Abre la Biblia con el Pastor Colin Smith se dedica a proclamar la poderosa Palabra de Dios para ayudarte a encontrar vida en el Señor Jesucristo. Visita nuestro sitio web para acceder a otros recursos para hacer crecer tu fe. http://www.abrelabiblia.org/
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Darrers podcast - Ràdio Abrera
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versión radiofónica de Ábrete de orellas.com dirixida por Pepe Cunha. Unha selección musical ecléctica inspirada na axenda de concertos en Galiza e novidades discográficas. Gravado e emitido ao vivo en Rádio FilispiM (a emisora libre e comunitaria da Terra de Trasancos que emite desde Ferrol), este programa é redifundido tamén por CUAC FM (A Coruña), A Kalimera (Compostela), Radio Pîratona (Vigo), Radio Fedello (Ourense), Radio Roncudo (Corme) e Onda Neria (Corcubión) Coincidindo coa entrada ...
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Abreu Movers is the choice of Bronx residents and business owners when it comes to hiring movers in Bronx NY. We understand the concerns that are involved when you are moving from your old home and moving to a new residence.
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Um podcast sobre finanças pessoais, empreendedorismo e investimentos. Mais sobre mim e sobre estes temas em https://www.instagram.com/edgarfmabreu/
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Keeping Abreast with Dr. Jenn is a podcast dedicated to empowering women and promoting breast health through a functional medicine lens. Dr. Jenn is a leading functional medicine practitioner specializing in restoring health to the breast cancer population. She explores a range of topics related to breast health, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and holistic approaches to support overall well-being. Whether you're a breast cancer survivor, a woman seeking to improve your breast he ...
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Stay True and Do You
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Staying Abreast, brought to you by The National Breast Cancer Research Institute.
The National Breast Cancer Research Institute
This new podcast dives deep into the impact of breast cancer, featuring real conversations with women, families, & medical experts. We’ll discuss living with a diagnosis, life after treatment, and how to support loved ones through the journey. Across these episodes, we’ll explore inspiring personal stories, the highs, the lows, and everything in between. We’ll talk to experts who will update us on the latest medical advancements in breast cancer treatment and care. You don’t want to miss this!
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Bringing you good music to dance to, chill to and groove to.
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A brutally honest look at community management, live streaming, and all aspects of content creation.
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Project podcast
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Welcome to Juaco Abreu, where amazing things happen.
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Autoanclaje e Inteligencia Emocional en el proceso de Coaching.
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A minha vida é um casulo
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Se abre el telón un programa de Europea Media Cine, tv y espectáculos
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Nosso podcast vai te aproximar com o mundo do cinema, games, quadrinhos, músicas e séries de TV
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La manera más facil de crear tu tienda online. Cover art photo provided by Math on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@builtbymath
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Se as suas escolhas criam a sua realidade, como fazer escolhas melhores? E, claro, como apagar os incêndios da vida criados pelas suas escolhas equivocadas...
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Un Podcast lleno de historias reales para; Parejas: Swingers: Solteros: OpenMinds: Bisexuales: y todo aquel que tenga curiosidad!. Para contarme tu historia o promo contactarme, Email temptationnena@gmail.com y por Instagram Temptationnena. No te olvide de suscribirte a mi canal de YouTube Abrete con nena.
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Podcast by Spanish Podcast: Abre la Boca
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Este es el podcast del programa de radio "Ábrete Camino", en www.abretecamino.com Desde el CRPS Los Cármenes (Carabanchel, Madrid), y desde 2004, un grupo de personas venimos haciendo una gran labor organizando, preparando y emitiendo un programa de radio semanal. Nuestra intención es tener la mayor difusión posible porque queremos entreteneros y, además, creemos que el esfuerzo y la iniciativa lo merecen; que puede servir de ejemplo para otras personas, que quizá en un futuro se animen a em ...
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Jesús nos enseñó a orar, Perdónanos nuestras deudas. ¿Por qué necesitamos esta oración como cristianos? ¿No hemos sido perdonados? El Pastor Colin habla sobre este aspecto de la oración. — Descarga el libro digital El Padre Nuestro en 30 días Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube y WhatsApp Da de vuelta: Comparte tu testimonio | Sé nuestro al…
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SERVEIS INFORMATIUS - L'Agenda del 30/11/2024
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Els caps de setmana i els dies festius a Ràdio Abrera, de les 8h fins a les 20h us oferim "L'Agenda", després dels Butlletins en Xarxa, a la que fem un repàs de totes les activitats lúdico-culturals que s'organitzen a Abrera. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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HORA 23 del 29/11/2024
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“Hora 23”... a Ràdio Abrera seleccionem per a tu les cançons que formen part de la banda sonora de la teva vida! De dilluns a dijous, d’onze a dotze de la nit, escolta la música que t’ha acompanyat tots aquests any… Dilluns… el millor del chill-outDimarts… tots els clàssics del rockDimecres … gaudeix dels ritmes llatinsDijous… els temes més punxats…
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POWER FM RADIO amb Marcos Alonso del 29/11/2024
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Tota la música dance per ballar i gaudir del cap de setmana la porta Marcos Alonso al seu “Power FM Ràdio” tots els divendres de deu a onze de la nit a Ràdio Abrera. Una hora amb els èxits que més sonen en cadena amb diverses emissores de Catalunya i Castelló. El poder del cap de setmana, a Ràdio Abrera. podcast recorded with enacast.com…
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IN THE DARK HOUSE amb Dj Xavi Sánchez del 29/11/2024
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El house més autèntic i oscur viu a Ràdio Abrera a "In the Dark House". Els divendres Dj Xavi Sánchez presenta una sessió d'una hora, a partir de les nou del vespre. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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SERVEIS INFORMATIUS - A 5 Bandes del 29/11/2024
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Els divendres a les 20h, els oferim l“A 5 Bandes”, l’informatiu comarcal del Baix Llobregat Nord editat de forma conjunta per les emissores municipals d’Esparreguera, Olesa de Montserrat, Martorell, Sant Esteve Sesrovires i Abrera podcast recorded with enacast.com
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El TOP amb Jordi Bosquet del 29/11/2024
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De dilluns a divendres, de quatre a set de la tarda, tot un clàssic de Ràdio Abrera: Jordi Bosquet fa un repàs dels èxits que més sonen en el panorama del pop i el dance, nacional i internacional. I també ens fa viatjar al passat a través dels millors “flashbacks” des dels 80’s fins avui. podcast recorded with enacast.com…
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FÓRMULA MIGDIA del 29/11/2024
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La millor fórmula de l'estiu la trobes a Ràdio Abrera d'una del migdia a quatre de la tarda ... perquè a Ràdio Abrera, gaudim de la migdiada... a Fórmula Migdia! podcast recorded with enacast.com
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SERVEIS INFORMATIUS amb Anabel Gómez i Óscar Navarro del 29/11/2024
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Els Serveis Informatius de Ràdio Abrera ofereixen butlletins cada hora des de les 8h fins les 20h amb tota l'actualitat d'Abrera i el Baix Nord, després dels butlletins de la Xarxa Audiovisual Local. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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FÓRMULA MATÍ amb Jordi Quintana del 29/11/2024
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De vuit a una, de dilluns a divendres, Jordi Quintana condueix cinc hores de programa en directe, amb totes les novetats i una gran selecció musical en castellà i català, i seguiment puntual de l’actualitat. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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Ple Municipal ordinari de l'Ajuntament d'Abrera del 28/11/2024
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Ràdio Abrera us ofereix la retransmissió en directe de tots els plens municipals de l’Ajuntament d’Abrera que es poden seguir, al igual que la resta de la programació a través del 107.9 FM, a internet a www.radioabrera.cat i a través de les aplicacions mòbils. Avui, sessió ordinària del mes de novembre de 2024. podcast recorded with enacast.com…
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SERVEIS INFORMATIUS amb Anabel Gómez i Óscar Navarro del 28/11/2024
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Els Serveis Informatius de Ràdio Abrera ofereixen butlletins cada hora des de les 8h fins les 20h amb tota l'actualitat d'Abrera i el Baix Nord, després dels butlletins de la Xarxa Audiovisual Local. podcast recorded with enacast.com
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El TOP amb Jordi Bosquet del 28/11/2024
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De dilluns a divendres, de quatre a set de la tarda, tot un clàssic de Ràdio Abrera: Jordi Bosquet fa un repàs dels èxits que més sonen en el panorama del pop i el dance, nacional i internacional. I també ens fa viatjar al passat a través dels millors “flashbacks” des dels 80’s fins avui. podcast recorded with enacast.com…
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L'Entrevista del Dia del 28/11/2024 sobre el XXè Festival Contra el Càncer d'Abrera
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La junta local d’Abrera de l’Associació Espanyola Contra el Càncer celebra aquest diumenge 1 de desembre, a partir de les cinc de la tarda a la Sala Municipal, el seu tradicional Festival Contra el Càncer d’Abrera, que arriba ja a la seva vintena edició. Per parlar-ne ens acompanya la presidenta de la Junta Local d’Abrera de l’Associació Espanyola …
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FÓRMULA MIGDIA del 28/11/2024
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La millor fórmula de l'estiu la trobes a Ràdio Abrera d'una del migdia a quatre de la tarda ... perquè a Ràdio Abrera, gaudim de la migdiada... a Fórmula Migdia! podcast recorded with enacast.com
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72: How to Stay Cancer-Free with Small Changes That Make a Big Difference with Dr. Amy Morris
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In today’s episode of Keeping Abreast with Dr. Jenn, I’m joined by Dr. Amy Morris, a passionate advocate for women’s health and a cancer survivor who transformed her journey into a mission of empowerment. Together, we discuss how a cancer diagnosis is often the beginning of a life-altering transformation—shaping personal purpose, physical resilienc…
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1 Igmig “Revolución” 2 Catuxa Salom “Horreo” 3 Shinova con Tanxugueiras “Movemento” 4 De Ninghures “Corazón alionado” 5 Eladio Santos “Farto e baleiro” 6 Zavala “O domingo eterno” 7 Def Con Dos “Capitán Araña” 8 Al Green “Everybody Hurts” 9 Morgan “Intro Delta” 10 Copiloto con Ixeya “Ser un Libro Abierto” 11 Ilegales “Joven y arrogante” 12 Modulado…
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Jesús nos enseñó a orar, Perdónanos nuestras deudas. ¿Qué deudas necesitamos que sean perdonadas? El Pastor Colin habla de nuestra deuda de amar a Dios y amar a los demás. — Descarga El Padre Nuestro en 30 días Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube y WhatsApp Da de vuelta: Comparte tu testimonio | Sé nuestro aliado…
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1 Anxo Araújo “Un veleno” 2 Orquestra Bravú Xangai “Vigocorunhenta” 3 Loiros “Back from the Edge” 4 Zolomon Grass “Twelve Labors” 5 The Wake Woods “Hole In The Sun” 6 Luis Prado “Jugando a pillar en el limbo” 7 Tesouro “Si nada cambió” 8 Tesouro “Atlas de islas remotas” 9 Edwin Raphael “Elephant Crossing” Live in Montreal 10 Seixo “Ansiedade” 11 Mo…
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In this empowering episode, Johanna from Dublin opens up about her unexpected following a rare breast cancer diagnosis. While enjoying a holiday, always mindful of her health and wearing factor 50 sunscreen head to toe, Johanna realised something was wrong. What followed was a life-changing diagnosis of breast cancer. Johanna shares her treatment e…
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71: Discover How You Can Transform Your Gut to Prevent Disease and Boost Immunity with Dr. Vincent Pedre
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In today’s episode of Keeping Abreast with Dr. Jenn, I sit down with Dr. Vincent Pedre, a board-certified internist, functional medicine expert, and bestselling author of Happy Gut. Together, we dive into the vital role gut health plays in overall wellness, from its influence on inflammation and immunity to its connection with breast health. Dr. Pe…
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Jesús nos enseñó a orar, Danos hoy el pan nuestro de acada día. El Pastor Colin habla sobre porqué esta oración se trata de algo más que nuestras necesidades. — Descarga el libro digital gratis: El Padre Nuestro en 30 días Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube y WhatsApp Da de vuelta: Comparte tu testimonio | Sé nuestro aliado…
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1 Resaca emocional “Sae o sol” 2 Peter Petrowski feat. Gabri Dakidarría, Ganjak e Willow GHZ “Cando caia o sol” 3 Hugo Guezeta feat. Dakidarría “Arder” 4 Factoría de Subsistencia “Colgando” 5 Sun Iou “Alborada feminista” 6 Ruxe Ruxe “Golpe a golpe” 7 Catuxa Salom “Amores rusos” 8 A Pedreira “Siento el dolor” 9 Guadi Galego “Mergullei” 10 Joana Serr…
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In this powerful episode, we sit down with Aoife, a vibrant 30-year-old Galway native, who shares her deeply personal journey of battling breast cancer. Diagnosed with breast cancer just a month after sitting her PhD, Aoife is now undergoing chemotherapy and facing a series of life-changing decisions.Aoife opens up about how she first discovered th…
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In this episode of Keeping Abreast with Dr. Jenn, Dr. Jenn sits down with Ella Lucas-Averett to discuss how societal norms and generational patterns shape women's self-worth, and the importance of women “taking up space” in their own lives. From Ella’s inspiring personal transformation to actionable advice, this episode is a must-listen for any wom…
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Si estás saludable, tienes un trabajo, una casa, una cocina llena y una cuenta de banco con dinero, ¿por qué necesitarías orar “Danos hoy el pan nuestro de cada día”? El Pastor Colin habla sobre nuestra dependencia en Dios. — Descarga el libro digital gratis: El Padre Nuestro en 30 días Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube y WhatsApp Da de v…
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Ábrete de Orellas DXLIII, 5-novembro-2024
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1 Iria Folgado “Six Estudies in English Folksong” 2 Ombligo “Canto” 3 Boyanka Kostova & Galician Army “O mal” 4 Montedapena “Voltei caer na merda” 4 Man de Santo “Gangsters” 5 Transilvanians “Nature Boy” 6 Battosai “Dejarlo ir” 7 Capsula “Rayo oscuro” 8 The Sheepdogs “Handle my Biz” 9 Rufus T. Firefly “Reverso” 10 Garza “Pezas”…
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In this insightful and powerful episode, Amanda opens up about her personal experience as part of a family with a strong history of breast cancer. Diagnosed in July 2018, Amanda shares her journey through the initial shock, the treatments, and the numerous medical appointments that followed. Reflecting on the highs and lows over the past few years,…
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69: How the Intersection of Health, Politics, and Jewish Identity is Defining This Election with Lizzy Savetsky
In this episode of Keeping Abreast with Dr. Jenn, Dr. Jenn sits down with Lizzy Savetsky to explore health, politics, and safety within the Jewish community as the election approaches. Together, they discuss how political landscapes affect individual and collective well-being, the essential role of Israel in global security, and the surge of anti-S…
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Jesús nos enseñó a orar “Hágase Tu voluntad, así en la tierra como en el cielo”. Pero, ¿cómo se hace la voluntad de Dios en el cielo? Escucha al Pastor Colin mientras nos enseña cómo los ángeles son un modelo para nosotros. — Descarga el libro digital gratis: El Padre Nuestro en 30 días Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube y WhatsApp Da de v…
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Ábrete de Orellas DXLII, 29-outubro-2024
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1 Muchachito con Grande Amore “Qué pode saír mal” 2 Seixo “Présa” 3 Catuxa Salom “Ela cando baila” 4 Luis Fercán & Nacho Mur “Hai algo en esa luz” 5 Carlos Ares “Importante” 6 Chucho “Piedras de Palestina” 7 Arnaldo Antunes e Vitor Araújo “Socorro (ao vivo)” 8 George Harrison “Be Here Now” 9 Una sonrisa terrible “Un billete de 2000” 10 Martelo “Som…
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In this compelling episode, Tara from Cavan tells shares her personal battle with breast cancer, diagnosed at the young age of 36 – when she believed breast cancer was a concern later in life. After discovering a lump during a routine self-exam, she was shocked by the diagnosis but choose to stay positive. Tara discusses her experience with various…
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68: The Hidden Dangers of Ultra-Processed Foods and How They’re Wrecking Your Health with Brigid Titgemeier
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In this episode, Dr. Jenn Simmons is joined by Brigid Titgemeier, a functional nutrition expert, to explore the powerful link between metabolic health and breast cancer. They discuss the significant role of diet, lifestyle, and mindset in preventing chronic diseases, highlighting the need for a healthcare shift from medication to lifestyle-based ap…
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Jesús nos enseñó a orar “Hágase Tu voluntad”. ¿Pero cuál es exactamente la voluntad de Dios? Únete al Pastor Colin para descubrir las tres esferas de la voluntad de Dios. — Descarga el libro digital gratis: El Padre Nuestro en 30 días Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube y WhatsApp Da de vuelta: Comparte tu testimonio | Sé nuestro aliado…
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1 Momboi “Meu santo” 2 Carmela con Pandereiteiras de Toutón “Regina. O ramo” 3 Hugo Guezeta “Espertar” 4 Peter Petrowski ”Agora” 5 A Pedreira “Mar vertical” 6 Caamaño & Ameixeiras “Quitar o aire” 7 Breo “Canto raibas” 8 Gorka Urbizu “Korole Bat” 9 Big Star “O My Soul” 10 The Beat “Rock ‘n’ Roll Girl” 11 Cris Regueiro “Café” 12 Matt Otto, Abe Rábade…
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In this heartwarming episode, Karen, a mother of three, opens up about her deeply personal story following her breast cancer diagnosis in early 2023. She walks us through the stages of her diagnosis including the many challenges she faced including physical injuries. Karen highlights the incredible support she received from her family, especially h…
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In this episode of Keeping Abreast, Dr. Jenn welcomes Dr. Halie Schoff, a gut health and hormone expert, to discuss the critical relationship between parasites, gut health, and overall wellness. They explore the often-misunderstood impact of parasites on chronic illness, including breast cancer, and dive into how hormonal imbalances, birth control,…
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Are you planning a move across the country? Abreu Movers is here to make your long-distance moving experience seamless and stress-free! Our expert team in the Bronx understands that relocating to a new city can be overwhelming, which is why we offer comprehensive Long Distance Moving Services tailored to your specific needs. From packing and loadin…
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Algunas veces el Reino de Dios parece tan pequeño. ¿Qué deberíamos esperar que suceda cuando oramos, “Venga Tu reino”? El Pastor Colin habla sobre lo que pasará cuando venga el reino de Dios. — Descarga el libro digital gratis sobre el Padre Nuestro Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube y WhatsApp Da de vuelta: Comparte tu testimonio | Sé nue…
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Ábrete de Orellas DXL 15-outubro-2024
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1 Arnaldo Antunes “A cassa é sua” + “Imagens” 2 García MC “Mírame” 3 Carlos Ares “Materia prestada” 4 Calequi y las Panteras “Sin control (Ciudad de México)” 5 Carabela “Ao raiar” 6 Zavala “Funambulista caendo” 7 Parade & Nacho Casado “Nueva York, Tokio y Brasil” 8 Paul Zinnard “The Queen of England Died” 9 Os Imperfectos “Sálvame” 10 Los Españoles…
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Ep 03 - The Importance of Care and Clinical Trials: Rachel’s Empowering Breast Cancer Journey
In this insightful episode, Rachel shares her unexpected journey of being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007, despite feeling young, fit and healthy. As part of a clinical trial at the University Hospital in Galway under the care of Prof Michael Kerin, Rachel reflects on the wonderful care and monitoring she received over the years. Rachel opens …
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66: Navigating Breast Cancer Screenings: Risks, Benefits, and Revolutionary New Technologies
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In today's episode of Keeping Abreast with Dr. Jenn, Dr. Jenn takes a deep dive into breast cancer screening, uncovering the hidden risks of routine mammograms and exploring safer alternatives. With a mission to empower women to make more informed decisions, Dr. Jenn discusses overdiagnosis, overtreatment, and the emotional toll these can take. She…
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¿Qué significa, en el Padre Nuestro, cuando oramos “Venga Tu Reino”? El Pastor Colin habla sobre el Reino de Dios. — Descarga el libro digital gratis sobre el Padre Nuestro Síguenos en Facebook, Instagram, X, YouTube y WhatsApp Da de vuelta: Comparte tu testimonio | Sé nuestro aliadoΑπό τον Colin Smith
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programa 539 1 Mocho Gris "Adeus que te vais embora" 2 Marián “Alas” 3 Resaca Emocional “Mario Crush” 4 Mondra “Quererse ben” 5 O Rabelo “Putes e Trans” 6 Berta Franklin “Autocontrol” 7 Club del Río “Desde el amor” 8 Twanguero “Pupilas” con Alih Jey 9 J Teixi Band “Hot Flamingo 313” 10 Ilegales "Stick de hockey (Maqueta 1979)" 11 Tito Ramírez “LA B…
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