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The Kaizen Culture Pod

Kaizen Culture

Join Australian National Karate team Captain, Mitchell Durham, alongside Kaizen Culture co-founders and long-time karate fanatics, Nathan Blockley & Jon Staynor for The Kaizen Culture Pod. You will be hearing us chat about all of the hot topics within Sports Karate as they come up, as well as the Get To Know series where we interview big names of Australian Karate and celebrate our rich history. Stay engaged with this nation-wide discussion!
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Kaizen Miracle

Tomasz Miler

Kaizen Miracle - małymi krokami od pomysłu do zysku. To podcast dla przedsiębiorców i tych co chcą nimi zostać. To podcast o tym jak prowadzić biznes prościej, spokojniej i skuteczniej. O autorze podcastu: Tomasz Miler - podcaster, mentor liderów, coach. trener biznesu Prowadzi szkolenia m.in z takich tematów jak: - Kaizen - firma bez marnotrawstw, - Budowanie angażujących zespołów, - Angażujący Lider, Autor książki: "Kaizen - jak osiągnąć wielkie cele małymi krokami" ☎️ 664 707 757 📬 biuro@ ...
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Kaizen Blueprint

Aldo Chandra

"Kaizen" is a Japanese term for continuous improvement. This podcast provides a blueprint to learn about health, wealth, relationships and everything else in between. Through our podcast, we strive to inspire, educate, and motivate our audience to cultivate a mindset of lifelong learning, productivity, and personal development. By sharing insights, strategies, and practical tips, we aim to guide listeners on their journey towards realizing their fullest potential, fostering success, and crea ...
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Kaizen Пробежка

Kaizen Institute

Подкаст «Kaizen Пробежка» об управлении операционной деятельностью для бизнесменов. Почему управлять только на основе показателей – плохая идея? Почему у большинства технологических трендов нет будущего? И как мне в моем бизнесе поможет сериал Тед Лассо? Генеральный директор Kaizen Institute Russia Виталий Васильев и Лидер проектов по Kaizen трансформации Молотивский Павел обсуждают это и много другое. А еще отвечают на ваши вопросы. Свои вопросы можете отправить по адресу [email protected]
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The Kaizen Catalyst Podcast

Kaizen Catalyst

Sharing our knowledge on peak performance, exploring subjects we are passionate about, and discussing hot topics in performance and sports psychology and how to apply them to different aspects of life.
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Hosted by Archie Moyo, this Business Blunders and Brilliance podcast looks at all aspects of business and builds conversations around them and the lessons provided. Praising the Brilliance and critiquing the Blunders, the #KaizenYOU podcast talks about how to continuously improve as a business, startup or individual. Join the conversation: Whatsapp or Telegram
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Tony Kaizen's Podcast

Tony Kaizen

Conversations about life, language, and culture. This podcast was formerly known as Life in English but has been renamed to reflect the show's evolution. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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There’s something freaky going on in the zeitgeist. I used to spend time arguing politics on Facebook, debate who was the better rapper – Tupac or Biggie, and think I was smart just because I did a little extra Googling, and read about stoicism. Then, I got quit arguing and started learning. I learned about my confirmation biases, cognitive dissonance, unconscious choices, and other strange and intriguing fallacies. Kaizen will explore the science, psychology, and other human behaviors that ...
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Creative inspiration for artists, entrepreneurs, and problem solvers! Each episode focuses on a different creativity and innovation topic designed to boost your natural creativity. Jared Volle received his M.S. in Creativity and Innovation and teaches an accessible, science-based approach to creativity that’s perfect for anyone. Learn how to optimize your creativity, stay motivated, market creative ideas, work in teams, and much more!
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The Athletic Kaizen Show

kristen Silva, Jonathan Suarez

We are Super excited, Super Pump to start the show!!! Welcome... The First time I heard the term Kaizen was about 30 years ago when I took my first Judo class, it was a term that my Sensei (teacher) would repeat over and over again during training..... Then many years later I would hear it again when I was studying Business, and I was ready to become an entrepreneur => there was something about the meaning of Kaizen that made an Impact in the way I wanted to Build my Ideal Business. Then i W ...
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Are you sick of feeling unfulfilled in your career and life? Do you desire to make a transition but don’t know where to start? Do you wish you had the financial security to take a career break and explore other options? Are you tired of scouring the internet searching for ways to quit your job and live your best life? Me too, y’all. Me too. I recently embarked on a journey to discover what options I had to transition from my unfulfilling 9-5, while raising 2 boys with my husband, making sure ...
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show series
✅The Marketing Truth Nobody's Talking About: Emotion Beats AI Every Time 👇👇 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠People don't buy what they get - they buy what they can give." Marketing expert Serena Mastin shares how her journey from foster care to CEO shaped her unique approach to business storytelling. Learn …
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo aquí: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/222-en-busca-de-la-sabiduria-iii-28-razones-por-las-que-la-liamos-parda-segunda-parte/ Ahora nos parece impensable, pero en 1925 Francia no sabía qué hacer con la Torre Eiffel. Se había construído para la Exposición Internacional de 1889, con la idea de que durara …
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Join in the conversation as we discuss the first National Team Training Camp of the Year and the CONTROVERSIAL new selection criteria for athlete’s selection at the 2025 Oceania Championships! We also touch on the Aussies competing this weekend at the Series A in Larnaca, as well as a BIG update to our Kaizen Culture website. Send us your thoughts …
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How can following your passion shape your career and impact the world? In this inspiring episode, we sit down with Dan Bhaumik to explore his journey, insights, and the broader implications of urban planning. Daniel Bhaumik is a civil engineer whose work focuses on improving transportation safety and pedestrian programs. Dan shares his experiences …
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Fragestellungen aus der Unterhaltung mit Frank Ilg: Vor welchen Herausforderungen stehen Unternehmen oft im Bezug zu ihrem Geschäftsmodell? Welche Ursachen stecken dahinter? Welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich, wenn der notwendige Wandel nicht angegangen wird? Was sind typische Anzeichen, dass ein Wandel notwendig wird? Wie erkennt man den richtigen Z…
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Jak zadbać o mniejszą rotację pracowników w firmie? Dziś dowiesz się: - dlaczego samo podnoszenie wynagrodzeń nie rozwiąże problemów rekrutacyjnych - jakie elementy kultury organizacyjnej naprawdę zatrzymują pracowników w firmie - jak budować firmę, która przyciąga i utrzymuje wartościowych pracowników mimo trudnej sytuacji na rynku pracy O PROWADZ…
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✅Beyond the Numbers: The Truth About Influencer Marketing in 2024 | Patrick Farris Interview 👇👇 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠Meet Patrick Farris, who started his influencer agency before "influencers" even existed. Learn why most brands are approaching influencer marketing completely wrong, how emotional…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/221-las-claves-de-la-argumentacion-un-hombre-croissant-aldeas-ecologicas-y-el-tipo-que-escribia-los-discursos-a-kennedy/ Internet es un lugar extraño. Un día te pones a buscar vídeos de ejercicios para hacer en el gimnasio y, sin saber bien cómo, acabas en un curso de a…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo aquí: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/220-carlos-molina-toma-de-decisiones-las-mentiras-de-silicon-valley-y-la-vida-solopreneur/ La de hoy es una entrevista algo diferente a las últimas que he hecho en el podcast. Porque hacía tiempo que no tratábamos temas de negocios, y mi invitado y yo nos liamos a …
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✅The Shocking Truth About Your Ad Spend: 56% of Your Budget is Being Wasted | Jason Wood Interview 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠Meet Jason Wood, the ad tech veteran exposing how big tech is stealing your marketing dollars through bot traffic. Learn why 63% of Google clicks are fraud, how Apple's iOS upda…
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We have so much planned for you to take advantage of in 2025!! Watch Parties, Podcasts, Our September Seminar and more. Tune in to hear all about it as we talk about the year ahead. Plus, despite it being only the first month of the year, Aussies are already overseas competing and the first National Team Training Camp begins tomorrow! Send us your …
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Jak rywalizacja wpływa na lidera? (blaski i cienie) Czy wiesz, że rywalizacja może być zarówno motorem rozwoju, jak i hamulcem prawdziwego postępu? W tym odcinku odkryjesz nieoczywiste prawdy o rywalizacji w przywództwie. Dziś dowiesz się:- Czy porównywanie się do innych naprawdę pomaga w rozwoju, czy może nieświadomie nas ogranicza?- Jakie zaskaku…
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✅Stop Wasting Money on Real Estate Coaching! The System That's Changing The Industry 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠Your CRM is making or breaking your business, but not in the way you think." CRM expert Brian Lopuck shares how he's helping agents become #1 in their market for just $1,500/year instead of $…
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✅Stop Wasting Time on Social Media! The Hidden Truth About Growing Your Local Business Online 👇👇@kaizenmarketing8420 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠Marketing experts Max and Tyler share why social media's dollars-per-view are "horrible" compared to organic search, and how they're helping local businesses d…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/219-receta-para-una-vida-miserable/ Las distintas maneras en las que te abandonas «Decir que «sí», cuando estás deseando decir que «no». Disculparte con quien debería disculparse contigo. Empeñarte aún más, cuando sabes que eres tú quien se equivoca. Seguir tratando de …
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Fragestellungen aus der Unterhaltung mit Oliver Weihrauch: Was sind typische Situationen, in denen Vergabeprozesse zum Einsatz kommen? Wer sind die zentralen Beteiligten? Welchen Herausforderungen und Problemen begegnen die Bieter häufig? Was sind typische Ursachen? Worauf können sie selbst als Bieter Einfluss nehmen? Welcher Bedeutung hat das Lude…
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✅The Data Behind Successful Marketing Partnerships | Lessons from 400+ Brand-Agency Relationships 👇👇@kaizenmarketing8420 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠After helping build and sell a $43M agency, Joe Koufman discovered the secret to perfect marketing partnerships. Now his company Setup is revolutionizing h…
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✅Build Your Brand or Die Trying: The Hidden Framework Behind 7-Figure Businesses 👇👇@kaizenmarketing8420 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠Think you know branding? Think again. Josh Weber shares why most businesses get branding completely wrong and how his revolutionary "Brand, Build, Grow" framework is changi…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo aquí: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/218-dinero-i-historia-de-un-milagro-primera-parte/ En algún momento en los años posteriores a la crisis financiera de 2008 me encontré por internet con este vídeo de dos aldeanos de alguna parte de España, de una de las dos Castillas, probablemente; y con su sentid…
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✅ Lead Gen vs Brand Building: Tyler Williams Interview 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠The Marketing Truth That 97% of Service Businesses Miss Summary: Whether you're a plumber or service business owner, this episode is a masterclass in modern marketing psychology. Join Tyler Williams of Mammoth Marketing a…
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📝 NOTAS Y ENLACES COMPLETOS AQUÍ: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/217-en-busca-de-la-sabiduria-ii-28-razones-por-las-que-la-liamos-parda-primera-parte/ ¿A quién no le ha pasado mezclar productos equivocados en una piscina y acabar desalojando un vecindario? Dejando las bromas de lado, quise rescatar este clásico del internet español…
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Fragestellungen aus der Unterhaltung mit Tim Klein: Produktmanagement-Prozess vs. Produktentwicklungsprozess vs. Projektmanagement-Prozess – gibt's das überhaupt, wie sehen die Schnittstellen aus? Welche Haltung steckt hinter den Handlungen? Welche Veränderungen sind durch Agile, Scrum & Co. entstanden? Produktmanager vs. Product Owner – Unterschie…
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✅Why Most Business Owners Are Drowning in Marketing (And How to Fix It) | Alicia James Interview 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠Tired of being chained to your desk trying to keep up with trending sounds and reels? Discover how Flamingo Consulting's founder Alicia James helps businesses grow by taking marke…
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Are you ready to transform your life’s toughest challenges into fuel for personal growth and success? In this powerful episode, we reveal the mindset shifts, practical strategies, and proven tactics that successful leaders and innovators use to overcome adversity, stay focused, and achieve their wildest dreams. Whether you’re aiming to level up you…
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Fragestellungen aus der Unterhaltung mit Jan Fischbach: Welche Verbindung gibt es zwischen Scrum und Training Within Industry (TWI)? Was kann die Scrum-Community von TWI-Prinzipien lernen? Warum wird TWI als mögliche Blaupause für Scrum Master vorgeschlagen? Welche Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede bestehen zwischen Lean- und Scrum-Ausbildungen? Ist d…
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✅Amazon FBA success story: How a retail manager built a 7-figure e-commerce business 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠E-commerce Growth Strategies: Amazon Seller Secrets for Scaling Your Online Business | The Art of Kaizen for Entrepreneurs: Growing 1% EverydayPodcast 💠Attention e-commerce entrepreneurs and …
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Ever wondered how storytelling can transform your business? Join me, Kyle Barry, alongside Alex Haynes from A Squared Production as we uncover the secrets of crafting compelling narratives that resonate with your ideal clients. Alex shares his evolution from running a video production company to becoming a maestro of organic content creation, chall…
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✅The $68 Trillion Opportunity: Is Your Financial Marketing Ready? 🙏🙏 Watch The Video & Don’t Forget to Like, Comment, Subscribe, & Share 🧡 💠Don't miss this game-changing episode of the BuzzFeed Marketing Podcast featuring Kari Franz, a veteran marketer with 30+ years of experience in financial services and tech giants. 💠Host Kyle Berry dives deep i…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo aquí: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/216-cesar-astudillo-conocimiento-aparentemente-inutil-innovacion-y-narrativas/ El de hoy es el último capítulo de kaizen en 2024. Como todos los años, me voy a tomar unas pocas semanas de descanso por Navidad, para recargar energías y preparar nuevos temas. El podc…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo aquí: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/qa13-mi-nuevo-trabajo-serenidad-equipos-de-alto-rendimiento-paz-vida-familiar-y-profesional-principio-de-peter-y-neogeneralistas/ Antes de empezar, déjame dar las gracias. Porque hace unas semanas kaizen ganó el premio Ivoox al mejor podcast del año 2024 en la cate…
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Fragestellungen aus der Unterhaltung mit Karsten Königstein: Was sind typische Herausforderungen, die bei der Digitalisierung von Fertigungs- und Produktionsprozessen auftreten? Welche Konsequenzen ergeben sich daraus? Wo bestehen Grenzen bei der analogen Datenerfassung? Was macht man mit grundsätzlich analogen (=manuellen) Bearbeitungsschritten? W…
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( 📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/215-el-camino-menos-transitado/) «Dos caminos se abrían en un bosque amarillo, y triste por no poder caminar por los dos, y por ser un viajero tan solo, un largo rato me detuve, y puse la vista en uno de ellos hasta donde al torcer se perdía en la maleza. Después pasé…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo aquí: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/214-los-hilos-rojos-del-destino-iii-la-libertad-de-creer-en-la-libertad/ «Billy tenía enmarcada una plegaria en la pared de su consulta que expresaba su forma de seguir adelante, aunque la vida no le causara un gran entusiasmo. Muchos pacientes que veían la plegari…
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Fragestellungen aus der Unterhaltung mit Andreas Syska: Was sind die Folgen, wenn man sich auf den kosten-getriebenen Weg beschränkt bzw. ihn initial einschlägt? Was sind die (versteckten) Gründe, dass oft der Kosten-Weg eingeschlagen wird? Warum tun sich Unternehmen (und Menschen) mit dem Lean-Weg so schwer? Welche Vorteile bringt der Lean-Weg mit…
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📝 Notas y enlaces del capítulo: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/213-almudena-martin-castro-beethoven-la-nasa-la-especializacion-y-los-insectos/ En los más de 200 capítulos que llevamos, han pasado por el podcast todo tipo de personas. Muchas con perfiles multidisciplinares, que se interesan por numerosas disciplinas diferentes. Buen…
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We’re all taught that saying “yes” is a good thing. It’s polite. It means you’re helpful, you’re a team player, or maybe you just don’t want to let people down. But what we don’t talk about is how each "yes" we give away takes a little piece of our time, our energy, and our focus. Eventually, we end up with almost nothing left for ourselves or our …
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After 21 episodes, this is it for 2024! Thank you so much for jumping on board and contributing so much to this amazing karate community! The inaugural Karate World Cup is next week and we refresh everyone on what the competition will look like, how it works and going through the Australian team that will be fighting over there! We even give our pi…
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📝 NOTAS Y ENLACES DEL CAPÍTULO: https://www.jaimerodriguezdesantiago.com/kaizen/212-los-hilos-rojos-del-destino-ii-que-es-la-libertad/ Hablábamos en el capítulo anterior de la nostalgia y creo que el comienzo de este va a traer un recuerdo especial a algunas personas. No sé a cuántas, porque no sé quiénes serías tan frikis como yo lo era a los 10 a…
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