#278. Hymn Sing with Sarah: Beginning of Service Hymns
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At the beginning of this new calendar year, Sarah’s celebrating beginnings — specifically those hymns in the “Beginning of Service” section of Lutheran Service Book. These classic favorites may sometimes go unnoticed and unappreciated, sitting as they do at the very back of the hymnal, but there’s nothing unlovable about them.
Hymns covered in this episode include “Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty (LSB 901), LSB 902 “Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now” (LSB 902), “Come, Thou Almighty King” (LSB 905), “O Day of Rest and Gladness” (LSB 906), “God Himself Is Present” (LSB 907), and “Christ Is Our Cornerstone” (LSB 912).
Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Facebook group members click here to view and participate in our ongoing poll!
Learn more about the Friedenkirchen (“Churches of Peace”) discussed at length in the episode here.
Hear musicians from Immanuel Lutheran Church in Saint Charles, Missouri, perform "Lord, We’ve Come This Day to Worship” (the dark horse hymn of the episode) on YouTube.
Connect with the Lutheran Ladies on social media in The Lutheran Ladies’ Lounge Facebook discussion group (facebook.com/groups/LutheranLadiesLounge) and on Instagram @lutheranladieslounge. Follow Sarah (@hymnnerd), Rachel (@rachbomberger), and Erin (@erinaltered) on Instagram!
Sign up for the Lutheran Ladies' Lounge monthly e-newsletter here, and email the Ladies at [email protected].
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