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Politics and Religion. We’re not supposed to talk about that, right? Wrong! We only say that nowadays because the loudest, most extreme voices have taken over the whole conversation. Well, we‘re taking some of that space back! If you’re dying for some dialogue instead of all the yelling; if you know it’s okay to have differences without having to hate each other; if you believe politics and religion are too important to let ”the screamers” drown out the rest of us and would love some engagin ...
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ReliaQuest's ShadowTalk is a weekly podcast featuring discussions on the latest cybersecurity news and threat research. ShadowTalk's hosts come from threat intelligence, threat hunting, security research, and leadership backgrounds providing practical perspectives on the week's top cybersecurity stories.
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Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Überirdisch und überaus irdisch – Glaube prägt ganze Gesellschaften. In "Religionen" erfahren Sie Hintergründiges aus verschiedensten Glaubensgebäuden. Verantwortung und Mitmenschlichkeit oder Machtanspruch und Krieg: jeden Sonntag beschäftigt sich Deutschlandfunk Kultur damit, was Religionen mit Menschen und was Menschen mit Religionen machen.
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Sternstunde Religion

Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen (SRF)

Information: Dieser Video Podcast wird per Ende Juli 2021 eingestellt. Künftige und bisherige Episoden finden Sie auf unserem Play SRF Portal ( Die «Sternstunde Religion» ordnet ein, fragt nach und schafft Zusammenhänge – in Form von Dokumentarfilmen oder Gesprächen.
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Religion und Orientierung

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Zwischen Himmel und Erde - das Magazin für Religion und Kirche. Für Grenzfragen, gelingendes Leben und Spiritualität. Aktuelle Debatten rings um Geburt und Tod, Krieg und Frieden, Historie und Zukunft.
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Laidos autoriai ieško brandaus kultūros ir religijos sąlyčio pavyzdžių šiandienos pasaulyje, aptaria aktualias Lietuvos bei tarptautinio gyvenimo problemas, supažindina su intriguojančiomis biografijomis. Sekmadieniais 17.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ ir pirmadieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
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What's at stake for faith freedom for all in our world today? Join the conversation on religion and the law, including the most significant cases concerning religion and religious liberty at the U.S. Supreme Court and the continuing impact of Christian nationalism. As lawyers and people of faith, BJC Executive Director Amanda Tyler and General Counsel Holly Hollman think these topics deserve respectful conversation -- something that we don’t always hear in the public square or our social med ...
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Reliably Chaotic

Reliably Chaotic

Reliably Chaotic is a biweekly 5th Edition actual-play D&D podcast that’s one part role-playing Game, one part radio drama, that takes place in the original world of Solain. Patreon: Ko-fi: Discord: Twitter: @ReliablyChaotic
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Reliance Community Podcast

Pastor Aaron Wallace

Reliance Community is a multi-generational family that God has brought together for His kingdom work . We are a local church that serves in west Wichita and the Goddard area. We are defined by one simple statement: Equipping disciples in Christ through a RELIANCE on Him, His Word, and one another.
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Speaking Of Reliability: Friends Discussing Reliability Engineering Topics | Warranty | Plant Maintenance

Reliability.FM: Accendo Reliability, focused on improving your reliability program and career

Gain the experience of your peers to accelerate improvement of your program and career. Improve your product development process, reliability or warranty performance; or your plant uptime or asset performance. Learn about reliability and maintenance engineering practical approaches, skills, and techniques. Join the conversation today.
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Reliability Engineering Basics, Statistics, Accelerated Testing, Program Assessment and Improvement. Listen in on in depth discussions held during the live monthly Accendo Reliability webinar series. We explore topics ranging from reliability engineering basics, statistics, accelerated life testing, program assessment and improvement. Catch up or review past events below.
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Aus Religion und Gesellschaft


Kaum ein gesellschaftlicher, politischer oder kultureller Konflikt der Historie wie der Gegenwart, bei dem die Religion und ihre Glaubensvollzüge keine Rolle spielen. In einem monothematischen Feature stellen wir Persönlichkeiten, Strömungen und Ereignisse vor, die die Geistesgeschichte des Abendlandes wesentlich mitgeprägt haben. Auch Sendungen über die Religionsgeschichte des Judentums, des Islams, Buddhismus und Hinduismus finden sich auf diesem Sendeplatz.
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Religion - Die Dokumentation

Bayerischer Rundfunk

"Evangelische Perspektiven" und "Katholische Welt" geben Einblick in das, was die Welt zusammenhält, was Menschen unbedingt angeht: Diskurse aus Religion, Glaube, Theologie, Spiritualität und Kirche, Schlüsselmomente der Kirchen- und Religionsgeschichte.
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Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding

ReligionWise features educators, researchers, and other professionals discussing their work and the place of religion in the public conversation. Host Chip Gruen, the Director of the Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding of Muhlenberg College, facilitates conversations that aim to provide better understanding of varieties of religious expression and their impacts on the human experience. For more about the Institute for Religious and Cultural Understanding, visit www.religionand ...
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Theo.Logik - Religion inside

Bayerischer Rundfunk

Theo.Logik. Über Gott und die Welt. Ein Thema, das uns wöchentlich bewegt: Der Podcast für alle, die informiert in die Woche starten wollen - per Podcast-Abo auf dem Weg zur Arbeit, zum Chor, zum Meditations-Kurs oder in der freien Natur.
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Y Religion

BYU Religious Education

Each year, religion professors at Brigham Young University (BYU) produce hundreds of publications on subjects related to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This podcast brings this research into one place to enlighten the everyday seeker of truth. Interviewing the author, we discuss why the study was done, why it matters, and why the professor chooses to be both a scholar, and a disciple. This is Y Religion.
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Religions du monde traite de l’actualité religieuse et de sujets de société : les sectes, la recherche spirituelle, mais aussi la religion sur l’Internet. Des portraits nourrissent également cette émission présentée par Véronique Gaymard. *** Diffusions le dimanche à 10h10 TU vers toutes cibles.
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Religion Unplugged

The Media Project

Religion explored through candid conversations and original reporting. This podcast is powered by The Media Project, a network of more than 1,000 journalists worldwide. TMP acknowledges that religion is growing and becoming more, not less important in the world.
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A Kentucky Sports Podcast for fans by fans: With the realist sports talk in college sports, covering the Kentucky Wildcats and proud members of the greatest fanbase in the World (Big Blue Nation). Jay Hāzze (The wild child) & JD Hall (The voice of reason) give their opinionated takes on Kentucky Basketball and Football like no others.
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This podcast aims to educate on the subject of religion from an academic perspective and to open up for informed discussions on the subject. You will find episodes discussing the big religions of the world and historical overviews of important figures from different religious traditions. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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„Głębia mądrości i szczyt religijności” - Kult maryjny w Kościele 50 lat temu, 2 lutego 1974 roku, papież święty Paweł VI ogłosił adhortację Marialis cultus, poświęconą należytemu kształtowaniu i rozwijaniu kultu Najświętszej Maryi Panny. Adhortacja spotkała się z bardzo dobrym przyjęciem w Kościele i stale pozostaje punktem odniesienia dla wiary, pobożności i duchowości maryjnej wiernych. Uwaga, z jaką podjęto to zagadnienie i przejrzyście je opracowano, przynosi już długo dobre rezultaty. ...
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The Divorcing Religion Podcast

Janice Selbie

The Divorcing Religion Podcast was launched by professional counsellor Janice Selbie to highlight the impact of Religious Trauma Syndrome. Guests include The Thinking Atheist Seth Andrews, The Friendly Atheist Hemant Mehta, author Margaret Atwood, Godless Mom, Mandisa Thomas, Dr. Darrel Ray, Dr. Marlene Winell and more.
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Reliable Truth

Richard E Simmons III

Welcome to Reliable Truth with best-selling author Richard E Simmons III. Are you searching for truth in your life? Looking for talks that will get you thinking? Each week Richard talks on topics like how to find happiness in your work, or how to improve your marriage. Listen anytime – on the way to work or over a lunch break – and you should come away feeling challenged and encouraged.
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Reliability Matters

Mike Konrad

Reliability Matters is a podcast on the subject of reliability of circuit assemblies. Reliability "best practices" and success stories are discussed. This podcast features interviews with experts in the electronic assembly industry. All electronic production segments which effect product reliability are on the table. This includes contamination, coating, cleanliness assessment, inspection, building for harsh environments, reflow, printing, failure analysis, board fabrication, and much more. ...
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show series
Fala Resistência, chegando ao nosso episódio de nº 113 e hoje a gente vai bater um papo sobre um fenômeno hiper moderno, que é a teologia do Coaching. Essa teologia pode mesmo ser defendida biblicamente?... O post RP#113 – Teologia da prosperidade 2.0: A TEOLOGIA DO COACHING apareceu primeiro em Resistência Podcast.…
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In Frankreich sind katholische Taufen zurzeit auf einem Rekordhoch. ++Ein Raum, der im Falle einer Krise, zum Beispiel eines Blackouts, ein sicherer Zufluchtsort sein soll - das sind die sogenannten „Lichtinseln“ . ++Das Urteil gegen den deutschen Jesuitenpater Jörg Alt bleibt bestehen, er und zwei ebenfalls verurteilte Klima-Aktivist:innen hatten …
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Learning Weibull Analysis Abstract Chris and Fred discuss Weibull Analysis and how it can help you can first take your ‘tentative’ steps to learn more about it. Key Points Join Chris and Fred as they discuss Weibull analysis. This is perhaps one of the most talked about forms of analysis reliability engineers talk about. And so for some people who …
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The Promise of Piety: Islam and the Politics of Moral Order in Pakistan (Cornell University Press, 2024) by Arsalan Khan is an incisive ethnographic study of Pakistan’s Tablighi movement. This piety movement attracts Pakistani Muslim men across class, caste, and social contexts and as such Khan is particularly attuned and reflexive as he navigates …
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Es scheint den Menschen derzeit schwerzufallen, sich ein Grundvertrauen in das Leben zu bewahren. Man weiß nicht recht, wem man vertrauen soll. Dazu kommt, dass wir in einer Welt leben, die so komplex ist, dass der Einzelne damit überfordert scheint, die Richtigkeit und auch die Genauigkeit der zahllosen Informationen zu überprüfen. Und so spricht …
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From 9/11 to 1/6; from growing up as a Christian to reckoning with the current state of the Evangelical church in America; Elizabeth Neumann, the former Assistant Secretary for Counterterrorism and Threat Prevention at the US Department of Homeland Security, has the experience and has done the work to understand what's at stake in our country. So i…
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Das Forum "Beziehung, Ehe und Familie" der Katholischen Aktion Österreich fordert einen Ausbau der Präventionsangebote und Bewusstseinsbildung gegen Gewalt in der Familie. ++Die katholische Ordensfrau Lucy Kurien hat in sieben Bundesstaaten in Indien über die Jahre 68 Heime für misshandelte Frauen und ihre Kinder gegründet. ++In Rom wirft das Heili…
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Some troubling trends at the Supreme Court are starting to affect the legal profession and how students in law school approach the U.S. Constitution. As SCOTUS continues to upend decades of established precedent in church-state law, Amanda and Holly discuss what’s changed since they were in law school and the rapid changes in church-state law itsel…
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The doctrine of election can be a matter of division among a lot of Christians. Today's Richard's guest, Dr. Mark Gignilliat, discusses some overlapping and important theological concerns that the Bible itself raises, in terms of what we are as human beings and the necessity of God's grace to enter into our lives and to raise us into new life in Je…
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Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the last pagan ruler of the Roman Empire. Fifty years after Constantine the Great converted to Christianity and introduced a policy of tolerating the faith across the empire, Julian (c.331 - 363 AD) aimed to promote paganism instead, branding Constantine the worst of all his predecessors. Julian was a philosopher-emp…
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The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki, the monumental Sanskrit epic of the life of Rama, ideal man and incarnation of the great god Visnu, has profoundly affected the literature, art, religions, and cultures of South and Southeast Asia from antiquity to the present. Filled with thrilling battles, flying monkeys, and ten-headed demons, the work, composed almost 3…
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Als die Nazis im Zweiten Weltkrieg Rom besetzten, bot ein alter Friedhof Verfolgten Schutz. Doch die Geschichte des "Campo Santo Teutonico" reicht viel weiter zurück. Sein Ursprung ist mit dem römischen Kaiser Nero verbunden. Mühlstedt, Corinna, Aus Religion und GesellschaftΑπό τον Mühlstedt, Corinna
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In this episode of ShadowTalk, host Chris, along with Marken, discuss the latest news in cyber security and threat research. This weeks topics include: Palo Alto Critical Vulnerability under active exploitation ReliaQuest research on VPN attack surface management Optum Healthcare data breached by RansomHub group…
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Donald Trump, der wahrscheinliche Kandidat der Republikaner bei den heurigen US Präsidentschaftswahlen, konnte bislang stets auf die Unterstützung konservativer christlicher Wählerinnen und Wähler zählen. ++ Die Volksanwaltschaft hat in 123 österreichischen Alten- und Pflegeheimen eine Schwerpunktprüfung durchgeführft. ++Die Heiliggeistkirche in He…
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YDS Professor Emeritus John Collins, author of the book “The Apocalyptic Imagination,” discusses what the Bible really says about the end of the world; what caused the rise of apocalyptic literature; and how some Christians err in their understanding of end times. For more information and a transcript of this episode, please visit: https://divinity…
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There are a lot of acronyms in reliability and asset management. Many of them are centered around the system that organizations use to track daily business and maintenance activities such as CMMS, ERP, and EAM. Pop quiz – Can you tell me the difference between them and what they are used for? If not, this podcast can help. We speak with the Global …
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Hannah Abbasi - From Christian to Muslim to Secular Humanist, Part 1 Divorced: Christianity PART 1 – FROM CHRISTIAN TO MUSLIM My guest today is Hannah Abbasi, a transplant to New York City from Austin, Texas. As an adult, she has also lived in Qom, Beirut, and Cairo. At the University of Texas at Austin, Hannah studied Religious Studies, Middle Eas…
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St. Brigid is the earliest and best-known of the female saints of Ireland. In the generation after St. Patrick, she established a monastery for men and women at Kildare which became one of the most powerful and influential centres of the Church in early Ireland. The stories of Brigid's life and deeds survive in several early sources, but the most i…
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NSW police have declared a knife attack on a Sydney bishop to be a terrorist incident. The violence outside the church after the attack also suggests Australia isn't immune to social tensions, but are they common?Από τον Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Faraz Tahir was one victim in the almost unspeakable murder tragedy in Bondi at the weekend. Faraz was part of the Ahmadiyya community, a branch of Islam that suffers severe persecution in Asia and the Middle East.Από τον Australian Broadcasting Corporation
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Für unsere erste Folge von adraba kommen wir mit der Studierendeninitiative "Jüdisches Leben Halle", einem Projekt der Freiwilligenagentur in das Gespräch. Wir reden über ihre interaktiv konzipierten Stadttouren, ihre Recherche, und erfahren Aspekte über die jüdische Stadtgeschichte Halles, die uns so bisher auch nicht bekannt waren. Weiterführende…
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Der Sozialbericht der vergangene Woche veröffentlicht wurde, hat Diskussionen um Erbschafts- und Vermögenssteuern befeuert ++ Eine deutsche Expert*innenkommission hat gestern empfohlen, Abtreibungen in den ersten zwölf Schwangerschaftswochen grundsätzlich zu erlauben ++ In Sydney ist die Lage nach einem Messerangriff auf Geistliche eskaliertModerat…
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According to a 2023 U.S. News & World Report, Utah’s economy continuously ranks first across all 50 states. Experts have even deemed the state’s noteworthy economic growth, strong business climates, and high rates of economic mobility a miracle. But what are the major contributing factors for this “Utah economic miracle”? In this episode Dr. Jenet …
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In Deutschland wird erneut über eine Liberalisierung des Abtreibungsrechts diskutiert ++ In Süditalien kämpft ein katholischer Priester gegen die Mafia ++ Frankreich verschärft die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für jüdische EinrichtungenModeration: Anna-Lena Seebergesendet in Ö1 am 15.04.2024
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Learning From Those Closest Abstract Kirk and Fred discuss the fact that many times those on the assembly and production lines are the ones that have the most information for assembly issues and causes of failures, yet the information they have is not heard by the engineers and management that could improve it. Key Points Join Kirk and Fred as they…
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Dive into the timeless wisdom of Ibn Sina, also known as Avicenna, and his philosophy. Explore the profound teachings and contributions of this influential Islamic philosopher, physician, and polymath. From his groundbreaking philosophical works to his advancements in medicine and even a famous "proof" for the existence of God. In this episode, we …
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This episode of ReligionWise features Vicki Garlock, Ph.D., the founder of World Religions for Kids. Trained as a cognitive psychologist, Dr. Garlock's longtime interest in religion and religious diversity has inspired her to produce children's books and train educators on the importance of religious literacy for even the youngest learners. Today's…
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La droite chrétienne fait trembler le monde politique depuis plusieurs années désormais aux États-Unis, notamment lors des récentes élections américaines de 2016 et 2020. Alors que les prochaines élections américaines approchent à grands pas, Trump et son camp comptent à nouveau sur le soutien massif de cette coalition aux visées politiques bien dé…
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What is the quality of your work? Would you like to get understanding on how to live a more fruitful life? In today's message, we continue looking at the metaphor of the different types of soil that the Word of God fell on. We'll look at three things that keep us from being fruitful: worry, deceit and the desire for other things.…
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"Bringing people together to learn how to do democracy again. And we're gonna go after the crazies in the political environment that do not have the interest of the country at heart." - Adam Kinzinger Rep. Adam Kinzinger served with integrity during his time in the U.S. Congress as well as the Air Force. Yet, the mere mention of his name sends a ce…
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Šiandien „Mažojoje studijoje“ vieši šių metų Nacionalinės kultūros ir meno premijos laureatė, VDA profesorė, menotyros daktarė Giedrė Jankevičiūtė. Su šia pašnekove būtų galima įkalbėti ištisus laidų ciklus – toks platus yra jos mokslinių interesų laukas, per tyrimus užpildantis nesenos mūsų valstybės kultūros istorijos spragas, o kartu atrandantis…
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