The Wisdom Journey with Stephen Davey is a three-year journey through the entire Bible, Genesis to Revelation, with one 10-minute lesson each weekday. The Wisdom Journey will help you understand the truth of God’s Word and apply that truth to your life. Follow along and learn to know God, think biblically and live wisely.
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Have you ever tried to ignore a guilty conscience? In Genesis 42, Joseph’s brothers confront their unshakable guilt when they unknowingly bow before Joseph, the brother they sold into slavery decades earlier. This lesson reveals how God revives a dormant conscience, the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation, and the unfolding of His sov…
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Have you ever felt stuck in a season of waiting? Joseph’s story in Genesis 40–41 reveals how God’s plans often unfold in ways we can’t anticipate. Betrayed by his brothers and forgotten in prison, Joseph faces years of uncertainty. Yet, he remains faithful, choosing to care for others, point them to God, and trust His timing. This episode explores …
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Why does life sometimes get harder when you choose to honor God? Joseph’s story in Genesis 39 reveals that resisting temptation and walking in obedience often come with challenges—but never without purpose. Betrayed by his brothers and falsely accused by Potiphar’s wife, Joseph suffers unjustly. Yet, God’s presence with Joseph turns his suffering i…
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Can God work through a dysfunctional family? Genesis 37–38 paints a vivid picture of God’s sovereign faithfulness amid human failure. Joseph is betrayed and sold into slavery by his brothers, while Judah’s sinful choices lead to shocking consequences. Yet, through all the deception and dysfunction, God’s plans for a nation and a coming Redeemer rem…
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Do you feel like your faith journey is inconsistent? In Genesis 33–36, Jacob’s story highlights three vital truths about faith: it develops unevenly, it will be tested regularly, and it leaves a lasting legacy. This episode explores Jacob’s reconciliation with Esau, his moments of worship, and the painful trials that shaped his life. Despite his fl…
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Have you ever felt unworthy of God’s blessings or distant from His plan? Jacob’s journey in Genesis 31–32 shows us how God meets us in our struggles, even when we’re running from our past. Through a mysterious wrestling match, Jacob encounters the living God and is forever changed. This episode explores how God’s grace can transform even the most s…
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What happens when your past mistakes catch up with you? In this episode, we follow Jacob as he faces deception, family strife, and the consequences of his own actions. When Jacob encounters his cunning Uncle Laban, he experiences a taste of his own manipulative tendencies. Yet, despite human failure, God’s grace shines through. From family dysfunct…
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Have you ever wondered how to follow God’s will when life feels uncertain? In this episode, you’ll explore a story of faith, obedience, and God’s providence as Abraham’s servant embarks on a journey to find a bride for Isaac. Learn how God’s guidance led him to Rebekah, the perfect choice, at the perfect time. Discover how tools like faith, prayer,…
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Have you ever wondered how to follow God’s will when life feels uncertain? In this episode, you’ll explore a story of faith, obedience, and God’s providence as Abraham’s servant embarks on a journey to find a bride for Isaac. Learn how God’s guidance led him to Rebekah, the perfect choice, at the perfect time. Discover how tools like faith, prayer,…
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What does Abraham’s ultimate test of faith teach you about God’s promises? In this episode, you’ll journey to Mount Moriah, where Abraham faced a heartbreaking command: sacrifice his son, Isaac. How did Abraham obey without hesitation? What does this moment reveal about God’s plan for redemption? You’ll see how this story foreshadows the coming of …
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How does God remain faithful when people falter? In this episode, you’ll see Abraham face challenges that threaten God’s promise of a son. Even in moments of weakness and fear, God steps in to protect Abraham and Sarah. Then, the long-awaited moment arrives: Isaac is born, the miracle child they’ve waited decades for. But joy is quickly followed by…
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Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah? Genesis 18 and 19 present one of the Bible’s most challenging stories, revealing God as both just and gracious. This episode takes you into the heart of God’s character—His holiness and His mercy. As Abraham interacts with the Lord, we see His patient desire for people to repent. But when the people of Sodom …
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Have you ever felt like your faith wasn’t enough? In Genesis 15-17, Abraham is in his eighties, still waiting on God’s promise of a son. His faith is slipping, and his wife Sarah decides they need a backup plan. But God's covenant isn’t dependent on human effort or perfect belief—it rests on His grace alone. In this episode, Stephen Davey explores …
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What does it mean to truly live by faith? The story of Abraham, introduced in Genesis 11-14, provides a powerful example. Called by God to leave everything familiar, Abraham began a journey that would make him the father of nations. But his story wasn’t just about blessings—it was about struggles, mistakes, and learning to trust God in uncertainty.…
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How did humanity go from one language to thousands of distinct tongues spoken across the world today? The story begins in Genesis 11 with a rebellious act of defiance against God’s command. Led by Nimrod, humanity attempted to centralize power and make a name for themselves, building the infamous Tower of Babel. This tower wasn’t just an architectu…
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Have you ever wondered why Noah cursed Canaan instead of his son Ham after the incident involving Noah’s drunkenness? This story has been widely misunderstood and used to justify harmful ideologies over centuries. In this episode, Stephen Davey sheds light on what really happened after the flood. Noah’s lapse in judgment led to a profound prophecy …
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Why did God choose a rainbow to symbolize His covenant with humanity? After the global flood in Genesis, God made profound promises—not only about water, but about the entire world. In this episode, Stephen Davey explores these life-changing promises that continue to offer hope and stability in today’s unpredictable world. Learn why the rainbow is …
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Did the flood of Noah's time truly cover the whole earth, or was it just a local disaster? In this episode, Stephen Davey examines the biblical account of the global flood described in Genesis 7–8. You’ll hear about Noah's obedience, his relentless warnings to his generation, and the miraculous way God gathered the animals into the ark. The narrati…
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Have you ever wondered if the story of Noah’s Ark could actually be true? Why do cultures from all over the world have similar flood legends? In this episode, Stephen Davey explores Genesis 6 to show how Noah's Ark was more than just a wooden boat—it was part of God's miraculous plan of redemption. You’ll learn about the precise blueprints God prov…
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How would you react if God called you to be the only light in a dark and corrupted world? In this episode, Stephen Davey dives into the remarkable story of Noah, who stood firm in his faith when the world around him was filled with violence and wickedness. Genesis 6 paints a picture of humanity so corrupted by sin that God decides to send a flood t…
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What kind of legacy are you leaving? In this episode, Stephen Davey traces the origins of humanity’s first family tree—one branch descending from Cain, who defied God, and the other from Seth, who sought after Him. These two branches represent the choices each of us makes today: to follow our own desires, or to seek the Lord's presence and plan. Di…
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How do you approach God—with humility or on your own terms? In this episode, Stephen Davey examines the story of Cain and Abel, two brothers who brought very different offerings to the Lord. Abel followed God's command, offering a lamb, while Cain decided to bring the fruit of his own labor. The difference between these two offerings wasn't just ab…
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What does the curse of sin mean for humanity, and how does God’s promise of redemption bring us hope? In this episode, Stephen Davey takes us back to Genesis to explore the devastating consequences of sin and the curse that affected every part of creation. You'll learn about the expulsion from Eden, the pronouncement of future pain, and the ultimat…
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\What does it really mean to live in a fallen world? How did Adam and Eve's disobedience shape every aspect of our lives, from our relationships to the natural world? In this episode, Stephen Davey dives into Genesis to explore the profound consequences of humanity's first sin. You'll learn about the five tragic losses Adam and Eve faced immediatel…
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Do you feel like you’re constantly trying to fix yourself? Ever wonder why even your best efforts leave you feeling empty? Today’s episode dives deep into humanity's original brokenness and our desperate attempts to cover our shame. Stephen Davey takes us back to the Garden of Eden, exploring the immediate consequences of Adam and Eve’s sin. They l…
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Watch the video: What made Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit, and how did it lead to the fall of all humanity? In this episode, Stephen Davey uncovers the deceptive tactics of the enemy in the Garden of Eden. You’ll see how Satan disarmed Eve, raised doubt, and outright denied God's truth to lead her a…
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Video version: What makes marriage truly sacred? In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey takes a closer look at the first marriage as described in Genesis 2:18-25. This foundational passage reveals God’s perfect plan for companionship and unity between man and woman. God declared it was "not good for man to…
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Watch the video: What makes humanity different from everything else in creation? In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey takes a deep dive into the creation of Adam as described in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. These chapters reveal that humanity isn’t just an accident or the product of evolution—humans are car…
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Watch the video: Have you ever wondered about the exact details of the world's beginning? In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey dives into Genesis to guide you through the first five days of history. From the creation of light and darkness on Day One to filling the waters and sky with living creatures on …
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Watch the video: Have you ever wondered why Genesis 1:1 is so important? In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey takes you back to the very beginning—to the foundational truth that “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Why is this statement more than just an introduc…
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In this episode, Stephen and Scott discuss the impact of the Wisdom Journey, and share what's coming up.Από τον Stephen Davey
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Have you ever experienced the heartache of watching a loved one suffer? Secondhand suffering is often just as painful, yet it’s rarely discussed. In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey dives into the story of Mrs. Job—a woman who endured the agony of watching her husband lose everything and face incredible physical pain. What happens …
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Is forgiveness always the right choice? Jesus’ teaching in Luke 17 offers a profound perspective on forgiveness and its connection to repentance. While we are called to forgive endlessly when there’s genuine repentance, what about situations where repentance is absent? Can forgiveness still be extended, and how does it impact your relationship with…
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Was Jesus crucified on Thursday or Friday? This episode dives into the timeline of Christ’s crucifixion and its profound symbolic meaning. Many believe Jesus was crucified on Friday, but what about His prophecy of being in the tomb for three days and three nights? By examining key Gospel passages, we’ll uncover the significance of the High Sabbath …
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What does it mean to be baptized by the Holy Spirit? In this episode, we explore the dramatic events of Acts 2, when the Holy Spirit descended at Pentecost, empowering the apostles to preach the gospel in every language. This incredible moment marked the birth of the New Testament church and the beginning of a new dispensation. Discover the signifi…
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What are the last words of the Bible, and why do they matter? Revelation 22 is not just the end of the book; it's God’s final word to humanity, filled with promises, warnings, and hope. In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey guides you through the closing verses of Revelation, highlighting the powerful message Jesus left for His follo…
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What does it mean for paradise to be regained? Revelation 21:22–22:5 provides a breathtaking description of the future awaiting believers in Jesus Christ. In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey takes us on a tour of the new Jerusalem—our eternal home—where there is no need for a temple, for the presence of God is everywhere. Imagine a…
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Have you ever wondered what your eternal home in heaven will be like? In Revelation 21:9-21, the apostle John provides a stunning description of the new Jerusalem, also known as the Father’s House. In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey takes you on a tour of this incredible future dwelling place. Picture a city with walls shimmering …
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Have you ever imagined heaven coming down to earth? What would that be like? Revelation 21 presents a vision that might surprise you. Heaven isn't just a distant place above the clouds. One day, it will descend to earth, and God Himself will dwell among His people. In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey unpacks the first eight verses …
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Where will you be a thousand years from now? Most people plan for retirement or the next milestone in their lives, but rarely do we plan for eternity. In this episode of The Wisdom Journey, Stephen Davey guides you through Revelation 20, a chapter that stretches across a thousand-year timeline and into the final courtroom of God’s judgment. You’ll …
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Have you ever wondered how God will fulfill His promise to return? In this episode of "The Wisdom Journey," you'll discover the breathtaking details of Jesus Christ's return, as described in Revelation 19. Learn about the glorious marriage of the Lamb, the triumph over evil at the battle of Armageddon, and the magnificent imagery of Christ on a whi…
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Have you ever wondered what will happen to the false religions of the world or how global empires that oppose God’s plan will ultimately end? Revelation 17–18 shows us the fate of Babylon, the city that represents humanity's defiance against God. Here, John reveals Babylon as both a religious and political center of power, destined to be judged by …
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Are you prepared to witness the final chapter of history as we know it? Revelation 16 takes us into the catastrophic events that will mark the end of civilization before Christ's triumphant return. In this episode, we explore the seven bowls of God's wrath as they are poured out upon an unrepentant world. Each judgment intensifies the suffering—ope…
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Have you ever felt like the world is growing darker with every passing day? In Revelation chapters 14 and 15, we see a glimpse of how the tribulation will reach its most terrifying moments—and yet, hope persists. John’s vision shows the Lamb standing victorious with His 144,000 faithful evangelists, having endured the darkest trials. We hear three …
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What happens when Satan empowers a world leader to control everything? Revelation 13 paints a vivid picture of the Antichrist’s reign of terror. It’s a time of global domination, deception, and martyrdom for those who refuse to bow to evil. Discover how the Antichrist mimics Christ’s resurrection, how a false prophet establishes a global religion, …
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Join us as we dive into Revelation 12, uncovering the origin and spiritual cause of anti-Semitism. Learn how Satan’s attempts to destroy Israel have fueled centuries of persecution, why God’s promises to Israel are unbreakable, and what this means for the future. Find out how to resist the enemy’s attacks by walking closely with God in obedience an…
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Join us as we continue our journey through Revelation 10–11. These chapters reveal the stark contrast between earthly peril and heavenly praise as God’s end-time plan unfolds. We’ll meet a mighty angel carrying a divine message, see two powerful witnesses preaching in Jerusalem, and witness the world’s response to their death—a chilling celebration…
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What happens when God’s wrath transforms nature into a tool for judgment? In Revelation 8 and 9, the seven trumpet judgments sound, turning Earth into a stage for divine retribution. Fiery hail, oceanic disasters, meteor strikes, and dimmed celestial lights signal God’s power. As demons rise from the abyss and inflict torment, humanity is driven to…
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What happens when the seals in Revelation are opened? Join us as we explore Revelation 6 to 8 and uncover the series of divine judgments unleashed during the seven-year tribulation. These chapters bring the dramatic entrance of the Four Horsemen, representing conquest, war, famine, and death. John’s vision continues with scenes of worldwide chaos—u…
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What is heaven truly like? While popular depictions often place humans at the center, the Bible paints a different picture: heaven as the magnificent dwelling place of God. In this episode, we delve into Revelation chapters 4 and 5, where the apostle John gives us a glimpse into the heart of heaven. Here, God’s throne radiates power, surrounded by …
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