atgūt piecus bērnus, kas ilgstoši atradās Krievijā vai tās okupētajās teritorijās, bet vairāk nekā 19 tūkstoši deportēto vai piespiedu kārtā izvesto mazo ukraiņu joprojām atrodas agresorvalstī. Daudzi no viņiem ir nodoti audzināšanai krievu ģimenēs un piedzīvo rusifikāciju.
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Zaļo un Zemnieku savienības (ZZS) virzīto kandidātu Latvijas Bankas prezidenta amatam – finanšu institūcijas "Altum" pašreizējo vadītāju Reini Bērziņu – atbalsta arī opozīcijas frakcijas Nacionālā apvienība un "Apvienotais saraksts".
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Nepatīkamā situācijā nokļuvuši vairāki iedzīvotāji, kuri e-pastā nav saņēmuši brīdinājumus par oficiālajā e-adresē portālā "" atsūtītajiem iestāžu paziņojumiem. Sociālajā vietnē "X" plašas diskusijas raisījis ieraksts par to, ka tas novedis pat līdz kāda uzņēmuma likvidēšanai, bet kādam citam neapmaksāts ceļu satiksmes pārkāpuma sods trīs…
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Lauksaimniecības kooperatīvs "Latraps" publiskā obligāciju piedāvājuma laikā piesaistījis finansējumu 8 miljonu eiro apmērā ar fiksētu procentu likmi 7,5%. Kopējais pieprasījums pēc obligācijām bija vairāk nekā 12 miljoni eiro, pārsniedzot emisijas mērķi par 50%, informēja uzņēmumā.
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Are we close to the tipping point for ecosystems and the economy? This episode, Karen Ellis, Chief Economist at WWF, speaks to us about nature risk and how the overexploitation of natural resources could impact economies around the globe. Karen dives into the ways WWF is combatting nature loss, how companies can invest in nature-based solutions and…
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The Formula for Mastering the New LSAT Argumentative Writing Sample (2025) Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Schedules: LSAT B…
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The Formula for Mastering the New LSAT Argumentative Writing Sample (2025) Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Schedules: LSAT B…
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Matt Musso updates where things stand with LSU and the transfer portal as it is now officially open. Which Tigers are in the portal? Which decisions are we still awaiting? Plus, we talk portal targets including an offer out to a tight end and the Tigers already landing in the final three for a coveted EDGE transfer. Next, we react to LSU's bowl des…
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durée : 01:00:57 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : François Teste - Durant cette nuit festive, de bars en clubs, de Toulouse à Paris et Bruxelles, des travailleurs nocturnes permettent à certains de lâcher prise en oubliant les contraintes du jour … Parfois au détriment de leur propre liberté corporelle ou financière… - réalisation : François Te…
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durée : 00:58:46 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Juliette Boutillier - Dans l'espace public, raconter la zone grise ambivalente de ces travailleurs qui, avec fierté, protègent, travaillent dans la rue et accueillent “les autres” mais subissent en tant que personne, la violence, la peur des dangers nocturnes et du débordement… - réalisation : F…
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durée : 00:58:40 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Juliette Boutillier - Sages femmes, gardien de musée ou maritime, des travailleurs exercent une surveillance collective pour que nos corps, le territoire ou le patrimoine soient bien gardés, H24 7/7. En quoi, cette pratique s'exerce-t-elle différemment la nuit et quels effets a-t-elle sur eux ? …
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durée : 00:59:29 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Juliette Boutillier - Du cœur de nuit au petit matin, certain.e.s préparent nos journées, en nettoyant la ville ou en préparant notre alimentation…Depuis quand ce rythme existe-t-il et s'est-il ouvert aux femmes ? Quel impact sur la vie, la famille, le corps, la reconnaissance ? - réalisation : …
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Latvijas hokeja izlase decembra vidū pārbaudes turnīrā Slovākijā piedalīsies ar jauktu sastāvu, kurā iekļauti gan pieredzējuši spēlētāji, gan jaunpienācēji, un katram būs savi uzdevumi, pirmdien žurnālistiem pastāstīja valstsvienības galvenais treneris Harijs Vītoliņš.
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The American Bar Association will soon allow law schools to admit more students without standardized test scores. Is that good for applicants? This week, Nathan and Ben discuss why test-optional admissions might not benefit students (and why you should probably still take the LSAT). The guys also outline the qualities of a successful law student, s…
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Contributor(s): Reid Hoffman | Artificial Intelligence is not only a generational technology, but also a general purpose technology—one that has outsized potential to transform societies and economies globally. How should we use AI to not only better understand the world, but organise, develop, and elevate it?…
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In October 2024 the Phelan US Centre spoke to Professor Michael Mastanduno, Nelson A. Rockefeller Professor of Government at Dartmouth College, and Dr Jennifer Lind, Associate Professor of Government at Dartmouth College. They spoke about US export controls against China and about their history and effectiveness This episode was produced by Chris G…
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Contributor(s): Reid Hoffman | Artificial Intelligence is not only a generational technology, but also a general purpose technology—one that has outsized potential to transform societies and economies globally. How should we use AI to not only better understand the world, but organise, develop, and elevate it?…
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Contributor(s): Reid Hoffman | Artificial Intelligence is not only a generational technology, but also a general purpose technology—one that has outsized potential to transform societies and economies globally. How should we use AI to not only better understand the world, but organise, develop, and elevate it?…
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Contributor(s): Reid Hoffman | Artificial Intelligence is not only a generational technology, but also a general purpose technology—one that has outsized potential to transform societies and economies globally. How should we use AI to not only better understand the world, but organise, develop, and elevate it?…
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Contributor(s): Reid Hoffman | Artificial Intelligence is not only a generational technology, but also a general purpose technology—one that has outsized potential to transform societies and economies globally. How should we use AI to not only better understand the world, but organise, develop, and elevate it?…
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Contributor(s): Reid Hoffman | Artificial Intelligence is not only a generational technology, but also a general purpose technology—one that has outsized potential to transform societies and economies globally. How should we use AI to not only better understand the world, but organise, develop, and elevate it?…
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Contributor(s): Reid Hoffman | Artificial Intelligence is not only a generational technology, but also a general purpose technology—one that has outsized potential to transform societies and economies globally. How should we use AI to not only better understand the world, but organise, develop, and elevate it?…
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Contributor(s): Reid Hoffman | Artificial Intelligence is not only a generational technology, but also a general purpose technology—one that has outsized potential to transform societies and economies globally. How should we use AI to not only better understand the world, but organise, develop, and elevate it?…
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Contributor(s): Reid Hoffman | Artificial Intelligence is not only a generational technology, but also a general purpose technology—one that has outsized potential to transform societies and economies globally. How should we use AI to not only better understand the world, but organise, develop, and elevate it?…
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LSAT Logical Reasoning Was Hard Until I Understood THIS One Trick Free Easy LSAT Cheat Sheet: Book A Call: LSAT Unplugged Courses: LSAT Schedules: LSAT Blog Free …
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