- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Cada semana, Vaticano presenta las últimas noticias desde el Vaticano por medio de aspectos noticiosos y análisis de las audiencia papales del Santo Padre y sus intervenciones, así como de entrevistas y acontecimientos mas significativos en el ámbito desde el corazón de la Iglesia Católica.
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Scopri, ascolta e scarica i podcast dei Radiogiornali di Radio Vaticana Italia e senti i tuoi programmi preferiti quando e dove vuoi tu.
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L'information sur le Pape, le Vatican, la vie de l'Église et le monde.
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Ecoutez et téléchargez les Podcast des Émissions pour l’Afrique de Vaticannews pour écouter vos programmes préférés où et quand vous voulez.
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Odkryj podcasty Vatican News na temat Papieża Franciszka, Kościoła, a także inne informacje
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Vatican & World News Podcast to listen to where and when you like.
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- Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Vatican News. Vocea Papei și a Bisericii în dialog cu lumea contemporană. Audiențele și discursurile Papei, evenimente din viața Bisericii, actualitatea internațională și manifestări culturale. Emisiunea zilei este disponibilă în podcast după ora Romei 15.30. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Vatican News svoj program emitira na 39 jezika u Rimu i u pokrajini Lazio. Program obuhvaća aktualne vijesti, infomacije i aktivnosti Pape, Svete Stolice i Vatikana, kao i univerzalne i domaće Crkve. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Direct from the Eternal City, EWTN’s Joan Lewis speaks with Vatican officials and visitors about events affecting the Church and the world.
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Each week, Colleen Dulle goes behind the headlines of the biggest Vatican news stories with America’s Rome correspondent Gerard O’Connell. They'll break down complicated news stories that have a whole lot of history behind them in an understandable, engaging way. Colleen and Gerard will give you the inside scoop on what people inside the Vatican are thinking, saying—and planning.
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L’appuntamento settimanale in cui si analizzano le attività del Papa, della Chiesa, i rapporti fra Stato e Chiesa e fra le religioni attraverso la lettura degli articoli più significativi della stampa italiana.
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Chương trình phát thanh tiếng Việt của Vatican News phát mỗi ngày 25 phút, gồm các mục chính như: Tin tức, Sinh hoạt Giáo Hội, Gặp Đức Giáo Hoàng, Gương chứng nhân, Suy niệm Lời Chúa, Bình luận, Giáo hoàng và người trẻ, Phút cầu nguyện... - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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Adásainkban beszámolunk a pápa és a Szentszék tevékenységéről, ismertetjük a Szentatya homíliáit, beszédeit, beszámolunk apostoli utazásairól. Kitekintünk a világegyház eseményeire, megszólaltatjuk a Rómába érkező magyar egyháziakat és zarándokokat. Hírt adunk továbbá a határon túli magyar közösségek életéről, illetve elősegítjük az ökumenikus és vallásközi párbeszédet. - Podcast - Radio Vaticana - Vatican News
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a short podcast about the second vatican council
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The First Book of The Vatican Assassin Science Fiction Trilogy. Remastered in July 2009. Bernard Campion, aka "BC", is an assassin for the Pope, struggling with his work's inherent contradictions while trying to take care of “business” during an out of control interplanetary religious war in 2109. BC is a killer disguised as a priest of the New catholic Church. His current assignment? Eliminate the Governor of Lunar Prime, the free state on the Moon. BC has no idea this latest assignment wil ...
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BERNARD CAMPION has killed for the Pope as an agent of the Office of Papal Operations, the OPO. But the old pope is dead, and Pope Linus the Second is no friend of the OPO! The adventures of Bernard Campion, the Vatican Assassin, continue. BC has helped Governor Marc Edwards rebuild Lunar Prime, but can he help build peace between The Universal Islamic Nation (UIN), The Universal Trade Zone (UTZ) and the New catholic Church (NcC)? And just what is the mysterious Project?
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Four Catholic priests - an hour long show - what could go possibly wrong? Come find out! Vatican You is a weekly walk through the teachings of the Church right smack dab in the middle of every day life. Come join the fun!
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The Vatican Observatory is one of the oldest and most accomplished observatories in the world… which surprises people who have limited understanding of Church and science. In this podcast, you’ll hear from Vatican astronomers and their accomplished special guests as they explore the wonder of God’s surprising universe.
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The Vatican Briefing is a podcast from the National Catholic Reporter, featuring two respected Vatican journalists and experts: Joshua McElwee and Christopher White. They review the most recent news relating to Pope Francis and the discussions impacting the very future of the global church, and interview key Catholic decision-makers.
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This is it! The SHOCKING CONCLUSION to the VATICAN ASSASSIN TRILOGY! Bernard Campion, "BC", has been an Assassin for the Pope - The Vatican's Ambassador to Lunar Prime - CEO of The Project - Head of the UTZ Council - and now he's the Pope of the New catholic Church, the NcC. But the mantle sits uneasily on BC. The Universal Trade Zone (UTZ) and The Universal Islamic Nation (UIN) are now forced to work together in the face of dual threats: The alien race, The Eldred and the recently revived s ...
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I papi del XX secolo rivivono attraverso le registrazioni delle loro voci: sono conservate nel prezioso archivio storico dell'emitente pontificia dal 1931, quando fu fondata da Guglielmo Marconi per volere di papa Pio XI. Alla luce dei temi forti del presente gli insegnamenti dei pontefici del passato si rivelano attuali oggi, ancora e sempre. La serie è quotidiana, in onda tutti i giorni alle 19.46 e in replica la mattina successiva alle 6.41. Domenica e festivi su temi monografici, nei fer ...
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The Vatican has approved new guidelines from the Italian Bishops’ Conference, allowing gay men to enter seminaries if they commit to celibacy, as expected of all seminarians regardless of sexual orientation. This week on “Inside the Vatican,” Colleen Dulle and Gerard O’Connell discuss whether this signals a shift in admissions policy and the potent…
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Explore Pope Francis’s diplomatic influence and the Vatican’s efforts to protect and promote Eastern Catholic Churches.Από τον VATICANO
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This week, we revisit my interview with American seminarians Patrick Ernst and Nicholas Monnin of the diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend in Indiana. These remarkable young men talk of their call to the priesthood – how they heard ‘the call’, what they expect of priesthood but most importantly, the very joy they feel at the mere idea of being a priest…
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Die deutsche Übersetzung siehe unten! “HEBDÓMADA PAPAE” NOTÍTIAE VATICÁNAE LATÍNE RÉDDITAE Die undécimo mensis Ianuárii anno bismillésimo vicésimo quinto TÍTULI Ex Generáli Audiéntia Pontíficis verba: nimis multi párvuli quǽstui habéntur; quod ne léviter ferámus. Papális Basílicae Sancti Páuli extra Moénia Porta Sancta apéritur. Ecclésiis Orientáli…
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Il Papa ai seminaristi: lasciare i primi posti, sono vicoli ciechi. Il governo di Israele al voto sull’accordo di Hamas. Ma la destra voterà no Animali a San Pietro per sant’Antonio Abate. Il ruolo delle fattorie sociali
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I titoli: Israele e Hamas firmano l’accordo di tregua, ma l’attuazione dell’intesa potrebbe slittare a causa dell’ultradestra israeliana contraria Starmer a Kyiv, firmato accordo su sicurezza Ucraina Il Papa a una delegazione interreligiosa dell’Albania: rifiutiamo tutti la logica della violenza, collaborare per il bene comune Conduce: Gianmarco Mu…
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